Kitchen Affairs: A Riverside Novel (The Riverside Trilogy)

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Kitchen Affairs: A Riverside Novel (The Riverside Trilogy) Page 16

by Cumberland, Brooke

  “Molly, I know you are with someone else. I totally get that. But I just needed to tell you. I love you and I want you. I won’t do anything against your will. If you say we are just friends, then we’re just friends, okay?” He leaned in closer once again, rubbing his hand against my cheek. My eyes closed as I felt his fingertips on my skin. “I know you feel something, Molly. You quiver every time I touch you.”

  I opened my eyes and just stared at him. Why, why, why? I didn’t know what to say. I am in love with Drake, but I do feel something for Travis. It was undeniable.

  “Travis…” I began, trying to figure out what to say. “I do feel something.” He perked up a small smile. “But I can’t react on those feelings. I’m sorry.” His face instantly sunk as he realized I was letting him down easy.

  “I understand, Molly,” he said reassuringly. I nodded as he backed up slightly but leaned down to kiss my cheek. “I’ll see you Monday.” He turned and led himself out the door.

  My heart was still racing from Travis’ unexpected visit this afternoon. I still didn’t know what to think. I’ve never had feelings for two guys at the same time. Hell, I’d never had feelings for anyone besides Liam before I met Drake. This was all too new for me.

  Michael and Stella arrived back home with Chinese take out. Perfect.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Michael questioned as he realized I was still in a funk.


  “Can’t live with them, but we can’t live without them,” he smirked.

  “Yeah…” I grumbled.

  “Hi,” I said as Drake answered his phone.

  “Molly! I’m so happy you called,” he was ecstatic. Apparently not talking to him was making him crazy.

  “We need to talk. Can you come over later?” I needed to come clean about Travis. He deserved to know.

  “Sure baby. I can be there in an hour.”

  Drake showed up with a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of white wine. Damn him for being so thoughtful. “I’ve missed you so much, Molly,” Drake said as he squeezed me tight.

  “I missed you too,” I mumbled as he kissed me lips.

  This man didn’t deserve to be hurt and I felt awful knowing that telling him about Travis would probably put him in a rage. He opened the bottle of wine and poured us a couple glasses. It was so good to see him, but I couldn’t possibly enjoy our time together until he knew the truth.

  “Drake, we need to talk…”

  “Molly,” he interrupted. “I shouldn’t have done that. At least I should’ve talked to you about it first. I’m so sorry I got involved.” He brushed his fingers on my cheeks holding me in close. “I just love you and wanted to help you, but I shouldn’t have crossed those boundaries.”

  “Drake, it’s alright. I’m not mad about that anymore. I realized I was overreacting. You just wanted to help me and I get that.” I looked up into his piercing dark eyes. His eyes were soft yet intimidating. “I have just not had anyone in my life before who looked out for my best interests. This is all so new to me,” I confessed.

  “I understand sweetheart. Next time, I swear, I will speak to you about anything first. Whatever you want, okay?”

  “Sounds great,” I smiled. “But I have to talk to you about something kind of serious.” I instantly frowned as I was going to have to relive everything.

  “Is something wrong?” he asked worried.

  “Well… I need to tell you about someone. His name is Travis and he’s in the internship program with me.” He nodded as he recognized the name. Of course, he is the one that looks through all the applicants.

  “Yeah, I’ve heard of him. What about him?” he asked pushing me to continue talking.

  “Well, the week my program started, I ran into him at a café. Like I literally ran into him. I ended up breaking my phone. Anyways, it was just shortly after I met you and we were just getting to know each other,” I paused for a moment trying to slow my breathing. “He asked for my number so he could take me out to dinner for breaking my phone. I didn’t know how to tell him I was seeing someone or that I didn’t want to, so I just put a fake number in his phone. The following weekend, I ran into him again at the Children’s Museum when Michael and I took Stella. He was there with his son.”

  “Is he stalking you, Molly?” he jumped.

