A Discarded Pearl (A Marsden Romance Book 5)

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A Discarded Pearl (A Marsden Romance Book 5) Page 3

by Dawn Brower

  “You used a woman and you expect me to have faith in you?”

  He had to be honest with her. Telling her had been a risk, but he’d hoped she would see it as him being open. Damian didn’t want to hide anything from her.

  “I will understand if you don’t. It’s a lot to ask.” He frowned. “I hate for you to think badly of me, but it’s necessary for you to have all the information. He finished brushing her hair. It shimmered in the fading sunlight. “You and I have to rely on each other to get out of this mess. You have to trust me and let that stubborn streak you are so fond of go.”

  “I’m not making any promises.” She sighed and glared at him. “I am not stubborn.”

  He laughed. “Cara, trust me. You are by far the most obstinate woman I have ever met.” He leaned down and kissed the tip of her nose. “But don’t worry; I rather like that side of you.”

  She folded her arms across her chest. “Stop that.”

  “What?” His eyebrow rose. “I’ve done nothing.”

  She stomped her foot and glowered at him. “Quit making me like you.”

  Women. Would he ever understand them? “Maybe you should accept what is between us and make things easier on yourself.”

  “I wouldn’t know what you could possibly mean.”

  “Perhaps it would be better to show you…”

  Damian pulled her into his arms and found her lips with his. A small gasp fell between her lips allowing him to take advantage of her open mouth. He touched her tongue with his. She tentatively touched his in return.

  That’s it, cara. Let me in.

  Damian deepened the kiss. He cupped her breasts in his palms. She moaned as he continued his ministrations. If he pushed a little bit he could have her—but he didn’t want her like this. They may be living on borrowed time, but he would rather her not regret being with him. Pearla deserved to be wooed.

  With every ounce of control he could muster, he pulled back. He groaned at the sight of her. Her lips were plump from his kiss and her cheeks were flushed a bright pink.

  “Why did you stop?” Her breaths were ragged as she spoke. It made him want to pull her back into his arms all over again. Every inch of her screamed her desire at him. His self control was close to toppling over the edge.

  “You deserve better than a quick tumble on a tiny cot in a dark musty cabin. When I make love to you, cara—and I will be on a soft bed with at least a hundred candles lit so I can look my fill.”

  Damian had to remind himself over and over again why it was not a good idea to give in to their mutual desire. Pearla was so damned pretty and delectable. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened them again, he had to clench his hands into tight fists or he’d have pulled her back into his arms again. Being a gentleman was so bloody difficult at times.

  Her eyes softened. “Maybe one day I will let you do that too. But you were right to stop this now. I want so much more than to lose my innocence in a hasty act of foolishness.”

  “Oh, cara, trust me, there would have been nothing hasty involved.”

  She smiled. “If it makes you feel better to think so.”

  Damian cursed. It was as if she was baiting him to give in and make love to her. He couldn’t allow her to gain the upper hand. He meant what he said. Pearla should be loved properly. He still wasn’t sure he was that man, but he wanted to be.


  The door swung open, and they both turned to see who was barging in on them. Damian frowned.

  A dirty man with a full black beard filled the doorway. “Oh, good, you’re both awake. The captain has something planned for you both tonight. Come with me. You both are about to witness something you will never forget.”

  Damian cursed. Whatever it was, it couldn’t be good.

  Chapter Three

  The dirty-bearded bosun who’d leered at her when she boarded the ship gripped Pearla’s arm and yanked her forward.

  “Let me go,” she demanded.

  “Sorry, missy, captain’s orders. You’re coming with me.”

  Pearla wrenched her arm free and stumbled backward. Her backside hit the floor. She winced as pain shot through her. Damian helped her to her feet.

  “It’ll be all right, I promise,” he whispered in her ear.

