Finding Home (Silver Creek Shifters Book 2)

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Finding Home (Silver Creek Shifters Book 2) Page 7

by Jules Tyler

  “Who knew Jesse could be such a romantic?” Stella burst out. “I mean, taking you down to the dock to look up at the stars? Damn that’s just so sweet!”

  “That is pretty good, isn’t it?” Liz grinned sheepishly.

  “I tell you what, darlin’, you’d be stupid to pass that boy up. You’d better give him a good, solid chance at this, because if you do, I think he’ll make you the happiest girl on the planet. Right up there next to how Brady makes Stella feel,” Mama stated, scooping up the coffee cups from their breakfast and taking them back to the kitchen.

  “She has a point, ya know?” Stella said, eyeing Liz as she stared down at her hands deep in thought.

  “What point is that?” Liz asked, looking up at Stella with confusion.

  “The best advice I can give you right now with these boys is to not overthink anything. They’re different from other men. They don’t just love on girls, then leave them. When they find someone that triggers that instinct inside of them, they know they’re meant to be. Now stop looking at me like I’ve grown an extra head or two. I’m not crazy. When I came back up here and Brady and I reconnected, I thought I was nuts. I was drawn to him like we were magnets. There was something inside of me that just knew that he was mine and I was his, but because of the trauma I had just been through, I pushed off those feelings. Sure, he had his flaws, and still does, but once he made it clear that I wasn’t imagining things and that we both felt the same way, I invested my whole heart and soul into what we had. Let me tell you, I don’t regret it for even a minute,” Stella explained, hoping that Liz was understanding what she was saying.

  “But how can you be sure that Jesse is different?” Liz pushed back.

  Stella smiled knowingly at Liz, “Just trust me on this one. Ignore what your head is saying and go with what your heart says on this one. You’ll be infinitely happier if you do.”

  “I don’t follow,” Liz frowned.

  Reaching across the table, Stella set her hand on top of Liz’s and gave it an encouraging squeeze. “I think you do know what I mean. Just stop overthinking things with him. Let your heart guide you.”

  Liz considered what Stella was saying for a moment. Could it really be possible to shut out the doubts in her head and just focus on letting herself be happy?

  “Okay, I’ll give it a try,” Liz nodded. “But I might need help to talk through some of this later.”

  Stella smiled, withdrawing her hand. “Good deal. I’m always willing to listen if you need someone to talk to. Now let’s get back to work on this menu so you can start working on preparing things for tonight when we open. I’ve gotta get back to the desk here in about an hour to start checking in the weekend crowd.”

  The hour came and went, and now Liz was back full force in the kitchen putting together the things she knew would prepared ahead of time. Cranking up the radio, she bustled about the kitchen like the Energizer Bunny, letting muscle memory take over her actions; chopping veggies, whisking up ice cream mix, tenderizing steaks, and cleaning salmon filets, she truly was in her own element.

  Before she knew it, Jesse was rapping on the back door to the kitchen. “Knock, knock.”

  Liz smiled up at him as he walked over and wrapped her up in a big bear hug. “Hi there.”

  “Just thought I’d come by and see how the little chef is doing in her new kitchen,” Jesse said, winking as he gave her a quick peck on the lips.

  Observing her surroundings, Liz nodded in appreciation at her handywork. Almost everything was prepared for tonight. She just needed to peel some potatoes, cut them up to go in the pot for later, and make up some gravy to go with it. Stella had requested sauteed green beans and mashed potatoes with gravy for the side options tonight.

  “I think I’m doing alright. What time is it? I don’t think I’ve checked the clock since I started cooking at ten o’clock this morning,” Liz asked, rubbing the back of her neck to relieve the little bit of tension in it from her being hunched over while she was cooking.

  “It’s about a quarter to three,” Jesse chuckled as he saw the bewildered look on Liz’s face when he told her the time.

  “Damn, I didn’t realize I’d been in here that long. How about I scrounge up a couple of sandwiches and we can go sit outside while I take a little breather before the dinner rush starts crawling in,” Liz suggested.

  “Better watch out, people might think you’re trying to take me on a second date or something. They might start talking,” Jesse winked at her teasingly.

  “Oh, whatever,” Liz rolled her eyes.

  “I’ll grab the lunch meats and fixins out of the fridge, if you want to grab a loaf of bread. No point in making you make these alone when I’m here and willing to help,” Jesse suggested as he walked over to the refrigerator.

  “Sounds good,” Liz smiled, stretching up on her toes to give him a peck on the cheek.

  She was trying her best to give her heart control of her actions. It was proving not to be too difficult, but she just hoped the little voices of doubt in her head would stay at bay so she could enjoy her break with Jesse.

  They worked in tandem to put together their lunches and after a few minutes, they were seated out in the grass by the creek munching on their food. Liz thought it was nice of Jesse to come by and check on her while she was working. Alex never did anything sweet like that. When they would go out to lunch during the day or to dinner on date nights, he always took her wherever he felt like going. She was finding that the simplest of acts on Jesse’s part were far more romantic than any grand gestures that anyone had done in the movies.

