The Taming (The Black Thunder Series)

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The Taming (The Black Thunder Series) Page 35

by West, Cary


  Brazen Behavior

  Where do you want me to put these books?” Jack asked carrying a box filled with reading material for third graders.

  The classroom was brimming with an assortment of colored poster boards bringing life to the bland grey walls. It felt a little strange walking the halls and visiting classrooms he had attended in his youth, but Kate’s room looked so different than what he remembered. She filled it with all sorts of interesting things making it a perfect atmosphere for learning.

  “Put them in the shelves by the reading nook,” said Kate with great excitement.

  Jack knelt by the small L-shaped shelf he built for her and filled the shelves with the books from the box. Kate threw two large red pillows on the floor next to the nook.

  “What are the pillows for?” He asked.

  “It’s always better to snuggle up when you want to read a good book,” Kate smiled at him and tapped him on his head. “You should try it sometime.”

  “Maybe I will,” he grinned up at her and followed her with his eyes as she went to the blackboard and wrote her first day lesson on its slate surface.

  He thought she seemed magical bringing this room to life. He couldn’t keep his eyes from her understanding that she was meant to be teacher. The realization of her gift eased his fears about losing her. Jack was transfixed as Kate wrote her name high on the blackboard, her skirt hiking up over her thighs. He breathed a sigh of relief that her class were third graders and not older, otherwise they would all be crushing on her like he was doing now, and she wasn’t even his teacher. His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a knock on the classroom door.

  “If my eyes hadn’t seen it, I would have never believed it,” came a female voice by the door. Betty Grumbine walked into the room with a huge smile on her face. “Your classroom puts us all to shame, Kate.”

  “It’s not too much, is it?” she asked hoping she didn’t overdo it.

  “It’s perfect,” she smiled as her attention went to the man sitting in the corner of the room. “Hello, Jack.”

  “Hi.” He stood and walked over to Kate. It felt a little weird being in a classroom with his old teacher. It brought back not such fond memories.

  “Come Monday morning these halls are going to be filled with children,” said Betty. “Are you ready?”

  “I can’t wait,” said Kate with excitement in her voice. “My syllabus was approved this morning by the principal, so I am raring to go.”

  “Are you going to be able to part with this little lady, Jack?” Betty asked as she watched the couple together.

  “Don’t think I have much choice in the matter,” he stated matter-of-factly as he placed his arm on Kate’s shoulder.

  “I heard through the grape vine that you hired Maria Gomez to take Kate’s place,” said the elder woman with salt and pepper hair as she tried to hide her grin.

  “We did,” frowned Jack as he looked at Kate.

  “Good choice, dear,” Betty leaned over and whispered in her ear. “She’s plump and old.”

  “I told Jack we didn’t need to hire anyone,” said Kate seeing Betty giggle and Jack scowl. “I could still do it when I get home.”

  “You’re going to be too busy to clean, baby,” said Jack as he played with her hair. “Besides, I don’t want you spending all your free time cleaning. You’ll never have time for me.” He tugged on her hair as he planted a frisky kiss to her lips, lingering a little so that the old cow would grow uncomfortable and leave.

  “Oh my.” Betty flushed hot pink across her chest and up to her neck and cheeks.

  “Jack,” Kate nudged him to behave.

  “So have you two made any plans?” Betty asked as her curiosity got the better of her, not to mention the juicy story she could tell at the teachers’ lounge about their new hire.

  “Plans for what?” Jack asked.

  “Well I assumed since you are both wearing rings that you were planning to make it official.”

  “Oh, they’re not that kind of rings,” said Kate nervously.

  “They’re more like promise rings,” added Jack. Kate looked over at him and smiled.

  “Oh I see, promise rings, how very convenient,” said Betty as she looked at him and frowned. “Well, it’s nice to see that a leopard never changes his spots.”

  Jack’s eyes narrowed and he glared at the old cow thinking she hadn’t changed much from when he had her as a teacher.

