The Taming (The Black Thunder Series)

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The Taming (The Black Thunder Series) Page 19

by West, Cary

  “You liked that didn’t you,” he nuzzled her ear.

  “Yes,” she sighed and waited for him to move but he didn’t. “Come on Jack, let me up.”


  “Because I need to wash,” she smiled.

  “Now why do you want to do that?” he nipped at her ear. “I thought women like to cuddle afterwards.”

  “I do, but I think I should just for precautionary measures.”

  “Shhh,” he whispered. “Just lay still with me for a bit.”

  Kate lifted her head and looked up at him. “If I didn’t know better I’d say you’re trying to trap me, Jack McBride.”

  “Now why would I do that?”

  “I’m not sure.” She closed her eyes and thought about it. Was it possible that Jack McBride had deeper feelings for her other than possessing her? Or was this the ultimate control, to tie her to him so she couldn’t leave? Kate’s eyes darted open. “Jack, you’re suffocating me. Roll over.”

  Jack rolled from her and lay on his side. He ran his hands up and down her back as he covered her backside with his leg.

  “You’re beautiful Kate,” he said as he gazed at the tiny freckles along her nose and cheek.

  Kate looked into his eyes and saw his sincerity. She smiled at him and took his hand. “I would love to stay and lay with you all day but I need to go home and take a shower,” she said. “My interview is at two.”

  “Do you want me to drive you?”

  “No, but I do need you to get my clothes.”

  “Fine,” Jack sighed. “I’ll go find your clothes while you wash up.”

  Kate went to sit up, but Jack pushed her back down. He took her in his arms and kissed her hard on the mouth. When the kiss ended Kate’s body turned to jelly. Her head fell back like every bone in her neck melted away.

  “Remember what I do to you.” He nodded with satisfaction.

  He released her and Kate fell back on the bed. Jack stood and grabbed his jeans lying on the floor from last night. Kate watched him slip them over his bare cheeks. She couldn’t help admiring his fine backside and broad shoulders rippling with muscle. He was a man’s man, rugged through and through, like the kind seen on calendars or Stetson commercials. He was rough and tough on the outside, but Kate had a feeling it was nothing but show. On the inside he was a marshmallow, all gooey and soft. Nothing Jack McBride did was done in a small way. He worked hard, he played hard, and she was figuring out that he loved hard.

  Jack left the room and walked downstairs. He headed out the front door and looked in the direction of the truck. He saw her dress on the ground and picked it up. Her panties were by the side of the tire and he scooped them up in one swift move. He found her boots by the bushes. As he picked them up, he heard footsteps and saw a pair of cowboy boots standing before him. He stood and came face to face with his manager Mark.

  “I take it you had an enjoyable evening,” said Mark seeing the female clothes in his employer’s hands.

  “You could say that,” said Jack with an expressionless face. He wasn’t the kind of man who talked about his women, especially when it came to Kate.

  “Tony quit this morning,” his manager stated.

  “Kind of figured he would.”

  “He had one hell of a shiner,” Mark continued. “You wouldn’t know how it got there, would you?”

  “I gave it to him,” Jack said matter-of-factly.

  “What’d he do?” Mark’s brow lifted in curiosity.

  “He crossed the line,” Jack was getting annoyed just thinking about it.

  “Hmmm...” said Mark as he crossed his arms over his chest. “I’ll put an ad in the paper for another hand. Do I need to put one in for a housekeeper too?”

  Mark knew Jack. If history was any indication, his boss was probably regretting his last night activity with Miss Harris. It was a shame too. He liked this one, and she did a fine job cleaning as well as cooking.

  “Kate isn’t going anywhere,” stated Jack as he gave Mark a cross look. “As a matter of fact, she’s moving in with me. Can you have a few of the boys pack up her belongings this afternoon and have them brought to the house?”

  Mark stepped back and his mustache twitched like a family of spiders had taken up residence in it. “Did I hear you right?” He banged on his ear to make sure it wasn’t clogged.

