A Discarded Pearl (A Marsden Romance Book 5)

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A Discarded Pearl (A Marsden Romance Book 5) Page 13

by Dawn Brower

  She lifted her chin and said with conviction, “Take us to your leader. I have a few words they need to hear.”

  “Good girl.” He laughed. “I knew you had some grit in you.”

  He gestured to someone behind her. They lifted Damian’s body and tossed him in her carriage. Then Captain Blythe helped her inside. She sat next to her husband and caressed his hair. It comforted her more than it helped him. As the carriage rocked forward she formed a plan.

  She was so done with insane people playing havoc with her life. It was time to let go of polite Pearla and let them feel the strength of her wrath.

  First, she would have to make sure Damian was safe; although, she had no clue how she would be able to. Their fate didn’t look good…

  Chapter Sixteen

  An ache slid up his neck and traveled up to his head. A little hammer seemed to be beating a steady rhythm against it, causing pinpricks of pain to shoot behind his eyes. The idea of lifting his eyelids to check his surroundings didn’t seem like a good idea. What the hell had happened to him? Last thing he remembered—Pearla.

  His eyes flew open and he shuddered from the weight of them. Damian tried to sit up, but he couldn’t move. He looked down and his hands were tied securely in front of him. His legs were secured to the sides of the chair he currently found himself in. There had to be a way to gain his freedom. His wife needed him. Who had hit him and taken him captive? This was starting to get old. He was on his way to his new home…to finally make love to Pearla.

  “I see you’re awake,” a feminine voice filled his ears. He recognized it…where had he heard…

  “Camellia,” he replied scathingly. “Untie me, now.” He jerked his legs and hands against the rope.

  “Why would I do something as silly as that?” She sashayed over to his side. “I finally have you where I want you.”

  She was as crazy as her brother. How had he never seen it in her before? Was she as obsessed with him as Paolo had been with Rubina? Would he suffer a similar fate? Perhaps Camellia could be reasoned with.

  “You have to know this is not a good idea. I will be missed.”

  She tilted her head and studied him. Her hair fell down her back in black waves. “I don’t plan on keeping you here forever.” She laughed. “I’m not my brother.”

  Damian stared at her, not saying a word.

  “Oh, I see you are comparing us.” She flicked her wrist nonchalantly. “I’m not crazy, Damian. Once were officially wed, you’ll be free to go.”

  And she thought to convince him she hadn’t lost her mind? Insanity clearly ran far and wide in the branches of that family tree. Reasoning with her might not work, but he still had to try.

  “I can’t marry you, Melia,” he said softly. He really couldn’t. He already had a wife.

  “Sure you can.” She smiled serenely. “The vicar will be here soon to perform the ceremony.”

  He hadn’t really believed she was in the same league as her brother. Perhaps he should try reasoning with her again. It might help if he pled his case with her. She appeared rather calm about the entire situation. It scared him a little. It wasn’t normal to hold the groom hostage before a wedding, and Camellia was acting like it was.

  “You don’t think he’ll have issue with the groom being tied up for the ceremony?”

  She strolled around the room and laughed. “Why would he?” She clapped her hands with manic happiness. “I’ve paid him well not to think at all.”

  He took a deep breath and studied her. There had to be a way to get through to her. She must care about him on some level if she wanted to marry him. Crazy, sure—but there must be a soft spot inside of her for him. He could try to play on that a little bit to get her to let him go.

  “Melia,” he coaxed. “I can’t be your husband. It’s the truth.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous I told you already that you could.”

  He tried again, “I can’t marry you because I’m already married to someone else.”

  Please don’t ask who. He didn’t know where Pearla was. He had to protect her, and he had no clue how far Camellia’s insanity ran through her mind. She might get the notion to kill his wife so she could have him. What was it about his family attracting the mad people of the world? This one he could blame himself for. If he hadn’t pursued Camellia for information on Paolo she might never have latched on to him.

