A Discarded Pearl (A Marsden Romance Book 5)

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A Discarded Pearl (A Marsden Romance Book 5) Page 8

by Dawn Brower

  She was going into Rubina’s house! How long had she been in London? When had Captain Blythe let her go? He breathed a sigh of relief to know she was free. At least that was one less thing he would have to worry about. Now he had to go inside and claim his wife. Explaining his absence to his family could wait. They would understand.

  He stalked forward intending to gather Pearla into his arms. He’d missed her and couldn’t wait to breathe in her scent again. What she must have gone through after they were separated—he didn’t want to think heavily about it. The important thing was she was safe and they could pick up where they left off.

  When he reached the entrance, the door flew open. “Good evening,” the butler greeted him. “The wedding has already started. His Grace asked that late arrivals wait outside the room as to not disturb the ceremony. After it concludes you may go inside.”

  Wedding? Who was getting married? It didn’t matter. He could be patient for a little while longer. He didn’t want to disturb another couple’s nuptials. Pearla wasn’t going to sneak away on him in the middle of the ceremony.

  “That’s fine. I can wait.”

  Damian rushed past him and headed toward the sound of voices. He stopped outside the doorway and watched his sister walk toward Noah. Rubina raised her hand toward her husband. He lifted her hand to his lips, kissing the back of it. They stared at each other for a few moments before they turned their attention to the vicar. It looked as if they were going to renew their wedding vows. Good for them. He was glad they’d found a way back to each other. His sister deserved to be happy.

  He tore his gaze away from their exchange of vows and searched for the woman he needed to see the most. Damian found her sitting serenely, watching the ceremony. He had to wonder if it bothered her to see Noah marrying Rubina again. At one time she thought she would marry Noah herself. It must bring back memories observing them now. They glowed with happiness and only had eyes for each other. Pearla didn’t look away from them once.

  His attention returned back the wedding.

  “You may now kiss your bride,” the vicar announced.

  Noah’s gaze never left Rubina. “You don’t have to tell me twice.” The duke kissed his wife as if he’d never get the chance again.

  Now would be a good time to interrupt. Damian’s patience had come to an end. He needed to talk to Pearla, and he couldn’t wait for Noah to stop kissing Rubina.

  “Pardon me for interrupting—I always did show up late for important events.”

  Noah and Rubina glanced across the room. A gasp of surprise fell from Rubina’s lips. Damian strutted into the room with large purposeful strides.

  Rubina ran to him and hugged him tight. “I’m so glad to see you. Where the bloody hell have you been all this time?”

  Damian hugged her tight in his embrace. He kissed the top of her head. “Easy now, Rue.” He eased back. “I rather like breathing.”

  “Are you going to answer my question?” She raised an eyebrow.

  “I will explain it all at another time.” He scanned the guests, locking his gaze on Pearla. “I came for another reason.”

  Rubina pursed her lips in displeasure. She opened her mouth to speak and then paused to study him. Then she turned in the direction that held him riveted. Damian could tell she was curious and wanted to ask questions. He would tell her about everything later—much later. He needed to wrap Pearla in his embrace and reassure himself she was indeed all right.

  Pearla stood up. She glared at Damian. Her hand flew to her chest; her mouth hung open with shock. She shook her head several times as if not believing what she saw in front of her. Damian could relate to what she appeared to be going through. Finally, he’d found her, and they could be together again.

  Rubina turned and asked, “Do you two know each other?”

  “I think a man would know his wife when he sees her.” Damian’s gaze never left Pearla.

  Pearla’s blue eyes were filled with fire as she stared back at him. She was angry… He couldn’t blame her. She probably blamed him for deserting her. When he got her alone, he would explain what Captain Blythe had done. He would never have left her willingly. She’d come to mean the world to him in a very short time.

  “I am not your wife,” Pearla said with disdain.