  “You heard me right,” said Jack in his usual authoritative manner. “I want her moved in before five tonight.” Jack was done talking. He walked up the porch steps and headed for the house.

  “What do you want me to do with her furniture?” Mark called after him.

  “Call Clyde and make arrangements to have her furniture put into storage,” he said over his shoulder.

  Mark watched his employer disappear into the house. He shook his head several times then walked away heading back to his office.

  Kate was finishing up in the bathroom when she heard Jack’s voice through the door.

  “I got your clothes,” said Jack. “I found everything but your bra.”

  “Oh, great,” said Kate as she emerged from the bathroom. She took her belonging from Jack and placed them on the bed. She slipped into her panties then shimmied into her sundress.

  “I have a feeling someone other than us has a memento of last night,” he chuckled. Kate didn’t see the humor in it. She sat on the bed and began to put on her boots. “Me, personally, I would have taken your panties.”

  “You’re disgusting.” She frowned and slid her foot into the other boot and stood.

  Jack walked over to her and placed his hands on her hips. “As a matter of fact, I think I will take your panties.” He gave her a sly grin as he lowered his hands and slipped them under her dress. He tugged on the silk material and proceeded to pull them down slowly. He knelt before her as Kate lifted one foot and then the other. Jack held them in his hands and stood.

  “What are you going to do with them?”

  “I want to keep last night fresh in my mind.” He grinned as he lifted them to his nose and smelled her womanly perfume then tucked them into the pocket of his jeans.

  “You’re a very sick man, Jack. Did anyone ever tell you that?” She laughed and headed for the bedroom door.

  She walked downstairs and made her way to the kitchen with Jack following close on her heels. She opened the refrigerator and pulled out a carton of orange juice and an apple. She poured them a glass and drank.

  “There’s turkey in the fridge to make sandwiches,” she said as she returned the carton back on the shelf. “And there are leftovers from last night for dinner.”

  “Aren’t you going to make dinner for us tonight?” He seemed disappointed.

  “I don’t know how long the interview will take. Afterwards I want to stop and see Clara.”

  “But that means you’re going to be gone all day.” He seemed to be rather annoyed by this notion. His back stiffened and he didn’t like the idea of her being gone so long.

  “You’ll manage,” said Kate as she picked up her apple, planted a quick kiss on his lips, and headed for the front door.

  “Don’t you want breakfast?” He was mad and confused that she didn’t want to spend more time with him.

  “The apple is all I need,” she laughed seeing the old Jack return. Kate left the kitchen and made her way to the foyer. She opened the front door. “See you later, Jack,” she called out to him and left before he had a chance to stop her.


  Interviews and Innuendos

  The interview was a huge success, or at least Kate hoped it was. The board seemed impressed with her methods of teaching and her creativity to inspire learning. It didn’t hurt that she had two letters of recommendation from her old school. She left the interview feeling confident that the job was hers. With that behind her, she could now relax.

  Kate pulled up to Clara’s house and parked in the driveway. She climbed from her car and made her way to the front door. Clara was by the door waiting to greet her. “Wel
l, how did it go?” She swung the screen door open and bid Kate to enter.

  “I think it went well,” said Kate as she and Clara made their way into the kitchen. Kate removed her jacket and placed it over the kitchen chair.

  “Want something to drink?” Clara asked.

  “Oh God, yes. I need a tall glass of ice water,” said Kate as she took a seat. “I am so hot right now. It must be almost a hundred degrees outside.”

  Kate fanned her camisole top in an attempt to cool down. Clara handed her a glass of ice water and sat. She took a long drink and held the glass against her skin, then kicked off her shoes and sat back.

  “Did he offer you the job?”

  “No. They’re going to make their decision in the next few weeks. He said he would call me one way or the other.”

  “You must be a nervous wreck.”

  “Not yet.” She replied. “I’m just glad the interview is over. In two weeks if I don’t hear from them then I will be climbing the walls.”

  “Oh, you got the job,” Clara stated. “They’d be crazy not to hire you.”

  “You always were my greatest supporter,” she smiled and patted her friend’s hand. “I don’t know what I would do without you and Adam.”

