The Taming (The Black Thunder Series)

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The Taming (The Black Thunder Series) Page 16

by West, Cary

  “I didn’t mean what I said,” he tried to explain.

  “You meant every word,” said Kate gulping back the painful sob in her throat. “You told me before I should stay away from you, but I didn’t listen. Well, I’m listening now.”

  “No, I got mad at Clara and I just started spouting old shit,” said Jack. “You’ve got to believe me.” He grabbed Kate again and held her against him.

  “Stop!” she cried as she pushed him away once more. “I don’t believe anything you say anymore! They’re all just lines…lousy lines…and I fell for them once more from another goddamn lying male.”

  “I don’t know what you want me to say,” said Jack as he saw the pain in her eyes.

  “I don’t want you to say anything. I just want to you to go away and leave me alone.”

  “Dammit Kate, you make me crazy,” he said as he ran his hand through his hair. “I don’t know who the hell I am anymore when I am around you.”

  “Well let me help you with that,” she yelled. “You’re Jack McBride, number one asshole!”

  “You’re right, I am an asshole,” he shouted back. “But you like this thing between us baby, just as much as I do.”

  Jack didn’t know what else to do other than silence her with his lips. Before Kate could object, Jack slammed his mouth over hers and kissed her hard, but this time she didn’t give in. She would not allow herself to get lost in Jack’s lips, his touch, and his raw sexual energy. Jack stepped back with a satisfied smile. It quickly left when he saw the simmering rage brewing in her eyes as her nostrils flared.

  “Damn you,” said Kate as she slapped him hard across the face.

  He felt the sting to his cheek as his hand rubbed the spot she struck him. It was now Kate’s turn to step back when she saw his eyes turn to burning rage.

  “This is why I don’t get involved with women,” he shouted pointing his finger at her. “I don’t know what the hell I was thinking.”

  “That’s your whole problem Jack, you don’t think,” she cried. “You don’t think about anyone but yourself.”

  “I give up! You’ve all convicted me, so why should I even try?” He threw his hands up in the air. “Have it your way Kate, ‘cause I’m out of here!”

  “Good, leave!” shouted Kate as she watched him head for his truck.

  Jack opened the truck door and climbed in. “I expect you at work tomorrow at eight sharp with no hangovers or headaches,” he growled. “Or I’ll dock your pay.”

  “I’ll be there, so don’t lose any sleep over it,” Kate growled back.

  “I won’t,” said Jack as he slammed his door closed.

  Kate didn’t wait for him to pull out as she headed back to the house. She heard the tires of his truck squeal against the black top as he sped down the road and away from the party.


  This Means War

  Kate sat on the fence and watched the group of tourists dismount their horses before leaving the corral. Tony stayed behind to tend the mares.

  “Afternoon, Kate,” he grinned up at her.

  “Did you have fun?” she giggled, knowing he was not particularly fond of being the guide.

  “It’s a living.” He shrugged. “You done for the day?”

  “Almost,” she said watching him remove his hat, wipe his black hair from his eyes, and return the Stetson to his head. “I have a casserole in the oven that should be done in about thirty minutes.”

  “Jack is one lucky man,” he stated and exited the corral to stand beside her.

  “Why do you say that?” She climbed back over the fence to face him.

  Tony reached up and placed his hand around her waist and helped her jump down. “Because you are one hell of a cook,” he said as he leaned against the fence and looked at her.

  “Well he better not get used to it.” She frowned. “Come this fall I’m done cooking for that arrogant son of a bitch.”

  “You two still feuding?”

  “We’re no longer feuding,” she said as her eyes narrowed into dark blue slits. “It’s turned into pure hatred.”

  “I thought you called a truce?”

  “Whatever gave you that idea?” She scowled as she leaned against the fence next to him. “I detest that man. I hope he chokes on a chicken bone and dies.”

  “Awe, he ain’t so bad, Kate.” Tony turned sideways to face her.

  “Are you defending him?”