  “I must get back to my room,” said Betty knowing she got what she came for. “I just wanted to stop by and say welcome.”

  “Thanks,” smiled Kate as she walked the elder teacher to the door and watched her disappear down the hall.

  “It’s a good thing she left,” said Jack smarting from her remark. “I was just about ready to toss her out on her ear.”

  “Don’t worry about her,” she said, seeing the dangerous look in his eye. She took him by the hand, and led him back to the reading nook so they could finish putting away the remainder of books.

  “She’s still an old cow,” he spouted as he slammed two books onto the shelf. “What did she mean by a leopard doesn’t change his spots?”

  “I don’t know.” She fibbed and handed him another book. “Don’t let her get to you.”

  “I know what she meant,” he continued to grumble as he parked Kate on top of the reading shelf and knelt before her. “Well she’s wrong, dead wrong. I’m not using you, Kate. I love you.”

  “I know that, baby,” she said as she ran her hands through his sandy colored hair while he leaned his arms on her lap.

  “I don’t like her filling your head with all her crazy-ass notions about me.”

  “I don’t pay attention to what she says.” She brushed his worry aside.

  “She’s poison, Kate,” he grew serious.

  “She’s only poison if I believe her, which I don’t,” Kate folded her hands into his. “I know you would never be unfaithful to me.”

  “Are you sure?” he looked worried.

  “Yes, I’m sure.” Although somewhere in the recesses of her mind a tiny crack seeped through. She wasn’t sure if it was from her past but that was her demon to face. “Now can we drop this?”

  “Not until I know for sure,” he said taking her chin in his hand and stared into her baby blues. “I belong to only you, baby.” He searched her eyes to make sure she believed him.

  “Jack, you’re being silly,” she laughed her doubts away.

  “I’m not so sure I am.” His green eyes studied her non-engaging blue.

  “I believe you,” she said clutching his face and giving him a wide eyed grin.

  “All right then,” he said not fully convinced.

  Kate stood taking Jack with her as they finished putting away the books. She looked around her classroom to make certain everything was ready for the first day of class. “Perfect,” she smiled with satisfaction.

  “Are we done here?” Jack asked growing impatient. “Because I’m starved and it’s past my lunchtime.”

  “Yes, I’m done. Let’s go home and I’ll make you lunch.”

  “I have a better idea,” said Jack. “Let’s go into Carson City and grab lunch at Bodine’s. I could go for one of their burgers right about now.”

  “I swear Jack, I don’t know what you like more, food or sex.” She laughed.

  “Both,” he grinned. “First I’d like to fill my belly, and then I’d like to fill you.”

  “You say the most romantic things.” She rolled her eyes and walked away stepping into the hallway.

  He ran after her and pinched her on her sweet derriere. Kate let out a yelp and jumped. “You like it, baby,” he said, chasing after her down the hall.

  “I do,” Kate giggled as he caught up to her and took her hand. “I honestly do.”

  Bodine’s Steakhouse was crowded for a Friday afternoon. Situated on the south end of Carson City, the famous restaurant was a favorite for state workers and legislature alike. J
ack and Kate waited in line, ready to add their names to the waiting list. She overheard the hostess tell the patrons in front of them that the wait was thirty minutes.

  “Jack, can you wait thirty minutes?”

  “I’ve waited this long. I guess another half hour won’t kill me.”

  The line moved and Jack went to give his name. The hostess looked up and a pretty little smile beamed on her face. “Well if it isn’t Jack McBride,” she said all soft and kitteny. “Where’ve you been stranger? Haven’t seen you all summer.”

  “Hi, Cherry,” he mumbled.

  She leaned over the counter flashing her pearly whites. “The wait’s thirty minutes, but I’ll sneak you through for old times’ sake. Follow me.” She picked up the menus and motioned for Jack to follow her.

  Jack looked over at Kate and he could tell she was not pleased. He took her hand and led her into the restaurant as they were seated in a booth.

  “You look good ,Jack,” said Cherry as she placed the menus on the table then reached over and flipped a strand of his hair away from his face. Jack’s head jerked back.