  She narrowed her eyes on him and glared. “Don’t lie to me, Conte Leone. I won’t be made a fool of.”

  He closed his eyes and prayed for patience. “I’m not lying.”

  “But…you love me,” she said. “I know you do. The way you looked at me—it warmed me from the inside out. I was so sure…”

  He shook his head. “I only love one woman, and I’m sorry, Melia.” —He paused and looked into her stormy green eyes— “I owe you so many apologies for what I did to you. I used you in the worst possible way, but I never loved you.”

  She stalked toward him and leaned into him. Her face mere inches from his and demanded, “Is it the blonde you were following around at the ball? Is she the woman you love?”

  He gulped but held back from saying it.

  “Never mind, I can see it in your eyes. You care for her.” Her lips tilted into a half smile. “What was her name again? Pearla Montgomery if my memory serves me.” She tapped her fingers together her smile growing bigger on her face as she stared at him. “You’ll be happy to know I have her here. Captain Blythe is keeping her company while we prepare for our wedding.”

  Did she still believe they were going to get married? He’d already explained… She better not hurt Pearla. What would he do if she harmed his wife? There was nothing he wouldn’t do for Pearla—even give his own life. “What are you going to do?”

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?” She strolled over to his side and raised her hand to cup his chin. She lifted her other hand and ran her fingers through his hair. “Don’t you worry about a thing. I will make sure your wife is disposed of before the wedding.”

  She let go of his chin and took a few steps back. Damian jerked against the ropes, and they started to dig into his flesh with each attempt to free himself.

  “Don’t hurt her.” He roared with frustration. “Please, I’m begging you.”

  Tears burned around the edges of his eyes, one escaping and trailing down his cheek. He’d fought so hard to get back to her. The hell he survived—it would be nothing without her. She was everything to him. If Camellia ended her life, she might as well take a dagger and stab him through the heart. He wouldn’t be able to live without her.

  Pearla had endured so much because of him. If not for the Fonte’s obsession with his family, she’d be safe. She’d never have been kidnapped, either time. There was so much they hadn’t discussed yet. He didn’t deserve her love, but he wanted it. His selfishness had brought this upon them. All he’d wanted to do was protect her. He’d failed. Now Pearla would pay for all his past mistakes.

  “You really do love her, don’t you?”

  He glanced up at her. His vision was blurry from the tears threatening to flood his cheeks. “If she dies, do me a favor and kill me too.”

  “You poor, poor man.” She smiled. “You’re a besotted fool.”

  He blinked several times. “I have never loved a woman the way I do Pearla. She is my everything, always will be. If I don’t have her, I have nothing. I would rather die than spend my life without her. So either kill me or let me go. If she’s dead, I will find a way to leave this world on my own.”

  Camellia shook her head and laughed. “I never took you for the dramatic type. Relax, your wife is fine. I told you Captain Blythe was keeping her company. In fact, she’s in the next room.” She waved toward a nearby door. “She can hear everything we’re saying.”

  His mouth opened and closed. Word failed to find their way out. “I don’t understand.”

  What game was she playing now?

  She sighed. “It was never my intention to
hurt you, Damian. I thought I was doing you a favor.”

  “Tying me up and planning to marry me is your way of helping?”

  He was oblivious to how her mind worked. Damian wasn’t sure he wanted to know.

  “Yes,” she replied. “I was under the impression you were having difficulty getting Miss Montgomery to believe you really loved her. This was my way of alleviating every one of her doubts once and for all.”

  “What?” His vision blurred. “If you mean me no harm, then untie me.”

  “All in good time.” She paced back and forth in front of him. “Before I let you go, I need your assurance you won’t hurt me.” She shrugged. “There are also a few things I need to tell you.”

  “I won’t hurt you.” As long as Pearla was not harmed. “Loosen the ropes.”

