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by Michelle Hoppe

  Unable to stop the flow of tears, Chantelle lay sprawled on the floor where she'd landed from the force of his slap. Tears ran freely down her cheek and she found herself unable to speak.

  “Pick yourself up, slut, and follow me to my chamber if you know what is best. We will forget this conversation until such time as your master returns and tries to reattach your chain.”

  Still unable to stop the tears, Chantelle spoke in barely a whisper. “Yes, Milord, as you say.” She stood on shaky legs and followed Lord Anthony Hart out of the great hall.

  Chapter 13

  Thomas savored the silence and the gentle curves of the naked body hanging tightly on the wall in front of him. He reached his hand out to stroke her cheek. Trailing his fingers down her face, under her chin, he continued down her neck. At her breast, he made a circle around the areola, and with his finger and thumb pulled the nipple taut.

  He could see the fear in her eyes. She was unable to speak because of the ball clamped between her teeth and strapped to her head. She was at his mercy. Her eyes were her only way to communicate at the moment and in them he read fear. “You have pushed me beyond what is acceptable, lady. Now you will pay the price for your boldness.”

  Thomas picked up a seven-strand whip and lightly brushed it down her body. The goose bumps popped on her skin as the thongs dragged over sensitive flesh. Having reached her lower thigh, he pulled the whip to trace it back along the route until it came to rest on her breast.

  “And now, my defiant lady, it is time you feel the force of my dominance. I'm going to move you to the table. If you fight me in any way, you will regret the decision. Do I make myself clear?” He waited for her to nod her head in understanding. She did not move. There was fear and hate mirrored in her eyes as she stared at a point above his head, her feeble attempt to show defiance.

  The whip landed on her breast. Each strand issuing a sting, causing a scream to soar from deep inside her throat. Little sound passed the ball tightly wedged in her mouth and tears formed in her eyes. “Do I make myself clear?” he questioned again, his voice tight with suppressed rage. Her head nodded up and down.

  Thomas tossed the whip aside and took the transport keypad out of his pocket. Hitting the lock button, the restraints holding her to the wall were suddenly open. He caught her body as it fell forward. Easily taking her into his arms, he carried her to the padded table on the left side of the room and laid her on her stomach.

  The table had an opening for her face to rest in, into which he positioned her head. He pulled her arms up above her head and attached them to the top of the table with a leather wristband. He moved to the bottom of the table to secure her feet. “I'm going to leave you a little slack, Elizabeth, so you can struggle all you like. It is sure to be more pleasurable for me if you do.” Thomas looked at her backside. Her ass cheeks were smooth and firm. His fingers itched to touch every inch of her skin, to stroke the softness to be found there. Punishment was never what he pictured in his mind when he dreamt of Lady Elizabeth.

  Pushing these thoughts from his mind, Thomas picked up a riding crop, slapped it against his palm to let her know he had chosen an instrument of punishment. Taking several other items from the shelf, he moved to the foot of the table.

  “Let the punishment begin.” He spoke to her, knowing she was unable to respond. “When this eve is over, dear lady, you will have no further doubt of who is master and who is slave.”

  Chapter 14

  Anthony was disgusted with himself. He never enjoyed hitting women; he'd slapped Chantelle out of rage over the state of affairs. Why was she being so reluctant to accept the truth of the situation and her new position in the palace? Swearing under his breath, he moved down the hall to his chamber, Wolfe's beautiful slave two paces behind him. He could still hear her gentle sobs.

  He stopped at the door to his chamber, turned to offer his hand to the lady and opened the door. It was customary to allow a woman to enter the chamber first, if she was expected to stay the night. If she was there only as a slave or sex toy, then she would follow her master into the room, many times on her hands and knees.

  Lord Hart wanted no doubt in Chantelle's mind she was here, in his chamber, to stay. “After you, Milady.”

  “Thank you, Milord.”

  Anthony watched the emotions flicker in her eyes in the two seconds it took for her to respond. He knew she was more than a little confused by this change in his manner. The slap in the great hall would never satisfy as punishment for her bold outburst. At least it would never have satisfied with another.

  He followed her into the room closing the door behind him. Moving to her, he quickly took her in his arms and kissed her deeply, his tongue probing over her teeth and cheeks. Wrapping his arms tightly around her waist, he easily lifted her, and slowly carried her to the bed, his lips still locked in the kiss with hers.

  When he felt her legs bump the bed frame, he placed her gently on her feet again and broke the seal of their lips. “Now you may remove my clothing, little one. I will stand naked before you and you may decide if my body pleases you.”

  She did not speak. Her eyes cast at the floor, her hands at her side as she made no attempt to do as he'd asked.

  Moving his finger under her chin, he lifted her face until her eyes looked into his. He noted the questions there and realized he would never get the free and open sex he craved if he didn't take time to allay her doubts.

  “Chantelle, you are a very smart woman. Surely you can understand that not all men want slaves. Actually, there are men, like me, who prefer a partner in bed to a jakara at their feet. I take pleasure in being waited on in the great hall, I enjoy the delight of having a woman draw my bath; these things I can be dominant about. However, when it comes to making love, I don't want a submissive. I have no desire for a slave. I want a woman. I want you to give me as much pleasure as I give you and I don't want to have to issue a command to get it.”

