To Love and Protect

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To Love and Protect Page 8

by Stacey Joy Netzel

  He took in her wild cloud of dark hair, stark against the white pillow. His view of her profile was blocked by a thick curl left over from the wedding, with just the curve of her cheekbone and tip of her nose visible. His hand was about two inches from brushing it back before he caught the movement and withdrew.

  Fuck. After having held her against him three times in the past twelve hours, reaching to touch her was becoming a nearly impossible instinct to fight. Seeing his T-shirt and briefs skimming her curves hadn’t helped one damn bit.

  But fight it he must—which meant getting his ass up and out of reach.

  One shift of his left leg sent a sharp pain through the tight muscles. He breathed through it, stealthily maneuvering from beneath the pillow and retrieving his weapon from under the couch cushion without waking Shelby. Not only did she need more than four hours of sleep, but he needed to do his morning physical therapy. It was slowly getting better each day, but he still didn’t want her to witness his discomfort as he worked the stiff muscles.

  Socks kept his steps silent as he double checked the house perimeter before limping into the spare bedroom he’d set up as a gym. He left the door open in case Shelby woke up before he was done, though he wouldn’t bet on her being up anytime soon with how tired she’d been.

  Grim determination got him through the initial stretches and PT, before he switched gears for an upper body workout that got his blood pumping for the day. It was nearing seven-thirty when he reached to grasp the pull-up bar just as Shelby poked her head around the corner.

  She leaned against the doorjamb, hugging the wall somewhat as she said, “Morning.”

  Dev dropped his arms to his sides. “Hey. I didn’t expect you up yet.”

  “Clearly, you’ve been awake for a while.”

  He shrugged and swiped the towel off the bench next to where he’d laid his sidearm within easy reach. “Military hours. Did I wake you?”

  She shook her head, her gaze focused on the gun. “I’m usually at work by now.”

  “On a Sunday?”

  Her soft smile jolted right to his heart. “Well, no, not Sundays. Monday through Thursday I’m at the hospital by seven, and Fridays I spend the day at the veterans foundation Loyal and Grayson started. You’ve met Grayson, haven’t you?”

  He was the half-brother they’d found out about a couple years ago. “Not formally, but I saw him at the wedding.”

  “I can introduce you at brunch today.” Her nose scrunched up a tiny bit. “If he bothers to come.”

  He wasn’t going in with her, but he didn’t tell her that just yet.

  After wiping his face, Dev flipped one end of the towel over his shoulder and picked up his Beretta to head for the door. Shelby’s hair tumbled in disarray past her shoulders, and a swift glance took in her slim, shapely legs and bare feet. The burgundy polish on her toes matched her short nails. She’d worn a similar shimmery shade on her lips for the wedding yesterday.

  He shifted his gaze back up, struggling not to linger on the drape of cotton over her hips and breasts. She made his plain, desert tan T-shirt look like a million bucks. He had no doubt she’d make his bed look even better.

  Do not go there.

  “Since you’re up, we should get moving,” he said. “We can meet the police at your apartment before heading over to your parents’ place.”

  A shadow flitted across her expression, but she nodded as he angled his body to avoid brushing against her when he passed. Her brow dipped into a frown as she replied, “I can be showered and ready in a half-hour.”

  Dev took his shower in five minutes—he cut it short when he started imagining Shelby under the steamy spray in his master bath. He could still hear the water running after he stepped out of the shower in the guest bathroom, and hurried to dry and dress in a pair of jeans, white T-shirt, and a gray sweatshirt.

  After securing his concealed carry holster, he called Jensen Brennan, a Special Forces buddy in the area who’d opened his own home security business when he’d retired three years ago.

  Dev shot the rearview mirror another lingering glance a couple miles after leaving Shelby’s apartment complex. They’d spent the past two hours with the cops, giving their statements while a couple of officers went over her apartment with a fine-tooth comb. Given the previous incidents, and Shelby’s relationship to the senator, the officer in charge had been meticulous in her inspection.

