Cross the Line: A Gabriella Cross Paranormal Romance Book 2

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Cross the Line: A Gabriella Cross Paranormal Romance Book 2 Page 7

by Lovestone, M. J.

  “Where you had a trap set,” said Gabby.

  “Exactly. And boy that bastard squealed when it realized it was trapped.”

  “What did you do then?”

  “Doused it with gasoline and burned the son of a bitch to ash. Best way to make sure they don’t come back. The fire sends ‘em straight back to hell where they belong.”

  Gabby shuddered when she thought of the burning, screaming ghoul.

  “And this is the kind of thing you want to be a part of,” said her father, watching her reaction closely.

  “Do I really have a choice? If I can save lives with my powers, then I must. It’s the right thing to do.”

  General Cross nodded. “I’m proud of you, Gabby. I hope you know that.”

  “I know, Dad. Thanks.”

  “I know you’ve been chomping at the bit to get your feet wet in the field, and I think it’s time you did. You up for a mission?”

  “Hell yeah,” said Gabby, nearly jumping out of her seat.

  Her father chuckled and shook his head. “Alright. I’ll have everyone meet here tomorrow and we’ll go over it. You’re going to like this one, Gabs. We’ll be doing a good thing.”

  “What’s the mission?”

  “That is for tomorrow,” said her father teasingly.

  “Well then,” said Gabby, raising her glass. “To tomorrow.”

  Chapter 13

  Gabby woke early and did some house cleaning after working out. She had hardly been able to sleep all night, but rather lay there half the time staring at the beam of streetlight on her ceiling and imagining what the mission would be like. She was filled with excitement, but also fear, anticipation, and slight foreboding.

  I’m not ready, her mind told her over and over.

  She ignored the thoughts as well as she could and focused on all that she had done and all that she had learned over the last six months. Juliette had brought hundreds of items before her, and a dozen people with afflictions ranging from witch curses to transmutation, and each and every time she succeeded.

  After cleaning the entire house, she made herself a big hearty breakfast of bacon, home fries, rye toast, and a ham and cheese omelet. After she had downed almost an entire pot of coffee, the doorbell rang.

  Gabby practically ran to the door to answer it.

  “Hi, Dad,” she said, hugging him.

  “Big day, Gabs. Big day.”

  Gabby let her father into the house and smiled at the man following behind him.

  “Hello, Gabriella,” said Mickey Gallagher.

  “Hey, Mick. I heard you kept my father out of trouble in South Carolina.”

  “Hah, I tried, but trouble follows him like flies to shit.”

  Mickey Gallagher was every part the bad-ass old biker dude. He wore a denim jacket with cut-off sleeves. The jacket boasted numerous patches, representing everything from bike clubs to old rock bands. His arms were covered in strange tattoos, which Gabby guessed were some sort of spell runes. He wore a handlebar mustache and long braided goatee, both of which were as gray as his short-cropped hair.

  “You two want coffee?” Gabby asked.

  “Thank you, dear,” said her father.

  Mickey nodded as well.

  “How do you like it?” Gabby asked.

  “I like my coffee like I like my women. Black and bitter,” said Mickey with a laugh. He had one of those deep, gritty voices only earned from too much whiskey and cigarettes. But Mickey Gallagher wasn’t a cigarette smoker, instead he enjoyed fat Cuban cigars, and always had a few in his front pocket.

  “Coming right up,” said Gabby, putting on a pot.

  Quip walked in like he owned the place and sniffed at the air. “Coffee, I’ll take mine black.”

  “Just like you like your men, eh?” said Mickey, puffing up a fat cherry on one of the cigars and smirking at Quip.

  “Mmm hmm, when you get done practicing on that cigar, how ‘bout you suck my big black—”

  “Play nice, ladies,” said Gabby’s father with a laugh.

  Michael and Juliette arrived next, and to Gabby’s surprise, Valentine came in behind them, followed by Bob the werewolf.

  Gabby didn’t miss the snarky look that Quip gave Valentine.

  “What is she doing here?” Gabby asked Michael.

  “It’s good to see you as well, Gabriella,” said Valentine.

  “I didn’t mean it like that. I’m just surprised to see you.”

  “I’ve asked for Valentine’s help, and she’s kindly offered to volunteer her services,” said Michael.

  “Are we finally hitting the vampires back?” Gabby asked hopefully.

  Michael nodded and glanced at Gabby’s father.

  “Michael told me about what happened,” said Nicholas. “We’re going to find the son of a bitch, but not the way that you suggested to Michael.”

  “I’m all ears,” said Gabby.

  “Please,” Nicholas told them all. “Gather around the dining table and we will outline the plan.”

  “I’ll take my coffee black,” Juliette told Gabby as she passed.

  “Coming right up,” said Gabby, trying to hide her annoyance.

  The group gathered around the table, and Nicholas spread out an aerial map of the Chicago docks. Gabby gave everyone their coffee mugs and took a place beside her father, who stood leaning against the table.

  He pointed at the building at the center of the map. “Alright, listen up. This warehouse is known to be controlled by vampires and is suspected to be used to transport sex slaves to and from Chicago by way of Lake Michigan.”