  Looking into her eyes as understanding took over, he was surprised to see her smile. “You are a fraud, Milord.”

  “I disagree, Milady. Here in my chamber, I can be who I truly am. If you are to be my first lady, you must remember this. It will bode ill for you to forget yourself when others are present.”

  “And you truly believe I will no longer be collared to Lord Wolfe?”

  “'Tis not a question of believing, my dear. I know for a fact that Lord Wolfe will release you from his side before the week is over.”

  “How can you be so sure, Milord?”

  “Because, little one, he will be with Lady Elizabeth. You will become my first lady, and Lady Elizabeth will become Lord Wolfe's jakara.”

  “But, Milord, Lady Elizabeth will never give up her freedom.”

  “Never is a very long time, my dear. Before the week is over, they will have come to an agreement and she will be wearing his collar.”

  “I do not believe it, Milord.”

  “Your belief is not required my sweet.”

  Chapter 15

  Elizabeth heard the sound of leather hitting his hand. She knew the pain was about to start. He had her trapped, her arms unable to ward off the whip or crop he planned to use. The fact that he'd left her legs slack did little to assist in this position; she was unable to move more than a few inches one way or the other.

  “You bastard!” she tried to scream. However, no sound could pass the ball between her teeth. She waited for the whipping to start, and was surprised when she felt his fingers pulling her cheeks open and a cold liquid being massaged into her anus. His finger slipped in easily, following the lubricant he was applying. After a few moments, she felt something hard pushing its way inside and she knew he was inserting a butt plug in her ass. It was tight, even with the lube. She could feel it pulling as he pushed it deeper and deeper, until she felt her body shudder as her muscles clamped tight around the hard plastic.

  Giving her only seconds to grow accustomed to the object in her anus, he pulled the plug in and out of
her asshole. She could feel the moisture in her pussy building as he fucked her anus. Her body started to tingle and she felt the wave start to build. Elizabeth took a shallow breath, her mind concluding he had forsaken the punishment. She relaxed into the growing warmth building as her ass muscles adjusted to the plug sliding in and out.

  The small leather lead of the crop hit hard on her delicate skin, bringing her out of a state of pleasure. The sting started at the spot where the leather hit and radiated quickly outward. She could feel the tears flowing freely from her eyes. Her body shook in terror. The butt plug no longer moved in and out: it had been pushed deep and her muscles contracted against it as the next strike landed.

  She had never been whipped before. Not as punishment anyway. In the past, it had always been a game she played. Safe words were used, whips were applied lightly, and the outcome was always pleasure and pain in equal amounts. This was nothing like those times with Anthony.

  God, why did I push him so far? She screamed in her head. I cannot take this type of pain. Her thoughts were cut short by the crop hitting her ass again, the pain twice as searing as the first hits he'd landed. The plug was sucked deep as her muscles fought to contract away from the next blow. Again she tried to speak, to tell him to stop, only to have her tongue stick, her mouth so dry now she felt like she was going to gag.

  As the next forceful whack connected, her mind could take the pain no longer. She felt her body becoming slack against the table, her vision faded, and she felt herself slipping into a deep void. She heard the sound of leather hitting skin, yet she felt nothing. The pain no longer registered in her brain. She was floating away from the fear and hurt, away to a safer place. Giving in to the desire for release from the horror she found herself in, Elizabeth slipped into unconsciousness.

  Chapter 16

  Chantelle was shocked by Anthony's assurance that Wolfe would release her. Thomas had chosen her as his slave the minute she'd arrived at the palace six months ago. He'd told her his plan to take Lady Elizabeth as jakara. However, that didn't mean he would release her. Knights could have up to three slaves if they had the ability to care for them all. Thomas was one of the few knights at Castle Hart to have only one, so it was really not surprising to Chantelle, that after all this time he might wish to take another to his bed.

  It was customary for a knight to send his current slaves to other chambers when a new jakara was acquired. This time allowed the new woman to settle in and become familiar with her master and his ways. Chantelle knew all these things, so when Thomas offered her to Lord Hart, it came as no surprise. She had not, however, expected to be taken back to his chambers, or to be told she would be released. This was all too much for her to absorb at one time.

  Then slowly she realized her new position in the palace and what this meant for her. No longer would she have to crawl on the floor naked. Never again would she have to kneel and greet after seeking permission to do so. As consort to Lord Hart, she would have freedoms given to no other slave.

  Granted she would still be a jakara, but as first lady to Hart, she would be treated differently. He could still demand submission, still offer her body to other men, and yet if she understood his meaning, she would be as a free woman, here in his chambers.

  “Milord, may this girl ask you a question?”

  “Only if you will drop the 'this girl' crap and talk to me as an equal.”

  “With pleasure, Sir.” Chantelle looked into his eyes before continuing and saw a smile in their depths. “If I understand the situation, you want me to assume the position of your first lady, with all the status and rights that title involves.”

  “That is correct.”

  “I will be allowed to wear clothes in the great hall.”


