The Taming (The Black Thunder Series)

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The Taming (The Black Thunder Series) Page 10

by West, Cary

  Jack was done playing. Her lips may be saying wait, but her body was begging for him to take her. He was so ready to taste that sweet mouth of hers and devour her until all she could do was moan. He wanted to hear her moans, needed to feel her release as well as his own. It was all there for him to take, and by God he was going to take her now.

  But once more his plans were interrupted when he heard the front door open and a loud male voice shout.

  “Jack, we got trouble!”

  Jack lifted his head and saw his ranch hand Dustin nervously standing in the door frame.

  “This better be an emergency or your ass is so canned,” he growled waiting to hear the boy’s explanation before exposing Kate.

  “The black stallion and his herd broke through the north fence,” stated Dustin. “They got another one of your mares.”

  “Shit!” exclaimed Jack as he jumped to his feet.

  Kate never saw a man dress so fast. She sat up and placed a pillow in front of her seeing Dustin grow uncomfortable by her partial exposure.

  “Let’s go,” shouted Jack as he and Dustin raced out the door.

  Jack paused at the door and looked at Kate. “Don’t go anywhere,” he stated his command rather abruptly. “I’m not finished with you yet.”

  With that Jack left heading for the north fence to stop the black stallion from stealing any more of his mares.


  State Your Intentions

  It was evening by the time Jack made it back to the carriage house. The house was dark and Kate’s car was not parked outside. He took out his cell phone and called her, but it went straight to voice mail. He waited for a while sitting on her porch steps, then gave up and went home.

  He was exhausted and in a foul mood. It was bad enough that the damn black stallion busted his fence and stole one of his mares, but he was more annoyed at Kate for not staying put like he told her to do.

  He tossed and turned all night, dreaming of her while he slept briefly and thinking about her while he lay awake. By the time morning came he was tired and downright ornery. Kate strolled in just as he was leaving the house.

  “Morning, Jack.” She gave a courteous nod and headed into the kitchen.

  “Where were you last night?” he growled as he followed behind her.

  “I was home.” Kate went to the supply closet and retrieved what she needed to start cleaning.

  “I went to your place but your car wasn’t there, and there were no lights on in the house.”

  “Oh, Tony washed my car for me. He must have left it by the shop,” she said as if it were nothing. “And I went to bed early.”

  “I don’t want Tony washing your car or doing anything for you,” he said feeling overtly protective of what was his. “You got that?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous.” She shrugged him off.

  “And the next time I call you, answer your damn phone,” he chastised her.

  “Sorry. I turned off my phone.” Kate walked by him and headed for the living room.

  “I know what you’re doing,” Jack growled following after her. “And it’s not going to work.”

  “What am I doing?” she asked as she tilted her head and gave him a smile.

  “Oh baby, if I had the time this morning I’d take that sweet ass of yours and put it over my knee,” said Jack totally frustrated. “But unfortunately I have a meeting in Carson City that I can’t be late for.”

  “Well don’t let me stop you.”

  The muscle on his cheek twitched watching her bend over and remove the magazines from the coffee table before polishing it. He had a moment’s thought to forget the meeting altogether and take that bent rounded bottom of hers over his knee anyway just for spite. His eyes burned with fire seeing her acting so coy. He reeled in his emotions and a slow devious smile crossed his face.

  “Before I go, I made up a list of things I need done around the house today,” said Jack as he pulled out a sheet from the pocket of his jeans and handed it to Kate.

  Kate set the can of polish down and read the long list. Her eyes slanted into two blue slits and her jaw tightened into a frown. “You’ve got to be kidding me, right?” She glared up at him.

  “It’ll keep you busy and out of trouble until I get back,” he stated with a satisfied half smile.

  “You’re punishing me for not being at your beck and call last night.” Her temper flared.