  “Sex slaves?” said Valentine with an arched brow and a glance at Gabby.

  “Yes, teen sex slaves to be specific,” said Nicholas. “The vamps get them all hopped up on vamp blood and sell them to the highest bidder. Once they’re hooked, they’ll do anything to get their hands on more.”

  Gabby didn’t miss the look that Quip gave her. It was one that said, “ya hear that?”

  “Michael has had eyes on the place for a few weeks,” said General Cross. “Reports say that no more than four guards are ever patrolling the outside, and an average of five vamps are usually inside when they send out their shipments.

  “We’re going in tomorrow night with two teams. Mick, myself, Valentine, and Quip will make up one team. Michael, Juliette, Bob, and a few other weres will make up the other. The weres are going to clear the outside, and then our team will follow them in for the mop-up. Should be an easy in and out.”

  “What about me?” said Gabby, sure that her father had left her out by accident.

  “We’re going to need you to nullify them once we’ve taken the place. Until then, you’ll remain outside on watch.”

  “You’re benching me? Jesus, Dad. The vamps are after me.”

  “I know they are. Which is why you’re staying out of the warehouse until it has been cleared.”

  “Dad, I—”

  “That is the end of the conversation,” said General Cross, looking at Gabby as though she were an insubordinate soldier.

  “Yes, sir.”

  Gabby didn’t like it, but it was a start. She had been egging to go on a real mission for months and was ready to take whatever she could get.

  Chapter 14

  Gabby spent the next day preparing for the night’s mission. She suited up in the white room in one of her sister’s get-ups, which Quip had fitted for her. It consisted of a bulletproof leather jacket, Kevlar and leather pants, and steel-toe boots with short heels. The outfit looked surprisingly good on her, and she felt safe in it. There were small runes carved into the suit, which Gabby assumed had been used by Maggy as wards, but given Gabby’s abilities, such enchantments would be useless to her.

  Knowing that they would be facing vampires, Gabby fitted a strap around her thigh that could hold up to six silver-tipped wooden stakes. She chose two Glocks with rounds chiefly designed for vampires. Lastly, she strapped her katana to her back and sheathed a silver dagge
r to her hip.

  Gabby closed the weapons drawer and glanced at the one that she knew held the vampire blood.

  Screw it, she thought. Just in case. It saved my ass the other night. Better to be a vamp juice addict than dead.

  When she was finally prepared, she closed the white room and went upstairs to wait for the others. Her heart was thumping steadily, and her body shook with anticipation of the violence to come.

  The others arrived at 6:30, just when the sun was beginning to set. Counter to modern folklore, vampires could tolerate the sun, though they were stronger during the nighttime. Gabby’s father had chosen to attack after dark because he knew that the vamps would have more mortals guarding the place during the day.

  They arrived in a black armored truck that looked like it could have belonged to batman. Mick Gallagher sat in the driver seat and offered Gabby a smile and a nod as she approached.

  “You ready to kick some vampire ass, girl?”

  “You’re goddamned right.”

  The back doors opened, and Gabby got in and sat down next to Quip on one of the two benches against the walls.

  Quip wore a long leather jacket that hung all the way to his high-heel boots. He wore dark sunglasses, and his dreads had been pulled back into a bun, which stuck out from the back of his head like a horn. Gabby couldn’t see any weapons, but she guessed he at least carried a few pistols, and no doubt a few wands as well.

  “You look like an extra for The Matrix,” said Gabby.

  “Listen up, babe,” said Quip, ignoring the jest. “I’ve put enchantments on this ride and everyone in it. Keep your power under wraps, alright. Took me hours to prepare this stuff.”

  “I’ve got a handle on it, don’t worry.” She gestured to his arm. “All better already?”

  “Michael’s got some impressive healers. It went through the muscle anyway, no broken bones. Still sore, but nothing I can’t handle.”

  Her father and Mickey were armored and armed like her and Quip. Even Valentine was armed with a gun and wore all black. However, Michael, Juliette, Bob, and the three other weres wore only long robes. Gabby knew that they were naked underneath, which would allow them to change form more easily. She found herself hoping that she would see Michael make the transformation.

  During the drive into the city, Gabby’s father reminded them of the plan, and stressed to Gabby the importance of her role as lookout. Juliette handed out the mics and ear pieces, and the group did a quick check that they were working properly. The werewolves’ setups were a bit different from the others, with elastic straps to hold them in place when they changed form. The straps went around their necks like a collar, so they would be able to listen and communicate in wolf form.

  They pulled into the harbor and slowly drove to the warehouse. Mickey killed the lights as they approached and stopped the truck before the warehouse came into view. The werewolves jumped out the back and shed their robes, and Gabby felt her face flush when she saw Michael naked for the second time.

  “Go get ‘em, big boys,” said Quip, eyeing the men with an appreciative grin.

  They changed form before running off into the night. After ten minutes of tense silence, Michael came on the radio.

  “The outside is clear.”

  “Ten-four,” said General Cross.

  Mickey drove them around the corner and parked the truck in the shadows off to the side of the warehouse.

  “Move out!” said the general.

