The Taming (The Black Thunder Series)

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The Taming (The Black Thunder Series) Page 39

by West, Cary

  “I want you inside of me,” she whimpered needing more. “Please, Jack.”

  “Is the ache bad, Kate?” he said with lustful satisfaction.

  “Yes, oh God yes,” she said in sexual desperation.

  “No baby, the ache needs to get worse,” he tormented her.

  “Oh Jack, I can’t take it anymore,” she moaned. “Don’t punish me like this.”

  “Is that what I’m doing, punishing you?” he said as he slapped his hand across her cheek again.

  Kate cried out as she felt the pain spiral her need for release.

  “What if I tormented you with my fingers instead,” said Jack as he slid two fingers by her sex and teased her.

  Kate released a high-pitched whimper as her insides twisted in knots begging for release. He felt a rush of hot liquid on his fingers and pulled out knowing she was ready to fall over the edge. He stood as he ran his palms over and around her fleshly cheeks.

  “Don’t stop,” cried Kate. “Oh God Jack, don’t stop!”

  “You want to come, baby?”

  “Yes, oh please, yes,” she begged as her body ached with need.

  “Well now it looks to me like you’re in a predicament,” he said running his hands briefly between her thighs. “Tell me how you’re going to fix this one, Kate? Because I can keep you worked up like this all night.”

  “You wouldn’t dare,” she groaned pressing her bottom against his fingers looking for relief.

  “I would,” he stated. “Unless of course you concede to who wears the pants around here.”

  “You do,” she shouted just wanting her relief.

  “Why is it I don’t believe you?” Jack darted his finger in and out of her causing her to groan again. “Oh, my sweet confused Kate. When are you going to learn that you like me taking control over your body? It’s what we do best, baby.”

  “Yes, Jack now, please,” Kate begged.

  “No more nonsense about who’s in charge,” he stated. “You belong to me, and I’ll decide what’s best for you ‘cause deep inside that’s really what you want.”

  “You’re in charge,” she cried.

  “You want to come for me, baby?”

  “Yes, make me come,” she pleaded.

  “You want to come here, or in our bed?”

  “Where ever you want, Jack,” she complied. “Just make me come!”

  “I can’t decide which I want more,” he tormented her a little more. “You look mighty fetching all tied up like that Kate and it would be so easy just to give you a little poke with that sweet ass of yours hiked up in the air but I’d also like you in our bed.”

  “Jack,” Kate screamed.

  “Okay baby, you’ve suffered enough,” he laughed. “I want you in our bed, always in our bed.”

  Jack bent down and released the rope around her ankles. He hoisted her over his shoulder and carried her back to the house. He slammed the front door open and carried her to their room. With his foot, he closed the door behind them then lowered her onto the bed. Jack undressed before her, muscles ripping on his chest and arms, his thighs strong and hard.

  “Come on Jack, hurry,” Kate squirmed on the bed.

  He was happy to oblige. In one swift move he hoisted her to the center of the bed. He yanked on the rope and raised her hands over her head then tied them to the iron headboard. He slammed his mouth over hers and kissed her hard as Kate returned the frenzied passion.

  Jack ripped open her night shirt exposing her full breasts then planted his mouth on her nipple and sucked hard. Kate groaned and writhed beneath him.

  “That’s it baby, wiggle that sweet ass of yours,” said Jack as he spread her legs wide open with the force of his own.

  He entered her deeply and Kate cried out as she received the release her body was waiting for. She lifted her legs over his hips as a sweet ecstasy swept through her.

  Jack wrapped his arms around her head and held her tight, slamming his mouth over her bruised lips making her come again. He felt her muscles clenching around him as he continued to thrust deeper inside her, claiming what was his. He was right on the edge, but he held back waiting to feel her to tighten around him one more time. Kate cried out as her body released a symphony of orgasms.

  No longer could Jack hold back. He drove his need as deep as he could into her and felt the release of hard core orgasm, the intensity shattering him into a million pieces while he continued to kiss her.