  Finishing her sandwich, Liz looked over at Jesse and smiled. She had been doing that a lot more lately it seemed.

  “What are you smiling about, beautiful?” Jesse asked, leaning back against a stump he was sitting by.

  “Just thinking about how nice the last couple of days have been,” Liz said, grabbing the bag of chips they had brought out with them and snatching a handful from the package.


  “Yeah, I don’t know. It’s just so refreshing to meet someone that seems to be genuinely interested in me, rather than what I can offer them,” Liz explained.

  Jesse frowned, “Why do I feel like that has happened a lot to you?”

  Shrugging, Liz said, “It happens a lot in the dating game. My first and only boyfriend, Alex, cheated on me with my roommate. After that, I tried a few different times to go on dates here in there, but nothing seemed to be real. These guys would be so sweet on the phone or over text, but then we would go out and it was like they felt entitled to what was between my legs if they bought me dinner. It made me feel like they thought I was a different kind of prostitute. I never slept with any of them, but it just made me mad, ya know? It only took a few dates like that to just completely spoil the whole dating scene for me. I accepted that I’d likely be alone for the rest of my life.”

  “To be honest, I thought the same thing before I met you,” Jesse admitted.

  “Why?” Liz asked before popping a chip into her mouth.

  Running a hand through his hair, Jesse sighed, “That’s a tough one. I guess because I travel so much, I figured I would’ve met that one person by now. I mean, I’m thirty-six. Sure I look young and I’ll age well so no one can guess my real age, but most people I know meet their m-, er, person by now. Especially if they wander the way I do. I’m never in one place very long so I assumed that I’d play a gig, look up in a crowded bar, and there she’d be. Turns out all I needed to do was come help Brady with his property.”

  “So you think I’m your one?” Liz wondered out loud.

  That’s really bold. He barely knows me.

  Jesse nodded, “I meant what I said last night. The Fates meant for us to cross paths. That doesn’t mean I’m going to pressure you into moving things quickly here between us either. I just want to take things at your pace and see where it goes from there.”

  “That’s kind of scary,” Liz admitted nervously

  “Then let’s be scared together,” Jesse murmured, leaning in close to touch his lips to hers.

  Liz couldn’t deny the chemistry between the two of them was definitely there. Just like last night, Jesse knew just what to say to calm her nerves and ease her mind. It shouldn’t be this easy but it was.

  Pulling away from their embrace, Liz sighed, “I should probably get back to work. There is still a ton to do before we open tonight.”

  “I’ll let you get back to it then,” Jesse said, pushing himself to his feet before turning to help Liz to hers.

  They walked together to the kitchen door, and Liz turned to tell Jesse goodbye, but he was closer to her than she expected. Backing up against the door, she looked up at him and saw that now familiar flicker of silver in his eyes. Jesse slid a hand under her cheek and guided her mouth to his again. This kiss was more passionate than the sweet kisses they had been sharing over lunch. Each time their lips touched together, the heat grew between them. Feeling empowered by the moment, Liz tangled her tongue with Jesse’s, and in an instant, the little self control that they both had been holding onto faded away.

  Liz could feel his cock straining in his jeans as he pressed his pelvis up against her middle and massaged her breasts with his hands. Excitement pooled between her legs in response to his touch, and their kisses grew deeper. She moaned into Jesse’s mouth as their breathing grew heavier and the need for relief grew stronger between them.

  A rumble in Jesse’s chest only excited Liz more. Sliding her hand to the front of Jesse’s jeans, she gently pressed her palm against the bulge his member was creating. She wanted him; she couldn’t deny that. She wondered how long they could go without falling into bed together. Liz didn’t want to seem easy, but things were only getting more intense between them.

  “I want you,” Jesse growled, nipping at her bottom lip. “I want to make you feel so good that you’ll scream my name again and again, make you orgasm over and over until your body is too tired to go any further, and then have you fall asleep in my arms.”

  Liz moaned as she felt Jesse’s hand slide between her thighs and his palm rest against the sensitive mound there. He didn’t have to have his hands in her pants to make her feel what he was doing. Rubbing his hand back and forth in short, hard thrusts, he worked his hand into a rhythm as she fell into the race to climax. Each thrust was just as delicious as the first. Liz had no idea that even with clothes on, she could feel this good.

  “Come for me, beautiful. Give me your pleasure,” Jesse groaned as though making her orgasm would get him off as well.

  After a few more thrusts of Jesse’s hand, Liz felt herself come undone, her panties soaked and her pants growing damp from the pleasure he had given her. As she moaned out in ecstasy, Jesse covered her mouth with his, swallowing her cries so no one else could hear what they were doing.

  “Fuck, I didn’t think that was even possible,” Liz sighed in pleasure as she leaned up against the door to ride out the final waves of pleasure.’’

  Jesse grinned wickedly, “Neither did I.”

  “You’re gonna get me in trouble, Jesse Matthews,” Liz teased.