  Camellia ignored him. “I have been searching for you for some time. I knew Paolo had done something to you.” She sighed as she strolled around the room, and then stopped in front of him glancing down. She took a breath and continued her tone full of conviction. “I know how evil he is—was, and I wanted to make sure he hadn’t done something irreparable to you. What he did to your sister was unforgivable. He wasn’t any easier on me. He had me on a tight leash. His death freed me in so many ways. I owe your family a great debt.”

  “Untie. Me. Now.”

  “I will in a few moments,” she replied. “I went to Bath because there was supposed to be someone with more information on how to find you. Captain Blythe wasn’t being as forthcoming as I would have liked. I’d been informed Paolo had him do something to you. The captain refused to impart with the necessary information.” She smiled. “Seems there are men worse than my brother. Can you believe that?” She raised an eyebrow, and then waved her hand dismissively. “He’s said on several occasions he rather likes his head attached to his body. He’s been most irritating. The blasted man has been following me in a misguided attempt to protect me. Imagine my relief to see you at that ball. I have been searching forever, and you seemed happy and contented with this little slip of a woman.”

  “She is more than that.” Pearla was the only woman he’d ever love. If he managed to untangle them from their current mess, he’d make sure she knew how much he loved her. Camellia’s insanity had taken a different direction than her brother’s. Damian wasn’t sure he appreciated her shaky moral code.

  “I know she’s the woman who captured your heart.” She smiled at him. “I did some investigating and hatched this little plot of mine. I’m not crazy; I truly only want to see you happy, and I think I did help you. My methods might be a little…high-handed and a tiny bit extreme, but they are effective.”

  She snapped her fingers and the door opened. Pearla came rushing in with Captain Blythe fast on her heels.

  “Oh, Damian, I’m so sorry. He wouldn’t let me in until he got the signal from her.” She glared at Camellia. “Give me something to get these ropes off of him.”

  Captain Blythe shook his head and took several steps forward. He pulled a dagger out of a sheath and cut the ropes at his feet first. Then he slid it under the ropes around his wrists and cut them clean through. Damian rubbed his wrists and glared. How dare they put them through all the unnecessary torture? His fist connected with Captain Blythe’s nose before he’d realized he had clenched his hand. The captain’s bones cracked beneath his knuckles. It was by far the most satisfying act of violence he’d ever embarked upon. It would be gratifying if he could break more than his nose.

  “Easy now,” the captain said. “None of that is necessary.”

  “I beg to differ.” Damian glared. “I’ve wanted to do that for too long now. You know you deserved it.”

  “You’re both free to go,” Camellia interjected. She turned her gaze toward Pearla. “I hope you can trust that he loves you now. There’s no reason to doubt him.”

  Pearla nodded.

  Damian stood and wrapped her in his arms. As stressful as it had been to wake up tied to a chair, he was relieved it had all been a farce on the part of Camellia.

  “Camellia, if I don’t see you for a long time—don’t come looking for me.” He glared. “Your way of helping doesn’t work for me.”

  She laughed. “Conte, it’s been a pleasure seeing you, but it’s time for me to return to Naples. I have more messes of my brother’s to clean up.” She nodded toward Captain Blythe. “Are you coming?”

  They both exited the room, leaving Damian and Pearla alone.

  “I’m so sorry you had to go through that,” Damian lifted his hands and cupped her cheeks. “I will spend the rest of my life making sure only joyful things fill your life.”

  “I’m sorry I ever doubted you.”

  “Cara, after all we have been through, I’d have been surprised if you hadn’t.” He loved her so much.

  “Thank you for being patient with me.” She leaned into him. “I love you too, even though I think I probably don’t deserve you.”

  “I promise you, it’s I who doesn’t deserve you.” He pressed his lips against hers. “I’m the lucky one. Before you, I only saw darkness. You are the light that gives me a reason to live and find pleasure in life.”

  “Why don’t we agree that we are both blessed to have each other?” She hugged him closer. “Now take me home.” She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. “I believe you made me a promise or two you haven’t fulfilled yet.”

  Damian chuckled. “We will work on rectifying those.”

