The Taming (The Black Thunder Series)

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The Taming (The Black Thunder Series) Page 6

by West, Cary

  “Now hold on and I’ll walk you around the ring.” He grabbed the reigns and escorted Kate on top of the horse around the perimeter of the corral. “You can touch her if you want. She won’t bite.”

  Kate leaned forward and ran her hand along the animal’s neck. It was soft but also coarse, the hair tickling her palms.

  “This here’s Sadie Mae,” he stated looking up at the pretty woman astride the horse.

  “Hello Sadie Mae,” Kate continued to stroke the animal. The horse turned her head toward her, whinnied, and then showed her teeth. Kate quickly moved her hand away while Dustin and Tony laughed. He guided the animal back toward the fence and stopped it beside Dustin.

  “Are you both trail guides?”

  “On occasion,” said Dustin.

  “Mostly we’re horse trainers,” added Tony.

  “I’m the housekeeper,” she frowned. “Actually, I was hired to clean the bunkhouses, but somehow I got roped into cleaning the main house.”

  “Oh, you’ve been roped all right,” said Tony.

  Just then Dustin saw his employer. He didn’t look happy, and he was heading straight toward them. “And speaking of roping,” Dustin said as Jack opened the gate to the corral. “Here he comes now.”

  Jack marched alongside the horse Kate was sitting on and Tony stepped back.

  “Kate, get down from that horse now,” he commanded as he reached up and practically flung her from the horse and into his arms. Jack set her on her feet beside him. He seemed angry, really angry, and Kate didn’t know why.

  “Don’t you two have work to do?” he growled. “I ain’t paying you to slack off. Now get to work.”

  “Yes sir,” they mumbled, jumping at his command. Dustin climbed off his steed and led him out of the corral with Tony close behind him.

  “Thanks for the ride boys,” Kate called out to them.

  They turned and looked at Kate, then at Jack and thought it best not to answer. Kate glared at Jack. He was back to his normal self again.

  “Jack, they didn’t mean any harm,” she said trying to defend them. “They were just being friendly.”

  “It’s the friendly part I don’t like.” He glared at her. “I’m not paying you to wiggle that sweet little ass of yours and flirt with my ranch hands. You’re here for one thing and one thing only, and that’s to tend to me. You got that Barbie doll?”

  Kate’s jaw dropped open and she didn’t know what to say. Never had an employer spoken to her in such a rude manner before.

  “Close your mouth baby, before someone gets the notion to poke something in it,” he said with a snide grin, as he lifted up her jaw and sealed her lips shut.

  Jack paid no heed as Kate turned beet red. With a stride brimming arrogance, he headed for the gate. He paused and turned to look at her. “You going to stand around all morning or are you going to get to work?” He spoke with such abruptness once more Kate was taken aback.

  She quickly gathered her thoughts, as her feet seemed to miraculously move on their own. “At your service, Mr. McBride,” she said through gritted teeth, as she walked past him.

  “Not yet Barbie doll, but we’re working on it,” said Jack loudly.

  Kate ignored him and headed for the main house. To her relief, he didn’t follow. She looked over her shoulder and saw him heading south on the ranch.

  She entered the house and went straight to the kitchen. Her nerves were more than rattled by her latest encounter with Jack McBride. Everything about that man oozed intimidation. Why did she get the feeling she just been run over by a locomotive?

  She couldn’t figure him out. One minute he was kind and gentle, and the next he was the most arrogant demanding man she’d ever met. She was exhausted keeping up with his mood swings.

  For the remainder of the day, Kate tried to stay out of Jack McBride’s way though he made it difficult. He scrutinized her every move, instructing her on the proper way to clean. He even went so far as to complain about her cooking at lunch.

  No one ever complained about her cooking. It was the one thing she knew she did well, though she hated to admit that she was finding it difficult to juggle the cleaning and cooking at the same time.

  Kate went to work preparing dinner. For some reason she wanted to prove to him that she wasn’t just another pretty face who didn’t know a thing about hard work. He may have criticized her cleaning, but there was no way she would let him criticize her cooking. She would show him exactly what she was made of.