  He was drained and spent, and he collapsed on top of her, unable to move. His body felt like tiny shards of glass prickling against his skin. He was glad her hands were still tied for her touch would have driven him mad.

  After several minutes, Kate began to stir beneath him. “Jack,” she whispered. “Are you asleep?”

  “No,” he answered in a hush tone still buried in her hair.

  “My hands are getting numb.”

  “Oh sorry,” he grinned as he lifted onto his elbows and freed her from her restraint then lingered sweet kisses by her mouth. “You’re lips are swollen, baby,” he whispered lightly kissing them. “It’s kind of sexy.”

  “So are yours,” said Kate running her fingers through his sandy hair.

  Jack got lost in her pretty blue eyes taking in everything about her. “I love you, Kate,” he said stroking the line of freckles along her nose and cheeks. “Marry me.”

  “You really do have the worst timing in the world,” she said rolling her eyes. “Don’t ask me now.”

  “Then when?” he asked.

  “I don’t know,” she said looking up at the ceiling. “Ask me in the morning.”

  “You know I will,” said Jack. “Will you say yes?”

  “I don’t know.” She looked over at him and smiled. “You’ll have to wait and see.”

  Jack rolled onto his side taking her with him. She laid her head in the crook of his arm and he stroked her back.

  “I hate fighting with you,” said Jack softly.

  “Me too,” said Kate closing her eyes.

  “But I do like how we make up,” he laughed and squeezed her buttocks.

  “Is that what we just did?” She asked and moved his hand from her tender bottom to her hip.

  “I think so,” he smiled with amusement.

  “Are you still mad?” asked Kate as she looked up and saw his way too happy smile.

  “No, I’m too exhausted to be mad,” he answered. “But it’s still not settled where Black Thunder is concerned.”

  “I know,” she said as she moved to her back and thought about the dark stallion.

  Jack rolled on to his side and lifted his elbow on to the pillow. “I’ve been thinking Kate, maybe there is another way,” said Jack thinking his thoughts aloud. “What if we moved him?”

  “Move him where?” She asked as she rolled on her side to face him.

  He saw the look of hope in her eyes and his heart melted. “We could relocate him where there’re no ranches for him to disrupt.”

  “Does such a place exist?” She questioned.

  “Baby, this isn’t California,” he laughed. “Half of the state of Nevada is wide open territory.”

  An excitement grew in Kate at the thought of Black Thunder being truly free. “We’d have to catch him again,” she said.

  “I don’t think it would be too difficult with you as the bait.”

  “Me?” Kate gave him a disconcerting look.

  “Baby, he’s tamer than a kitten around you,” Jack smiled. “All we need to do is have you lead him into a horse trailer and we’d be set.”

  “It might work,” said Kate. “But where would we take him?”

  “We could release him between Austin and Eureka,” he replied. “It’s right in the middle of nowhere.”

  “You would do that for me?” Kate’s eyes filled with tears.

  “Baby, there isn’t anything in the world I wouldn’t do for you.”

  “Why Jack, I think that’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever said to me,” sh
e smiled and placed a kiss to his lips. “Keep talking like that and I might marry you after all.”

  She gave him a little wink and rolled on her side. Jack pulled her to him, spooning her back against him. Kate closed her eyes.

  There was no doubt in her mind he would do what he said. That’s the way Jack McBride was, and she loved him for that. She drifted to sleep dreaming about wild horses running free and her man freely loving her.


  Running Wild and Free

  With the wind at her back, Kate stood along the open range while strands of blonde hair blew across her shoulders like a leaf caught in a breeze.

  “Now what should I do?” She called out.

  “We wait,” Jack called back, hovering at the mouth of the canyon.

  The wind whirled through the canyon, echoing out onto the high desert field, along with a small dirt devil that came swirling at his feet. Jack didn’t move. He didn’t want the animal to catch his scent. It was Kate’s he wanted to permeate the air and gain Black Thunder’s attention.