  Pearla didn’t believe anything would ever be all right again. She wasn’t about to start giving herself false hope. No doubt Damian sought to give her some kind of comfort, but she knew better. Whatever the captain had planned was not good. She wanted to delay it as long as possible. If it meant she had to scratch the eyes out of the disgusting man in front of her, she would. It was quite clear what he wanted from her. If he got his way, he’d happily debauch her. There wasn’t a chance in hell she’d go anywhere with him willingly.

  “Having some problems, Perry?”

  Pearla’s gaze shot upward at the sound of a new voice joining the bosun. It appeared their luck was running out—if they ever had any to start with. The burly man had friends to help force them on deck.

  “I can handle the chit. I like my women a bit feisty.”

  “Hurt her and you will die.” The tone of Damian’s voice was a combination of rigid and lethal. Pearla swung around to gaze into his silver eyes. She believed he was capable of murdering them all, if only he was at full strength. Unfortunately, he was still healing from the beating he’d taken a few weeks ago. Their time locked in the cabin had allowed him some time to heal, but she didn’t believe it was enough.

  “Don’t worry, Conte. Your time will come soon enough.” The bosun leered at them both. “You two, help him topside.” He gestured toward two sailors standing nearby. “The missy and I will follow shortly behind you.”

  Pearla shuffled her feet backward. She couldn’t let the evil man anywhere near her. If she did, he’d get his way. The very idea of having him touch her in any way made her skin crawl. Disgust wrapped itself around her stomach as she fought dry heaves. He stalked toward her, preparing once again to grab her. He took two steps, his gaze filled with licentious intent.

  The bosun made one fatal mistake. He hadn’t allowed the other two men to help Damian topside before he made advances on Pearla. Without any hint of his intent, Damian’s fist flew through the air and landed square between the bosun’s eyes. Perry’s eyes rolled back, and he crumpled to the ground with a loud thud.

  “Bloody hell.” One of the sailors scratched his beard as he studied the bosun’s unconscious body. “I suppose we’ll have to leave him here for the time being. Someone else can drag his stupid arse out of the room. I’m not doing it”

  His co-conspirator nodded at him and then at Damian. They both lunged and grabbed him. One held his arms around his neck in a chokehold. The other held a knife to his gut. “Make one wrong move, and you will bleed like a stuck pig.”

  Damian held his body completely still. What a mess. How were they going to get out of this now? Pearla bit her lip as she studied the two ruffians. They looked like they’d studied at the school of pirate comportment. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind they would kill them both if they believed them to be a threat.

  “Now, missy, don’t be getting ideas. We don’t particularly want to upset the plans the captain be having, but don’t make the mistake of thinking we won’t kill you and throw your body overboard. If you want your friend here to live to actually see the deck, then you best follow behind us all nice like.”

  All the warmth she had in her body seemed to drain right out of her. If she were to look in a mirror, she’d probably be as pale as the white clouds floating in the sky. She nodded her head at them. Now was not the time to put up a fight. Besides it was the bosun who’d meant to ruin her. These men wanted them to go meet with the captain. Whatever he had planned couldn’t be as bad as what the bosun had meant to do to her.

  “I’ll do as you ask.” Her lips wobbled as she spoke. No. That wouldn’t do. They couldn’t know how much their actions struck terror in her soul. She squared her shoulders
and tried to show no fear. “Please be careful where you stick that blade. You might accidentally poke a hole in Damian, and that would be quite a bloody mess.”

  Damian’s lips twitched as he fought a smile. He rolled his eyes. “Nice of you to show such concern for my well-being.”

  She snorted. “Who said anything about caring what happens to you?” She raised an eyebrow. “I rather not deal with the repercussions of your imminent demise. I only have one dress, and it wouldn’t do to walk around in my chemise the rest of the journey.”

  The bosun already had issues keeping his hands to himself. She didn’t need to give him any more ideas. She didn’t want Damian hurt—truly—but she also had to think of what would happen to her if something nefarious happened to him. He appeared to be the only man on board concerned about her welfare. He was also all that stood between her and the evil intentions some of the sailors directed at her. As much as she hated to admit it, she needed him. They were stuck together, and she depended on him.