  Pearla pushed her way past everyone. Bloody hell, he’d have to chase after her. It wasn’t going to be as easy as he’d thought. Why would it have been? Pearla was a headstrong woman and wouldn’t cave without giving him hell first. If she wanted a fight, she’d get one. Damian was never letting her go again.

  Chapter Nine

  Pearla pushed open the front door and flew down the steps. She rushed past one of the footmen and headed toward her carriage. Her heart beat rapidly against her chest, threatening to push right out of body. Her breathing became tapered as she struggled to control her wayward emotions. How could this happen to her? The sooner she put some distance between her and the Duke of Huntly’s townhouse, the better. Only then would she be able to breathe and control her racing heart.

  She waved toward her driver and stepped inside the carriage. “Take me home now,” she demanded.

  Damian had shown up. She knew at some point he would. It never occurred to her it would happen almost immediately upon her return to London. Although she should have known… She had the worst luck of anyone alive. It didn’t matter. She leaned her head against the back of her carriage and breathed a sigh of relief as the carriage began to move. Seeing Damian had put her on edge, but she’d made it out without too much trouble. Soon there would be enough distance between them to alleviate the worst of her wayward nerves.

  The door to her carriage jolted open, startling her already rampant heart. Her hand flew to her chest to steady the rush flowing through her.

  “You didn’t think you’d get away so easily did you love?” Damian closed the carriage door and sat across from her. “We have some things to discuss.”

  Her mouth fell open as her entire body seized in shock. When would she learn? Nothing was ever a given—Damian was set to prove her wrong at every turn. Why did the world seem to hate her? All she’d wanted was some distance to think before having to deal with this man before her. Was that really too much to ask? Apparently so, because now she was being forced to spend time with one of the men she’d hoped to avoid. She should have stayed abroad. Things were much simpler, and peaceful, when she was on her own.

  She pursed her lips in displeasure as she studied him. “Why are you here?”

  “I believe I already said why.” His smile was cocky, and he seemed so sure of himself.

  As far as she was concerned they had nothing to discuss. He said it all when he left her alone on that ship. Whatever the reasons were for him leaving—she didn’t care. All she wanted now was to be left alone. They were nothing to each other.

  “I beg to differ. I’d be perfectly fine to never speak to you ever again.” Ever. He could just hop out of the moving carriage and leave her be. “I’d be much happier if you left me alone.”

  “We’re married—”

  She held up her hand. “Let’s stop right there. I believe I already told you I am not your wife. So if you’re feeling some obligation toward me under that false assumption let me disabuse you of that notion immediately. I don’t need you. You are not my husband, and you never will be.”

  He stared at her. The muscles in his cheeks flexed. His eyes turned to a molten silver as he studied her. She didn’t know what it meant or why he wasn’t saying anything. She closed her eyes and sighed, gaining the strength to continue dealing with him. Being in Damian’s presence affected her on an intimate level. She was drawn to him in ways she’d never been to Noah. Her whole body craved to move closer to him and bask in his warmth. She couldn’t, wouldn’t, give into that desire—sadly she knew what a disaster it would be to fall into his arms again.

  “Explain why you believe we are not married.”

  Pearla looked up into his eyes. He seem
ed—resigned. No that wasn’t it either… Determined was more like it. Damian seemed to have a single-minded pursuit in mind, and lucky her, she appeared to be the object of his sole focus. She needed to get his train of thought on something other than her.

  “Captain Blythe said it was all a ruse.” She shrugged. “You can rest easy. We’re not, and never have been, legally wed. You’re free, Damian. Go find someone else to bother.”

  She meant what she said. Didn’t she? Maybe if he put up more of a fight she’d believe he really wanted her. It was so hard to decipher what was true and what wasn’t. Her heart had leapt with joy when she’d laid eyes upon him. Followed by fear—why was he in London now? She’d just decided to return. There must be some other reason.

  “You never thought to check to see if he was telling the truth? The man does like playing havoc with other people’s lives.” He raised an eyebrow. “You do recall our time together locked in a cabin on his ship, correct?”

