Kitchen Affairs: A Riverside Novel (The Riverside Trilogy)

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Kitchen Affairs: A Riverside Novel (The Riverside Trilogy) Page 20

by Cumberland, Brooke

  “Better. Still in a coma, but her vitals are good and she’s looking healthier now. She’s still at risk for infection and possible sepsis.”

  “Well, that’s good I suppose,” I said chewing my lip hoping to change the subject.

  Silence filled the room as I leaned up against the kitchen island. His eyes filled with hunger as he emerged his body against mine. His lips pressed into mine hard barely giving me a chance to breath.

  “Drake…” I breathed out trying to grasp for air. Oh god.

  “Shhh baby,” he hushed me as he rubbed against me pulling my shirt up and off me. “I have missed you more than anything. I need you Molly.”

  He lifted me up on the island and shimmied my shorts off. He spread my legs apart leaning closer into me. I missed this. I missed him.

  “Baby… I love you.”

  I grabbed his pants and unbuttoned him to release him. He moved his lips down my neck suckling hard. I moaned into him the more intense he got. He shifted his lips up to my ear, “this is still my favorite spot,” he smiled as he felt me quiver.

  I arched my back as he placed his mouth over my breast. He wrapped his pinky around my lace and pulled my panties down. He pressed himself into me taking me all in. It felt like forever since I’ve had him and I didn’t want to rush this.

  He brushed his hand through my hair as he pulled my face closer to his. It was sensual and one of the most romantic times we’ve had in a long while. It was like we connected in ways we’ve haven’t ever before. He caressed his lips down my thigh and took his time as he re-entered me. I wrapped my legs around him pressing him harder into me.

  “You’re amazing, Molly.”

  I was breathing so hard I couldn’t respond. But it was like he read my mind as I moaned into him and I caught him grinning as he released into me making my body go into convulsions of overblown spams.

  “Always trapping me in the kitchen,” I said grinning as I tried to catch my breath.

  “My favorite place to be.” No kidding.

  “That night when you asked about my favorite position - did you really mean in the kitchen? Or were you trying to rattle me?” I asked as I assisted buttoning his shirt back up.

  “I’m always trying to rattle you, baby.” He smiled as he handed me my shirt.

  “I knew you were naughty, but damn.”

  Just as I was replacing my clothes, Drake’s phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and his face immediately went pale. He picked it up and I could see the panic in his face. Oh, shit.

  Drake walked out of the room as he took the call so I wasn’t able to hear the conversation. I finished adjusting my clothes and went to grab a glass of wine. Hmmm… maybe Drake will want a glass.

  I was pouring two glasses when Drake re-entered the kitchen looking like he had just seen a ghost. I’ve never seen him so beaten down before. He stared at his phone as he slowly walked towards me.

  “What is it babe?” I asked in a hurry.

  “Kendra.” Oh no…

  “Everything okay?” I grabbed the glasses off the counter and rushed towards him.

  The blood drained from his face. “She died.”

  It’s been three weeks since Kendra passed away. She got a blood clot that reached to her heart and it was too late for the doctors to do anything. She was laid to rest on a Sunday and for the following week Drake was in a funk. I tried to be there for him as much as I could, but I just started working at the restaurant and couldn’t take any time off.

  I understood the grief Drake was going through. I knew they didn’t end on good terms and it was mostly because of me. I felt awful. I wanted to be supportive of him, but it brought up so many unwanted emotions that I went through with Liam’s death.

  The afternoon of Liam’s funeral was hosted at our apartment. People brought food, flowers, and cards. It was thoughtful, but at the same time, I just wanted Liam back. I stared at Stella for hours that night, wishing her life would turn out differently than what was handed to her. She deserved a daddy. I deserved a husband. It just wasn’t right.

  “So why was she skydiving in the first place?” Drake seemed to feel better when he openly talked about her with me.

  “It was something her and Mr. Kingston did every year. Last year they went paragliding and the year before that they did white water rafting. It was there thing I guess.” Drake had a slight smile on his face as he remembered.