  No hidden cameras or other devices had been found, and she promised to call as soon as they’d had a chance to review the security gate surveillance footage. If they were lucky, they’d catch the sonofabitch by the end of the day. Or at least know who it was.

  Shelby tucked her long hair behind her ear and turned to look behind them. When she swiveled back, Dev felt her gaze even with sunglasses shading her eyes.

  “Are you worried we’re being followed?” she asked.

  “Just taking every precaution.”

  “Like last night when you drove in circles before going to your house.”

  “Yep.” Though he hadn’t driven in actual circles.

  “Are we being followed?”

  “Not that I can tell.”

  She faced fully forward once more, her hands clasped tightly in her lap while she stared out at the sunlit road. He could tell being in the apartment, seeing the threat on her mirror again, and talking to the cops had heightened her apprehension.

  “You mentioned the veteran foundation earlier,” he said as a distraction. “What do you do there?”

  “A weekly vet check for the service dogs Grayson trains.”

  “That’s cool. There’s definitely a need for that.”

  “It’s a great program. They’ve been able to place almost a dozen dogs so far, and have a few more almost ready for graduation.”

  “How long does it take to train them?”

  “Depending on the dog, anywhere from eight to eighteen months.”

  “What are you checking every week when you visit?”

  “Well, the dogs don’t really need to be checked that often,” she admitted, “But, it’s a good excuse to spend time getting to know my brother, and I get to play with the puppies every week. My favorites are the German Shepherds. Grayson’s Remy is amazing.”

  The animation in her voice had him shooting her a glance across the cab. “How come you don’t have one of your own?”

  “I wish, but between school, starting construction on my clinic, and then the animal hospital, I haven’t had the time. It wouldn’t be fair to the dog.”

  Understandable. “What’s the deal with the clinic? I remember my mom saying something about it, but that was last year already.”

  Shelby made a disgruntled sound. “It’s been a bit of a mess. Permit delays, rezoning problems, and then I had to shut down construction when someone trashed the place just before Maverick was born almost two months early. Mae took a couple months off.”

  He shot her another look, his fingers tightening on the wheel. “Is that what your dad was talking about a couple weeks ago?”

  “It was last October, but yeah. Someone went in with a sledgehammer and destroyed everything. Besides the structural foundation, we pretty much have to start over inside.”

  “They ever catch who did it?”

  She shook her head. “After all the other issues, I decided to hold off for a bit and took the job at the vet hospital. But, Mae’s crew is restarting construction next week, so it’s definitely happening.”

  He kept her talking about the plans for the rest of the drive, though in the back of his mind he added the sabotage to a growing list of things to look into. The driveway to the Diamond estate was full of vehicles when they pulled in shortly before eleven a.m.

  Dev walked with Shelby up to the door, but she caught his forearm when he reached for the handle. With the temps in the low fifties, he’d pushed up his sleeves, and the warmth of her touch on bare skin shot straight up his arm. He’d been mentally drilling himself not to touch her, and his
first instinct was to jerk away. Recalling her earlier frown, he checked the action. The tight line of her mouth as she lowered her hand told him she still noticed his flinch.

  “Please don’t say anything about my apartment, okay?” she asked as she pushed her sunglasses up on top her head. “I don’t want everyone freaking out instead of enjoying the after-wedding stuff.”

  “I’m actually going to go hang out with Reyes at the barn.”

  “Oh.” She glanced toward the stables with a slight frown. “I thought he was sick. Was it just a twenty-four-hour bug then?”

  Supposedly. Dev suspected he’d skipped Loyal’s wedding for other reasons, but only shrugged in response to Shelby’s question and pulled out his phone. “Gimmie your cell number.”

  As soon as she gave him the number, he sent her a text. “Now you got my number. Just text me when you’re ready to leave.”

  She’d pulled out her phone to glance at the screen, then stuffed it back in her pocket. “Yeah, okay.” For a second she sounded disappointed. But then she straightened her shoulders and lifted her chin to meet his gaze as she grasped the door handle. “That’s perfect actually. Tell Rey I said hi. Glad he’s feeling better.”