  She felt most at home in the kitchen aside from the classroom. It was the one thing her ex could never find fault with as Kate always managed to whip up something extraordinary. Tonight, she set her sights high, making a succulent meal that would boast approval even from that cowboy’s palate.

  The atmosphere would have to be perfect and Kate decorated the dining room table to coordinate with the meal. She knew the perfect choice of wine to serve alongside the beef tips with mushrooms; a red Burgundy that she bought on one of her trips to Napa Valley.

  She ran back to the carriage house and retrieved it along with a cork screw, highly doubting Jack would have anything except an ordinary bottle opener for beer. It grated on her nerves that she was sharing such a pricey bottle of wine on this two-bit cowboy, but the thought of showing him up was worth it. She gave a final touch of elegance by placing two candles in the center of the table.

  Kate lit the candles when she heard the front door open. She quickly stepped back and leaned in the doorway between the dining room and the kitchen as Jack entered through the foyer. He walked straight past her and entered the kitchen, pausing at the sink to wash his hands.

  “I’m starved,” he said lathering his hands with soap. “I hope you didn’t make another casserole like last night.”

  “You know I wasn’t feeling well yesterday. So I thought tonight I could show you that I really am an excellent cook,” said Kate as she lifted her head with pride. “Dinner is almost ready so why don’t you have a seat at the dining room table.”

  “I usually eat in the kitchen.” Jack rinsed his hands and dried them on a towel.

  “Well tonight, you’re eating in the dining room,” said Kate gritting her teeth behind the fake smile.

  Jack passed by her and grinned. Kate retrieved the walnut and strawberry salad from the fridge and walked into the dining room. She placed one in front of Jack and the other across the table.

  “You’re eating with me, right?” He looked up at her questioningly.

  “I wouldn’t miss this for the world.” She sat across from him.

  Jack looked down at his plate and made a face. “What’s this?” he said separating the strawberries from the greens with his finger.

  “It’s a gourmet salad,” she said with pride. “Drizzle some of the raspberry dressing over it.”

  “Kind of fancy don’t you think?” he said as he finally took in his surroundings seeing the candles and linens displayed like something from a fancy restaurant. “I usually just have a plain old salad with ranch dressing.”

  “Just try it,” she said. “You may be pleasantly surprised.”

  Jack picked up the silver dish filled with red liquid and poured it over his salad. He handed it to Kate who drizzled a thin line over hers. She waited for him to take a bite before tasting her own.

  “Not bad,” said Jack as he took another bite. “The dressings a little sweet, but it’ll do.”

  Kate watched him inhale it finishing it before she had time to take three bites. “What’s next?” he asked as he sat back in his seat.

  “Help yourself to the rolls.” She pointed to the basket in the middle of the table as she stood. “I’ll be back with the main course.”

  Jack took two rolls and slathered them with butter while he waited for Kate to return. She entered the dining room carting two elegantly garnished plates. She set one by Jack and the other by her own place.

  “I brought over a bottle of Burgundy red.” She picked up the bottle she opened ea
rlier so it could breathe. “It goes perfect with the meal.” Kate poured Jack a glass and then herself.

  “Red wine with beef, huh?” he gave her an odd look.

  “I take it you’re not much of a connoisseur when it comes to wine and gourmet cuisine,” stated Kate with a satisfied smile knowing she got one up on him. “You’re probably more of a beer and whisky man, right?” Her words were laced with sarcasm.

  Jack picked up his glass and twirled the liquid around. He brought it to his nose and let the fragrant smell lift through his nostrils before taking a sip.

  “Not a bad bouquet,” he smiled as he took another drink. “How long did you let it rest before serving it?”

  “About twenty minutes,” she said as she arched her brow.

  “It was a good choice,” he grinned. “Next time you might want to look at my wine collection that I keep stored in the study.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” she frowned as she picked up her fork and began to eat to avoid his glib smile.

  “Not too shabby for a Nevada boy, huh Kate,” he laughed.

