Africa's World War: Congo, the Rwandan Genocide, and the Making of a Continental Catastrophe

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Africa's World War: Congo, the Rwandan Genocide, and the Making of a Continental Catastrophe Page 74

by Gerard Prunier

  ———. L’heure des rebelles. Arles: Actes Sud, 2007.

  Le Carré, J. The Mission Song. New York: Little, Brown, 2006.

  Leonard, E. Pagan Babies. New York: HarperCollins, 2002.

  Rusesabagina, P. An Ordinary Man. London: Penguin, 2007.

  Sehene, B. Le feu sous la soutane: Un prêtre au cœur du génocide Rwandais. Paris: L’Esprit Frappeur, 2005.

  Tadjo, V. L’ombre d’Imana: Voyage jusqu’au bout du Rwanda. Arles: Actes Sud, 2000.

  Documents Produced by Governments and International, Nongovernmental, Religious, and Political Organizations

  African Centre for Peace and Democracy (ACPD). Bi-yearly Reports on Human Rights Violations in Eastern DRC. Bukavu, DRC. January 2001–.

  African Rights. Rwanda: A Waste of Hope: The United Nations Human Rights Field Operation. March 1995.

  ———. Rwanda: Not So Innocent. When Women Become Killers. August 1995.

  ———. Rwanda, Killing the Evidence: Murders, Attacks, Arrests and Intimidation of Survivors and Witnesses. April 1996.

  ———. Lettre ouverte à Sa Sainteté le Pape Jean-Paul II. May 13, 1998.

  ———. Rwanda: The Insurgency in the Northwest. September 1998.

  ———. Zimbabwe: In the Party’s Interests? June 1999.

  ———. The Cycle of Conflict: Which Way Out in the Kivus? December 2000.

  ———. Left to Die: The Stories of Rwandese Cvivilians Abandoned by UN Troops on 11th April 1994. April 2001.

  ———. Colonel Tharcisse Renzaho: A Soldier in the DRC? October 2001.

  African Union. Rwanda, the Preventable Genocide. Written by the Eminent Personalities Panel led by Q. K. J. Masire. Addis Ababa. IPEP/OAU. July 2000.

  Agir Ici/Survie. France-Zaïre-Congo 1960–1997: Échec aux mercenaires. Paris: L’Harmattan, 1997.

  Allied Democratic Movement. Manifesto. London. January 1995.

  Amnesty International. Reports of Killings and Abductions by the Rwandese Patriotic Army (April–August 1994). October 1994.

  ———. Cases for Appeals. November 1994.

  ———. Arming the Perpetrators of the Genocide. June 1995.

  ———. Burundi: Targeting Students, Teachers and Clerics in the Fight for Supremacy. September 1995.

  ———. Rwanda and Burundi: The Return Home: Rumours and Realities. February 1996.

  ———. Memorandum to the Rwandese Government: Concerns and Recommendations for Fair Trials in Rwanda. March 1996.

  ———. Burundi: Armed Groups Kill without Mercy. June 1996.

  ———. Zaire: Violent Persecution by State and Armed Groups. November 1996.

  ———. Rwanda: Alarming Resurgence of Killings. August 1996.

  ———. Burundi: Leaders Are Changing but Human Rights Abuses Continue Unabated. August 1996.

  ———. Human Rights Overlooked in Mass Repatriation. January 1997.

  ———. Les réfugiés en Afrique droits de l’homme bafoués, réfugiés et personnes déplacées en danger. March 1997.

  ———. Unfair Trials: Justice Denied. April 1997.

  ———. Burundi: Forced Relocations: New Patterns of Human Rights Abuses. July 1997.

  ———. Rwanda: Ending the Silence. September 1997.

  ———. No One Is Talking about It Any More: Appeal Cases. October 1997.

  ———. Open Letter to Governments Hosting Refugees from Burundi, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo: A Call for the Safety and Dignity of Refugees. October 1997.

  ———. Rwanda: Civilians Trapped in Armed Conflict. December 1997.

  ———. Deadly Alliances in Congolese Forests. December 1997.

  ———. Mémorandum au gouvernment burundais sur le projet de loi relatif au génocide et aux crimes contre l’humanité. March 1998.

