Spectrum of Magic Complete Series - Spell Breaker - Fate Shifter - Cursed Stone - Magic Unborn - Libra

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Spectrum of Magic Complete Series - Spell Breaker - Fate Shifter - Cursed Stone - Magic Unborn - Libra Page 58

by D. N. Leo

  The compartment served as an internal elevator and went down to the basement. Liv was relieved as the woeful music on deck faded out and became inaudible. She pushed open the door and saw a crew member walking past.

  She pulled out a gun with a silencer and fired point-blank at the man. Then, in one swift move, she pulled his dead body into the small compartment and pushed Lorcan out.

  “Let that be an example to you,” she muttered to Lorcan as she pushed him along the very narrow corridor of the basement.

  He staggered left and right and tried to sit down several times. She had to haul him up and keep pushing him along, steering him in the right direction.

  “Keep walking. You can barely stay conscious, so don’t even think about running.”

  Soon they arrived at a small storage room door, and Liv pushed him inside. She came in with him and locked the door.

  He glanced around at the room. “If we’re after the same thing, it certainly isn’t in here,” Lorcan said, his voice slurred by the effects of the drug.

  She pushed Lorcan slightly aside, pulled out a compact laser gun, and etched a large circle on the ceiling. As soon as the circle was closed, the ceiling dropped down, bringing with it the safe from the room above.

  From the hole in the ceiling, the tycoon looked down in astonishment. Liv smiled up at him, pointed her silenced gun upward, and fired. The tycoon, screaming profanity, ducked out of the way of the bullet.

  “He’s not a very good host, is he?” she said to Lorcan, who had slid to the floor and was about to lose consciousness.

  She punched a button on the wall of the compartment. It shuddered. The ceiling closed up again, and the compartment detached itself from the boat.

  “A submarine? You’ve got to be kidding me,” Lorcan slurred.

  “Yes, it’s a disposable submarine. You have three minutes to get the box out of the safe. No time to nap now.”

  “No chance.” He closed his eyes.

  “You can remain at the bottom of the ocean with the safe or remove the box and go to the surface.” She grabbed his hand, snapped a locked band to his wrist, and secured his hand to the handle of the safe.

  He stomped his foot against her abdomen, causing her to fall backward and hit her head on the wall. She didn’t pass out, but she couldn’t move. The hit had dazed her.

  It took Lorcan only fifteen seconds to free himself from the locked band. He looked at the lock on the safe. She knew the challenge would be tempting for him. And she was right.

  In a mere thirty seconds, he had the safe opened. In it, he found a small steel box, slightly larger than his palm, the lid engraved with strange symbols.

  Liv flexed her muscles but still couldn’t move. Her vision was blurry, but through the blur, she saw a stream of white smoke appear behind Lorcan. She opened her mouth to warn him, but no sound came out.

  In the center of the small submarine compartment, a white-haired woman dressed in a long black robe appeared.

  Lorcan growled. “You’ve got to be a hologram.”

  She raised her right hand in the air, and the steel box in his hand shook and flew toward her.

  On the floor, Liv did her best to reach for her gun. On her first attempt, only her fingertips touched it. She tried once more and grabbed the weapon. She fired at the woman in the black robe. The bullet went through her head as if it wasn’t even there and hit the wall of the compartment.

  “So you’re definitely a hologram,” Lorcan said and dove at the hand holding the steel box.

  The woman glared at him with bloodshot, witchy eyes.

  Lorcan jerked his hand back as soon as it touched her.

  “You’re real!” he gasped.

  The woman in black held the box tightly. Lorcan tugged at it again and pushed her backward with his other hand. She gripped the box even tighter, grabbing his neck with her free hand to choke him.

  The woman had to be some kind of supernatural being to have the strength to choke him with one hand, holding him up with his legs dangling.

  Lorcan couldn’t free himself. He slammed the hand holding the box again and again to the wall as hard as he could. When she finally dropped him to the floor, he kicked her legs out from under her.

  They both fell to the ground, but she wouldn’t let go of the box.

  Liv scrambled up. “Get away from the box!” she shouted.

  Lorcan let go and kicked his feet against the wall to slide himself backward on the floor.

  Liv fired at the lock on the box three times. It sprung open, revealing a round artifact inside with three interlocking colored stones.

  The woman in the black robe hissed and backed away from the artifact as if afraid to touch it.

  Then the submarine shuddered and exploded.


