Autumn's Touch

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Autumn's Touch Page 19

by Elizabeth Rose

  “Well, how do I know if I’ve had any of those thoughts?”

  He laughed again. “Lady Autumn, I find your innocence refreshing and amusing. I assure you, there is naught for you to confess, but I’d be more than willing to change that.”

  Chapter 19

  Autumn found herself doing as Benedict instructed. Later that night when everyone had gone to bed, she knocked softly on his door.

  The door swung open, and Benedict stood there bare-chested and in just a pair of breeches. His hair fell loose around his shoulders, looking disheveled as if he’d been lying down. A gentle fire burned in the hearth lighting up the room in a dim glow. He gripped a goblet of wine in his hand.

  “I had started to think you weren’t going to show,” he mumbled.

  “Oh. I’m sorry if I disturbed your sleep,” she said, thinking he had already retired for the evening by the way he was half-naked. Her gaze dropped to the floor. “I’ll be on my way then.”

  “Nonsense.” He reached out and took her by the arm, pulling her into the room. “I wasn’t sleeping. I was only preparing myself for our next lesson.” He closed and bolted the door. The sound of the bar hold sliding into place made her heart beat faster. What was she thinking coming here unescorted and so late at night? She shouldn’t be in this darkened room all alone with a half-naked man.

  “I really should go.” She turned and tried to leave, but he stepped in front of her, and she barreled right into his broad, naked chest. Her hands went out to catch herself from falling. When she did, her palms ended up pressed against his nakedness. She felt the hard muscle under his skin and also crisp little curls of hair on his chest beneath her fingers. He was very warm even though he was partially naked. Her body heated up immediately from being in this precarious position.

  “You’re not going anywhere yet,” he said, turning her by the shoulders and directing her toward the bed. “I made you a promise and I intend to keep it.”

  “It’s not important,” she said, trying to give him a way out. She started doubting herself and no longer knew if she should stay.

  “Not important?” He looked at her as if he thought she was daft. Then, with his eyes fastened to her, he watched her over the rim of his goblet as he took a drink of wine. “I am lord of Ravenscar and my word is gold. If I say I’m going to do something, my people expect me to carry it through. A lord who makes empty promises, going back on his word, is not a leader of his people and cannot be trusted.”

  “I suppose I hadn’t thought of it in that way,” she said, knowing he was right. “Mayhap, just a short lesson will suffice.”

  “The lesson will be as long as I determine.” He put down his wine and reached out to remove the hood of her cloak that covered her head. Not wanting to be discovered wandering the corridor at night and coming to his room unescorted, she had waited until Nairnie and the children were all asleep. Then she concealed herself under her cloak before venturing out. Thankfully, she had not encountered anyone along the way. She purposely brought her basket of herbs with her. That way, if anyone saw her, she could say she’d been administering healing.

  “Yes, my lord. As long as you determine,” she repeated, showing him respect.

  “What’s this?” he asked, taking her basket from her next. “Were you planning on doing something with your healing herbs or is this an alibi in case you’re spotted sneaking in and out of my chamber in the middle of the night?”

  “I am used to taking it everywhere I go. I suppose I just picked it up without thinking.” She forced a laugh and hoped he’d believe her.

  “Really?” He put the basket down on the table. “And I suppose wearing a cloak and hood inside the castle was done by habit as well?”

  “Oh, all right,” she finally admitted. “I didn’t want anyone to know I was here. It’s not proper of a lady to be doing this.” She spoke softly, so as not to be overheard by a passerby. Her eyes darted back and forth across the empty room.

  He chuckled and removed her cloak, pushing it from her shoulders and letting it drop to the floor, pooling around her feet. “Nay, I suppose it’s not. Then again, I like your curiosity and willingness to learn. That makes you different than most ladies.”

  “What will I be learning today, my lord? I have brought my ribbon.” Her hands went to her hair, but he stopped her.