  “It’s the furthest thing from my mind,” said Jack as his spirits lifted a little. “Now be a good girl while I’m gone and answer your damn phone the next time I call.” Jack didn’t wait for Kate to respond as his boots clicked on the wooden floor and he headed out the door.

  Kate released a screech and crumbled his list into a ball then threw it at the door. For the rest of the day she cleaned, cooked, and performed every chore on his blasted list just so he couldn’t accuse her of slacking off.

  It continued that way for the next several days, Jack keeping her too busy to have time for anything else and Kate refusing to buckle to his demands.

  The pleasantries ceased and it seemed like it was all out war. By the end of the week Kate was exhausted and Jack was in the worst mood of his life. If he heard her snap at him one more time saying, don’t talk to me, Jack or stay away from me, Jack he was going to do more than just bend her over his knee, and Kate thought if he gave her one more list she was going to throw him in one of the abandoned mine shafts and leave him for dead.

  Kate was having second thoughts and ready to give up altogether. The tension between them was too great and it was taking its toll on her. She moved out here to find space, not to be crowded and barreled over by this out of control cowboy. She called Clara and told her she made a mistake moving to Virginia City and she was considering moving back to Santa Cruz.

  “I don’t know what’s going on between Kate and Jack, but it ain’t good,” Clara told her husband Adam. “Kate’s my friend and I don’t want her leaving. There’s nothing but bad memories for her in Santa Cruz. I think you need to go over there and knock some sense into Jack McBride and set him straight where Kate is concerned.”

  “I guess I should since I’m the one who got Kate the job in the first place,” said Adam. “Don’t worry darling, I’ll take care of it. Kate’s not going anywhere.”

  After lunch Adam headed over to the ranch. He parked behind Jack’s truck. He spotted Kate talking with two of the ranch hands and walked over. Kate looked up and saw the tall lean man with shaggy dark hair and wire-rimmed glasses sprawled on his long nose and a welcome smile darned her face.

  “Hello stranger,” he greeted her with a huge hug.

  “Adam, what are you doing here?” Kate wrapped her arms around him and squeezed. “Where’s Clara?”

  “She’s home. I happened to be in the neighborhood so I decided to swing by and see how you are doing.”

  “Clara sent you to check up on me.” She gave him a slanted look.

  “She’s worried, and so am I,” he said with concern in his voice. “Where’s Jack?”

  “Who knows, and let’s keep it that way,” she said with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

  “You two aren’t getting along?”

  “That’s an understatement,” interjected Tony. “They scrap like cats and dogs.”

  “He is the most arrogant, overbearing ass I have ever met,” exclaimed Kate. Just thinking about him made her blood boil.

  “That bad, huh?” Adam grinned in spite of the situation.

  “Oh, he’s not so bad,” said Dustin putting his two cents in. “He’s very protective where Kate is concerned.”

  “Jack McBride protective?” Adam looked confused. The two never fit in the same sentence together.

  “Sometimes he’s a little over the top,” said Tony now being a little protective of her himself.

  “Over the top is putting it mildly,” Kate frowned. “He is out of control Adam.”

  Adam put his arm around her waist. “Is he bothering you honey?�
� He studied her face.

  Kate didn’t want to say any more around Dustin and Tony and Adam sensed her apprehension. “Say, I could sure use a glass of tea to quench my thirst. What do you say you and me take a walk back to your place?”

  “All right,” said Kate. “See you later boys.” Arm and arm, they walked to the carriage house leaving Tony and Dustin to tend to their afternoon chores.

  “So, tell me what’s really going on,” Adam asked when they were out of ear shot from the hired hands.

  “It’s complicated,” sighed Kate. She didn’t know where to begin. Adam stopped walking and looked at her.

  “You’ve fallen for him, haven’t you Kate?” He was concerned.

  “Yeah, I guess I have,” she finally admitted. “But it makes no difference. Jack isn’t the kind of man I want to get involved with.”

  “No, he’s not that kind of man, honey. He’s not much for commitment, never has, and I suspect never will.” Adam was feeling guilty. “I’m sorry I got you into this.”

