All Thorns Eve_Gems Book 1

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All Thorns Eve_Gems Book 1 Page 2

by Diana Rose Wilson

  How could anyone express their disinterest with only their eyes? Maybe it was in his body too. He didn’t respond at all, no twitch of desire even though he obviously didn’t shy away from looking at her and the pretty dance she performed.

  Butterfly didn’t touch him, and he didn’t stop her. His lack of interest only made her try that much harder. Until, that is, he lazily stroked his fingers along the golden token at his throat. When she finally got the hint, looking over him and his absolutely unresponsive cock, she bowed in surrender and wandered away, smiling to herself.

  Marcie couldn’t stand it any longer. Another group of women were coming to give him the look over and before they started trying to break down his walls, she needed to get her hands all over him. She made it down to the floor level, and as she came into view, she felt eyes focus on her, curious about her outfit. It was so unlike her usual heavy corsets and full skirts. Her bare stomach shivered, and her spine tightened under their regard.

  Did they see the new scars over her back? Or were they focused on her long legs and the fabric whispering around her thighs and the flash of bare sex it hardly shielded. The strange new weight of the wings was light, but also strangely heavy. Part of her longed for people to see them and comment on them. Weren’t they pretty? Pure white except where they were tipped with quicksilver and the elegant scallops of blue fire along the tops of the shoulders. She remembered being so devastated when they were ugly quills the color of dried blood and tobacco.

  A trio of women surrounded her consort, intent on their admiration of him.

  Too close to him, Marcie thought as she hung back to watch what they were doing. The lead woman stood in front of him while her partners flanked him. Although they threatened to touch him, he didn’t respond to any of it, watching the woman in the swan mask and snug fitting white latex body suit. One of the other women was dressed in brilliant flames, the mask a twinkle of vibrant red to match her leather corset. The other was dressed like a daisy, white petals with sunny yellow centers creating an elaborate mask to go with the silken white and cream cocktail dress.

  Ah yes, this would be worth seeing. Swan was one of the most sexual women in the house, much respected and coveted of the patrons.

  “So, can’t we have just a little peak?” Swan asked as she peered at the man’s groin pointedly. “Surely it wouldn’t hurt for us to steal a look. No touches. Right ladies?”

  He stretched slowly, rubbing his back against the wall. His bare chest rose and fell with a long sigh. As though he could tell exactly where Marcie was, he tipped his head and his silvery eyes cut directly to her. He trapped her with the look. Marcie thought her knees were going to give out on her and her legs would simply crumble as he looked her over.

  The women took the softening of his eyes for encouragement. “Oh, goodie.”

  “I don’t think you will be satisfied,” he growled and reached for his studded codpiece and pulled it down with slow, graceful hip wriggling.

  The trio made a sound of disappointment, “Aaww. Does House Mistress know about your condition?” Daisy asked, tittering with a little laugh.

  “I don’t think she understands it, though I did try to warn her,” he answered. With the words, he jerked his chin towards Marcie, revealing her to the others. “Lady.” The word growled low, a rumbling purr off his hidden lips.

  “House Mistress.” The three women offered little bows and dips, not seeming certain if they should perform a curtsy or bow. “We were just having a bit of harmless fun.”

  He didn’t bother covering up, letting his cock hang bare and flaccid along his thigh. Rather than being ashamed of his soft manhood, he seemed somewhat smug.

  Marcie pursed her lips and moved across the room with a smile for the women and then for her man. “Consort. Are you getting into trouble?” she demanded. His cock stirred at her voice and he spread his thighs slightly.

  “No, Lady. By my honor.” He watched her move closer, eyes bright behind his mask and the closer she got, the harder his cock became. He lengthened, straining forward. “I was simply showing these women your rightful property. I think they saw something of a flaw.”

  “Oh.” Swan was watching him attentively, her eyes widened at the response. She tore her eyes off the thickening cock and grinned at Marcie. “That is…amazing.”