  “Cherry, this is my girl, Kate.” He pointed to the woman sitting across from him. “She’s moved in with me and we’re committed, see?”

  He lifted his hand and showed her the ring. Cherry looked surprised and glanced at Kate giving, her a not too subtle nod of disapproval.

  “You’re hitched?” she said looking back at Jack.

  “You could say that.” He reached across the table and took Kate’s hand.

  “Well don’t that beat all?” Cherry scratched her ear. “Congratulations and good luck.” She leaned over toward Kate. “And you’re going to need it if you were fool enough to hitch to him.” With that said she left.

  Jack scowled and sat back in his chair, releasing Kate’s hand. “I’ve suddenly lost my appetite,” he growled. “Let’s get out of here.” He went to stand.

  “No, Jack,” said Kate not believing what she was going to say next. “We’re here. We might as well eat.”

  “Are you sure?” he questioned, seeing she was still rather annoyed.

  “Yes, now sit down.”

  Jack returned to his seat and leaned back against the booth. “Kate, I don’t want to get you upset.”

  “I’m getting used to it.” She rolled her eyes.

  “Well, it’s beginning to annoy the hell out of me,” he grumbled.

  “You have a lot of history in this town,” she sighed. “But like you said before, you can’t change the past.”

  “I’m starting to wish I could,” he said with a frown. “I don’t want you hurt, baby.”

  “I’m not hurt-” she stated. “Perturbed, but not hurt. You screwed a lot of women, and I don’t mean in bed.”

  Jack felt humbled and a little ashamed by her observation. “Let’s change the subject,” he stated in his I-don’t-want-to-talk-about-it tone.

  “Fine, then let’s talk about why you snuck out of bed last night and didn’t come back ‘til two in the morning?” said Kate as she sat back in her seat and raised her eyebrow.

  “I thought you were asleep,” he felt her scrutinizing blue eyes on him.

  “I woke up when you weren’t beside me.”

  “I couldn’t sleep, so I went downstairs to play on the computer,” he said not able to look at her as he tapped his fingers on the table.

  “You’ve done that every Tuesday for the past three weeks,” she said, seeing his shoulders tighten. “You want to tell me what you’re really doing?”

  “Not particularly,” he looked up and grinned.

  “Are you keeping secrets from me?” She frowned.

  “Are you worried?” he teased.

  “Should I be?” Her eyes opened wide as if to question.

  “No Kate, it’s not what you think,” he chuckled. If she only knew she would be kicking herself right now. “You have to trust me on this one.”

  “I trust you,” said Kate, but it didn’t sound convincing.

  “I promise a few more weeks, then all will be revealed.” He was talking in riddles and he was enjoying seeing her mind trying to figure it out.

  “It better be good, baby,” she said with a hint of warning.

  “It will,” he smiled at her. “You’ll be real happy.”

  Jack couldn’t wait to see the expression on Kate’s face when he showed her his diploma. He was already halfway through the course and Kate was not the wiser. Thursdays were working out beautifully. He would wait for Kate to leave for her poetry class then he would drive to the school at Virginia City for his own class.

  He was amazed how many people of all ages were back in school to get their G.E.D. There was even a woman in her seventies in his class. Their teacher, Hanna Bollinger, was the same age as Jack, and an English professor, who taught at the local college by day, and at night in Virginia City. She was patient and supportive of all her students, and Jack couldn’t help but think if he had a teacher like her when he was young he would have done better at learning.

  He was beginning to understand why Kate believed so strongly in education. He was changing. He could feel it inside, the metamorphosis gradual as he discovered new ideas. He was now reading the newspaper every day clipping articles and writing small essays on what he read. He even shared his opinions with Kate, and instead of getting angry, they actually carried on stimulating conversations on various topics. His thoughts were interrupted by their waitress approaching the table.

  “Hello, Jack,” the waitress grinned.

  “Hello, Mary Beth,” he frowned and looked up at Kate.