  “Oh Adam, what am I going to do?”

  She looked up at him and he saw pooled blue tears well up in her eyes. Adam folded his arms around her and held her close as she started to cry. “I’ll have a talk with him,” he consoled her. “In the meantime, maybe I should start looking for another place for you to live.”

  “What about work?” she said through muffled sobs.

  “Well, you should be teaching by the fall,” he answered. “We just need to figure out something to do until then.”

  “That is if I get the teaching job,” Kate said with worry in her voice as the sobs subsided. “They still haven’t called me for an interview.”

  “They will,” he assured her. “I spoke to Mitzy today and she tells me you are on the top of their list. They should be calling you any day now.”

  “Yes, but what am I going to do in the meantime?”

  “You could always stay with me and Clara for a while,” he offered.

  “I can’t do that,” Kate smiled appreciating the offer. “You and Clara have your own life. You don’t need me hanging around.”

  “Nonsense, we’d love to have you stay with us until you get on your feet.”

  “Let’s just take it one day at a time.” She felt a presence behind her and heard her named called in a sharp and abrupt tone.

  “Kate!” She heard him and recognized the patronizing voice.

  Jack McBride loomed over the couple still in their friendly embrace. The thought of another man touching her sent Jack over the edge. He was angry, more than angry, he was incensed, and he was going to break it up before it went any further. If he couldn’t have her, he’d be damned if somebody else would and he marched over to end it now.

  Jack came to halt when he saw it was Adam. He saw Kate step back and wipe her eyes. She’d been crying and deep inside he knew why. “I went back to the house and you weren’t there,” said Jack. “Dustin told me you were entertaining a friend, but I didn’t realize it was Adam.”

  “Who else would it be?” She feigned a tired sigh.

  “How are you doing Adam?” He forced a smile and reached out to shake his friend’s hand.

  “I’ve been better,” said Adam as he looked at Kate then at Jack. “I think you and me need to have a talk my friend.”

  “About what?” Jack’s back stiffened.

  “Why don’t we head over to the house where we can talk in private,” said Adam. “Darlin’, can you give us a minute?”

  Kate nodded. Adam motioned to Jack to take the lead as the two returned to the main house leaving Kate alone by the carriage house.

  “What’s this all about?” asked Jack as they walked into his office. Jack took a seat behind his desk while Adam sat in the high-back leather chair.

  “It’s about Kate.”

  “What about Kate?” Jack eyes narrowed.

  “What’s going on between the two of you?”

  “I don’t think that’s any of your business,” said Jack defensively.

  “It is my business where Kate is concerned,” answered Adam. “She’s Clara’s best friend, and if my wife is unhappy because Kate is distressed, then I’m unhappy.”

  “Tell Clara she has nothing to worry about.”

  “We’ve been friends for a long time Jack,” said Adam. “I’ve known you since we were kids. I need to know your intentions toward Kate.”

  “She’s my employee,” he lied. She was more than just his employee. She was his obsession, his thoughts day and night.

  “What are you doing?” Adam sighed and shook his head. “Kate’s not like the women you’re used to.”

  “I know that,” said Jack truthfully.

  “Then what are you doing with her? It’s not like you want it to be something more than what it is.”

  “How do you know?” Jack leaned forward in his chair. “Maybe I’m thinking about it.”

  “Trust me, it’s hard work my friend,” Adam laughed. “You have enough trouble committing past the first date much less being with one gal day in and day out.”

  “You don’t think I could be happy with just one woman?” His back prickled again.

  “I don’t know. It ain’t for me to judge. The question is, do you?”

  Jack sat back in his chair and thought about it. “I don’t know myself.”

  “Well until you figure it out, let Kate be.” Adam meant it as a warning. “I don’t want no more phone calls upsetting my wife. You hear? ‘Cause then I’m going to have to come back out and knock some sense into that fool head of yours.”