  “It actually kind of sucks to be honest with you ladies,” he admitted but was only watching Marcie. “It is much better lately but—it has drawbacks.”

  Marcie’s cheeks warmed as she slid her arms around the man, surprised as usual by his stature. His physical size did not match his towering presence. Only when she stood against him did she notice the difference in their height. He was not a tall man. He curled into her, pressing his now firm cock against her bare thigh. Not to hide it, but to punctuate the fact he was hers. Only hers!

  His arms wrapped around her hips, fingers teasing the delicate chains before slipping over the small of her back to comb up through her feathers.

  “I salute you, House Mistress and you Consort—what are we calling him?” Swan asked, watching the embrace with a dreamy little smile.

  “Outlaw. What better?” Marcie murmured over the pounding of her heart. She lifted her fingers to his silken face-wrap and pulled it slowly from his mouth. He’d neatly waxed and curled his golden mustache and the pointed little beard on his chin. Her sexy, golden devil. The grin he gave her was pure wickedness. He nuzzled her fingers as she adjusted the bandanna so she could kiss him.

  “Ah,” Flame sighed. “Sorry ladies, but I need a drink, a cold shower and then a violent romp with someone brave. House Mistress. Outlaw.” Laughing, she drew away from her friends, slipping into the crowd.

  Swan and Daisy also made their retreat while Marcie kissed her man. Hard. His hand gripped the delicate sweep of her wing where it connected to her shoulder and the sensation was almost too pleasurable. He caught her in his arms as she sagged, and his tongue darted forward, sweeping along hers before taking her mouth in a hungry, passionate kiss.

  “You are a very evil fucking woman,” he whispered, shuddering against her. Carefully he stroked his thumb over the fine bones of her wing and through her feathers. Strong but careful. “Fuck. Look what you do to me.” He pressed his hips forward so she could feel the unmistakable hardness along her inner thigh.

  Marcie arched forward to meet him, letting the soft cloth tease along his cock. “You want to see what I’m going to do with you?” she asked. Her voice was thick as she slid her leg up along his hip, hooking her heel into the curve of his ass.

  He gasped as her silken heat brushed him, her body forcing him hard into the wall. Releasing her wing, his grip moved lower to squeeze her ass. Slowly, he lifted her. “Everyone will see us,” he warned and moaned when she wrapped her fingers around his cock.

  “Yes,” she growled and curled her other leg around him and flipped the front panel of the skirt up and away to she could rub her bare sex against his naked stomach. The sensation of skin on skin made them both moan in pleasure. His head fell back, mouth open in a throaty groan for more.

  “Temptress,” he whimpered as she stroked him with her gloved fingers. “Oh, fuck.” Part warning, part begging, he shuddered between her thighs while she caressed the long, thick length of him from crown to balls.

  “You know the safe word. Right?” she whispered against his jaw as she rocked forward and back, tucking her wings tight against her back to keep from unbalancing him. Her question made him squeeze her ass tighter, dimpling her soft curves.

  “I am not calling the safe word. I am…fuck…I am going to lose my mind, love.” He had eyes only for her as she rocked against him.

  She had not enjoyed public sex in a very long time. She never had sex like that in public before. He made her feel crazed with longing and need. Knowing and seeing his unmistakable response to her was the most erotic thing she could have witnessed. “You sexy man. I’m going to fuck you until you can’t walk,” she promised, digging finge
rs into his tattooed shoulder while she arched into him, letting him feel how wet her pussy was from just watching him.

  “All these innocent people are going to see how desperate you make me.” He kissed her jaw, tongue licking up to her ear, grabbing her ear lobe with his teeth in a fierce bite. The sensation sent a hot quiver through her. “And I’m going to make such a mess of your gorgeous little cunt.”

  People were watching them, the soft whispers of curious interest and arousal fluttered around them. She lowered herself onto his naked cock. Only the loin cloth kept them shielded from direct view but there was no mistaking just what they were doing and the fact that neither of them were hesitating about the issue of condoms.