  Kate wandered amidst the sagebrush and situated herself on the rock where she first met the grand stallion. She felt a familiar rumble as the crumbled earth vibrated beneath her feet, like nature was sifting and panning for gold.

  She looked across the range and there in the distance a cloud of dust appeared. Kate felt him before he was visible to her eye. Out of the dust Black Thunder emerged, his snout breathing the dirt from his nostrils and his dark strong body charging across the range.

  Black Thunder lifted his head and perked his ears back then changed direction. He slowed his pace, and upon seeing Kate he moved toward her. Kate stood, her heart pounding in her chest. She was mixed with a combination of joy to see him, but also with remorse for what they were about to do.

  Black Thunder stepped forward and made his way to her. He nudged her with his nose and she lifted her hand and stroked the animal’s muscular cheek.

  “Hello, my friend,” she greeted him, moving her palms along his long sleek neck.

  His nose lifted in the air again catching another scent. He snorted and took a step back.

  “Shhh,” Kate’s voice soothed the animal. “He won’t hurt you. I promise.” Her words seemed to comfort him, and Black Thunder settled down. Kate moved and stood before the steel-eyed creature, stroking his long nose and massaging him between his eyes.

  “I need to make sure you’re safe,” she murmured. “You need a place where you can run free and no one will hurt you. I’m going to take you to that place.” She leaned against him, placing her head along his nose as tears filled her eyes. “You’re going to love it there,” she wept. “Who knows, you might find a woman or two out there for companionship.”

  The horse nudged her belly as if he understood.

  “Good,” answered Kate, looking into the animal’s dark eyes. “Are you ready, Black Thunder?”

  She took the rope from around her shoulder and slipped it over his snout then down across his neck.

  “Good boy,” she whispered as she shortened it. “Let’s go.”

  Kate started walking as well as the horse. Tamed by her voice, he trotted alongside her, heading for the canyon.

  Jack couldn’t help but be moved by the experience watching the woman who knew nothing about horses connect to the wildest mustang he ever saw.

  In truth it was a bit humbling, but he also felt a sense of pride for the woman that had turned his world upside down. Jack moved back in the canyon, keeping distance between Kate and Black Thunder. The last thing he needed was to spook the creature.

  Kate walked alongside Black Thunder guiding him through the canyon, soothing him with her voice. They emerged and the ranch came into view. She saw Jack by the truck, and horse trailer hitched behind. She guided the placid animal up the ramp and into the trailer.

  “That’s it, keep going,” said Kate coaxing him into the steel frame. “Now I need you to relax and not be scared. Jack says it’s going to be a long drive. I don’t want you getting all panicky alone in here. I’ll be with you, and you can see me in the truck.”

  She pointed out the window of the trailer motioning toward the pickup rear window. Black Thunder nodded his head gently up and down as she continued to rub him.

  “I’m leaving now,” said Kate.

  She went to move but the animal nipped at her shirt. Kate had an idea. She lifted her shirt over her head and removed it. She tied it to the front of the trailer so Black Thunder would be comforted by her scent. Kate moved along the trailer, stroking Black Thunder’s long frame.

  Jack breathed a sigh of relief seeing Kate emerge from the trailer. It made him nervous, her being alone in a closed space with the wild stallion. He closed the bottom half of the trailer’s door and pulled up the ramp securing it to the trailer. As he shoved the ramp in place, he gave Kate a second look.

  “Where’s your shirt?” he stated in a Jack McBride sort of way, seeing her upper torso bare and exposed except for her bra.

  He noticed that he wasn’t alone in his observation as several of his ranch hands stopped what they were doing and were now focusing on her instead of their work.

  “I gave it to Black Thunder so he wouldn’t be scared,” she said. “Can you run upstairs and get me a shirt? I don’t want to leave him alone.”

  “Here, take mine.” He removed his shirt and quickly covered her.

  He wasn’t about to leave her standing there exposed to his men. Kate suppressed a giggle. The men’s loss was her gain, as she watched a bare chested Jack walk back to the house to retrieve another shirt.