  “And here in your chamber, I am as a free woman. No submissive behavior required? I can tell you what I want, question you, tell you when something pleases me, or displeases me?”

  “As I said earlier, I want a woman in my chambers, not a slave.”

  “What of Lady Elizabeth?”

  “What of her?”

  “I was told you have been with her for two years. That is a long time, Milord. What happens when Wolfe tires of her as he has of me?”

  “Perhaps you still do not grasp the situation here, my dear. Thomas Wolfe is in love with Lady Elizabeth and she is in love with him. I do not know what type of relationship they will have inside of their chamber. However, I can almost guarantee she will be naked, collared, and very submissive the next time you see her.”

  “What if Lord Wolfe chooses to marry the lady?”

  She watched as Anthony laughed deeply. “My God woman, you can't possibly believe Wolfe would marry her. He is knight, through and through.”

  Chantelle thought about this statement for several moments. She couldn't help but doubt Anthony's words; after all, she knew Thomas better than anyone at Castle Hart. Reaching a decision in her own mind, she looked him in the eyes. Standing straight and tall she gave her consent. “I believe I can succeed at this game, Milord,” she smiled. “With pleasure.”

  Chapter 17

  Thomas knew the moment she slipped into the black void of unconsciousness, and tossed the crop aside in aggravation. He felt certain she would remain in the deep faint for a while. He released the restraints holding her to the table and removed the ball gag from her mouth. Pulling the keypad from his pocket and lifting her in his arms, he hit the correct button to transport them safely to his chamber.

  Wolfe carefully laid Lady Elizabeth on the bed, covered her nakedness with a gauzy sheet and sat in a chair close by, to await her awakening. Once again, his mind filled with thoughts of a life outside this secret world, a place where he could take a wife and forever leave this world of male dominance behind.

  Was this really the life he craved? Thomas was beginning to wonder if he truly was a dominant. He enjoyed having Chantelle at his beck and call. However, she was unable to stimulate his mind. Her body was soft and supple, always ready to receive his cock. And yet, he craved more. He wanted an equal, a woman to share his life, his passions, and his future.

  Looking at her barely concealed body, he wanted nothing more then to apologize to her for the treatment he'd given her. This was unacceptable, for a knight. He was dominant, he was in control, and to show weakness would be to diminish his standing in her eyes.

  In his mind, he knew she had rejected his collar, had professed to all assembled that she was free and would never bow to a man. Yet, he still believed this was untrue. He had discovered during his time here in the valley that women wanted to be submissive and men had to rule with an iron fist.

  He thought of Chantelle for a moment. She was a true jakara. She knew her place in this world and expected him to take care of her. Her body was always naked, oiled and ready for his pleasure. He'd never had to whip her as he had Elizabeth. He'd applied his hand to her backside at small transgressions, yet he'd never felt a need to apply the whip.

  Dropping his face into his hands, Thomas ran his fingers through his shoulder length hair. “What a mess you have created for me, Elizabeth.” He spoke in barely audible tones. “All I wanted was to cherish you, make your body sing with mine.” He glanced up into her still closed eyes. “I want to love you, keep you safe and you force me to whip you.” His voice rose in volume. “Damn you, woman! Why did you have to tempt me?”

  He was not expecting her to answer his questions. He knew it would be a while before her mind would allow her to awaken from the safe place it had taken her, away from the pain his whip had delivered, to a warm, soft, place of comfort.

  Sudden tiredness besieged him. He stood and removed his clothes, then, as naked as she; he turned out the lights and climbed into the bed. Reaching for her, he carefully pulled her body into the well of his. Resting his head next to hers, he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 18

  Elizabeth awoke slowly. The only thing certain in her mind was that
she was no longer in the dungeon. Trying hard to remember what day it was, she moved to sit up and the pain hit like a bolt of lightning. Her first scream involuntary, the sudden pain surprising her, the second scream was louder and full of shock as she realized she was not alone in the bed.

  The startled look on Wolfe's face almost made her laugh. Almost. Quickly she pushed herself up from the bed, ignoring the pain in her backside which shot through her with every movement.

  “Be still, woman,” he commanded.

  “Fuck you! You're a brute and I demand you leave my chamber this instant.”

  “Do not make me regret removing the chains, Milady, they are easy enough to reattach. I said be still. If you wish to be awake, do so quietly, as I have yet to finish sleeping.”

  “Oh, you, half-witted clod. If you think I'm going to just sit here calmly while you sleep, you've got another think coming.”


  The memory of the whip, coming back in full force at the angry tenor of his voice, gave her pause. It would not bode well for her to continue this fight, at least not while he was attempting to sleep. Without another word, she turned to sit by the window. Her breath caught in her throat, realization that she was not in her own chamber hitting her quickly. Oh God, I'm in his chamber! This thought was rapidly followed by the comprehension she was still naked.

  Looking around the room, she found a large man's shirt hanging on the back of the door. Taking silent steps, she grabbed the shirt and draped it over her body before turning to see if Wolfe was watching her. His eyes bore into hers.

  “I like your body unclothed. Remove the shirt so that I may gaze on your nakedness.”


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