  He moaned at the feel of her slick heat. “Oh, fuck.” He buried his face against her neck. “My love. Mine!” His mouth sucked along her skin, firm enough to leave marks before biting hard into that delicate spot where neck and shoulder joined.

  Her pussy squeezed around him. A spasm of sweet, hot fire licked through her as she wrapped around the steel length of his cock. Skin on skin! The heat of him was almost overwhelming to her. His pulse ran strong and wild along his length where she wrapped around him. When her muscles tightened, he growled with pleasure, gripping her hard and choked back a guttural curse.

  His gaze burned into hers and she sensed his control fracture as she rose and fell along his massive cock. She was lost with him! “I fucking love you,” he growled aloud in time with his thrusts, bucking forward with her.

  “I love you! Don’t you dare stop. I want to feel your cum trickle down my thighs all night.”

  “Unless I don’t fucking lick it out first,” he moaned and kissed her heart. His hips rose higher, fucking hard and deep into her. Repeatedly he plunged into her, meeting her thrusts while she pressed to him. Cupping his face in her hands, she kissed his wonderful, filthy mouth.

  She came hot and wet around him and he filled her mouth with the roar of his victory at pushing her over the edge and into that scalding pleasure. His hips surged upward, plunged the thickened length into her faster and deeper than before as she shuddered and throbbed against him, hips jerking in time with the shuddering quake of her orgasm.

  Unbidden, her wings fanned open, mantled over and around him where she held him pinned against the wall. Her own scream of pleasure muffled in his mouth as he sucked on her tongue.

  And as her feathers brushed along his face and neck he shuddered, his cry of pleasure a choked groan almost like pain as his body tensed against her, shoving his cock deeper and harder into her before his cum gushed into her in a hot fountain.

  The liquid pulse thrummed through her with his drumming heartbeat. His body filled hers with nothing to shield or conceal them. She would never tire of that. Of him! They were one in every sense of the word. With all these people to witness the raw energy and sensuality rolling off them. Cum filled her to overflowing, it escaped around his cock as he plunged into her again and again. There was so much of his heated seed that it trickled down her thighs as he continued to fuck her.

  Slowly the other sounds in the room crept in on her through the buzz of warm pleasure curling around them. She tightened her arms and legs around him as they both stilled, his cock remained stuffed balls deep inside her, pressing as though he wanted to get even deeper.

  “I love you,” she whispered against his mouth between her kisses.

  “Mmmmmy goodness, House Mistress.” A throaty voice growled behind them and her lover’s arms tightened around her, his body bracing as though he wanted to haul her away before someone could intrude on their moment of bliss.

  “Mermaid,” Marcie said without turning her head. The voice was all too familiar, and she wished that her love would run away with her. Instead he very carefully set her back on her feet, adjusting himself and tucking back into his studded leather codpiece.

  The woman’s bright blue eyes followed the movements of the dangerous Outlaw. “Who is this House Mistress? Surely you are not going to keep him all to yourself. You always used to share with friends.”

  Marcie slipped in front of the woman in the seashell mask. The woman wore even less clothing than Marcie, her tanned body tight and strong. “Ah, I’m afraid this is a different situation.” She adjusted her skirts over her glistening thighs and sex. She was still not quite accustomed to how much messier sex was without condoms.

  “You need to teach him orgasm control. Otherwise, I approve.” She licked her lips at him, as though she would willingly take on Marcie for just a taste. “If you ever want to trade up, I’m the Mermaid.”

  As she walked off, her love pulled her in close to him, pressing his chest into her spine and wings as he used her like a shield. “That is the sort of woman the men you invite desire? Love….”

  She laughed and turned to him, cupping his face. “What do you mean? She is one of the most beautiful…”

  “Love. My heart and most adored. Physically she looks fine, but there’s something truly repulsive about her. Under the skin.” He shuddered with a real revulsion and kissed her lips. “I don’t mean to speak ill of your friends, but never let that woman or the duck-face creature touch me.”