  “No, nothing like that. He confronted me about my number not working and I told him I was seeing someone and that I wanted to see where it went. He understood and I honestly never expected to see him again,” I swallowed at the memory of seeing him there. “But then, Monday there he was in my class. Apparently, he had got into the program late and was in the same internship program with me. We were friends and when the photos of us leaked, he was like a big brother and protected me from all the comments and stares in class. He even helped disguise me so we could walk to lunch.”

  Drake stopped me, “Why are you just now telling me about this Travis guy? He seems a little too close for comfort.” He narrowed his eyes on me.

  “I never brought it up because he’s just a friend. I didn’t know how you would react to having a guy friend. I mean, I never really had girl friends and I haven’t date in years, so I didn’t know what you would say,” I confessed hoping that was a suitable explanation. “Well, we took Stella and Jacob to the Shedd Aquarium one weekend and he only acted as a friend. He never crossed a line and it was nice letting Stella play with someone her age.”

  Drake crossed his arms as if he was waiting to hear of devastation. Without a response from him, I continued. “So one Friday night when Stella had her sleepover, Travis called me and invited me out with his friends. He was really protective of me and didn’t let any guy near me. In fact, I tripped of course, and one of his friends caught me except he ended up grabbing my chest because I was literally falling into him. Travis misread the situation and punched his friend right in the face. After that, I told Travis we were just friends and that I didn’t need protecting. He admitted to overreacting and everything was fine.”

  I paused again letting everything sink. “So one night after class Travis and I stayed late to study for rounds. We had been practicing recipes and quizzing each other. And I’ll leave out the details, but he kissed me.” My face fell as I said those last three words. I didn’t know how Drake would react, but I knew it would be painful to see.

  “He kissed you?” he asked making sure he heard me right. Oh, shit.


  “Did you kiss him back?”

  “Yes. But I didn’t mean to. It just happened. I pushed him away and walked out the door,” I said trying to reassure him of the situation. I didn’t need him worrying that it would happen again.

  “Has he kissed you since?” He demanded to know.

  “No, we talked about it and I told him I’m in love with you and that we can only be friends. He understood and everything was fine. But then…” I paused to think how I would say this next part.

  “But then what, Molly?”

  “Then he came over this morning unannounced. I thought everything was back to normal between us. But he said he couldn’t just be my friend because he was in love with me and that he wanted me. I told him that wasn’t a possibility. I told him we didn’t have that type of relationship and that I could only be his friend.” I couldn’t look Drake in the eyes. I knew they were burning into me. He was furious.

  “In love with you? Molly, this guy is a nut job!”

  “No, it’s not like that Drake, I promise! We spend a lot of time together in class, and apparently, I misread the situation. I thought we were just friends until he made that move. I didn’t know I was making him think anything else.” I begged for him to believe me.

  “So you do you love him, Molly?” he asked quietly bracing for my answer.

  “Of course not, Drake. I’m in love with you!”

  “Do you have feelings for him then?” Fuck me.

  “I don’t know,” I answered honestly.

  And with t
hat, Drake bolted for the door. I tried to stop him by grabbing his arm, but he was too strong, he just kept going. After the door slammed, I knew I had just broken his heart.


  I didn’t hear from Drake for the rest of the weekend. I knew what I had admitted to Drake sounded awful, but I needed to be honest with him. And myself. I needed to use this time to really think about what I was going to do. I was in love with Drake, but I had feelings for Travis as well. What a fucking mess!

  “Earth to Molly!” Travis waved his hand in front of me. I was completely unfocused. Travis and I returned to our friends only routine but I couldn’t get what happened with Drake out of my head. Is Drake the one for me? What if I’m destined to be with Travis? I was so conflicted.

  “Sorry, my head is just a mess.”

  “Wanna talk about it? Is it about what happened with us?”

  “No and no. Sorry. Let’s get back to work.” I was hoping he’d drop it.

  I was holding a large metal bowl of soup that had just chilled long enough to be put into the freezer. My head was still whirling around and without looking, ran right into Travis spilling the entire thing all over him.

