Loving HART

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Loving HART Page 3

by Theresa Hodge

  “Hi,” I reply softly and bite my lip nervously.

  Hart’s eyes go straight to my lips and a hint of something I can’t recognize flares to life in his eyes. Then he looks into my eyes again before speaking. “I saw you walk past my table and I thought you would’ve stopped and spoke to me,” he says with disappointment in his eyes.

  “I saw you had a date and I thought it would be awkward if I interrupted the two of you,” I state with honesty.

  “I don’t care where I’m at, or who I’m with, I want you to always greet me when you see me. Is that understood?”

  I’m shocked by his forwardness, as I stand there mesmerized by the man that Hart has become. His hands squeeze my waist to reaffirm that he means what he says. A sigh of satisfaction escapes my lips. “I understand,” I reply, wanting to say more but, with my hand still gripping his shirt, I’m at a loss of something more meaningful to say. “Ah, I guess I better let you get back to your date. I don’t want to keep my mother waiting either.”

  “I thought that was your mother. You look just like her and you both are stunningly gorgeous,” he compliments me. The way his eyes twinkle with delight lets me know that his compliments are sincere.

  “Thank you,” I say, tearing my gaze away from him and trying to step away but his hands still have my waist deadlocked in an intimate grip. “Enjoy your lunch date,” I say, as a reminder to us both that there is another woman sitting in this restaurant waiting for him to return.

  “Before you go, will you answer just one question for me?” he says, ignoring my statement about his lunch date.

  “I will if I can.”

  “Why haven’t you called me to meet up for coffee?”

  My eyes cast down to the floor. Honestly, I don’t have an answer. It’s not like I didn’t want to see him again. Hell, I’d been struggling with whether or not to call him and set up a coffee date since I saw him. “I guess I’ve been so busy with work,” I finally answer.

  “That’s understandable. I’ve been kicking myself ever since I saw you that night for not getting your phone number. Can I have it now?”

  “You said you had one question,” I jokingly reply as I try to make light of his question and the fact that his hold on me is heating me to my very core. I can’t help but feel oddly awkward that he’s asking for my phone number and he’s already on a date. “Why do you want my phone number if you already have a girlfriend?” My eyes gesture back out to the restaurant, where the strikingly beautiful woman he’s dating is sitting and probably wondering where he is by now.

  He looks uncomfortable for a moment but his eyes never leave mine. “Sabrina and I haven’t been dating for long. I never lied to her and told her that she was the one for me. She knows we aren’t exclusive and that she’s free to date other people, just as I am. I just haven’t found anyone worth my time since I started dating her. And I’ve never really wanted to date anyone else, until I met you again.”

  I release his shirt and quickly and walk off before he can say anything else. Before I turn the corner leading away from the restrooms, I turn around and say, “770-454-7744. That’s my cell.”

  I pass by the table where Hart’s date is sitting. I glance at her briefly to see that she’s busy admiring herself in her compact mirror. I retake my seat at the table with my mother. “I’m sorry I took so long. I took care of the bill while I was gone,” I tell her.

  “No problem, sweetheart. While you were away, I got a call from the hospital. Janice, a co-worker of mine’s, baby is running a fever and she can’t come in and I’m going in to work her shift in just a little bit.”

  “But you work too many hours through the week to be working on a Saturday too. I had planned for us to spend the day together. I wanted us to get mani and pedi together too,” I pout. “Come on, ma. It’s your off day.”

  “I know, but I’ll have to take a raincheck, baby. Next time, lunch is on me. You finished eating?” she asks looking at the half eaten food on my plate. I can tell that she’s ready to leave as soon as possible.

  “Yes,” I answer, having lost my appetite anyway.

  “What are you going to do with the rest of your day?” she asks as we get up to leave the restaurant.

  “I’m not sure. Maybe I’ll rent a movie on Netflix or watch a movie on LMN,” I reply as I look back once at Hart. His eyes meet mine and he’s looking at me as if he wants to exit the restaurant with me. I look away and return my attention to my mother.