  Marcie nodded and kissed him back, pulling him flush against her. “Swan? Oh, love. I won’t, darling.” She turned as he coaxed her around to look at the room. His strong arms slid around her.

  “That girl in gold, with the Lynx mask? Now, she is charming despite her roaming fingers.” He arched an eyebrow and she laughed.

  “You know I am thinking about trying to match her up with someone, right?”

  He had that cat-in-the-cream smile as he took her hand and began pulling the gloves off her fingers. “I suspected as much. I mean, she’s obviously not finding what she needs.”

  She nodded, pulling against the tug of silk to help him bare her fingers. “And I take it you have an idea for someone that might work? You only just met her.”

  “I am very good at reading people,” he teased. With a purr he kissed her bared fingers, working little nibbles at her knuckles up to the ring. “Besides, I know someone who would adore her. Only problem is, he’s not your typical guest or patron.”

  She closed her eyes at the feel of his warm mouth along her fingertips, hissing out when he sucked at her finger. She pressed tighter against him, “You think she will be interested in someone who is not typical?”

  He growled low, moving kisses up her palm, kissing the hourglass stain of her birthmark lovingly. He gave it just a whisper of a nibble and didn’t respond right away, not until she curled her fingers against his cheek.

  “Think of the adorable Messenger. She is not the traditional beauty, but her soft curves are perfect for her beloved. She is electric inside where it counts. My friend has an elegance of appearance most fail to appreciate on the outside. He has the heart of a lion and a beautiful soul.”

  Marcie smoothed her fingers over the short man’s golden mustache and admired him until his eyes opened and he grinned at her, gazing back at her. “You don’t know the sort of kink Topaz Lynx is into. She likes some seriously hard play.”

  He tipped his head and smiled to Marcie. “You know that sometimes people have a change in their tastes, right?”

  “You are impossible. Yes, love. I know people change but Lynxie usually has special needs.” Marcie hesitated. She didn’t feel right talking about confidential details about her friend. She was relieved when she saw the knowing gleam in her love’s eyes. “It’s one of your gang buddies,” she guessed, and he grinned wider, flourishing a little bow for her correct touch.

  “We are not a gang, beloved.” He pinched her ass and then slipped his arm around her and began to lead her out of the room and towards the main hall.

  “So, is this one of your club buddies we gave invitations to?” she asked as she curled her fingers around his bare upper arm, stroking the curve of dark ink. She loved that his friends were respectful of this lifestyle. Sure, she expected they would be interested in the t
heme and the kinky sex, but the reverence they treated the whole thing with was humbling. It was refreshing to have new blood after the past months of questionable behavior from old friends and seasoned attendees.

  “I did see him as I was coming in.”

  When her eyes narrowed at him he held up his hands, offering his palms in surrender and submission. “Mercy, Lady. He will cause no harm. I swear it.”

  “One day your cleverness is going to get you in big trouble.”

  “Oh, nothing I haven’t suffered before.” He tipped his head as though listening and then his smile widened. “Maybe this will discourage some of your bolder patrons from overstepping the boundaries you have worked so hard to maintain. These are people I trust with my life. You can trust them too.”

  She didn’t question the choice of invitation or his friends. Even though some seemed rough around the edges, there was no doubting they were good people. Over the past months she’d had her fill of people bending the rules to the breaking point. What concerned her was Lynx and her proclivities. The woman’s history made her rigid in terms of what play she would accept. It was very structured, brutal, and dominant. Running through the men in her mind, she tried to imagine which one her consort had in mind. None of them seemed particularly submissive. Well, what was the likelihood of Topaz-Lynx even running into this person or interacting with him? The itching of her inner sense told her it was all very likely, and she let out a breath, pinching her lover’s bare ass.

  “She will be so incredibly safe,” he murmured and then growled with her pinch, muscles tightening under her pressure. “And he’s sturdy.”

  “Do you have suggestions for the rest of the gem girls?” she teased as they stepped into the swirl of activity in the hall. It wasn’t quite an orgy but there were lots of people openly making out and lots heavy-petting.


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