  “You wound me.” His eyes sparkled with mischief. “If we were alone, I’d remind you how much you would care if something happened to me.”

  The charming rogue had a valid point. She’d desired him more than she wanted to admit. She’d enjoyed his kisses and wanted to see where they would lead. If he hadn’t stopped, they’d have gone a lot further in their exploration of each other. A fire had ignited within her that she’d never experienced before. Damian’s touch only made her crave more. He was too handsome, and alluring for her poor female heart to withstand. He didn’t need to know the full extent of the temptation he presented.

  “But we aren’t alone, are we?” She tilted her head and held back the smile that threatened to form on her face. What was it about this man that amused her so? “Gentleman I believe you were leading us up to the deck. What does the captain have planned to entertain us? Remind me to lodge some complaints about the accommodations. When I secured passage aboard this ship, I thought I’d have a cabin to myself. It’s completely unacceptable that he not only stuffed me in a room with another passenger, but a male one at that. It’s going to ruin my impeccable reputation.”

  Both men’s mouths fell open in shock. Good. If she kept them guessing, they wouldn’t have time to think about what they might or might not do. She didn’t even know exactly where they were. Somewhere in the massive ocean—they could only hope they were somewhere near land.

  “Where exactly are we heading anyway?” Both men stared at her blankly. She snapped her fingers and waved in front of their faces. “Can you hear me?”

  “I don’t understand your question,” one of them finally answered her.

  She rolled her eyes. “Are you two imbeciles? What port?”


  Damian started laughing. One of them punched him in the gut, resulting in some harsh coughs. Pearla wanted to smack some sense into him. Why was he acting like such a bloody idiot? Surely he knew what he provoked with his projected amusement. He must be insane. It was the only explanation for his behavior. If he kept up his current demeanor, they’d murder them and toss them overboard.

  “Do you have a death wish?” Pearla stomped her foot. “Do you not at least feel the pointy object in the vicinity of your gut?”

  “Oh, I feel it,” he wheezed out. “If you don’t want me to laugh, then quit making jests.”

  “I didn’t think that was a joke. I truly want to know where we are headed.”

  Information was power. She wanted to gain all the advantages she could. It was the only way they would have any chance of escaping. She would not spend years imprisoned as Damian’s sister Rubina had. There was too much life in her to be stifled in such a way.

  “Quit your jabbering and walk in front of us.” The man gestured with his head.

  “But I don’t know where I’m going…” These two were actually idiots. How was she to lead when she didn’t know the ship?

  “Start walking. We will give you directions as we go.”

  “Hmmph. Fine.” Still didn’t make sense to her. What did they think she’d do if she followed? Walk into a different room below deck and disappear? What good would that do? Someone would find her eventually and stuff her back in the room with Damian. If she were being honest with herself, she was glad she had him for company. He made her feel…safe.

  Pearla stepped out of the door and eased her way down the dark passage. There had been only one way to turn outside of the door. She had forgotten the cabin was at the end of the passageway. How long had they been locked in that cabin? She’d stopped counting days a while ago. She knew it was weeks…but what if it had been longer.

  “Keep going straight.”

  “Where else am I going to go?” How bloody stupid were they? “It’s not as if there are any other passages I could accidentally go down.”

  “Keep your trap shut and move.”

  They got irritated rather easy. Maybe she should talk more and put them further on edge. No. If they got too mad they might stick Damian with that knife just because they could. She couldn’t risk it. Chatting for the sake of ticking them off wouldn’t do them any favors.

  “Turn left and follow the ramp up.”

  Pearla did what he told her to and followed the ramp all the way until they hit the deck. The sun was low on the horizon. If only they could have been topside to see it high in the sky. The little bit of light that came through the porthole wasn’t nearly enough. They had very little, and when the sun fell each night the moonlight was a poor comparison.

  She stopped in front of the ship’s railing. Surely they didn’t expect her to walk right overboard. Pearla peeked over her shoulder. They dragged Damian over and shoved him next to her.