  “No darling, I’m not defending him,” he grinned and nudged her with his arm. “But I’d rather not talk about him either.”

  “What do you want to talk about?” she asked as a smile returned to her face.

  Tony leaned in. He knew he shouldn’t, knowing the way his employer felt about her. He had great respect for Jack, but he was not about to miss out on an opportunity to flirt with Kate, seeing how she wasn’t all that fond of the boss and she was right here smiling at him.

  “You being cooped up on this ranch all the time,” he slid his arm alongside the top of the fence and brushed her shoulder with his fingers. “All work and no play makes for a one unhappy gal.”

  “What do you suggest?” She asked returning a little of her own flirtation.

  “I think I should take you out for a whirl tonight. Some of us are going drinking at the Washoe Hotel tonight. Why don’t you come along?”

  Kate wasn’t sure she should accept. She was still dealing with a wounded heart from last week’s fight with Jack.

  She looked up and saw Jack on the front porch. She would have known that scowl anywhere, he had been watching her the whole time. Her back prickled as she saw him glaring at her and Tony. Kate was no fool. She knew why he was mad, but after last weekend she was determined to keep him at arm’s length. She knew it grated on his nerves to watch her flirt with the help, but she no longer cared what he thought, though it was evident to all that if Jack McBride couldn’t have her then none of his hired hands could either.

  Kate leaned forward and brushed the stray dark lock from Tony’s face. “I’ll go with you, Tony,” she smiled brightly.

  “You will?” He mirrored her expression.

  Tony was nice and he had a good sense of humor. She always had fun when she was with him, and he wasn’t bad on the eyes. He wasn’t a Jack McBride, but he came in a close second. “What time should I be ready?”

  “How about I pick you up at eight?” He continued to smile like it was planted on his face permanently. He felt an awkward presence and saw his employer glaring at him while making his way toward them. Not wanting a confrontation, Tony stepped away from the fence and Kate. “Here comes trouble,” he whispered to her then headed for the stable.

  “It’s a date,” she shouted at him as Jack moved closer in her direction.

  “See you at eight, sunshine,” Tony called out to her as he passed Jack and nodded.

  Kate didn’t wait for Jack to begin his long line of interrogations. She passed him as if he were a stranger, briefly nodding and continuing on toward the main house to check on her casserole.

  Jack was fuming hearing their interaction. He turned and caught up to her as she entered the house. “Where are you and my ranch hand going at eight?” He demanded an answer as he followed her into the kitchen.

  “I don’t know. Why don’t you ask Tony?” Kate pulled the casserole from the oven.

  “Maybe I will,” stated Jack waiting for a reaction.

  “The casserole is ready.” She ignored his last remark. “There’s salad in the fridge, and the peach cobbler is on the counter.”

  “That’s a lot of food for one man. Why don’t you keep me company for dinner?”

  “I don’t think so. Besides, I have a date tonight.” She rubbed it in like salt to a wound and it stung like hell.

  “Where is he taking you?” His back stiffened at the words.

  “If you must know, a few of us are going drinking at the Washoe Hotel.”

  “I don’t like you drinking with the men,” he barked. “It’s
not safe. No telling what they might do once they get a few drinks in them.”

  “As opposed to being alone with you?” Kate’s sarcasm rang loud and clear. “Thanks for your concern, but I think I’ll take my chances with the men over you any day.”

  “That hurt, Kate.”

  “I doubt it. You have to feel in order to be hurt.” It was her turn to go for the jugular and she succeeded. “Now, if you don’t need anything else I am going home to get ready for my date.” With that she left the kitchen.

  Jack heard the front door open and close. He grabbed a plate from the cupboard and scooped out a heaping portion of the casserole onto his plate. He pulled a beer from the refrigerator along with the salad Kate made and threw them on the table.

  Jack sat down in his same chair, staring at the same kitchen wall. He moved the food around on his plate with his fork, but didn’t eat. For some reason he lost his appetite.

  He thought about Kate and the last time they kissed at the party. His lips still burned with the memory of how she tasted. His stomach bunched up into knots just thinking about it.