  For a limited time, D.N. Leo gives away

  Several e-books and audiobooks in the Multiverse Collection




  D.N. LEO

  Also by D.N. Leo





  The Journey from Earth to Eudaiz

  Main Characters: Ciaran, Madeline, Tadgh, and Jo

  (Recommended reading in order)

  1-4 Random Psychic

  2-4 Forever Mortal

  3-4 Elusive Beings

  4-4 Imperfect Divine



  Main characters:

  Ciaran, Madeline, Tadgh, Jo, Kyle, Hoyt, Ayana, Pete, Sizx, Lorcan, Orla

  (Recommended reading in order)

  Queen & Knight

  Castle and Bishops

  King’s Endgame



  Main characters: Lorcan, Orla, Roy and Mori

  (Recommended reading in order)

  Spell Breaker

  Fate Shifter

  Cursed Stone

  Magic Unborn



  Main characters:

  Main characters: Dinah, Arik, Ciaran and Madeline





  Fire at Crossroad (prequel)

  Shadow Seeker

  Shadow Keeper

  Shadow Destroyer


  Ash of Scorpio (prequel)

  Light of Demon

  Shadow of Angel

  Shade of Darkness


  Main characters:

  Ciaran, Madeline, Tadgh, Jo, Caedmon, Sedna, Roy, Mori, Zach, Mya, Lorcan and Orla

  This series can be read in ANY order within the series and in related to other series.






  Main characters:

  Main characters: Mya Portman, Zach Flynn, Leon, Kirra.

  This series can be read in ANY order within the series and in related to other series.

  Almost Countable

  Almost Sure

  Almost Everywhere


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  BOOK 4

  Copyright © 2017 by D.N. Leo, all rights reserved.<
br />
  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual business or persons is purely coincidental.

  Reproduction in whole or part of this publication without express written consent from the author is strictly prohibited.

  I greatly appreciate you taking the time to read my work. Please consider leaving a review wherever you purchased the book, and refer the book to your friends.

  Libra - Spectrum of Magic - Epilogue


  Imagine if Asia, Australia, Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean vanish with the wrong turn of a key!

  As a silver blood soldier, it is Roy’s mission to stop that from happening. As the alpha of a werefox clan, Mori uses all of her skills to help her husband prevent the catastrophe to both Earth and the paranormal worlds.

  Together, they tread the dangerous water, fighting the most notorious supernatural forces from the multiverse and the magical land.

  Chapter 1

  The cold breeze seeped up from the ground, whirled into a small funnel, clawing at her pale skin. She didn’t remember this bleak weather at all. Yorin was supposed to be peaceful and safe. Mori shrugged and snorted at her conflicting thoughts. If Yorin was at peace, she shouldn’t have to come back here. This was too quiet for her liking.

  She tied back her flaming red hair, which had grown too long since she took residence in Eudaiz, a world that was far away from Yorin.

  Eudaiz had given her a second chance at life. At love. And an opportunity to redeem herself from the mistakes she’d made on Earth.

  She wouldn’t take that second chance for granted.

  From the corner of her eye, she saw a shape of something moving in the dark. A creature. She squinted. Then she couldn’t help but smile to herself. In Eudaiz’s terms, they’d call it an Earth creature. In her terms, it was … a dog.

  “Hey!” she crouched and reached her hand out. A reddish mature Irish Setter approached her, wagging its tail, and licked her hand. “You’re very friendly. Look at you.” She almost giggled, but refrained from doing so.

  She was on an important mission to earn her silver blood and keep her place in Eudaiz. She had to be alert. Plus, she used to be an alpha of a Firefox clan on Earth. She had to be careful, or she’d make a fool of herself.

  This mightn’t be an ordinary dog.

  When the dog withdrew, bared its teeth and started barking, Mori turned around. Behind her was a funnel of smoke and dirt, growing from the ground and gradually forming into shape.

  Werewolf. Yakuz clan.

  Mori clenched her teeth. “That’s what you call a warm welcome!?” She drew the sword she’d tucked at her back.

  The smoke funnel totally settled in front of her. It wasn’t just a werewolf. It was the alpha of a werewolf clan she had terminated on her way up, claiming the territories for her Firefox clan.

  “It’s always good to see an old friend.” Mori chuckled. “If you want to seek revenge, I’m here to take the challenge. But I have something to see to first. I will meet you back here in two days to settle this. How does that sound?”

  The man in front of her didn’t shift into his werewolf form. But in his human form, he had the physical advantage on her that Mori couldn’t ignore. He had a foot on her in height and God knew how many tons of muscle underneath that shirt.

  The fact that he didn’t bother to shift and he looked at her sword with disdain was a very good indicator that he was going to kick her ass in no time. Mori shifted her stance and did a quick mental inventory of the resources available to her. In addition to the sword, she had a gun, but she wasn’t sure it would work in Yorin.

  Apart from that, she had her wits. She could run fast. And … she had Roy.

  The sudden thought of him now was damn inconvenient. It slashed at her heart. What would it be like if she died here and could never see him again? They were newlyweds. She wished she wasn’t so stubborn and had told him she loved him a bit more.

  The man in front of her smirked and took a step forward.

  Mori heard a low growl behind her. She needn’t turn around to know that the Irish Setter, as she predicted, wasn’t an ordinary dog. It was standing behind her and the only rationale she had for her survival was that the dog was on her side.