  “Nay. You will not be blindfolded tonight, my lady. Tonight you will fan your flames of desire by using what you see.”

  “What I see?” she asked, feeling confused. “Do you mean what I feel?”

  “Nay. Have a seat on the bed.”

  “All right.” She turned to sit down but, once again, he stopped her. “Not like that. Like this.” He used his palms to pat his chest.

  “I’m afraid I don’t understand, my lord.”

  “It is easy to fan the flames of desire by not only what you feel but also by what you see. Take off your clothes, Autumn.”

  Her eyes opened wide and she felt as if she couldn’t breathe. “Take off my clothes? Nay!” She crossed her arms over her chest, horrified by the thought.

  “Not all of them,” he told her. “But for this lesson, you will need to be wearing only your shift.”

  “I – I’m not sure about this.”

  “I made you a promise that you’ll still be a virgin when you leave this room. I am not known for breaking my word, and neither do I intend to start now.”

  She thought about the way he had honorably defended keeping his promise to her earlier. During the last lesson, he had every opportunity to ravage her and yet he didn’t. He did seem to be a man of his word.

  “What’s the matter, my little fae?” he asked, reaching out and gently dragging his fingers across her cheek. She tingled at his touch and her eyes closed partially as a shiver of delight ran up her spine. “Don’t you trust me?”

  “Common sense tells me not to trust the dark lord of Ravenscar,” she said aloud. “You have a horrible reputation.”

  “A reputation that I’ve inherited,” he reminded her. “I’m not at all like the late Lord Ravenscar no matter what anyone tells you. Now, do you trust me or not? Because if not, then I see no reason to continue.”

  She felt so alive and excited already just by the sight of him and the feel of his mere caress. The thought of him stopping and sending her away only made her want this more. She was curious and willing to learn. While growing up, she’d never listened to the stories of coupling she’d heard, not even when her mother tried to inform her of what she’d need to know when she someday married. Coupling had scared her ever since she’d come across the stableboy and a servant in the throes of passion one day in the barn. She’d heard the girl crying out and it sounded as if the boy were hurting her. From that day on, she closed her ears and eyes when it came to coupling and convinced herself she wasn’t interested. But things were different now. She was a woman. And ever since the strike of lightning sent a jolt of life through her body, she felt alive and determined, wanting to know everything she’d missed out on through the years.

  “I trust you,” she said softly, seeing the look of approval in his eyes. He nodded slightly.

  “Would you like me to help you disrobe?”

  The thought of it had her senses reeling. She became tied-tongued and couldn’t seem to remember how to speak. Then, without waiting further for her answer, he stepped forward. His eyes interlocked with hers and he dropped down to his knees at her feet.

  “Oh!” she gasped, not sure what he intended to do. He took hold of the bottom of her skirt and ever so slowly, pushed it up little by little. His fingers skimmed over the surface of her legs as he stood, almost pressing his body against hers in the process. His moves were sleek like a cat. She found it exciting and seductive. Her heart thundered in her chest as she anxiously anticipated his next move.

  “Raise your hands over your head,” he cooed into her ear, making her shudder. Obediently, she followed his orders, lifting her hands high in the air. Taffeta rustled as
he pushed her gown higher. Then she felt the cool rush of air up her gown as his hands brushed against the sides of her breasts when he pulled the gown over her head.

  He dropped the gown, letting it fall to the floor behind her. She was left standing in nothing more than her shift, braies, hose, and shoes.

  “Sit on the bed,” he commanded.

  Her body froze and she found herself unable to move. His hands reached out and he pushed her gently on her shoulders, guiding her to a sitting position. Then to her surprise, he hunkered down at her feet again. His eyes never left hers as he removed first one of her shoes and then the other.

  “When does the lesson start?” she asked nervously.

  His deep chuckle rumbled in the air as he threw her shoes aside and then reached out and laid her back on his bed. “It has already begun. The first thing to remember in the art of making love is that it is not always about the destination. Often, the journey to get to your goal is what’s important.”