  Jack pushed his plate aside and sat back in his chair. He grabbed his beer and drank. God, he couldn’t get the image from his mind, how she kissed him back rendering him powerless to her charm. Never had a woman done that to him before. He thought about the feel of her hand in his when they watched the fireworks together. He thought about her sweet smile and the way her eyes flashed brightly when she looked at him that night. How could he have so royally blown it with her?

  He had another thought; one of those soft lips pressing against hungry lips, lips that were not his. A vision flashed before his eyes of Kate and not him. He was replaced with another man stealing her kisses, touching her skin, savoring the sweet murmurs escaping her breath that were meant only for him.

  It could have been any one of his ranch hands, but tonight it was Tony. She would be laughing at Tony’s jokes and smiling with that sweet little mouth of hers that made his stomach tie up in knots. Except it would be Tony all tied up in knots.

  The thought did not sit well with him but he promised himself he would stay away from her, and by keeping that promise he had pushed her into someone else’s arms. Damn his convictions, and damn her for making him hold true to them.

  He slammed his hand on to the table. If she thought for one minute he would allow any man other than himself to know her in such a familiar way, she thought wrong. He jumped from his chair, knocking it across the floor. A wild rage engulfed him and he threw his bottle of beer at the wall. The bottle shattered liquid gold against the white backdrop. He wasn’t going to let her go, and he dared any man, or Kate, to say otherwise.

  Jack stormed from the house, elongated footprints in Nevada dirt trampling his madness into the ground as he moved toward the carriage house. He assaulted the porch steps with heavy feet barging into her house without knocking. It was a good thing the door was not locked or he would have broken it down.

  “Kate!” He roared through the downstairs like a tornado searching for her. “Kate,” he roared again climbing the stairs two at a time to her bedroom.

  Kate heard him coming and jumped from the tub and quickly donned her robe. She opened the door just before Jack crashed into her. She couldn’t help but step back when she saw him madder than she’d ever seen.

  “What are you doing here?” She tightened her robe to conceal her nakedness. “Don’t you know how to knock?”

  “Kate, you are not going drinking tonight with the ranch hands, and especially not Tony,” he commanded. “Do I make myself clear?”

  “Are you out of your mind? Get out of my house!”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” he yelled.

  “You have got to be kidding me.”

  “I have never been more serious in all my life,” he bellowed. “As a matter of fact, I forbid you to go out with him.”

  “You broke into my house to tell me you forbid me to go out with Tony?” Kate laughed at his audacity and her temper flared. “Who are you, my father?”

  “Don’t cross me on this one, Kate,” he challenged her as he took hold of her arms. “You’re not going, and that’s that!”

  She jerked away. “Oh, I’m going, and there isn’t a damn thing you can do to stop me.” She marched past him and headed for the stairs. “I want you to leave my house now.”

  He ran after her and stepped in front of her blocking her from going downstairs. “I’m not leaving ‘til I knock some sense into that pretty little head of yours.” He folded his arms over his chest. “You’re not going tonight.”

  “You are out of control Jack, and way out of line.” She pushed him away and stormed down the stairs. Jack ran after her. He was not going to let her win this one. Kate pushed ahead through the living room. She flung open the front door. “Get out!” she shrieked at the top of her lungs.

  Jack grabbed her arm and swung her against the wall. He barricaded her in pressing his hands on the wall. “I’ll leave just as soon as you tell me you’re not going.”

  He could smell the heady fragrance of bath oil permeating from her skin. His belly tightened and his need for her rose. He leaned closer like he wanted to kiss her but she turned her head away. “Look at me, Kate.” He took her chin and lifted it to face him.

  “What?” She hissed. “You want to kiss me? Well go ahead. What are you waiting for? Take it like you always do instead of asking.”

  “You like my kissing you.” He lifted his mouth into a grin seeing her nostrils flare.

  “Are you sure about that?” Her eyes narrowed.

  “As sure as I am about anything, Barbie doll.”