  “Don’t even think of doing something stupid, Conte. Captain Blythe will be here shortly to deal with you both.” The crew members kept close eye on them, not leaving their side.

  Where did they think they could possibly go? “Is he going to make us walk the plank?” Pearla asked.

  “Cara, please don’t give them ideas.”

  She turned and glared at Damian. “I told you not to call me that.”

  He shrugged. “I doubt I will stop any time. You might as well get used to it.”

  “Nice to see you both getting along.” Captain Blythe strolled over to join them. “It will go well with what I have planned.”

  Damian’s lips formed a firm, straight line. His eyes appeared to shoot daggers at the captain. It was evident he wanted to let loose every ounce of fury inside of him on the wretched man. Pearla wouldn’t stand in his way. She wanted to push him overboard herself.

  “What, no questions?” Captain Blythe’s eyebrow rose. “As chatty as you two were before, I thought at least one of you would ask what tonight’s festivities were going to be.”

  Oh, hell. From the tone of his voice something bad was about to take place. What did he have planned? For the life of her, she couldn’t figure the captain out. Nothing made sense to her since she’d been locked inside the cabin. She needed answers. This debacle had to end.

  Damian’s chin jutted out with defiance. He wouldn’t be asking anytime soon. So that meant Pearla would have to do it.

  She studied her fingernails, acting as blasé as possible. Her head shot up and a smile of feigned joy lit her face. They had no idea what she was capable of. If she had to act helpless and stupid, she would. “Are we having a party?” She clapped her hands with false excitement. “Wonderful. Why didn’t you two oafs say so? I’d have skipped happily up here. Do you have musicians? I’d love to dance and have some food and champagne.” Pearla shot the words off in a rapid succession, only barely stopping to take a breath. She paused and surveyed the deck. “What, no decorations?”

  Captain Blythe’s laugh was full of menace. “Conte Leone, I’m going to enjoy tying you to this birdwit for the rest of your lives.”

  How dare that odious man insult her! She was not the moron in their situation.

  He was for not s
eeing she was playacting. One she had to continue. It wouldn’t do to let him see her for who she really was. She squeezed her eyes together with contrived confusion. “Who’s a birdwit? Can you bring my trunks up? And maybe a bath too. If we’re having a party, I’d like to get ready. It’s been so long since I was able to do something fashionable with my hair.”

  Captain Blythe shook his head, and his laugh echoed loudly on the wind.

  “What do you mean by tie me to her for the rest of my days?” Damian finally asked, his tone harsh. His face was devoid of emotion. The charming rogue was gone and replaced with a man who faced danger on a regular basis. Pearla repressed a shiver. What was he thinking?

  “Oh, it’s simple enough. You two are getting married—tonight.”

  Her mouth fell open at the captain’s words. Surely he was jesting… Marry Damian? No. Not. Happening. She gritted her teeth together. How were they going to get out of this debacle?

  Chapter Four

  “I must have heard you wrong.” Damian paused to let the captain’s word sink in. “I swear you said something about getting married.”

  Damian didn’t intend to ever get married. He liked Pearla well enough, but he didn’t want or need a wife. Was this the nefarious plan Paolo hatched to ruin Damian? How was an unwanted marriage supposed to destroy him? None of it made sense. Captain Blythe played with his beard and laughed. Damian fought the urge to punch him in the face. Maybe if he broke his nose it would improve his visage. No. Nothing would make the dirty bastard look any better. Acting rashly wouldn’t get them out of whatever the captain had planned.

  “You heard correctly, Conte Leone.” The captain’s grin grew ever wider. “I get the honor of performing the ceremony.”

  Damian gritted his teeth. “On whose authority?”

  “You know who. Don’t worry, it will be relatively painless.”

  Pearla waved her hand. “Excuse me.” Her voice was pure ice, as she glared at them all. “Don’t I have a say in this?”

  “Not at all, missy. Best be prepared to get hitched to the man you’ve spent weeks locked away with. Your reputation is in tatters. We’re doing you a favor.”


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