  “OH MY GOD!!!!” I shrieked. “Travis, I am so sorry!” I backed away as I saw soup drip down his body.

  Travis smirked, as he wasn’t really surprised by my clumsiness. “It’s alright, Molly. Just get me another chef’s coat would you please?”

  I turned around placing the bowl down and ran to the storage closet. I turned around just in time to see Travis pulling his coat and t-shirt off. Holy shit. Travis was covered in tattoos. Fucking sexy. He continued to wipe himself off with towels as I stood there like a moron staring.

  “Molly? Can I have that please?” Travis finally asked, as I hadn’t moved yet.

  “Oh of course, yeah, here.” I threw the clean coat at him. “Do you want an apron too?”

  “That depends. Are you going to keep spilling food on me?” he teased.

  I glared at him. “I really am sorry, Travis. I should’ve been looking where I was going.”

  “Never a dull moment with you, sweetheart,” he smiled at me totally making fun of me. I shivered as he called me that. God this was confusing.

  “I didn’t know you had tattoos,” I decided to finally say. Wow… he looks amazing.

  “Yeah, I made sure I got them in places I can cover. A tatted up chef isn’t really appealing to hiring managers.” He looked at my expression as I tried to see what they were. “You want to see them?”

  I nodded without realizing it. He pointed to a few that were just designs and explained when he got them. There was one with his son’s name and date of birth on his upper arm. He turned around so I could appreciate his back when I noticed it. I instantly held my breath.

  “Molly? Everything okay?” he asked hesitantly as I drooled over him.

  “You have an anchor tattoo,” I mumbled as I brushed my fingers over it. No fucking way.

  “Yeah, that one’s my favorite. It’s in memory of my grandmother. She practically raised me.” I could see the memories flashing through his mind as he talked about her.

  “You like?” he asked as he saw my expression.

  “I love it! I’ve been thinking about getting an anchor tattoo actually.”

  “Well, if you ever want one, let me know. I have a buddy that does amazing work.” Stop drooling Molly!

  “Here, take this.” I handed him the apron. As much as I enjoyed drooling over his naked tattooed torso, I needed to stop staring. Not only was Travis good-looking, his muscles were wrapped in ink, which were extremely sexy. And hot.

  I managed to finish the rest of the day without spilling anything else or tripping over myself. The image of Travis’ anchor tattoo was embedded into my head all day. The image of his perfectly toned muscular body would not leave my mind. Ugh, get out!!

  Travis scooped me up and slammed my body against the counter of the internship kitchen. He pressed his mouth to mine and after hesitating, I allowed him in. Our mouths moved in perfect harmony as our hands explored one another’s bodies. Travis’ scent was intoxicating as I breathed him in. He had one hand in my hair and the other on my waist pulling me in closer as he stood in between my legs.

  He pulled my shirt up and only breaking the kiss for a moment, ripped my shirt off. He wrapped his arms around me and unclasped my bra, releasing my breasts into his hands. I released a moan as his lips met my nipples, making them hard. I brushed my hands through his blonde locks and tilted back giving him access to me.

  When he reached back up for my lips, I quickly unbuttoned his shirt eager to touch his skin and massage my fingers over his tattoos. I reached for his pants next, eager to grab him.

  “Travis…” I moaned into his ear as he undid my pants pulling them down my legs and off of me completely. Thank god, I wore my lacy underwear today. “Please,” I moaned again. I needed him, wanted him right now.

  “Hang in there, sweetheart,” he teased. “I need to see you first.”

  He lowered his body in between my thighs and kissed me tenderly up and around me. Suddenly he inserted two fingers and then his mouth. I moaned in pleasure wanting him to take me even more.

  “Oh god, Travis… please, more,” I begged. He didn’t stop until I climaxed and before I could recover, he slammed into me taking me by surprise. I arched back, grasping for something to hold onto. “Oh god, yes!”