  “Well, we love you, Kate.” And she knew they did. She’d been her rock many times over, first with her mother and then when her marriage fell apart. But she didn’t want to think about either now and spoil her good mood.

  “Anyway, I’d hate to think what would happen if I didn’t get the job,” she said wanting to break away from her emotions stirring. “I don’t see myself cleaning and cooking for Jack much longer.”

  “Why, did something else happened?” Clara got a worried look on her face. “Has he been making your life miserable ever since you kicked him to the curb?”

  “I didn’t kick him to the curb,” said Kate knowing her friend always thought the worst when it came to Jack McBride. “And no, he’s not making my life miserable.”

  “Good, I’m glad to hear it,” she said relieved.

  “Jack and I have come to an understanding.” She tried to broach the subject gently easing Clara into the next declaration she was about to make.

  “What kind of understanding?” asked Clara, seeing that uh- oh look on her friend’s face. She sat back in her chair and slowly shook her head. “Oh Kate, please tell me you didn’t do what I think you did?”

  “Jack and I are going to try dating for a while,” she said in a one breath pitch.

  Clara just laughed at the absurdity of her remark. “You’re kidding right?” No, she wasn’t kidding. She was actually being serious which made Clara downright upset. She leaned over the table placing both palms on its top. “Is this dating thing before or after he shags you?”

  “No-” she mumbled while chewing on the nail of her pinky. “It’s more like during.”

  The reality suddenly became clear. “Oh my God, you’ve slept with him already?” Clara ran her fingers through her hair. Her friend had no idea what she was getting herself into. She hated to burst her bubble, but it couldn’t be helped if she was to prevent Kate from making the biggest mistake of her life, if she hadn’t already. She would be devastated when he carted her out on her ear, and Clara knew it would happen sooner than later.

  “I like him Clara, and I think he likes me too,” said Kate growing a bit nervous by her reaction. “I owe it to myself to explore where this relationship could go.”

  “I’ll tell you where it’s going to go,” Clara shouted at her. “It’s going straight down the toilet, and Jack has already flushed you, and you’re oblivious to the fact that you’re circling the drain.”

  Clara threw her chair back and went to the cupboard and pulled down a bottle of bourbon from the shelf along with two glasses. Kate stayed silent as Clara returned to the table, slamming the glasses on its top then poured them each a drink.

  “Here,” she said sliding the glass into Kate’s hands. “I don’t know which one of us needs it more.” Clara returned to her seat and took a swig. She ran her hand over her face and groaned. “Oh, wake up Kate, Jack is not the man for you,” Clara tried to calm down. “He goes through women like you and I change underwear. He’s into one night stands for Christ’s sake. He doesn’t do relationships. Hell, he’s probably packing you up as we speak.”

  “Jack wouldn’t do that to me,” said Kate as she felt her stomach churn.

  “If I had a nickel for every girl who said that I’d be a fucking millionaire right now,” she exclaimed. “Trust me, he has done it to every single woman. Why do you think he can’t keep cooks? I’ll tell you why. It’s because he likes to taste their wares and the next day he has no need for them. Hell, the local newspaper has his help wanted ads on macro.”

  “But he seemed so happy this morning,” said Kate as her mind went into denial, but the sinking feeling in her gut remained.

  “Of course he was happy,” said Clara exasperated. “You made it easy for him because you had to leave for your interview. The minute you walked out the door I am sure he was on the phone with Mark placing an ad in the paper for a new housekeeper. Do you want me to call Mark so you can hear it for yourself?”

  “No.” Kate looked down at the glass of bourbon now blurry from tears. “What do you think I should do?”

  “You aren’t going to do anything,” she stated. “We’ll let Adam handle this.”

  “He must think I’m the biggest fool,” said Kate as teardrops fell one by one onto freckled cheeks. “I believed him.”

  “Don’t do this to yourself, sweetie,” Clara tried to comfort her by taking her hand. “Jack has been practicing all his life and he has his act down to a science. I should have never agreed to have you stay and work at his ranch.”