  “That is odd to hear a man say that,” she remarked. “I have heard that men only care about the ending result.”

  “The ejaculation?” he asked, causing her, once more, to gasp. He was very blunt. “It’s all right to say it aloud, Autumn. You will not burn in the fires of hell for eternity just for saying the word, I assure you. Go ahead. Say it aloud.”

  He challenged her and she liked a challenge. Her life had become too complacent and predictable since she’d moved to Mablethorpe Manor. After hearing about the life of her warrior sister, Spring and also the journey of her sister, Summer, Autumn knew her life was boring.

  “Yes,” she said, feeling very naughty for what she was about to say. “The . . . ejaculation,” she repeated, letting out a deep breath, not believing she’d just spoken the word aloud.

  “See, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” he asked, with a smile that showed his straight, white teeth. “No lightning bolts from God striking you down because you’ve sinned.”

  “That’s not funny,” she told him, not liking the fact he’d implied she’d been struck by lightning in the first place because she’d done something wrong. “Please, just continue with the lesson. If I’m gone too long, Nairnie might wake and notice I’m missing.”

  “We both know that’s not true,” he told her. “The castle could collapse around her and Nairnie would probably sleep right through it. Still, I’ll continue. But first, we need to remove your hose and braies.”

  “My what?” She sprang up to a sitting position, not liking where this was going. “You didn’t tell me I had to remove them, too.”

  “I told you that you needed to be in only your shift. What did you think it meant?”

  Once again, he hadn’t lied. It was her mistake for the way she’d interpreted it.

  Benedict knew he played with fire, but he wanted to show Autumn that she didn’t need to be afraid of coupling. He’d never be able to accomplish that when she wore so many layers of clothes. No longer waiting for her to act, he decided to remove her hose and braies himself. Before she could object, he slipped his hands under her shift to do it for her.

  Autumn stiffened and clamped her legs together. He knew he had to do something fast to make her relax. He leaned over the bed, bringing his mouth to hers. Her eyes closed immediately and she raised her chin. Perfect. He had her right where he wanted her. He slid his hands higher, rounding the luscious curves of her hips. Without needing to look, his fingers nimbly unfastened the knot at her waist. One more kiss and he slowly slid down her braies along with her hose, standing up to remove them and throw them to the floor with the rest of her clothes.

  “I am now only in my shift,” she whispered, closing him off by crossing her arms over her chest.

  The shift was thin and Benedict could see her nipples already peaking from beneath the nearly transparent cloth. He could also see the triangle of fiery-red curls at the juncture of her thighs though she was fully covered. Bid the devil, what was he doing? His manhood hardened beneath his braies when he remembered he’d promised not to make love to her. Now, that was the only thing on his mind.

  “Aye, you are in only your shift but still fully clothed,” he told her. “So, there is no need to be so modest.” He put one knee on the bed and leaned in to bring her arms to her sides gently. He reached down and kissed her lips again, almost feeling heady from her kisses that were sweeter than honeyed mead. The firelight danced against her smooth, pale skin. Her red tresses fanned out over his pillow making her look like Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love. She was beautiful and he wanted her more than he’d ever wanted any woman in his life.

  “What’s next?” she asked, her voice trembling slightly. Her innocence should have pushed him away but, instead, it only pulled him closer. He wanted to be the first man to show her pleasure in bed. Most men didn’t care if their mates were ever pleasured. But he found it a personal challenge to make every woman he bedded, whether she was a servant, a whore, or a noblewoman, feel ecstasy when they were with him.

  “Patience, my dear,” he said, skimming his fingers over her neck and then very lightly over her chest as well. With his next action, he cupped both her mounds in his hands, feeling the heat of her body right through her shift.

  “That is . . . nice,” she said. Since she had been so sheltered her entire life, he thought it might scare her and was surprised by her reaction.