  The immediate pleasure I felt was overwhelming. I was exploding over and over again. He lifted me up off the counter and lowered me down to the floor still hard inside me. He lifted one of my legs up and continued to thrust inside me making me quiver each time.

  He kissed me tenderly when we finished and we lied there trying to even our breathing. I smiled and kissed him softly on the lips.

  “I love you, Molly,” he said sincerely as we lied there.



  “Molly, turn your alarm off!” There was loud pounding at my door. “Molly, wake up! You’re going to be late!” Michael screamed from outside the door.

  I turned around and saw that my alarm had been going off for twenty minutes. Oh my god, I had a sex dream about Travis.

  I rolled over and slammed my alarm off. That dream felt so real. And worse, it felt natural. How could I face Travis today knowing what I had just dreamt about? I shook it off and got ready for the day.

  “Morning sunshine,” Travis joked as I entered the kitchen. I didn’t have time to shower, so I threw my hair up in a messy bun and put some mascara on. I probably looked like a wreck.

  “Morning. Don’t laugh at me,” I teased back.

  “I’m not laughing. You look cute in the just rolled-out-bed look,” he laughed.

  I glared at him and rolled my eyes at him. “So what are we working on today?” I tried to push the image of his naked body on top of me away, but it was a struggle. Constant struggle.

  Drake still hadn’t contacted me and I was beginning to worry. I didn’t know if I should call him or stop in at his office. I was scared that he would break up with me. I needed to get Travis out of my head and allow Drake in, fully and completely.

  The day went by quickly with Travis’ jokes and banter at how clumsy I was. He tried to talk me into going back out with him and his friends this weekend, but I politely rejected considering what happened the last time.

  I decided I needed to see Drake. I wasn’t waiting around anymore, so after class I went up to his office. His receptionist didn’t greet me like usual and there was barely anyone around.

  I decided to knock on his door instead of just walk in. After a few moments, I knocked again. What the hell? Finally, someone came and answered the door. However, it wasn’t Drake.

  “Hello,” a friendly female voice greeted me. Who the hell is this? In Drake’s office? She was at least six inches taller than me with blonde beach wavy hair and was extremely lean. As she was standing there, she licked her l
ips seductively as if she had just eaten something.

  “I’m looking for Drake. Is he in here?” I asked politely through clenched teeth.

  “I’m sorry, you just missed him. He left fifteen minutes ago.” She smiled as she could see I was distraught.

  “Do you know where he went?” I asked hoping to get some answers out of her.

  “No, sorry.” She held the door closer to her not allowing me to look inside. I faked a smile and walked away. My stomach turned at the thought of another woman in his office. I was sick. I couldn’t believe this. Is this what I made Drake feel when I told him I didn’t know if I had feelings for Travis. I shook my head in disgust at the thought of it. I have to find Drake!

  I decided to call him on my way home, eager to hear his voice. He didn’t answer so I decided to leave a message begging him to call me back. I haven’t spoken or seen him since Saturday night and it was killing me. Why won’t he talk to me?

  I came home and snuggled up with Stella on the loveseat. I could feel my heart breaking the longer it went without hearing from him. The ball was now in his court, I called him first. Now I needed to hear from him.

  Hours turned into days, days turned into weeks. I was miserable. Sick. It’d been three weeks since I left Drake a message to call me. Why wasn’t he calling me back? Was he that upset? I cried myself to sleep almost every night cuddling up to Stella. Finally, Michael made me get out of bed.

  “Get up, now, Molly! It’s the third Saturday in a row you’ve spent wallowing in bed. Break ups are hard, but the pain will subside.” He tried to sound soothing.

  “We didn’t break up!” I corrected. “We’re just taking a break.”

  “Oh honey, you’re delusional if you think that. He hasn’t spoken to you in weeks. He’s a coward leaving you hanging,” he said seriously. Ouch, that fucking hurts.

  “Really? It’s over?” I cried.

  “I’m afraid so.” He rubbed my head as I dug into his chest. I sobbed uncontrollably at hearing those words. Michael was probably right.


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