  He narrowed his gaze at the hint of mutiny in her expression. When she stepped inside, he warned, “I’m serious about the text, Shelby. Don’t go anywhere alone.”

  Catching the door before it closed, she rolled her eyes. “I’m in the safest place I can be, Dev.”

  “Humor me. I’ll meet you up here when you’re ready, got it?”

  She gave him a tight smile and a mocking salute, and then shut the door in his face.

  Dev drew in a deep breath and let it back out again as he hung his head. Barely twelve hours into the job and she was driving him crazy. How the hell was he going to handle the next few days, or possibly even weeks?

  The only way you can—help catch this guy sooner than later.

  He lifted his head with determination and did a quick about-face to return to his truck. Before driving down to see his brother, he dialed the number Shelby’s father had texted him shortly after he and Janine had left for the airport last night.

  Rolling down the window, he braced his elbow on the door frame while it rang. Once the senator answered, he took a few minutes to brief him on what had happened the night before, and their time with the authorities earlier.

  “How’s she holding up?” Mark asked, concern in his voice.

  “She’s a little shook up, but doing okay.”

  “I’m grateful you’re the one looking out for her. We’ve got a couple of major bills coming to the floor this week, otherwise I’d be back home with her under my roof in a heartbeat.” It was obvious from his tone, he hated not being able to be there for his daughter. “Then again, she’d probably fight me tooth and nail on moving back home.”

  “I’ll do whatever it takes to keep her safe,” Dev assured him.

  “It has to be twenty-four seven,” Mark stated. “She’s not going to like it, but no more picking her up and dropping her off like Blake and the others were doing. I want someone with her at all times. Preferably you.”

  “That’s the plan. I have an Army buddy of mine installing a top of the line security system at my place right now. If she doesn’t want to stay there, I’ll do the same at her apartment.”

  “Good. Spare no expense and send me the bill when it’s done.”

  “I’m not worried about that, Sir.” Though he was a tad surprised the senator didn’t bat an eye over them basically living together.

  “Still, I’ll cover whatever you deem necessary.”

  Dev murmured his agreement as he squinted toward the barn. Reyes walked through the open doors, leading one of the thoroughbreds out to pasture, past a car he now recognized as Solana’s rental. “On a side note, do you recall a campaign staffer by the name of Chad Mayer?”

  Papers rustled in the background as he replied, “Sure. He worked on the campaign from the start.”

  “You ever have any issues with him?”

  “Not that I’m aware of. He’s a nice kid. Did a great job getting people out to vote. Why?”

  A sudden ache in his thigh had Dev absently rubbing his leg. “I’d like to have your PI check him out.”

  “What prompted this?”

  “Just a vibe I got when I saw him talking to Shelby at the wedding last night.”

  “He was at the wedding?” The senator’s voice held an obvious frown. “I don’t recall his name on the guest list.”

  “Shelby said the same thing. He told her he was getting drinks with some friends.”

  “At The Pinõn?”

  Dev gave a wry grunt, watching his brother return to the stable. “That’s what I said.”

  “Tell you what—I’ll send you Gus’ contact info and let him know you’ll be in touch. Anything you need or want checked out, just let one of us know.”

  “Thanks. I’ll keep you updated.”

  As soon as they hung up, he started the engine and drove to the barn. When he limped inside, he found Reyes in the office with his sister and dad—and his brother appeared remarkably well recovered.

  His dad cradled a cup of coffee in his hands as he reclined back in the leather chair behind the desk. Lana rested one booted foot over the opposite knee, her fingers linked over her stomach in a relaxed pose. She grinned up at him when he squeezed her shoulder, her dark ponytail swishing across the vest she’d layered over a long-sleeved black shirt.

  “What are you doing here today?” he asked his dad as he took a seat in the empty chair next to his sister.

  “Your mom is up at the main house for the gift opening, so I was going to work on some paperwork until these two distracted me.”