  “Another one?” She spat as she watched him nod and slide down in the seat.

  “You want your usual?” Mary Beth said as she cracked her gum, making a loud snap.

  “Umm, no, I mean, I guess,” he floundered.

  Mary Beth paid him no mind as she slid next to him on the seat. “What would you like, honey?” she asked Kate then without waiting for her to answer she directed her attention at Jack. “Heard the rodeo is back in town. There’s a five hundred dollar prize for best roping. You going?”

  “No, I don’t think so unless Kate here wants to go?” said Jack, as he looked at the stewing blonde. “You want to, baby?”

  “We can discuss it later at HOME,” she said emphasizing home.

  “Jack is awful good with a rope,” Mary Beth smiled prettily at Jack.

  “Yes, I know,” Kate gritted her teeth.

  “Yeah, me too.” The little twit actually giggled and Kate raised her brow. “Isn’t that right, Jack?”

  She slid her hand from the table and onto Jack’s leg working her way upward. Jack’s eyes widened and he clenched her hand before she had a chance to go further. He firmly set her hand on her own lap then released her. Kate didn’t have to see in order to know what the waitress was doing.

  “You going to take my order?” Kate got loud and downright pissed.

  “Sure, what’ll you have?” Mary Beth nudged Jack, cracked her gum in her mouth, and gave Kate a territorial smile.

  That was the last straw. “I’ll have your head on a silver platter if you touch Jack again,” Kate finally snapped. She stood from the table and grabbed Mary Beth, tossing her off the seat and away from Jack. “Now I’m going to say this once so you better quit crackin’ that gum of yours and listen up!” Kate was on a roll and she couldn’t stop. “There isn’t going to be any more flirting, flinging, or fingering Mister Jack McBride except from me,” she stated angrily. “You see this?” She held up her ring then grabbed Jack’s hand and showed Mary Beth’s his. “You so much as smile at him and I’ll rip your eyes out and that goes for your little hostess friend too. So spread the word, darling. Jack McBride is no longer on the market.”

  Kate glared at Jack. He tried desperately to hide his grin behind his hand.

  “What are you smiling about?” she pointed her finger at him. “I catch you near any one of these women, so help me God, Jack, I’ll castrate you and the
n you won’t be good for anyone.”

  The smile fell from Jack’s face. Kate flopped herself down in the seat next to Jack, wedging him against the wall.

  “Now, I want the chef salad with blue cheese on the side and an iced tea.” She looked up at the girl and saw two large orbs blinking like strobe lights. Mary Beth nodded, but her feet wouldn’t move. “That will be all,” she said, signaling the gum cracking twit to leave.

  Mary Beth ran off practically in tears. Jack looked at Kate and something inside him said he should be afraid too. He went to speak but she cut him off. “I swear to God Jack, is there no end to the women you’ve fucked?” She growled as she crossed her arms over her chest. “They’re everywhere.”

  “I’m sorry, Kate.” He saw the hurt in her eyes.

  “Maybe we should take an ad out in the paper,” she said with sarcasm. “Jack McBride- no longer available to slam your brains out.”

  “I doubt most of the women I’ve been with read the newspaper,” he said trying to lighten the situation.

  Kate looked over at him like she was going to choke him.

  Mary Beth returned with the iced tea and a beer. She set them on the table then left without uttering a single syllable. Kate reached over for Jack’s beer and chugged it.

  “That’s mine,” he objected.

  “It was yours,” she said. “Now it’s mine.” She finished the beer and slammed the glass on the table.

  “Are you feeling better?” he asked with caution.

  “Not really,” she was still fuming.

  “You going to keep me shoved in the corner all afternoon?” he asked feeling cramped.

  “Yep,” she said now picking up her iced tea. “It’s safer for you if I’m between you and that little twit. That way she won’t be tempted to grope you again.”

  “Kate, I’m a grown man, I can take care of myself,” he tried not to laugh.

  “Oh, I can see the way you take care,” steamed Kate. “Care all the way to your crotch as she’s rubbing on you.”


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