  The growl behind her intensified. She wanted to turn around and look, but turning away from the obvious danger in front of her was a stupid idea. She was sure of that.

  If the dog was not her friend, one swing of her sword and it would leave this world without a chance to make a sound … and possibly without a head.

  She took a deep breath and gripped firmly at her sword.

  Chapter 2

  “Where are you, Mori?” Roy cursed under his breath. Yes, Mori was an alpha in her Firefox clan on Earth. But what made his blood boil now was that, in Eudaiz, she wasn’t an alpha of any kind. She hadn’t even gotten her silver blood yet. That meant she had no power and advantage to take on such a mission on Earth.

  And she was his wife.

  Maybe that angered him the most. She didn’t just say yes to him because she thought she was going to die. They had spent a lifetime together. They had been through so much together. And she’d just left him in a heartbeat to go back to Yorin.

  The fear clawed at him now.


  A world within the town of Kyoto. A world that belonged to the most notorious creatures. While humans could walk through Yorin in oblivion, every creature fought for every inch of their territory there. The only person who would think Yorin was peaceful was his naive wife.

  But that was their past. Their future belonged to Eudaiz, a universe where they could fight for happiness and righteousness. They no longer belonged to Earth, let alone this bloody town.


  Roy called for her, but what came out of his mouth was a howl. He hadn’t thought his mixed werefox and werewolf nature had taken such prominent form here. He almost shifted by accident.

  The howl pumped out the energy from him and bladed up a funnel of wind and exploded a large rock at the bottom of the Black Hill. As much as he was pleasantly surprised by the power of the silver blood — the supernatural power that they often called eudqi in Eudaiz — had given him, he knew the howl was a mistake.

  He had alerted the creatures in Yorin of their return.

  The gusts came from nowhere, carrying with them a strange chanting sound he despised — the sound of Yorin in its dark ages. Mori had never experienced this first hand. He had.

  Too late. All the creatures in Yorin had been alerted.

  “Mori!” he called again and charged toward the Black Hill. She had to be around that area for her mission.

  Her mission was to save a newborn werefox who would be the alpha of the Firefox clan she had abandoned. This was no ordinary werefox. The fox was born under extraordinary astronomical time and was destined to take control of all species in Yorin.

  Roy didn’t mean to be sarcastic, but his realistic mind was telling him that not all creatures in Yorin would like this baby fox to live. Not one bit. The problem was that his righteous King of Eudaiz, Ciaran LeBlanc, granted the support for this fox to unify the power of all breeds in the region. He wanted to end the blood-bath fight between creatures.

  Roy snorted on the inside. He was Ciaran’s commander and he wouldn’t say Ciaran had sent him back to Yorin to protect his wife. The issues that Ciaran had to handle were at the multiversal caliber; not at the level of a were-creature territorial fight.

  Eudaiz was a multi-billion citizen universe, and as the king, Ciaran would send his commanders to other universes to fight for the citizens of Eudaiz. But Ciaran was more than his king. He was a friend and he had saved Roy and Mori’s lives countless times.

  Ciaran used to be human. He probably still was. As far as Roy was concerned, he was far more humane than many humans he had dealt with during his werefox life on Earth. Ciaran had taken him and Mori to Eudaiz when they didn’t have anything to contribute, except a list of enemies
from their paranormal world.

  Now was a chance for Roy to contribute; and he swore he would make the most of this.

  Roy’s mission was to retrieve the Libra key, hidden in the temple where the baby fox received his power. It wasn’t just any magical key. It was one of those six keys that could unlock one of the most powerful sources of energy in the cosmos.

  Hoyt Flanagan, the most notorious criminal in the multiverse was on a key collecting frenzy. Once he had gotten the keys and hence the power, he would take over Eudaiz at once; enslave the citizens and destroy the resources.

  When a key was taken out of place, the astrological hole would make the corresponding dimension collapse. That dimension was Asia, Australia, Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean. Roy shrugged. For a guy like Hoyt, two continents and two oceans weren’t much for what he was getting.

  For Ciaran, everything related to life mattered.

  Damn, and he was a friend. What mattered to him, mattered to Roy.

  Ciaran had developed a protective shield that could replace the key when it was taken, so that the hole was covered and nothing was destroyed. As a sidekick, Roy was to take the key and put the shield in place before Hoyt could do so.

  The key was important to Hoyt as much as it was to Ciaran; Hoyt would pull all of his resources to get this key, including the use of the most gruesome soldiers from space. Roy had no idea which form they would take: were-creature? Human? Robot?

  Ciaran told him to warn Mori, but she had left before he could. That was why he was standing here, staring at the Black Hill, worried sick.

  Roy charged faster toward the hill.

  An aura blasted at his senses now — the essence of Hell — the practice of dark magic. Roy shook his head. If they hired a sorcerer, even with him and Mori together, they would be in serious trouble.


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