Stuff My Stocking

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Stuff My Stocking Page 5

by Blythe Reid

  The woman gave the man a pleading look. “I still like this one best.”

  “Get the one you want.” He put his arm around her.

  “That’s how it usually happens,” Mattie said. “People like the first one they set their heart on, and no others will do.”

  The man kissed his woman’s cheek. “That’s how I feel about her. We’ve been together since the seventh grade. And no other will do.” They shared a giggle.

  “How long have you and your husband been together?” The woman glanced over at me as I took the last few steps to join them.

  Mattie turned around with a wide-eyed look. “Oh, no, we just met.” She gave me a warm smile, and I stepped up as she took the chainsaw from the back of the cart and cranked it up. “I’ll just get your tree cut for you.”

  The woman gave me a shrug. “You would make a handsome couple, if you don’t mind me saying.” She kissed her husband as Mattie revved the chainsaw and put it through the trunk of the chosen tree.

  “I don’t mind a bit.” I watched as Mattie cut off the saw and stood up the six-foot tree. She made me feel like I should be doing something, but she had it under control.

  After the couple paid and left, Mattie went back out and took the saw with her.

  “Do you want some help this time?” I hurried behind her.

  “That would be nice, actually.” She walked over to an odd-shaped, five-foot tree and went to work on shaping it up. When she was done, it still had a few gaps, and it wasn’t the most perfect, but she went to work on the trunk and chopped it down.

  I grabbed the thing and stood it upright. “You have a customer coming in?”

  “No, this is for the house. My grandfather always waited until the best trees sold, and then he’d pick one of the undesirable ones and shape it up for the house. This little thing will be a beauty when I’m finished. You can help if you want.”

  I picked the tree up and carried it up to the house with her. “I’d love to help.”

  “Good, because I don’t want to go up into the attic alone.” She gave me an eerie look and wiggled her fingers at me. “It might be scary.”

  “I’ll protect you. But you should probably lead. You know, since I don’t know the way.” She led me upstairs and to the end of the hall where there was a door that opened up into a narrow hallway.

  “This is the attic access,” she said. “It’s creepy all by itself if you ask me.”

  “I agree. It’s like it’s not made for humans, but more like dwarfs or goblins.” I stayed close on her tail, and she stopped at the top and opened the sliding door.

  “When I was younger, I only came up here with Gramps. He insisted on keeping the Christmas stuff up here out of the way, but I think I’ll take it to the barn this year.” She stopped and rested against a box.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.” She looked up and shrugged it off. “I think it just hit me that this could be my last Christmas here.” She turned and walked over to a stack of boxes that were labeled: Christmas, and then opened up the one on top.

  “I will need this one,” she said, closing it up and handing it off to me. I tucked it under my arm as she checked the next one.

  On the top of the contents was a fuzzy red stocking with white trim and the name Mattie written on it with thick glitter.

  “You’ll need that.” I reached out and took the stocking, but she shook her head and took it right back.

  “Nah, I don’t think I’ll hang it this year. Seems silly when there’s no one around to fill it. Besides, my Gramps always tried to tuck in something special, like my class ring. One year he even stuffed my tuition check in the bottom and packed the rest with Styrofoam snow. Bad idea. Both of us had that stuff stuck to us for the rest of the day, and anytime we’d walk, we left a trail. I’m surprised we ever got it out of the carpet.” She stuck her hand in the stocking and pulled out a tiny, round Styrofoam ball. “See?” She let loose a laugh and tossed the thing back in the box. “Let’s get the rest and bring them down.”

  Once our arms were full, we crept back down the tiny stairs and then the normal ones into the living room. “Where do you want them?” I asked.

  “Well, I’ll bring the tree in from the porch, and then we can stand it over by the window. I have a stand in here somewhere.” She searched the boxes, and I decided to check out a few of the others.