  ———. Rwanda: The Hidden Violence: Disappearances and Killings Continue. June 1998.

  ———. Burundi: Justice on Trial. August 1998.

  ———. DRC: A Long-Standing Crisis Spinning out of Control. September 1998.

  ———. Response to Criticisms of Amnesty International in the African Rights Report: “Rwanda: Insurgency in the Northwest.” March 1999.

  ———. Republic of Congo: An Old Generation of Leaders in New Carnage. March 1999.

  ———. Burundi: No Respite without Justice. August 1999.

  ———. Rwanda: The Troubled Course of Justice. April 2000.

  ———. DRC: Killing Human Decency. May 2000.

  ———. Burundi: Between Hope and Fear. March 2001.

  ———. DRC: Deadly Conspiracies? March 2001.

  ———. DRC: Rwandese-Controlled East: A Devastating Human Toll. June 2001.

  ———. Burundi: Preparing for Peace. August 2001.

  ———. DRC: Torture: A Weapon of War against Unarmed Civilians. June 2001.

  ———. DRC: Memorandum to the Inter-Congolese Dialogue. November 2001.

  ———. Burundi: Confronting Torture and Impunity. December 2001.

  ———. République Centrafricaine: Réfugiés en fuite, discrimination ethnique et coupables impunis. June 2002.

  ———. Punishing the Population: Reprisal Killings Escalate in Burundi. July 2002.

  ———. Rwanda: Gacaca: Une question de justice. November 2002.

  ———. DRC: Children at War. September 2003.

  ———. DRC: Arming the East. July 2005.

  Article XIX, International Centre against Censorship. Broadcasting Genocide: Censorship, Propaganda and State-Sponsored Violence in Rwanda, 1990–1994. London. October 1996.

  ASADHO. L’Ouganda sacrifie la population civile congolaise. Kinshasa, DRC. February 2001.

  ———. Rapport sur les manœuvres en cours dans l’Est et le Nord-Est de la RDC. ASADHO/DEJA/Justice Plus. Kinshasa, DRC. August 2003.

  Baraza la Kivu. Open Letter to Kumar Rupeshinge, Director of International Alert. Written by Kasangati K. W. Kinyalolo. Montreal. October 1996.

  Caritas Italiana. Goma, citta dei rifugiati. Parma. Edizioni AlfaZeta. 1996.

  Centre for International Policy Studies. Burundi Reports. Written by Jan van Eck. University of Pretoria. 1998.

  ———. Burundi Reports. Written by Jan van Eck. University of Pretoria. 1999.

  ———. Burundi Reports. Written by Jan van Eck. University of Pretoria. 2000.

  ———. Burundi Reports. Written by Jan van Eck. University of Pretoria. 2001.

  Collectif d’Action pour le Développement des Droits de l’Homme (CADDHOM). Yearly Reports. 1999–.

  Collectif des ONG rwandaises au Zaire. Analyse de la situation socio-politique au Rwanda. Bukavu, DRC. July 1994.

  Comité d’Action pour le Développement des Droits de l’Homme. Territoires occupés: La loi de la barbarie et de la mafia. Paris. March 2001.

  Concertation Chrétienne pour l’Afrique Centrale. L’Afrique Centrale intéresset-elle encore la France et ses partenaires européens? Brussels. December 2000.

  Conference for Legal Education and Development in Africa. “Rwanda: Le tribunal pénal international et le droit à la justice.” Paper presented to the 14th Congress of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers. Capetown. March 1996.

  Eglises Protestantes de Suisse. Désarmer les cœurs: Démarche rwandaise pour une réconciliation. Written by Laurien Ntezimana and Modeste Mungwarareba. Lausanne. March 1997.

  Environmental Defense (with the Bank Information Centre). Report of a Trip to the Democratic Republic of Congo. N.p. June 2006.

  Fédération Internationale des Ligues des Droits de l’Homme (FIDH). Vies brisées: Les violences sexuelles lors du génocide rwandais et leurs conséquences. Paris. January 1997.

  ———. Congo-Brazzaville: L’arbitraire de l’état, la terreur des milices. Paris. June 1999.

  Forces de Résistance pour la Démocratie. Plateforme politique. Brussels. March 1996.