  “Okay then. If I get a break, I’ll call you later,” she says and places a kiss on my cheek before getting in her car and taking off. I watch her merge into the traffic before walking over to my car and getting in.

  “Here’s to another Saturday with nothing to do,” I say as I drive down the busy highway towards my apartment building and wonder how long it will take before Hart calls me.

  Chapter 6


  The next morning, I finish up my morning jog and stop to pick up my Sunday newspaper before running up the steps of my seven-bedroom, five-bath, and two-half-bath Devereaux home on Lakefront Drive. The first floor consists of a wraparound deck off the back porch, a great room, foyer, nook, kitchen and the entrance to a four-car garage. Looking around my home, I feel a sudden urge to hear Whitney’s voice. But not before I take a shower and wash away the sweat I worked up from my run.

  I take the stairs two at a time leading up to my master bedroom. Somehow, I’m still on a high from reconnecting with Whitney. I walk leisurely to the shower and adjust my water temperature just right. It doesn’t take the room long to fill with steam as I step under the refreshing spray. I take comfort in the way the water beats against my flesh.

  My mind begins to swirl with thoughts of Whitney standing before me in the shower as naked as the day she was born. My cock hardens instantly at the thought of how she has maintained her gorgeous glow all of these years. She’s even more beautiful than I remember, and I remember her being the best looking girl in our class. What made her beauty run the deepest was that she never once treated me like I was the pimple-faced dork that I was. I’ve loved her spirit for years, and I’ve lived for the moment that I would reconnect with her.

  I take the wash cloth and liberally squeeze Victor Cruz’s Go-to shower gel on it before scrubbing my body in circular movements. The incessant spray of water from the triple rotating showerhead casts me in a mist of heated sexual euphoria as my soapy washcloth finds its way to my hard shaft to give it a firm squeeze. “Mmm,” my head falls back under the spray of water as I begin to slide my hand up and down as I jerk myself off.

  My veins pump with the great flow of blood, the hardness to my cock increases. I can feel the intenseness setting into my hard caress. As the wetness stimulates my swollen gland, I imagine I’m deep inside of Whitney’s slick heat, while she writhes beneath me and claws at my back, leaving her mark. That first wave hits and I know I’ll cum real soon. I ease off a little, letting it thump, pulsate, and dwindle. The urge is still vibrating, but I mustn’t touch it for a few seconds.

  I tease the shaft a little, letting my hand slide further towards my scrotum. My balls jump to the sensation and I relish in the smoothness of how I imagine her snug slit to feel. Carrying my stroke back to the tip, I start to jerk it again, but this time faster…much faster. There’s a long surge running through me, one that won’t stop. It is so damn irresistible. I try not to, but the excitement takes over and the rhythm has me mesmerized. I grit my teeth.

  “Shit,” I grunt out as I spill my seed to mix with the water as it swirls and washes down the drain. The rest dissolves in my hand. I wash it off with soap and get out of the shower. Slipping into a pair of khaki cargo pants and a dark green Gandy tee shirt, I feel rejuvenated.

  I walk over to pick up my cell from the dresser. I scroll through my contacts until I get to Whitney’s name and press “Call.”

  “Hello?” she answers as if she’s been sleeping. My cock springs to life again at the sound of her throaty

  “Hi Whitney. This is Hart. I hope I didn’t call you too early.”

  “No, not at all,” she says. I can hear her moving about as if she’s sitting up in bed. I wonder how she looks first thing in the morning. I wonder if her hair is all tousled or if she wears one of those scarf type things on her head like the women on television.

  “Good. It’s good that I didn’t wake you, that is.”

  “No, you’re fine, Hart.”

  I smile at the way she says my name. “I was wondering…if you’re not doing anything today, would you be interested in having lunch with me? I can throw a couple steaks on the grill and we can either sit around the pool or out on the back deck while we eat. Or, we could go to a restaurant. Wherever you will feel more comfortable.” I can feel myself rambling. I rub the back of my neck to quell my tension for her answer as I hold my breath.