  He shot Lana a questioning glance. “No gift opening for you? I figured for sure you’d be up visiting with Ceels and the guys.” She’d been as close with Loyal and Asher as she’d been with Celia.

  “I had my fill of wedding crap yesterday,” she said with an airy wave of her hand. “I’d much rather chill with you guys before heading back tomorrow.”

  Washington State was her home base with the FBI, but she’d told them all yesterday she was on the short list for a transfer to the Denver field office. If that happened, it would be the first time they were all living back in Colorado since he’d joined the military twelve years ago. He had to admit, it would be nice to see Lana more than once or twice a year.

  Reyes grabbed the coffee pot off the burner to pour himself a cup. “The real question is, bro, what are you doing here?”

  “I brought Shelby over.” At his dad’s raised eyebrows, Dev added, “She stayed at my place last night.”

  That raised his brother’s eyebrows.

  “You and Bells, hey?” Lana said with a sly grin.

  “Not like that,” he growled. “I drove her home after the wedding when her bodyguard fucking flaked out. Good thing, too, because someone had broken into her apartment, so I took her to my house.”

  His sister’s blue eyes sobered. “Damn. Is she okay?”

  “Yeah. The cops are checking surveillance tapes for a suspect.”

  His dad sat forward, expression grim as he braced his elbows on the desk. “That’s a scary situation all the way around.”

  “Yeah. This guy can’t be caught soon enough.” He motioned toward Reyes’ cup. “Hook me up, man.”

  Reyes gave a disgruntled huff, but handed it over readily and poured himself another. “Sounds to me like you took the job.”

  “Yeah.” Dev slouched back in his chair with a heavy sigh.

  Lana glanced back and forth between them. “What job?”

  Rey turned and leaned back against the small kitchenette counter. “Bells’ bodyguard.”

  His dad’s eyebrows soared upward once again. “When did this happen?”

  “Mark asked me a few weeks ago, but I said no.”

  “Why? And what changed your mind?”

  “He didn’t think he cou
ld protect her,” Reyes butt in before Dev could even open his mouth. As he glared at his brother, the shit answered the second question. “As for what changed his mind, I’m guessing all it took was one look at baby Bells all grown up in her bridesmaid’s dress.”

  If he told him to shut the fuck up, he’d only be confirming what Reyes said. “Shelby has been grown up for years, you jackass.”

  Reyes grinned and raised his mug for a sip. A glance at Lana caught her smirk, too. Geezus. There was only five years between him and Shelby, so even if what they were inferring were true, it wasn’t like he was some dirty old man robbing the cradle.

  Their dad was still patiently waiting for his answer.

  Dev grimaced. “I wasn’t sure I could do the job,” he admitted. “But last night proves I can do a hell of a lot better than the guy she had.”

  Dad shook his head. “There’s no half-assing something like this, Dev.”

  The warning put him on the defensive. “I know that. I would never do anything to jeopardize your relationship with the Diamonds.”

  That prompted an impatient frown. “I’m not worried about that. But you know damn well, when the bar is set low, a hell of a lot better isn’t how you measure your ability to do the job right.”

  His pulse skipped as he recognized the truth of those words. Simply being better than Blake wasn’t good enough.

  His dad looked him square in the eye. “I have every confidence in your ability to keep Shelby safe, but that doesn’t mean shit if you don’t.”

  Chapter 12

  Shelby sat on one of the bar stools in the room her parents used for political entertaining, picking at a piece of leftover wedding cake as Loyal and Roxanna finished opening gifts. As always, Honor had worked her magic with the sweet treat, but guilt over being snotty to Dev when he dropped her off had killed her appetite.

  He’d only been looking out for her safety, and she’d reacted badly to his order not to go anywhere alone because she’d been disappointed he wasn’t coming inside with her. Truth was, she should’ve been relieved to avoid the questions her family would’ve asked when they walked in together. Especially after the brunch scene from three weeks ago, and the attention he’d paid her last night.


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