  “Did you do stuff like that too?” I asked curiously.

  “Not really. It was something they started when she was a freshman in college. I went bungee jumping once but that was it.”

  “Oh my god, I could never do that. I guess I’m boring,” I chuckled. Boring and old.

  “You’re not boring, you’re a mom. A mom who puts her child first.” He smiled trying to make me feel better. “Don’t forget about your badass tattoo,” he mocked.

  “Do you wanna play?” I intrigued chewing my bottom lip.

  “Hide and seek?” he asked remembering our little game.

  I backed up slowly unbuttoning my blouse and seducing him with my eyes urging him to follow me. His eyes grew wide with passion as he plunged into me making me fall back into the loveseat.

  “Drake!” I screeched as he pushed his heavy body on top of mine pinning me down. I laughed as I nearly fell off the loveseat as he was crushing me.

  “Don’t worry babe… I won’t let you fall.”

  He slowly lowered my pants kissing his way down my legs. He stopped at my tattoo making sure to kiss all around it and up to my bikini line. He slowly lowered my pants kissing his way down my legs.

  I forcefully pushed his face deeper letting his tongue further into me. I loved his lips down on me making my body quiver at his miraculous talents.

  “Oh god… yes, right there…” I moaned, as he wasn’t letting up anytime soon. I dug my nails into his muscular arms the more vigorous he became. I arched my back as he playfully grabbed my thighs and sunk his face in harder. “You are seriously torturing me,” I chuckled.

  Drake moaned against me as I tried to wiggle away from his grip. He was so intense that I almost couldn’t bare it.

  “Oh no… you aren’t going anywhere. I’m not done with you, baby.” He smiled, enjoying watching me squirm. “I will never be done with you.”


  “Molly, I need you to get those filets out of the freezer please!” I called out to the beautiful brunette who had stolen my heart the second I first saw her.

  “Right away, Nikos!” She gave me a soft smile before heading to the freezer. God she was beautiful. And go figure she’d be dating Drake Stagliano. That man was such a player. He could get any girl he wanted, but why did he have to mess with beautiful and innocent, Molly? I’m going to prove to her what a real man is like.

  Molly walked towards me filets in hand. She was glowing as she always did. “Here you go. What should I do with them?” she asked in a cute, soft tone. Her beautiful golden eyes drew me in as she looked up at me. Seriously, how am I hard every time I see her? “Nikos?”

  “Oh right, sorry. Um, just put them over there for me please,” I smiled back at her. Even the way her lip curled up and the way she rubbed her ear when she was nervous was sickly adorable. Good god, Nikos. Man up.

  I blinked several times trying to get myself back into the game. Tonight was going to be packed and I needed all my focus. Drake would of course be stopping by to check up on me and to drool over Molly. God, I still can’t believe she’s with him.

  “So Molly, are you excited for tonight?” I asked her casually as we were chopping vegetables across from one another. Man, I want to touch her soft skin. And kiss those lips.

  “I am so psyched, Nikos! I can’t wait for my first night as lead chef. And it’s all thanks to you!” she plastered a big, bright smile at me. Lord, I could go into convulsions over that smile. I tried to cross my legs slightly to cover the hard on she had instantly given me.

  Oh if she only knew.

  After working next to Molly for months now, I have developed strong feelings for her. No, I was in love with her. She had no clue or maybe she did and just pretended she didn’t. Either way, I was determined to make her mine no matter what.

  Drake has some new competition in town.


  From the moment I walked into the conference hall, which was large enough for a social gathering, I spotted her from a short distance. She was wearing a gorgeous red knee length V-neck dress with black stilettos. Simple, but stunning. Her long brown hair lied beautifully on her shoulders with loose curls at the end. She was casually standing near another woman holding a drink in one hand, twirling the straw with her other hand. She looked bored at best. I didn’t blame her. These orientation gatherings normally were. They were the official meet-and-greet of the new interns for the semester.