  Several minutes later he emerged wearing a fresh t-shirt. He stepped up on the back of the trailer and saw the rear end of the horse and its tail swishing nervously.

  “Easy there boy,” he said in a calm manner as he took out a syringe and injected it in to the horse’s back side.

  “What are you doing?” Kate seemed as skittish as the steed.

  “Relax,” said Jack as he jumped down from the trailer and closed its upper door. “I just gave him a mild sedative to take the edge off since it’s going to be a long trip. The last thing we need is for him to panic while we’re on the road.”

  It made sense, thought Kate as Jack led her to the front of the truck. He opened the cab door and motioned for her to get in. Kate slid into the seat. Jack closed the door and walked around the truck then climbed into the driver’s side.

  “You ready?” he looked over at her.

  “I think so,” she sighed.

  Jack turned the key in the ignition and started the engine. Slowly he eased them forward over the dirt road, not wanting to startle Black Thunder by the rumbling of the trailer, periodically checking his rearview mirror making certain the animal was not spooked.

  He pulled onto the main road, traveling toward town. The outskirts of Virginia City came into view. He turned on Six Mile Canyon Road and traveled down to the valley below then on to Highway Fifty, heading east.

  Kate sat quiet staring out the side window. They passed Lake Lahanton and she smiled fondly remembering their day at the lake. The scene remained the same throughout most of the trip. Wide open space, high desert filled with sage, mountain peaks against the backdrop of clear open skies.

  “Now you see why National Geographic named this the loneliest road in America,” said Jack making light conversation with her.

  “It is a bunch of nothing, but it is very beautiful,” Kate hated to admit. “Are we going to see anymore towns before Austin?”

  “Nope,” he chuckled. “Cold Springs was the last.”

  “So, we’re close to Austin?”

  “Not exactly. We got a few more hours on the road,” Jack chuckled. “I know of a place that will be perfect for him. It’s about thirty miles outside of Austin.”

  “Oh,” said Kate as she adjusted herself in the seat.

  “Why don’t you lean back and take a little a nap,” suggested Jack as he looked over at her and smiled.

sp; “No, I’m not sleepy.”

  “Suit yourself.” He reached over and flipped on the radio. The cab filled with the sounds of country music.

  “I brought my phone with me.” She hinted hearing that twang filled sound. “We could listen to my kind of music too.”

  “I’ve listened to your kind of music before.” He frowned. “It sucks.”

  “It does not,” Kate objected.

  “Trust me baby, it does,” he laughed. “Besides since I’m driving, I get to choose the music. That’s the rule.”

  “I’ve never heard of that rule before.” It was Kate’s turn to frown.

  “That’s because you’re from California, Barbie doll.” He teased her. “The land of fruits and nuts!”

  “I hate it when you call me that,” she crinkled up her freckled nose and made a face. “I wasn’t a Barbie doll today when I got Black Thunder into the trailer.”

  “No, you weren’t, Kate,” he smiled at her. “You’re turning into one fine cowgirl. I’m proud of you.”

  He reached over and gave her thigh a little squeeze. Kate couldn’t hide the joy on her face. He was proud of her. That was the greatest compliment coming from Jack McBride.

  Kate smiled as she looked out the window. Jack glanced over at her and saw her glow. He shook his head in astonishment as it suddenly occurred to him that he may wear the pants, but Kate was the belt that kept them on straight. Together, they made a pretty good team.

  “So, are you going to marry me or not?” Jack asked again breaking the silence.

  “That’s your idea of a proposal?” Kate leaned her arm against the window and sighed.

  “You told me to ask you again, so I’m asking.” He said in a Jack McBride kind of way.

  “Not like that.” Kate rolled her eyes.

  “So you’re saying no?” He looked over at her.

  “Ask me right and I might consider it,” she said in a Kate Harris kind of way.

  “Ask you right?” Jack was downright confused. “What does that mean?”

  “You’ll figure it out.”

  Jack shook his head. He asked her to marry him, and rather than saying yes she gave him a riddle. How was he to decipher its meaning? What more did she want?


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