  “Just be quiet and eat your meal,” she grumbled.

  Jack picked up his fork and began to eat. “Wow, this is really good,” he exclaimed. “A fellow could get use to food like this.”

  “Thanks,” said Kate as a small smile formed on her face.

  “You should smile more often,” said Jack as his eyes settled around her pretty pink lips. His gaze lifted as he studied that cute button nose of hers sprinkled with freckles.

  Her eyes were candescent blue as the reflection of the candles flame flickered against them. Jack felt a twinge in his gut while he lifted his wine to his mouth and drank.

  Kate felt his stare, looking out over the rim of his glass. Their eyes met for only a moment before she looked down at her plate and continued to eat. Jack did the same, but not before picking up the bottle and refilling their wine glasses. It was rather awkward, both taking intermittent glances when the other wasn’t looking.

  “So, why a teacher?” Jack broke the silence.

  “I beg your pardon?” she said suddenly aware that he was speaking and it jolted her back from the thoughts running wild in her head.

  “Why teaching?” he asked again. “I mean you’re a hell of a cook. You could do that full time. I wouldn’t mind.”

  “Cooking is more of a hobby for me,” she smiled taking the compliment. “But education is my passion.” His ears perked wondering what else she was passionate about. “It’s kind of like a calling for me,” she continued.

  “A calling to teach?” he didn’t understand. “You didn’t have no divine revelation did you?”

  “No,” she laughed and he breathed a sigh of relief. “I’ve wanted to teach for as long as I can remember. Education is important and I like the idea of opening a door to a child’s mind. It gives me a sense of fulfillment.”

  “You like kids, I take it?” he asked as he continued to eat.

  “I love children.” He thought he saw something rush past her blue eyes but then it was gone as she looked down at her plate. “Don’t you?”

  “I guess so,” he shrugged. “As long as they’re not my own. I’m extremely careful not to have a little Jack showing up at my door.” Her eyes lifted and saw a sly grin form at the corners of his mouth while his green eyes twinkled with a humorous glow.

  “I’m sure you are,” Kate couldn’t help but laugh and he liked the cute little sound that escaped her lips. It was a soft laugh and it suited her. He wished he could hear it again. What was it about Kate Harris that made him want more? Right about now he wanted much more.

  “So Clara tells me you’re a nice girl,” said Jack as his focus was now resting by the tan tank shirt that showed not as much cleavage as he would have liked. “Are you a nice girl?”

  “If you’re implying what I think you’re implying then yes, I am a nice girl,” she stated.

  “No room for negotiation, baby?” he asked as he leaned back in his chair and sipped on his wine since he was done eating. “I mean you went to a lot of trouble to make for quite an enjoyable evening, seeing the candlelight, the wine and good food. The least I could do is finish it off with a little enjoyment for you.”

  “Don’t read anything into this,” she laughed. “I just needed you to know I am a good cook. Besides, Clara has warned me to stay away from you.”

  “She’s probably right, if you really are as nice of a girl as you proclaim to be,” he chuckled. “I’d be downright dangerous, but I’d give you a hell of a ride.”

  Kate almost choked on her wine. “Pretty sure of yourself, aren’t you?”

  “I’ve never heard a woman complain,” he grinned at her.

  “At least not to your face,” she said under her breath.

  “You’re quick Barbie doll,” said Jack in an appreciative tone. “I like that.”

  “I really hate when you call me that,” she scowled.

  “I know,” he grinned and leaned his elbows on the table. “That’s why I say it.”

  “Humph.” Kate sat back in her chair and sipped on her wine.

  “I like seeing you get all wound up,” he said as he watched her lips touch the glass. “I got me a feeling if I got you riled up enough you’d lose that nice girl attitude fast.”

  “I doubt it,” she saw a gleam in his eye.

  “I think you’re lying to me again, Kate,” he toyed with her. “I think you’re itching for me to take that sweet ass of yours and make it wiggle beneath me.”

  This time she choked on her wine. “Are you ready for dessert?” She asked, feeling her cheeks flush a slight pink.