  “Good luck,” said Gabby as the others unloaded.

  She moved to the front seat to watch the parking lot and front door of the warehouse, wishing that she was out there with them. The group moved in stealthily, with her father and Mickey leading the way. They disappeared inside, and Gabby waited.

  “Clear,” came the voice of her father in her earpiece.

  “Clear,” he said again.

  “I’ve got movement,” said Michael.

  Gabby waited, glued to the headset.

  Silence filled the line, but then it erupted with sudden gunfire. Her father cried out, and the chatter of his machine gun drowned out his words. More gunshots and a small explosion sounded, and suddenly Gabby’s earpiece went dead.

  She tapped at it, watching as the few windows of the warehouse lit up like the Fourth of July.

  “Hello…hello…fuck.” Gabby took off her earpiece and looked it over, though she didn’t know what she was looking for to fix it.

  Something caught her eye, and she ducked down when she saw a pickup pull up and park a few yards away from the door. Three armed men got out and made their way quickly to the door.

  “You’ve got men coming in behind you,” said Gabby into the mic. “Hello…hello?”


  Gabby sat there for a terrified moment, wondering what she should do. She had orders to stay in the truck, but if those goons came up behind the group, they might kill them all.

  “Fuck it.”

  Gabby threw open the door and hurried into the warehouse.

  Chapter 15

  Gabby drew her pistol and raced through the door. She expected to be riddled by bullets, but none came. The warehouse door led to a hallway with doors leading off to the left and right. She hurried down the hall, gun held up before her and eyes scanning the shadows frantically. The door to the right was open. She peeked inside—nothing. The next door was on the left, and she checked that room as well, wanting to hurry to the end of the hall. She suspected that the goons had gone on into the warehouse quickly and didn’t want them to get to the group before she could warn them.

  The left room proved empty as well. It was full of packaging material with a layer of dust that indicated it was hardly, if ever, used.

  “Does anyone read me? You’ve got some armed men coming up behind you,” Gabby whispered into the mic.

  No one answered.

  Gunfire erupted once again somewhere in the large warehouse.

  Gabby abandoned her search of the rooms and hurried down the hall. It opened to a large room full of boxes and more packaging material. Two men were heading for the door on the other side of the room.

  “Drop your weapons!” Gabby yelled.

  The two men darted for cover with inhuman speed as Gabby raised her gun to fire. Before she could get off a shot, a man suddenly appeared from behind the door. He slapped the weapon out of her hands and punched her in the face. Gabby staggered back as her assailant stalked after her. She pulled her other gun swiftly, but it was immediately slapped out of her hands as well. Her assailant grabbed her by the throat and lifted her high as he spun and slammed her up against the wall. Though her brain had been rattled and she was slowly being choked out by the incredibly strong grip, she managed to reach her dagger and jam it into the vampire’s heart. The iron blade sizzled in the wound, and the vampire screamed in her face as his skin bubbled and bulged before finally combusting with a great whooshing sound that reduced him to a lump of ash.

  She was remotely aware of the gunfire still rattling elsewhere in the warehouse. Stars danced in her vision as she instinctively unsheathed her katana. The two vampires who had been headed for the opposite door were changing into their hideous winged forms and stalking toward her.

  Gabby lurched into the hall and frantically ran to the nearest room and ducked inside. Her head still spun, and she fought to focus. They would be coming through the door any moment, and now she had cornered herself. Worse still, she had lost both of her pistols.

  The vamp blood!

  Gabby didn’t give it a second thought. She reached in her pocket, popped the cork on a vial, and guzzled it down.

  The fire erupted in her stomach and her pain disappeared. The shadows fled in her enhanced vision and her hearing tripled. Footsteps approached, and she drew back her katana slowly.

  She focused on her inner strength, building up a great blast of nullifying power that would leave them mortal and vulnerable. The vampire blood made her feel electric, and the power gathering at her core
was exhilarating. She backed to the center of the room and focused on the door, right hand raised and ready.

  The men didn’t creep into the room cautiously with guns drawn; they flew in on wings as black as night. Gabby unleashed her power in a wide arc, engulfing the vampires and the surrounding room as well. With blood-curdling shrieks, the flying vampires changed to human form in the blink of an eye and came crashing down before her.

  The closest man stared down at his human hands and looked to her with utter shock and horror—she took his head from his shoulders with one swift slice. The other one seemed to get over the shock much more quickly, for he turned and ran out the door, screaming as he barreled down the hallway naked as a newborn. Gabby cursed under her breath as she gave chase and stopped just outside the door. She unsheathed her dagger and, judging the distance, flipped the dagger to hold it by the blade. She let it fly and grinned to herself when it spun through the air and found its mark, hitting the ex-vamp in the back of the leg and laming him. He hit the floor and began to claw his way slowly toward the doorway at the end of the hall. Gabby rushed to him and leapt, landing beside him and stabbing the katana between his shoulder blades.

  She gave a twist for good measure

  Her heart pounded with adrenaline and vamp blood as she stood over the ashes of her attacker. The warehouse was bright to her enhanced eyes. Her muscles twitched and tensed, ready to spring into action at the slightest command.


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