  There’s a moment of silence before she answers. A moment that feels like forever. “I’d really like that, Hart,” she finally says, and she actually sounds pleased to accept my offer.

  “I’m happy to hear that, Whitney.” I release the breath that’s trapped in my lungs and give her my information. “My address is 2144 Lakefront Drive. You take I-75 to the Red Top Mountain Road exit. That will lead you straight here. You’ll see the signs for Lakefront Drive, but if you have any problems, call me,” I say, feeling myself become protective of her in a way that I have never felt for Sabrina. It actually pains me to think of her being lost or stranded.

  “Got it. What time do you want me?” she says, bringing me back to our conversation.

  I want you now, my mind screams out my neediness. I have to adjust my pants for my growing bulge over the implication of her words. Could this woman turn me on anymore? I think, even though rationally I know her words are innocent.

  “Ah, I meant what time do I come for lunch?” she asks again after my lengthy silence.

  “You can come right now,” I answer her honestly. I really can’t wait to have her in my presence again.

  “It’s only eight thirty in the morning. Will eleven thirty be okay?” she laughs as she says this.

  I know this sounds poetic and maybe even a bit sappy. But the sound of her laughter is like dandelions blooming in summertime as it blossoms more and more under a clear blue sky. The sweet tinkling sounds vibrates through my heart, leaving a trail of precious diamonds behind. I can wait a thousand years just to hear her laughter and a thousand more if I could. I delight in being the cause of this mystical sound and will give anything to make her laugh all the days of her life.

  Damn Hart, where are all of these thoughts coming from? I temper myself. I don’t want to come off overly strong because I don’t want to run her away. “Eleven thirty will be great. And like I said, call me if you have any trouble finding the place.”

  “I definitely will, Hart. I’ll load it into my GPS to be on the safe side.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you then, beautiful,” I say before we end the call.

  I turn and walk out of the room and head back downstairs to my kitchen. I have two steaks that need thawing before she gets here. Everything needs to be perfect for the woman I never would’ve guessed in a million years would be coming to my home.

  Chapter 7


  “Hart Strong just asked me to lunch!” Excitement runs rapidly through my body as I say this to my empty room. The sound echoes off the walls, making my lunch date sound even more exciting. I get up out of bed and go over to my closet. I have to find the perfect thing to wear, where I’m classy and definitely sexy.

  The phone rings, jarring me out of my search of the perfect outfit. I look at the caller ID and note that’s it’s Sierra. Wait until I tell her about Hart…

  “Hey, girl. What’s up?” I say with a smile in my voice.

  “I’m just up getting ready to drive to drive to Auburn. I promised mom and pops that I’d come to dinner today. I have to drive back home right after. That’s why I’m getting such an early start.”

  “Be sure to tell them that I send my best regards.”

  “I sure will. What do you have planned for today?”

  “Nothing much,” I smile and sit back against the bed’s headboard.

  “You are so boring. You know that? You should come with me. You can keep me company on my drive back tonight,” she says.

  “Nah, I can’t go,” I say, teasing her.

  “Why can’t you go? You just said that you don’t have any plans.”

  “Oh, I did say that, didn’t I?” I giggle.

  “Whit, what are you laughing at? You’re sounding mighty sneaky and tight lipped right now.”

  “Ha, I’m just messing with you,” I say, unable to hold out any longer. “Guess who just called and invited me to lunch?”

  “Who girl, who?” Sierra asks, sounding like a hooting owl.

  “Hart Strong,” I say in a nonchalant voice, although I’m feeling just the opposite.

  “Not that tall, yum-yum, eat ‘em up white man from the mixer a couple of weeks ago?” she says as more of a question.

  “Ding, ding…you are correct.” I laugh from my own silliness.

  “You must have finally gotten the nerve to call him.”

  “Nope, he just called me a few minutes ago. As a matter of fact, I saw him yesterday when my mother and I went to lunch at Rathburn’s and he asked for my number.”

  “Ooh, I love me some Rathburn’s. But getting back to seeing him at the restaurant, tell me what happened and how did you feel seeing him again? Because you ate him up with your eyes at the mixer.”