  He wrapped her arm through his and led them out of the door. They had their whole lives together. Nothing but good things from now on—they’d already had enough excitement for two lifetimes. Damian was looking forward to easy going days and starting a family with his wife.

  “I will say this much—this will be an interesting tale we can tell our children when they ask how we met.”

  Pearla laughed. “Once upon a time a man kidnapped us…”

  “And we lived happily ever after.”

  Damian leaned down and kissed her, basking in the paradise of finding her love.


  “Good morning, beautiful…”

  Damian pulled her into his arms and trailed kisses down her neck. He dipped his head lower and ran his tongue across one of her breasts. He cupped the other one in the palm of his hand and pinched her nipple.

  Need flooded through her. This is how every woman should wake up in the morning. Damian loved her thoroughly and left her breathless. Their desire for each other never wavered, even after being together for years and having three unruly children.

  Pearla sighed as her body tingled with her husband’s ministrations. “Damian, I need…”

  “I know exactly what you need, cara.” And he proceeded to give it to her. He always kept his promises until she screamed from the pleasure of them.

  This time was no different.

  She basked in the glow of his loving. “I could lie here all day.”

  “Me too,” he agreed. “Unfortunately, we must leave the warmth of our bed at some point.”

  Did they? Their bed was her favorite place, and when she was enclosed within his arms she didn’t see any reason to leave it. Regrettably, they had responsibilities to see to outside of their bedroom.

  Pearla sighed. “I know. I promised Gemma I would be down early to help her set up for the Viscount and Viscountess Torrington’s surprise.” She rolled out of bed and dressed. Damian languished behind and watched her. “Are you not going to come with me?”

  “I was enjoying the view.” He winked. “I will be down shortly. I have something I need to discuss with Noah and Liam.”

  She nodded and exited their room. They were at Huntly Manor, Noah’s country estate. They were planning an intimate gathering to celebrate Liam and Lily’s parents’ anniversary. Forty years ago, they embarked on their own adventure together. Pearla hoped she would be as lucky as they were.

  Their love had, thus far, stood the test of time. She and Damian had celebrated their fifteenth a fe
w months ago. Their oldest child, Rafael, was born a year after they were married. Sofia and Gabrielle followed a few years after him, a year barely separating their births. All three of them kept her and Damian busy. They were full of life and too curious for their own good.

  “Oh, good, I’m so glad you’re here,” Gemma exclaimed as Pearla walked into the sitting room. “I was afraid I’d have to come looking for you.”

  Pearla laughed. “I promised I’d help. What can I do?”

  Four boys came running into the room. Liam and Gemma’s twins, Alexander and Andrew headed the group. They were followed by Noah and Rubina’s son, Lucian, and her own son.

  “Mother, can you tell Angeline to quit following us everywhere we go?” Andrew demanded.

  Gemma pinched the bridge of her nose. “Be nice to your sister.”

  Angeline was Gemma’s youngest child, and her only daughter. She reminded Pearla of Lily. She took after her aunt a little too much. She was sure to drive Gemma and Liam mad as she grew up. She fully understood Andrew and Alexander’s frustration with their little sister.


  “No, Drew. You are her older brother. You should be used to having her follow you around. One day it will be your job to protect her.”

  “I told you.” Alex folded his arms across his chest, glaring at his twin brother. “Next thing you know, Emilia will be joining her.”

  Emilia was Noah and Rubina’s daughter. She was the spitting image of her mother. She had silvery blonde hair and beautiful gray eyes. Her beauty was going to cause Noah problems once suitors began clamoring for her attention. At least they had several years before they had to worry about it.

  “I can assure you my sister has better taste.” Lucian turned up his nose. “She would rather be a lady.”

  All four boys left the room, resigned to dealing with their younger sisters.

  Pearla shook her head and laughed. Had they ever been that young? The years seemed to fly by, and before they knew it their children would be having families of their own. She wished she could bottle them up and keep them small forever.


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