��—. Lettre Ouverte à Mr Michel Rocard. Nairobi. December 8, 1997.

  Forum on Early Warning and Early Response. Early Warning and Humanitarian Intervention in Zaire (March to December 1996). Written by Howard Adelman. London. March 1999.

  Font Patriotique Rwandais Inkotanyi. Programme Politique. [Bujumbura, Burundi. 1992].

  Front pour la Démocratie au Burundi. Le chemin de la démocratie au Burundi. Bujumbura, Burundi. September 1991.

  ———. Un apartheid qui ne dit pas son nom. Bujumbura, Burundi. August 1997.

  Global witness. A Rough Trade: The Role of Companies and Governments in the Angolan Conflict. London. [1999].

  ———. A Crude Awakening: The Role of the Oil and Banking Industries in Angola’s Civil War and the Plunder of State Assets. London. [2000].

  ———. Branching Out: Zimbabwe’s Resource Colonialism in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. London. February 2002.

  ———. All the President’s Men: The Devastating Story of Oil and Banking in Angola’s Privatised War. London. 2003.

  ———. Same Old Story: A Background Study on Natural Resources in the DRC. London. June 2004.

  ———. Rush and Ruin: The Devastating Mineral Trade in Southern Katanga, DRC. London. September 2004.

  ———. Reforming the DRC Diamond Sector. London. June 2006.

  ———. Digging in Corruption. London. July 2006.

  Government of Belgium. Rapport de la Commission d’Enquête Parlementaire concernant les évènements du Rwanda. Sous la direction de MM. Mahoux et Verhofstadt. Brussels. December 1997.

  Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Rapport de la commission spéciale chargée d’examiner la validité des conventions à caractère économique et financier concludes pendant les guerres de 1996–1997 et de 1998. [Known as the Luntundula Report, this report is available on the Web but has never been offcially published.] Kinshasa, DRC. June 2005.

  ———. Constitution de la République Démocratique du Congo. Kinshasa, DRC. February 2006.

  ———. Programme du gouvernement (2007–2011). Kinshasa, DRC. February 2007.

  Government of France. La tragédie du Rwanda. By M. Gaud. Paris. Service de la Documentation Française. Dossiers Politiques et Sociaux 752. July 1995.

  ———. Enquête sur la tragédie rwandaise (1990–1994). Paris. French National Assembly Report 1271, coordinated by P. Quilès, P. Brana, and B. Cazeneuve. 4 vols. December 1999.

  Government of Rwanda. Programme de réconciliation nationale, de réhabilitation et de relance économique. Geneva. January 1995.

  ———. Closure of Displaced People’s Camps in Gikongoro. Ministère de la Réhabilitation et de l’Intégration Sociale. April 1995.

  ———. Memorandum on the Economic and Financial Policies of the Government of Rwanda. Kigali. March 1997.

  ———. Post Conflict Rehabilitation: A Framework of Economic Policies, 1997– 1998. Kigali. April 1997.

  ———. Women Parliamentarians and Peace-Building in the Great Lakes Region. The Role of Parliamentarians in Conflict Prevention and Resolution. Kigali. February 1998.

  Groupe d’Action et de Réflexion pour la Démocratie au Congo-Zaïre. Aux sources du “complot rwandais” contre le Congo. Brussels. September 1998.

  Groupe d’Action pour le Développement de la Promotion Sociale. Rapport annuel sur la situation des droits de l’homme dans la Province du Kasai Occidental Kananga, DRC. March 2000–.

  Groupe de Recherche et d’Information sur la Paix et la Sécurité (GRIP). La guerre du Congo-Kinshasa: Analyse d’un conflit et des transferts d’armes vers l’Afrique Centrale. Written by G. Berghezan and F. Nkundabagenzi. Brussels. 1999.

  ———. Qui arme les Maï-Maï? Written by Charles Nasibu Bilali. Brussels. 2004.

  ———. RDC: Ressources naturelles et transferts d’armes. Written by Anne Renauld. Brussels. 2005.

  Groupe Golias. Rwanda: L’honneur perdu de l’Eglise. Written by Christian Terras. Villeurbanne, France: Editions Golias, 1999.