  How could she forget? It had been one of the worst and best times of her life. She had begun to feel wanted, even important to someone else. Until Captain Blythe added to her already growing self-doubt… Damian didn’t want her. He never did. “I remember it in vivid detail.”

  “So tell me, word for word, what the good captain told you.”

  She shook her head. “It doesn’t matter. None of it does. I am home and free to do anything I want. If you’re so concerned about what the captain has done, or did, go find out from him. I’m satisfied knowing I’m not tied to you for the rest of my life.”

  A sharp sting of pain stabbed through her unsteady heart. That wasn’t entirely true. She’d wanted him. Hope had coursed through her body at the idea of him as her husband. Then it all crashed down around her. Why did everyone want to discard her? Damian wouldn’t have the power to hurt her ever again. She couldn’t let him in only to lose him. It hurt too much the first time. If she opened herself up only to lose him—it would destroy her. She couldn’t afford to let herself love him. They’d been doomed from the start.

  “It bloody hell does matter.” His voice was harsh. “You matter. Don’t sell yourself short. We need to know the facts. If we’re not legally wed, that can be rectified.”

  What nonsense was he spouting now? “We’re not wed. I have already stated that several times. Nothing needs to be fixed. All I need from you is space. What are you not understanding?”

  “We belong together, cara.” His grin was wicked as his gaze raked over her. “We were inevitable from the start. It’s only a matter of time until you’re fully mine.”

  She snorted. He was ridiculous. They were not inevitable. Nothing ever was. This discussion had gone off course and derailed into a subject she didn’t want to take part of any longer. Damian needed to find someone else to harass.

  “I will never be yours. That ship sailed.” In more ways than one. She leaned forward and stated firmly, “I’m not, nor will I ever, belong to you. Get acclimated to that now. You do not have any thing I need or want.”

  His lips formed a grim white line as anger flashed through his silver eyes. “I refuse to accept that.”

  “That’s your problem, not mine. I’ve accepted we were not meant to be together months ago. I’m only surprised you haven’t reached the same conclusion.” This had reached beyond tedious. She waved her hand with frustration. “I deserve better. You’re not the man for me.”

  He stayed silent again. How could he hold his anger in? His body remained completely still as he studied her. He must want to lash out. She had not been nice, and held nothing back from him. She had not lied. She did deserve better. Damian had already proved she couldn’t depend on him. He only wanted her because he believed she belonged to him. Pearla belonged to no one, and especially not to a man who would readily abandon her for his own selfish pursuits.

  “I understand,” his voice was eerily quiet and firm. “You wish to be courted.”

  No. She wanted to scream at him, but she held it back. Her voice shook with raw emotion as she explained, “You understand nothing at all.”

  “Oh, I think I do.” His smile grew on his face as he continued to stare at her. “You think no one could ever truly want you. Your answer is to push me away so your already bruised heart doesn’t suffer further.” He yanked her across the carriage and onto his lap. “But, cara, you need to know I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I want you. If you need time to accept what I already know, I can give it to you.”

  His announcement terrified her. Could she have faith he meant what he said? She wanted to believe him. Give in to the desire, the deep seated need, to belong to him. The idea of it though—if he left her again, she’d never recover. It was too big of a risk. She couldn’t trust him with her heart.

  “I don’t want anything from you.” She wiggled in his arms. “Let me go.”

  “I can promise you forever.” He caressed her cheek and brushed a wayward curl behind her ear. “Letting you go is not an option I can entertain.”

  “Nothing is forever, including this sudden desire to have me.”

  She had to get out of his arms. The feelings he created inside of her—she wouldn’t be able to control her desires if she remained on his lap. He made her want—no, need—him and only him. Damian couldn’t know how much she craved his love. Only he made her feel this deep yearning for more.

  “What I feel for you, cara, is so far from sudden it is ridiculous to even suggest it.”