  “I did not,” I deny and suddenly I notice how affectionately I’d bit my lip afterwards.

  “Yes, you did, but that’s neither here or there. Just tell me what happened when you saw him again yesterday.”

  “Like I said, I was having dinner with my mother. In walked Hart right by my table with the most strikingly beautiful woman. Girl, she could have just walked off a runway and into Rathburn’s. She sat there with a little bitty salad, barely pecking at it. You should have seen it.”

  “Oh, so he’s into those types, huh?” she questions.

  “I guess so,” I reply, feeling my mood plummet when I think of Hart and his choice for a girlfriend. I definitely didn’t fit into that mold of a woman.

  “But, you said he asked for your phone number. He must not be all that into the woman he was with to do something like that, and while she was in the restaurant too.”

  “I suppose so, but…” I start to speak about him being out with another woman again, but Sierra cuts in.

  “Then he invites you to lunch today. Hmm, I definitely will say he’s into you, Whit.”

  “The way I see it, I’m just going to go and have lunch with someone I used to go to high school with. I’m not going to get my hopes up or try to make it more than what it is. Besides, you know I’m not the one to come in between anyone and their woman. I will respect his relationship,” I say.

  “Is he married?”


  “Well then, what the hell are you talking about? He’s free game. I’d be willing to bet that supermodel lady wouldn’t give you the same respect if the tables were turned,” Sierra says, getting me straight. “Hey Whit, I just checked the time. I got to go, if I want to get ahead of this morning traffic. But I want to hear all about your lunch date tomorrow.”

  “Okay, I doubt I have that much to tell, but I’ll report back tomorrow. Drive safely, sis,” I reply and end the call, after we say our goodbyes.

  I return my attention to my closet in search of something presentable to wear for my first lunch date with Hart. I decide on a white eyelet short top that stops at my midriff and match it with a pair of striped signature laced shorts. I lay out my clothes before walking into the bathroom to take care of my morning rituals, including a much needed steamy shower.

  Chapter 8


  My cell rings just as I merge onto Hart’s
turnoff leading to his home. I’m running about thirty minutes behind schedule because of the traffic. Plus, I needed to stop for gas, since I had forgotten to refill my tank on Friday.

  “Whitney?” Hart’s deep, hypnotizing voice greets me.

  “Yes?” I answer as a tingling feeling starts at my nape and travels down my spine.

  “Where are you?” His voice is calm, but laced with concern.

  “I’m about three minutes away. I’m sorry I didn’t call to let you know I would be a little late. I needed gas,” I explain.

  “No problem, I just want to make sure you’re not lost and in need of my help.”

  “You’re sweet, I appreciate your concern. But no, everything is fine. I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

  “I can’t wait to see you again,” he says before disconnecting the call.

  Nervousness threatens to creep up my spine, when I pass a mailbox with Hart’s address on it. I’m really about to drive up Hart Martin’s driveway, I think as I turn onto the long, winding pavement leading up to his house. Hart is standing on his front steps waiting for me.

  Oh, just look at him standing there looking all sexy and whatnot. What the hell am I thinking coming to his house the first time he asks me out? My thoughts run rapid as I emerge nervously from my car.

  “Hello, Whitney,” he greets me with a big smile on his face.

  “Hi,” I return with an uneasy smile.

  “Please, don’t be nervous. This may seem unorthodox for a first time lunch dates, but you aren’t a stranger to me, even if it’s been years since we saw one another. I promise I’m not a serial killer, rapist or any of those other things. Besides, I have a nosy, older neighbor that’s watching us like a hawk right now. If you’ll slowly turn around you’ll see that she’s pretending to water her lawn, even though she has someone to do that for her.”

  I slowly turn around and sure enough a little old lady with slightly stooped shoulders and graying hair is looking in our direction.

  “Trust me, she’ll be looking out of her window all day to see what time you leave,” he says with a teasing tone to his voice. I feel his breath on my shoulder, when he yells, “Hello, Ms. Beasley. How are you this afternoon?”


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