  “That is nothing,” he said, flicking his thumbs over her nipples, making her squirm beneath his touch. He climbed on the bed, straddling her body. As his eyes interlocked with hers, he watched her bright green orbs become even more vivid when he lowered his head to her chest, still cupping her breasts in his palms.

  “What are you going to do?” she asked, her words sounding very breathy. That only managed to excite him more.

  He didn’t answer. Instead, he brought his mouth to one mound, nipping and pulling at her nipple right through the cloth. She squirmed and moaned and closed her eyes. Then he repeated it on the other side, making both nipples stand erect. Her shift was now wet from his mouth and he could see right through it as if she were naked. He mouthed her once more and, this time, her back arched up off the bed.

  “Ooooh,” she cried out. There was no denying the look of passion on her face. He should have stopped there, but couldn’t. He took it even further. His hand slipped under the hem of her shift again. Little by little as he kissed her mouth, his hand traveled closer and closer to her womanly mound. His breathing became labored as the anticipation about drove him from his mind. When the tips of his fingers felt the softness of her nether hair, he thought he was going to explode if he didn’t take her soon.

  He expertly played with her folds and he felt the moistness of her liquid passion. Then, daringly, he slipped one finger inside her and she about shot up off the bed. Her torso lifted toward his hand, pushing his finger deeper.

  “I feel all tingly,” she said. “I also feel something else I can’t explain.”

  “You are coming to life, my dear. Release your inhibitions and let loose. Feel the climb and then the climax.”

  She did let loose and, with it, came her soft whimpers of delight that about drove him from his mind. She surprised him when she climaxed just from his touch, cooing like a pure little dove. That alone was too much for him to handle. She was a virgin and he’d never had a virgin before. He wanted her so desperately that he didn’t know how much longer he could hold back from thrusting his engorged manhood between her innocent folds, making her scream out like a banshee. Damn, this was just too much to take!

  He bolted off the bed so fast that he nearly fell.

  “What are you doing?” she asked in a breathy whisper.

  “It’s time for you to leave now.” He couldn’t even look at her or he’d be mounting her like a buck in mating season.

  “Now?” She sounded so disappointed. “But I just experienced something I have never felt before.” She sat up on the bed and stared at his waist. “Oh, my!”

  “You are
a fetching young lady and I plan to keep my promise,” he said, clenching his teeth as he spoke. “But I warn you, if you don’t leave right now, I’m not sure I will be able to keep my word.”

  “I see,” she said, still staring at the bulge in his braies.

  “Do you?” His eyes traveled up to her face. “You have no idea how badly I want you right now. You’d be best to heed my warning while you still can.”

  She scooted to the edge of the bed and quickly donned her hose and shoes. He bit the inside of his cheek so hard he tasted blood.

  “I had hoped to experience more,” she told him, testing his resolve.

  “Mayhap tomorrow,” was all he said, knowing he could never do this again without going mad from want.

  “Help me with my gown.” She bent over to pick up her gown from the floor and his eyes traveled to her perfectly round buttocks beneath her shift. Bid the devil, what he’d give for just one thrust of his length into her warm, wet cavern. He didn’t want to help her because he couldn’t be that close to the little vixen but, still, he couldn’t deny her request.

  He quickly helped her don her gown, and then she reached over and kissed him once more on the mouth. She was playing with fire and now she was going to see just how hot those flames were. He couldn’t stop himself from pulling her into his arms and kissing her so passionately that he thought he would burst without ever entering her.

  His hands fondled her in the process, his need to feel himself inside her body making him mad. He placed his palms on her buttocks and squeezed her cheeks, pulling her up tight against him. His hardened manhood pressed into her soft stomach and he groaned.

  She pulled away from him and looked down to his groin again. He could see the curiosity in her eyes and wouldn’t deny her one last pleasure before he never became intimate with her again.

  “Have you ever seen a naked man, Autumn?” he asked her.

  Her eyes shot up to his face. “Of course, I have.”

  “Nay. I mean a fully-aroused, naked man.”


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