  “Only the best kind of trouble, gorgeous,” Jesse winked at her before stooping to kiss her again. “You’d better get back to work. I think I can hear someone coming.”

  Liz sighed, “Okay, you’re probably right.”

  “Don’t you worry. Do a good job tonight at work, and I’ll reward you with more, if you’ll let me,” Jesse said over his shoulder as he walked away.

  Watching him saunter off, Liz shook her head at him. That man was trouble with a capital T. So why did she feel like she looked forward to a repeat show later?

  Chapter Fourteen

  A few weeks had gone by since the restaurant had opened and everything was booming around the camp. Every weekend, they were actually having to turn away campers on Friday and Saturday nights. Even the locals had been driving up to get their hands on Liz’s food, and Jesse couldn’t be more proud of her. She was definitely in her element in the kitchen. Once in a while, Jesse would sit on a stool and watch her bustle around the kitchen, stealing kisses from her when he could, but it was a sight to see, watching her cook.

  Liz didn’t cook the way one’s mother would when in the kitchen trying to just feed her hungry horde of minions, no; with Liz, cooking was like a dance. It was intricate and complex but also light and simple. She moved about the kitchen like nothing in the world could stop her.

  It wasn’t just the camp that was blooming with all of this change either. It was like Liz was finding herself in her success. She spent a lot less time in her head and instead spent more time embracing the budding romance between them. Jesse still had to fight his bear for control so he wouldn’t try to mark her when they were fooling around, but it was proving harder and harder the further things progressed between them. Jesse had lost track of how many cold showers he’d taken throughout the day to keep his urges at bay. He didn’t want to rush Liz, but he’d be lying if he tried to say he didn’t want to bed her something awful.

  They were snuggled up on the couch at Jesse’s place watching a romcom on his flat screen television. Well, less snuggled and more tangled up and making out like a couple of love-struck teenagers. This was how most nights had ended in the passing week. It always started out innocent, then one thing led to another, and they usually ended up on the floor together.

  “Jesse?” Liz murmured sleepily.


  “Would it be okay if I slept over here tonight? I’m too tired to walk back to my place,” Liz asked.

  “Nothing would make me happier, sweets,” Jesse said as he got up to turn the television off. Coming back to the couch, he scooped Liz up and headed for his bedroom. Nudging open the door, he set her down on his gigantic log bed.

  Stepping back from the bed, he took in the sight of her. It felt so good to see her like this. After a moment, Liz stood up and began to slide her pants to the floor.

  “What you doing there, love?” Jesse asked with a little humor laced in his voice.

  “Getting a little more comfortable,” Liz winked. “Would you like to come help me?”

  Jesse crossed back over to her and ran a hand up her now naked thigh, feeling her shiver in excitement under his touch. Reaching around behind her, he slid his hand down around her ass, cupping it firmly before tracing her hips up towards the hem of her shirt. He felt like he was a little boy unwrapping a present that the wrapping paper was too pretty to tear off of it. Taking his time, he tugged her shirt over hips, towards her breasts, then finally pulling it over her head.

  Raking his eyes slowly over her body, Jesse revelled in the sight of his mate. Her curves were soft, her breasts were ample and filling out the purple lace bra she was wearing, and she had legs that could go for days. Damn, he was a lucky son of a bitch. He had felt her body plenty of times before, but Liz had better self control than he did and had been adamant about keeping their clothes on, so this was the first time he had been able to truly enjoy her naked body.

  “Fuck me, you’re so sexy,” Jesse hissed through his teeth.

  Liz squirmed under his gaze, and he could tell she was struggling not to cover herself. His mate was trying to be bold.

  Quickly tugging his shirt over his head and dropping his jeans to the floor, Jesse guided her to the bed. As she leaned back against the mattress, Jesse trailed kisses from her lips, down her jaw to her neck. Nuzzling her there, he smiled to himself as she softly moaned beneath him before kissing further down her chest. Reaching behind her, Jesse undid the clasp to her bra and tossed the garment to the floor with the rest of their clothes.

  Appreciating her breasts, Jesse wrapped his hands around them, tweaking her sensitive nipples between his thumb and index finger, causing her to writhe in pleasure.

  “Jesse,” she moaned, almost begging for more.

  “Shhh, I’m going to make you feel so good, baby, you’ll forget your own name,
” Jesse murmured as he stooped down and covered her nipple with his mouth.

  Her response to him was instant, and his heightened senses picking up on the scent of her excitement. Kissing down her body to between her legs, Jesse tugged her panties down with his teeth before finally sliding them to the floor with his hands.

  Liz quickly covered herself with her hands, saying, “You don’t have to do that.”

  Leaning forward, Jesse kissed her hands before pushing them away and kissing her sensitive mound. “I don’t have to, but I want to, love,” he murmured against her skin.

  “I’ve never…” Liz started.

  “It’s okay, I want to. Once I start, you’ll be begging for more,” Jesse winked up at her before returning his attention to her pussy.


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