  “What am I going to do with the carriage house?” Kate looked up at Clara. “All my stuff is there.”

  “We’ll pack your things up if Jack hasn’t already,” she said. “You’ll stay here with me and Adam until we can make other arrangements.”

  Clara heard the sound of a truck pull up in the driveway. She breathed a sigh of relief that Adam was home. The screen door opened and closed and Clara called out to her husband that they were in the kitchen.

  “I stopped at the store and picked up dinner,” said Adam as he walked through the living room carrying a package and entered the kitchen.

  He stopped when he saw Kate crying and Clara comforting her. “What’s wrong,” he asked as he set the package down and looked to his wife for an answer.

  “She slept with him, that’s what’s wrong,” said Clara. “I need you to go over there and get some of Kate’s things from the carriage house, and then I want you to kick the shit out of Jack McBride.”

  “Let me get the whole story before I go kicking ass,” said Adam. “What happened, Kate?”

  “There’s nothing to tell,” she said wiping away the wetness from cheeks. “It’s like Clara said.”

  “All Clara said was you slept with him,” said Adam a bit confused. “Did he hurt you?”

  “No, it was mutual,” she admitted.

  “But he kicked her to the curb,” added Clara.

  “Well, not exactly,” said Kate.

  “Okay, now I’m totally confused,” he said looking at both women. “Did he or did he not dump you after you two got it on?”

  “No,” said Kate.

  “Oh, he’s kicked her to the curb all right,” his wife spouted. “He just hasn’t informed her yet.”

  “I’m asking Kate, not you Clara, so be quiet,” said Adam acting a little annoyed. “So what exactly did Jack do?” He waited for a weepy Kate to answer.

  “I don’t know.” She started crying again. “Last night was wonderful and this morning was awesome. He seemed so happy when I left this afternoon and I thought I was too until Clara told me what Jack does.”

  “Wait-” Adam stopped her. “You had morning sex with Jack at his place?” He seemed shocked.

  “Why, is tha
t bad?” Kate bawled harder.

  “No sweetie, that’s good,” Adam laughed as he recalled the odd conversation he had with Jack at the party. “Jack doesn’t do morning sex, and especially not at his place.”

  “So he’s changed up the rules a bit,” snapped Clara. “He’s still a womanizer.”

  “Clara you need stop meddling in other people’s affairs.” Adam was growing angry at his wife. “Jack really likes Kate. You fucked it up once for them ‘cause you couldn’t keep your mouth shut, and I’m not about to stand by and see you do it again.”

  Adam walked over to Kate and sat in the seat next to her. “Clara means well, but she’s wrong this time,” said Adam as he glanced over at Clara and gave her an evil stare. “I know Jack better than most. We’ve been friends since grade school. And I can tell you, he is so turned upside down by you, it isn’t funny.”

  “He is?” She sniffed and rubbed her nose.

  “Oh, he has it bad for you, sweetie,” Adam smiled. “I got a feeling he is probably stewing right now wondering why you aren’t home. So darling, I don’t think he’s kicking you to the curb. If anything he’s waiting for round three.”

  “You really think so?” Her eyes looked hopeful.

  “I know so,” Adam placed his hand on her shoulder and gave a little squeeze. “So go home Kate, and quit listening to Clara.”

  “Adam, what are you telling her this shit for?” Clara pushed back her chair and stood then stomped her foot.

  “I swear to God Clara, you say another word and I won’t screw you for a month,” shouted Adam. Clara huffed and threw her hands up in the air before walking over to the kitchen counter. “Now get out of here before my wife stirs up more shit that I can’t fix.” Kate nodded then took her jacket from the chair and left.

  Clara was seething watching Kate race out the door not knowing what was waiting for her at the other end of her destination.

  “I hope you know what you’re doing,” she said glaring at her husband.

  “I do,” said Adam as he joined her by the counter. “You and I both know Jack’s history. It hasn’t been easy for him growing up with his old man. At the party last week Jack told me he wanted something with Kate like you and I have with each other.”


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