  “Will you stop calling me that?” It was the last straw and Kate had enough. She saw red and pushed him away. “I am not a prize to be won,” she yelled and pushed him again. “You don’t own me, Jack McBride, and I can go out with who I want,” push “when I want,” push “as many times as I want. You got that?” She pushed him all the way out the door. “Maybe I’ll let Tony rock my world just to piss you off.”

  “You wouldn’t dare?” he gasped at her words and turned in the door frame.

  “Oh wouldn’t I?” She pushed him backward on to the porch continuing her assault. “At least Tony had the balls to ask me out which is more than I can say about you.”

  “What do you want from me Kate?” He groped for the railing and held on. “You know the kind of man I am.”

  “To hell with who you think you are. The question you should be asking is what do you want, Jack?” She poked her finger in his chest. “One minute you’re telling me that I’m not good enough for more than a one-night stand, and the next you’re telling me who I can and can’t go out with. Make up your mind. You either want a relationship with me or you don’t. And if you want a relationship you better start by asking me out.” She poked him once more because it felt good. “But don’t come barging into my home uninvited and forbid me to do anything. You got that, baby?”

  “Come on Kate, stop!” Jack shielded himself from her assault.

  “Do you want to ask me out, Jack?” Kate yelled and this time she smacked him across the chest. “Come on Jack, be a fucking man and ask me out, because I’m waiting!”

  “Yes...yes...I want to ask you out,” said Jack as he blocked her latest punch. “Now stop hitting me.”

  “Well, ask me!” Kate stopped, crossed her hands over her chest, and waited.

  Jack took a deep breath. “Kate,” he inhaled. “Will you go out with me?” He exhaled and looked into her blue eyes and waited for her response.

  A satisfied grin formed on her face and her eyes danced in the sparkle of the moonlight. It was the moment she had waited for. She took a deep breath then exhaled.

  “No!” Kate stated then spun on her heels and marched back into the house, slamming the door closed behind her.

  Jack blinked; dumbfounded in disbelief as he heard her lock the door. Did she just say no? It was a humbling experience to be sure, and one
Jack had never heard before. Nobody said no to Jack McBride. But Kate had, and he’d played right into her hands.

  A slow grin formed on his face and he began to laugh. She still liked him. He could see it in her eyes. She had upped the ante, and he was more than willing to play. He wasn’t about to accept no for an answer.

  Jack walked off the porch and headed for the main house. He would win this game they were playing and his reward would be Kate saying yes, yes to his kisses, yes to his bed, and yes for the rest of her life.


  The Right Way to Ride

  The chimes of the hall clock struck twelve. Midnight and Kate was still not home. Jack didn’t know how much longer he could wait before going after her. He promised himself he wouldn’t, but the later it got the more he stewed. He was not a patient man, especially where Kate was concerned.

  Like a hungered wolf, he retraced his steps, growing restless from pacing back and forth. After another ten minutes, his will was crumbling and he couldn’t stand it any longer.

  “Oh hell!” He growled and picked up his jacket then his Stetson, placing it on his head. Grabbing his keys, he headed out the front door then climbed into his truck, started the engine and pulled out like a hell on wheels.

  The Washoe Hotel was located in the heart of Virginia City, right along the main street row. Once used as a hotel during the gold rush years, it was now a bar with vacant upstairs rooms rumored to be housed with ghosts.

  By midnight most of the tourists had left, leaving only the locals to kick back and enjoy the rest of their evening. The late-nighters gathered round bar top and tables covered with empty beer and shot glasses, and bottles of half-drunk tequila and whisky. Spirits were high, and laughter mixed with loud music filtered through the air.

  “To good friends old and new; may we never part ‘til we have shared a drink or two!” toasted Dustin. He clicked shot glasses with Kate and Tony across the table then proceeded to click his glass with an old rodeo cowboy named Zeke. Tony leaned over to Kate.

  “Here’s to you darlin,” he grinned, clicked his glass with hers, and drank.


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