  “Then where have you been?” She raised an eyebrow. “Not here with me. So don’t attempt to make me believe you’ve been fighting your feelings and desires for me. I’m not a fool.”

  “It couldn’t be helped—I…”

  She shook her head, and interrupted him, “It don’t want to hear your excuses.” She placed her hands on his chest to push him away, but got lost in the sensation of feeling his warmth beneath them. “Stay away from me. It’s all I need from you. I can’t say it enough to make you understand.”

  “I will give you anything you want, anything but that.” His gaze softened as he stared into her eyes. “I need you too much. When you’re ready to know why I’ve been away, I’ll explain it. In the meantime, I think I should remind you exactly what is between us.”

  He pulled her closer and placed his lips softly upon hers. Pearla started to pull away but then lost herself in the sensation of his lips against her, and the passion she’d been trying to hold in. His caresses soothed her wounded soul. She wanted to believe everything he was trying to put into that one kiss, but it was all too much. She was on an emotional overload that threatened to burst her at the seams. The kiss went on forever and wrecked her from the inside out. She shook with a need she couldn’t describe. Fear took a hold of her and she yanked her head back.

  “You shouldn’t have done that.” Her breathing was ragged. “Release me.”

  He complied with her request. His arms slackened and he set her on the seat next to him. The carriage came to an abrupt halt, causing her to fall back into his arms once again. She peeked up at him through hooded eyes. She could see retrained desire deep in his silver pools.

  “I believe we’ve reached our destination, cara.” He smoothed another loose curl behind her ear. “This is where we part—for now. I’ll call upon you in a few days. I think you need some time to think.” He smiled, softly. “But rest assured, this is not over.”

  He caressed her cheek once more and left her alone in the carriage. Her hand flew to where the warmth from his hand was still imprinted upon her cheek. She couldn’t help the need to absorb it all deep inside of her. Damian was a force that was hard to resist.

  How was she supposed to argue against him when he left her an emotional wreck? Already he was beginning to break down every one of her walls of defense. If he came at her full force, it wouldn’t take long to crumble them all to the ground. Damian had thrown the first volley in their war, and it looked like he planned a siege that would outlast any resistance she had to offer.

  The only question she had was—why was she fighting at all?

  Chapter Ten

  Damian scanned the room, looking for the only person he wanted to socialize with. When he didn’t see her pretty blonde head he decided to head toward the card room. He would find entertainment elsewhere while he waited for Pearla to arrive. He had it on good authority she planned on attending the Silverton ball. Arturo had someone installed in her household to garner the information he needed to court her properly.

  Pearla was being difficult.

  She had managed to evade him for a whole fortnight. When she’d claimed to want him to leave her be, she’d not been lying. He hadn’t believed for a moment that was what she truly wanted or needed. The way she reacted to their kiss suggested she desired him as much as he did her.

  She was afraid. If he was patient enough, he would get her to agree to be his wife in truth. He still thought of her as his. At first, he balked at the idea of taking a wife, but now that he’d gotten over his initial reservations he saw that only Pearla would do for him. She was his equal in every way. He couldn’t wait for her to see it as clearly as he did.

  “Didn’t expect to run into you here,” a voice said from behind him.

  “Hello, Noah.” Damian smiled. “I didn’t think I’d see you not permanently attached to my sister’s side.”

  Noah laughed and clapped his hand against Damian’s shoulder. “As much as I’d enjoy that, she’d kill me if I tried. She demands her space. Gemma and Lily currently have her full attention. I expect Liam and Rand to join me in here shortly. Once the ladies get talking, they tend to ignore us.”

  The other two men could provide a decent distraction for him while he awaited Pearla’s arrival. She was the only reason he’d ventured to the ball at all. They were not his usual scene. Thanks to his sister’s social status, he got invited to all the big social events of the season, but most of the time he declined them. There were too many mamas seeking to marry their daughters to him. As far as he was concerned, he was officially off the market—if he’d ever been on it at all. It was Pearla or none.


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