  I opened the last one and found what we needed. “Here it is.” I passed it off to her, and she placed it near the window where she wanted it. “I’ll just go and get the tree.” I walked out and dragged the thing inside, and she smiled at me.

  “It’s nice having some help for a change.”

  “It is nice; I’m glad I can help. I hate I couldn’t help you with the tree cutting, but I’ve never done it before. Maybe you can show me, since you’re such a pro with that saw.”

  “That’s nothing; Hunter cuts down all the big ones. He’s a beast with the saw and even more so with the ax.” She stood the tree up on the stand, and then we both got down and centered it in the stand.

  “I’ll try to remember that,” I said. “You know, since he’s wanting us to get along, maybe we should start warming up to one another.” I leaned in close and brought my lips to hers.

  Chapter 10


  The kiss was soft and languid, and it took my breath away. I pulled back, but only long enough to find my breath, and then I returned to lose it again. He kissed me deep and hard as warmth blossomed in my core.

  He brought his arms around me and held me closer as our mouths continued working. I relaxed against him and cupped his face in my hands.

  A moment later, he pulled away to take off his jacket and then he was right back with me.

  “Let’s get the fire hot again,” I said.

  I’d left a couple of logs lying on the hearth, and I placed them in the fireplace and got them going. Once the heat licked my face, I turned, and he came up behind me and moved my hair off my neck to plant a kiss in the sensitive spot. His hips moved against me, and I could feel his thick erection pressing against my back. He wanted me. I wanted him, too, but my nerves were so on edge, I didn’t know if I should let it happen or not.

  As if he sensed my hesitation, he whispered in my ear. “We’ll take it slow. At your pace, okay?”

  I nodded and tilted my ass up to grind against him through his jeans. His breath hitched, and suddenly, we were face to face and kissing again. As if I couldn’t control myself, I worked the buttons on his shirt and peeled it off his shoulders and down his arms. He pulled me closer still, and my hard nipples were tender against the lacy cup of my bra as they pressed against his chest.

  He dipped his head and kissed the top of my breasts, and then he met my eyes as he undid the top button on my shirt. I helped him along, working from the bottom, and he paused his fingers to work his mouth on me.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said as he pulled the fabric away.

  I reached behind me and unhooked my bra, letting the straps fall down my arms.

  “We can stop whenever you want, but there could be a point of no return, you know.”

  “I know,” I said. I reached down and stroked his length through his jeans, and he hissed through his teeth.

  He met my eyes with a warning look. “That’s not going to make me want to stop, Mattie.”

  “I know that, too.” I smiled and kissed his chest as I flattened a palm against him and he lay back. I moved over him like a stalking cat and dipped my head to kiss his mouth, deep and hard. He was content to let me lead, so I continued to push myself. I could hear Clara’s voice telling me to cut loose, and for once, I was going to take her advice.

  I kissed his stomach and down to his waistband. He hooked a finger beneath my chin and coaxed me back up.

  “You don’t have to do that if you don’t want to. I’d like to make you feel good.” His hand cupped my sex, and I was already so tingly that it made me moan out loudly.

  Tyler groaned. “I had a feeling you’d sound sexy like that. I want to hear that sound some more, Mattie.” His hand moved up and undid my jeans, and he found his way inside them.

  His warm hand cupped my mound, and he met my eyes. “You feel so soft.” He brushed against my trimmed hair and then slipped two fingers into my folds. I moaned out, and he smiled. “That’s right. I want to make you come, Mattie.”

  He pumped his fingers into me and ground his palm against my clit until I felt my release.

  His eyes were so intense, and he was so focused on my pleasure. No one had ever been so sexy to me, and I knew that I could fall for him very easily. This was dangerous ground, but I was feeling adventurous. Cut loose.

  I reached down and gripped his proud, rigid cock, and then I undid his pants and slipped my hands inside to feel his feverish flesh. I wrapped my fingers around his base and began to stroke as he continued to give me pleasure. Soon, we were both moaning, and I found another release.