  Jack nodded. He understood what his friend was telling him. He couldn’t blame Adam for being upset. He wasn’t proud of the way he was handling this thing between him and Kate.

  Adam stood from the chair. “I’m glad this little talk of ours went well.”

  Jack stood and walked his friend to the front door. Adam turned and patted Jack on the back. “You and I are friends Jack,” said Adam. “No need to let a woman come between us.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” he said as he watched his friend leave.


  Just One Kiss

  Her mistake was lying down and closing her eyes. Before she knew it, it was five-thirty. Kate jumped from the couch and rushed back to the main house.

  Adam’s truck was long gone and she wondered how his and Jack’s little talk went while scurrying up the front porch, and making her way to the kitchen.

  Kate set her hands to work, and in less than thirty minutes she had whipped up a half-way decent meal. Not bad, she thought proudly pulling the dish from the oven, the aroma enticing her own palate. She heard the front door open and the clicking of spurred boots against the wooden floor.

  “You’re just in time,” she said, seeing Jack enter the kitchen. She pulled a plate from the cupboard. “Dinner is ready.”

  “Adam left two hours ago,” said Jack as he leaned against the counter and crossed his arms over his chest. “He went looking for you, but you weren’t at the carriage house.” He didn’t look pleased.

  “I took a walk,” she said avoiding his gaze.

  “Why is it that I don’t quite believe you,” he lifted a doubtful brow.

  She ignored him placing his serving on to the plate. “I made Chicken Prima Rosa.” She paused. “How hungry are you? Do you want one breast or two?”

  “You have no idea how hungry I am.” He stood behind her and placed his hands on her shoulder as he leaned over and whispered in her ear. “Two breasts are always better than one.”

  Kate felt a shot of mercurial heat shoot up her spine and explode like silver liquid upon her skin. “Here,” she turned and practically dumped the plate into his hands. “If there’s nothing else, I think I’m going to head out for the night.”

  “Not yet Barbie doll,” He shook his head. “You’re eating with me tonight and that’s that.”

  “I can’t,” she said getting a little nervous watching his ill- tempered eyes flicker across he
r. “I have my own laundry to do and I need to clean my place.”

  “It was not a request,” he said sharply. “Now sit.” He motioned for her to take a seat at the kitchen table. Kate had no choice but to comply. She sat in her chair leaning on its edge as Jack prepared her a plate. He set one in front of her and the other across the table. “Want a beer?” he asked.

  “No, I’m good.”

  “You’re having a beer,” he said through white gritted teeth. “And I think a shot of JD would be fitting at the moment.” Jack grabbed two beers from the fridge along with a bottle of whisky and shot glasses. He handed her the beer and sat down across from her. He poured a shot and slid the glass in front of her.

  “Jack, I don’t want a shot,” said Kate growing increasingly nervous by the moment watching his dark steel eyes glare at her.

  “Drink.” He nearly shouted his command.

  Kate did the shot and placed the glass on the table. Jack proceeded to fill it again.

  “One more baby,” he directed her. “It’ll help loosen that tight ass of yours.”

  “This is ridiculous,” she stated feeling a warmth settle around her belly. “I don’t need you loosening anything, especially my ass.”

  “I said drink,” he growled at her. “Or I swear to God Kate, I am going to put you over my knee and spank that pretty ass of yours red.”

  Kate believed him. She picked up the shot glass and downed it with record speed. He nodded in satisfaction then picked up his fork and began to eat.

  “Give it a minute to work and then you and me are going to talk,” he stated as he cut his chicken.

  Kate cringed, hearing the scraping of his knife against his plate cutting in deliberate strokes. He seemed furious at her and she had a good suspicion why.

  She was kicking herself now for having spoken to Clara at all. Kate moved her food around her plate but didn’t eat. She suddenly lost her appetite and her defenses were slowly weakening by his overbearing presence and the effects of two shots of whisky.


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