  Groupe Jérémie. La question dite des Banyamulenge. Bukavu, DRC. March 2002.

  Groupe Lotus. Le calvaire des populations rurales: Rapport sur la situation sécuritaire des droits humains à l’intérieur de la Province Orientale. Kisangani, DRC. October 2001.

  ———. Les foyers d’insécurité et de violations des droits de l’homme à Kisangani. Kisangani, DRC. December 2001.

  Human rights watch. Angola: Civilians Devastated by a 15 Years War. New York. February 1991.

  ———. Zaire: Inciting Hatred: Violence against Kasaiens in Shaba. New York. Human Rights Watch Africa. June 1993.

  ———. Angola: Arms Trade and Violations of the Laws of War Since the 1992 Election. New York. Human Rights Watch Africa. 1994.

  ———. Rwanda: A New Catastrophe? Increased International Efforts to Punish Genocide and Prevent Further Bloodshed. New York. Human Rights Watch Africa. December 1994.

  ———. Rwanda/Zaire: Rearming with Impunity; international Support for the Perpetrators of the Rwandan Genocide. Washington, DC. Human Rights Watch Arms Project. May 1995.

  ———. Angola between War and Peace: Arms Trade and Human Rights Abuses Since the Lusaka Protocol. Washington, DC. Human Rights Watch Arms Project. February 1996.

  ———. Forced to Flee: Violence against the Tutsi in Zaire. New York. Human Rights Watch Africa. July 1996.

  ———. Zaire: Transition, War and Human Rights. New York. Human Rights Watch Africa. April 1997.

  ———. Uncertain Course: Transition and Human Rights Violations in the Congo. New York. Human Rights Watch Africa. December 1997.

  ———. Stoking the Fires: Military Assistance and Arms Trafficking in Burundi. Washington, DC. Human Rights Watch Arms Division. December 1997.

  ———. Les civils pris pour cibles: Une guerre civile par personnes interposées au Burundi. Brussels. March 1998.

  ———. DRC: Casualties of War: Civilians, Rule of Law and Democratic Freedoms. New York. February 1999.

  ———. In the Name of Security: Forced Round-Ups of Refugees in Tanzania. New York. Human Rights Watch Africa. July 1999.

  ———. Angola Unravels: The Rise and Fall of the Lusaka Peace Process. New York. Human Rights Watch Africa. September 1999.

  ———. Burundi: Neglecting Justice in Making Peace. New York. March 2000.

  ———. Rwanda: The Search for Security and Human Rights Abuses. New York. April 2000.

  ———. L’Est du Congo dévasté: Civils assassinés et opposants réduits au silence. New York. May 2000.

  ———. Uganda in Eastern DRC: Fuelling Political and Ethnic Strife. New York. March 2001.

  ———. Uprooting the Rural Poor in Rwanda. New York. May 2001.

  ———. “To Protect the People”: The Government-Sponsored “Self-Defence” Program in Burundi. New York. December 2001.

  ———. Rwanda: Observing the Rules of War? New York. December 2001.

  ———. RDC: La guerre dans la guerre: Violence sexuelle contre les femmes et les filles dans l’Est du Congo. New York. June 2002.

  ———. DRC: War Crimes in Kisangani. New York. August 2002.

  ———. Ituri Covered in Blood: Ethnically Targeted Violence in Northeastern DRC. New York. July 2003.

  ———. Seeking Justice: The Prosecution of Sexual Violence in the Congo War. New York. March 2005.

  ———. DRC: The Curse of Gold. New York. April 2005.

  ———. RDC: Attaque contre les civils au Nord Kivu. New York. July 2005.

  ———. Angola Chapters of Human Rights Watch. World Reports. New York. 1998.

  ———. Angola Chapters of Human Rights Watch. World Reports. New York. 1999.

  ———. Angola Chapters of Human Rights Watch. World Reports. New York. 2000.

  Human Rights Watch, in collaboration with FIDH. Commission internationale d’enquête sur les violations des droits de l’homme au Burundi depuis
le 21 octobre 1993. Washington, DC/Paris. July 1994.

  Human Rights Watch, in collaboration with FIDH. What Kabila Is Hiding: Civilian Killings and Impunity in Congo. New York. October 1997.


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