  I met his eyes. “Are you going to come for me?” I wanted him to, and when I asked, he looked at me with a surprised expression.

  “Is that what you want, Mattie?”

  “I want to taste you.” I kissed his mouth.

  He slipped his tongue deep and mingled it with mine, and then he broke away. “I hate to be greedy, but I want to taste you first.”

  I couldn’t believe the giggle that escaped my throat, and before I knew it, he was down between my legs, and my fingers were in his hair. His slick, wet tongue penetrated my folds and teased my clit.

  “You taste so good, Mattie.” He had me purring and moaning, and I couldn’t help but want more.

  Just when I thought things were about to move to the point of no return, I heard a truck pull up outside. “Oh no!” I looked out the window and hurried to find my shirt as he scrambled to find his.

  He glanced out. “That’s my truck.” He gave me an apologetic look. “I’m afraid they’re here to get the tree.”

  I should have known the moment I’d let myself get carried away, my life would come crashing back to remind me how much responsibility I had. I straightened my clothes and finished with the last button of my shirt as Tyler went out to greet his driver.

  Just like that, our fun was over. My face burned with shame, knowing I’d let myself get carried away. He must have thought I was some dumb and easy country girl.

  I walked out, and about that time, Hunter showed up with Clara. They pulled up and parked outside the office, and when Hunter got out, he went right over to help. Clara joined me at the office door. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.” I looked across the lot, and Tyler looked up and met my eyes. He gave me a wink and a half-hearted smile.

  Clara glanced back and forth between us. “What’s that all about? You two seem to be getting chummy.”

  “What do you mean?” I shot her a narrowed glance.

  “Please, girl. You’re blushing, and you look like you’re in a daze.”

  I lifted a shoulder and frowned. “I have a whole lot on my mind. That’s all.”

  “Are you having regrets about the tree?” Her hand found my back, and she began to rub slow circles.

  “No.” Just about the last hour.

  “You’re out of breath. Did he do something out of line?” She turned and cut him a harsh glare.

  I grabbed her shoulder and got her attention before she burned a hole in him with her laser death stare. “It’s not that. I just really like him, and well, we kissed. I wanted so badly to do more, but then this truck showed up, and it’s put it all into perspective. What if it has for him, too?”

  “Well, he hasn’t stopped looking at you, and I think you’re starting to worry the guy,” Clara said. “Look, so you had a little fun. It’s not that big of a deal. If you want to pursue it further, fine, and if not, that’s fine too. It’s not like he tried to force you, did he?”

  “No, of course not. He told me I could take it at my own pace, and then I practically threw myself at him.” That made Clara giggle, and I gave her a pointed look. “It’s not funny. Now, I’m afraid I put things on a fast track, and I’m not sure if that’s where I wanted it to be.”

  “Well, just take it back down a notch. The important thing is, you know that you’re interested and you want more.”

  “That’s just it, though, Clara. I know I could possibly want more, but for him, it’s just a weekend fling. He’s going to go back to his city life, and I’ll be stuck here, losing my house.” Tears stung my eyes, but I fought them back.

  “I’m sorry, Mattie.” Our heads turned as Hunter cranked the chainsaw in the distance. I couldn’t bear to see the big tree fall, so I went inside and finished decorating my tree.

  Chapter 11


  I had a feeling Mattie wasn’t going to come around to see the tree fall, and it solidified my suspicion that she wasn’t okay with the sale. “Wait,” I said, reaching out for Hunter’s shoulder. “I can’t take that one. Let’s just do that one over there. It’s at least twenty and still a nice shape.”

  The guy smiled. “Are you sure? She really needs the money for the big one.”

  “She can keep the money. I just can’t take the tree. It means something to her, whether she wants to admit it or not. Besides, my sister won’t know the difference.”

  “Sounds good to me. But you get to explain it to her.” He walked over and put the saw to the trunk of the shorter tree. I decided I’d leave the big tree a secret until she noticed.