  I stood there and stared at her for a moment, sinking her in completely. I studied her like she was a painting. I couldn’t help myself. She stood with such grace; you would’ve never guessed at how clumsy she was. I lost all track of time staring at her that I barely noticed it was my time to speak.

  I cleared my throat and fixed my tie before heading to the stage. I always welcomed the new interns at orientation seeing that I was the one who oversaw the program and looked through the applicants. I needed to know her name. Somehow, I needed to hear her voice.

  “Welcome. Thank you all for coming here tonight, showing your pride as you enter a new stage in your career. Riverside is excited to have you become a part of our family! You will struggle, you will succeed, and better yet, you will fail. If you don’t struggle and if you don’t learn to fail, you will never know what it feels like to succeed. So, before you get down on yourself, remember that. This program is hard, time-consuming, and will mentally drain you. But I promise you it’ll all be worth it.” As I was delivering my speech, I tried my hardest to scan the room and keep eye contact with the other interns and staff, but it was hard to peel my eyes away from her. Just as I was telling a joke and ending my speech, it happened. She laughed and smiled so big it made her cheeks turn pink. She had the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. She looked so carefree and full of life. I wondered if she ever had any heartbreak in her short life. I certainly hoped she hadn’t.

  By seeing her big, bright smile, you would’ve never known the pain she’d been through. I would’ve never guessed her fights and struggles. She made it look easy. Too easy

  “Excuse me? Mr. Moon, I need to know that woman’s name.” I said to my assistant nodding my head in her direction. It wasn’t anywhere near an odd request on my part. My assistant was used to my strange requests and after being with me for six years he never questioned a thing.

  I decided to keep my distance from her that night knowing I wouldn’t be able to compose myself around her. I didn’t even know her name and I wanted to sweep her away and kiss her until our lips bruised. I decided to stay as close to her as I could without being too obvious. I continued to hear her laugh as she spoke with the other woman standing near her. It refreshed my heart every time. And then I saw it.

  An engagement ring on her left hand.

  I was in denial the second I noticed it. She didn’t look like any older than twenty-three, maybe twenty-four. Most interns in the program weren’t married and for some reason in my heart, I felt like there was no way. Engaged? Perhaps. But I was determined to find out.

  “Mr. Stagliano?” My assistant tapped me on the shoulder grabbing my attention away from her. “I have that information you asked me about.” I could see a manila folder under his arm. Her portfolio. Finally.

  “Let me have it, please.” I reached out and took it from his hand. “Thank you.” I walked away so I could look at it without being distracted. At events like these, I rarely had a free moment to spare, but tonight I was making time.

  “Molly Woods.” I spoke out loud to myself. “Twenty-three, scholarship applicant, lives in Chicago, graduated high school with honors.” I continued talking to myself in hopes of getting the information I needed. And then there was a little box checked with her marital status. “Single.” I smiled as I read that. Perfect.

  I handed my assistant the folder back and snuck back into the conference room. A staff member was now going over a PowerPoint presentation on basic dos and don’ts. Orientation was a bore, but it at least gave me one hell of an excuse to watch her. She playfully twirled her hair around her finger and sipped on her drink. I noticed a guy walking up to her and my face flattened as I saw him sit next to her. She began playing with her ear as she nervously looked down trying to avoid the man’s eye contact. I could tell he was making her nervous and uncomfortable. I flinched as I told myself to not get involved. Not here.

  As the orientation came to a close, I noticed she was getting ready to leave. Hopefully by herself. She waved to her friend as she walked out the door. And just like that, my heart sank. I felt drawn to her, like we already had a connection somehow. It was a feeling I’ve never felt before and I wasn’t sure how to handle it. Come on Drake shake it off.

  Deep down I knew I was crazy for feeling like this. It could never turn into anything, at least while she was interning at the Riverside. That would break so many rules of staff dating, especially the owner’s son dating an intern. But I also knew deep down that I really didn’t care. Nope, don’t care. I would risk it for her. If she wanted me too.