  “You have no idea how ready I am.” He grinned and watched her jump from her seat, grab their plates, and then scurry into the kitchen.

  Jack pushed his chair back and stood. He liked that he unnerved her. He followed her into the kitchen and watched her place their dishes in the sink. He leaned on the counter, bridging the gap, watching Kate fumble with the pot holder, sliding it over her hand as she reached into the oven and pulled out a tray.

  “What’s that?” he breathed on her.

  “Crème brûleé,” Kate mumbled as she looked up and saw his eyes change to a steamy dark green.

  Her head began to spin from either too much wine or his close proximity. Either way Kate felt like melting into a befuddled puddle on to the ground. She placed the tray on top of the stove and without thinking went to lift the hot delicacy on to a plate burning her finger in the process.

  “Oh shit!” she exclaimed as she dropped the dish and grabbed her finger.

  “Here, let me take a look,” said Jack as he reached for her injured fingertip and saw the trail of redness against her flesh. “Let’s run some cold water on it.”

  He acted quickly, turning on the water by the sink and pushing her finger under the cold force, holding tightly.

  Kate glanced at his strong hands, wrapped around her own, keeping her positioned beneath the running water. It felt so ruggedly male, him taking charge, and she felt so utterly female submitting to his need to care for her, rescue her in that old fashioned cowboy sort of way; just like in the movies when the gunslinger freed the heroine from the train tracks… except it was probably Jack that tied her up there to begin with. Her eyes bugged bright blue at the realization.

  “I think it’s okay?” She tried to pull away.

  “I’ll be the judge of that,” he said in his usual overbearing tone as he continued his hold over her.

  Kate blinked blue mixing with a sea of steaming green. Jack removed her hand from the rushing water and looked at her burn. “Is it stinging?” he asked in a sultry voice.

  Kate couldn’t speak. All she could do was nod. Jack placed a gentle kiss on her finger then covered it with his mouth, removing the droplets of water and replacing it with his own.

  The burning ceased on her finger, and began on her cheeks, working its way down lower through her belly. Jack never took his eyes from her watching he
r full breasts rise and fall in rapid succession with each breath.

  At that moment he wanted her more than anything he had ever wanted before in his life. Her skin was soft as his dream, her eyes a slumbering blue that any man could get lost in. She was swallowing him whole, and he liked the feeling of being consumed by her very presence.

  His mouth tingled by the feel of her flesh as he suckled her finger wet again with the moisture from his own lips.

  “It’s better now,” she whispered and he slowly removed her finger from his mouth.

  This time she used the pot holder when she placed the hot dish onto the cooled plate. Jack stepped in locking her between the stove and his body, resting his chest on her back. He swept her sun-bleached hair to the side, exposing her sweet little ear. He couldn’t help himself as he reached out and played with the tiny green gem piercing her lobe.

  “I think you’re pretty, Kate,” he breathed against her neck and she felt a hot tingle ripple down.

  “Thanks,” she mumbled, growing more unsettled by the minute.

  Kate was way out of practice, and out of her league with this one. It had been five years of marriage and two years before as a couple. She didn’t know how to date anymore, but Jack wasn’t looking for a date.

  It would be so easy giving in to his carnal invitation, feel his strong arms wrapped around her and get caught up in a lover’s embrace. God she wished she could just let go and experience it for once in her life.

  But Jack wasn’t the man to give in to. She had a feeling he could swallow her whole, and all she would be left with was a memory of remorse when it was over and he moved on to someone else. Kate needed distance before she did something she might regret.

  Jack saw the shiver run down her neck. He decided to push it a little further hoping she would fall. He leaned over and placed a trail of light kisses to her neck.

  “Don’t,” she whispered as she leaned her head away nudging him with her shoulder.

  Jack didn’t want to stop. His head was already swimming in the smell of her sweet perfume and the touch of her soft skin. “Do you have any idea what you’re doing to me?” he practically groaned in her ear. “I can’t think straight when I’m around you.”


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