  When we brought the tree around to the flatbed, Mattie was back outside, but she barely gave it a glance. I was afraid that Hunter’s big grin would give things away.

  Mattie turned to her friend. “I’m going inside.” She went to the house, and Clara followed behind. She hadn’t even noticed.

  Hunter gave me a nudge. “Why didn’t you say something? I don’t think she noticed.”

  “She’ll see it’s still there eventually. Besides, I want it to be a surprise.”

  “You’re an okay guy.” He clapped me on the back and turned around when Clara came out of the house behind us.

  She walked over with her hands on her hips. “She’s taking it harder than she wants to admit.”

  “I had a feeling.” I turned to see the two men getting their ropes ready to tie the thing to the bed.

  Hunter laughed. “It’s not the tree. He took a different one.”

  Clara’s eyes lit up along with a toothy smile. “Then you’ve got to tell her.”

  Hunter shook his head. “No, and you’re not telling her, either. He’s going to handle it.” He put his arm around his girl. These were the people who loved Mattie most, and I was starting to see why.

  “Fine,” she said, but then she looked up at me. “I got a call earlier, and the part for your car should be in tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow?” I didn’t want to leave Mattie that soon. There was so much on my mind, and I couldn’t help but wonder what the two of them would think if I told them my ideas.

  “Yeah,” Clara said. “What’s the matter? You don’t want to leave?” Clara gave me a sweet, knowing smile, and I wondered what Mattie had told her.

  “What’s this about?” Hunter narrowed his eyes, and I waited to see what she had to say.

  “They kissed.”

  Hunter looked at me like he was impressed. “Is that so?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, and look, I’m not trying to play games with her, but could you guys maybe keep my car a day or two longer?”

  “Depends. What am I buying time for? Because if you need it just to get in her pants, I’m—”

  “That’s not it, man. Honestly, I think I have a way to save her house. I’m just trying to think of the best way to bring it up. You said she was touchy about it, so I need time.”

  “Fine, but if she bites your head off and kicks your ass out, I want you to go, no questions. I’ll drive you to a hotel myself.”

  “How are you going to do that?” Cl
ara looked a bit suspicious. “I mean, if you two are getting cozy, you’re not planning to use the house to cozy up to her or vice versa?”

  “No,” I said. “It’s not like that. I promise. I’m interested, but I really think this is the solution she’s been waiting for. What she needs is a backer. Someone to put up the funds, which is me, while she runs and still owns the property.”

  “And what do you get out of this?” Hunter asked.

  “I’d be an investor.” It seemed like an obvious solution.

  “Ah, so you’d get the place if it didn’t work out?” Hunter didn’t seem to like the sound of it already.

  “No, that’s the beauty of it. She couldn’t lose it. I’d hold a stake in it, but I’d also help her manage it and make sure she had everything she needed to open it up as a bed and breakfast. It’s her dream. I think I can help her.”

  “Are you serious?” Clara’s smile was a huge relief. I had hoped the two would go for the idea.

  “Yes, do you think she’ll go for it? It’s not selling it, and she should know the benefits involved.”

  “You have that kind of money?” Hunter asked. Clara gave him a nudge. “What? Anyone can buy a nice car.”

  I waved my hand dismissively. “I’m not sure what her debt is like, which is why I need to talk to her about it first, but yeah, I have money. And I’ve been looking for the right place to invest. This seems like a good opportunity for both of us.”

  “That would be amazing if you could help her,” Clara said. “Hunter and I had thought about seeing if we could do something, but we’re not sure she’d let us. She’s really particular and honestly, quite stubborn when it comes to personal business.”

  I knew exactly how that was and couldn’t blame her one bit. My sister and I had both learned to keep things close to the vest from my father, whether it was business or personal affairs.

  “I’m surprised she hasn’t tried to find investors on her own,” I said. “What with her having a business degree and all.”


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