  The following week dragged on as I went to meetings and worked in my office. I knew the next Monday would be her first day here and I couldn’t wait to see her again. She was on my mind the entire time wondering what she was doing, where she had been, and whom she was with. My mind had consumed of only her and I had yet to speak a single word to her. To say she was beautiful would be a vast understatement. When I first noticed her it was like the entire room stood still as I watched her stir her drink, twirl her hair, and bite the inside of her cheek. She made looking bored sexy. Sexy as hell.

  Monday finally arrived and I planned on somehow introducing myself to her, but I was scared as hell. Would I scare her off or make her uncomfortable? I wanted to ask about that ring, but I had to act like I didn’t know she wasn’t married. She flooded my mind all morning, until I finally found an excuse to go into the kitchen.

  Seeing that it was the first day for my interns, I decided I’d go down and speak with Mr. Cooper and see how his students were doing. Yeah, that was a valid excuse. I walked through the doors confident as I could be and searched for her. She was at the back counter station looking much different than the first time I saw her. She wore a white button-up chef’s coat with perfectly smoothed-out black cuffs and collar. She had a white apron wrapped around her waist tied in a knot in the front. Her hair was pinned up this time underneath her chef’s hat. Her face had less makeup than before, but just as beautiful. She was chewing her lip as she focused on what she was doing.

  I fidgeted with my change in my right pocket before getting the nerve to walk up to her. She had just turned around to grab something high up, so I grabbed my opportunity and approached her. After asking her if she was married, she quickly spun around clearly shocked by my straight-forwardness.

  Way to freak her out…

  I couldn’t stop gazing into her beautiful brown eyes. When she wasn’t looking, I eyed her lips. They looked soft and plump. I imagined kissing those lips for the past week and I didn’t know how much longer I could hold off.

  I chuckled as she told me her ring was to keep danger away. I knew exactly what she meant, but I was still determined to find out more about her. I could tell I was making her uncomfortable with my questions about her ring and why she wears it, so I knew I would have to resort to plan B.

  As I walked away, I heard the pot she was grabbing drop to the floor. I smiled as I hoped I had rattled her. In a good way, of course. I had plotted my next move and I wasn’t going to wait long to see her again.

  After a few hours, I was anxious
to see her. I wanted to ask her to dinner so we could spend some alone time together. I just needed some time with her and she would feel what I felt. It was inevitable that we belonged together.

  I came up with another excuse to walk through the kitchen, when I searched for her again, but she was nowhere to be found. I walked to the back and noticed the freezer door open. I peaked my head in seeing her from behind putting something away. I walked in and slammed the door behind me. Shit, a little too loud though.

  I startled her as she jumped at the sound of the door slamming. She turned around and her eyes grew big as she noticed me standing there. I wanted to come off charming by asking her to dinner but I could tell she was alarmed at my forwardness. Denied. As she passed me and exited the freezer, I inhaled her scent. Cucumber Melon.

  Fucked it up again. Moving to plan C.

  Molly remained on my mind for the rest of the day. I had two attempts all ready and have been shot down. This was unusual for me. I never had chase a girl before. Molly was different. She made me want to be different. I was simply infatuated with her. Even her turning me down was sexy.

  I went through her file again and found her address. Perhaps she would be comfortable in her own home and I could ask her out that way. Yeah, that would work. I convinced myself to go to her house that night.

  The moment she opened the door stunned to see me, I felt like running away. Shit, this will for sure scare her off. I tried to act nonchalantly as she greeted me and gestured me in. Her place was beautiful and I secretly wondered how she could afford something in downtown Chicago. Most interns were broke and living with their parents. I didn’t let it cloud my mind too long before she handed me a glass of wine. I suspected she was curious as to my unannounced visit.

  Seeing her in her natural form was more beautiful than I could describe. She wore yoga shorts and a sweet V-neck tee clearly without a bra. It was a little sexy seeing that she was trying to cover her hard nipples up. After all, it wasn’t cold in the room.


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