Prince of Cats

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Prince of Cats Page 10

by Susan A Bliler

  He’d tried explaining that he’d done what he had only to protect her, but she never gave any indication if she believed or even heard him. To make matters worse, she was having nightmares about the incident. Many nights she woke from a nightmare screaming his name. The first night she’d had the nightmare, Bray raced to her side to wake her. He’d assumed she was screaming for him. When he got to her side she was crying in her sleep, “Bray, no! Don’t!”

  When he realized that she was having a nightmare and he was not only the cause but the demon as well he’d been physically ill. He was supposed to be her protector, her savior, her mate. Now, he was nothing. Less than nothing. Worse than ignoring him, Neomee was terrified of him.

  He didn’t know how to fix what he’d done. Neomee’s anger and fear were justified and that only hurt him more. Compounding matters was the fact that he still hadn’t scent marked her, which meant the same thing could happen again if she weren’t careful.

  Why did I try to force it? To rush her? She’d come to me freely the night before and after what I’ve done she’ll never come near me again!

  He could try forcing her again as any other Cat would but it wasn’t in him. He wanted her to come to him, to feel safe, and to want to be marked, not forced into it. She’s a slave! She’s already been forced to endure enough. He plowed an angry hand into his thick black hair. I’ve got to find a way to fix this.

  Chapter 18

  Curled up on the divan Neomee snuggled deeper into the fur she’d pulled from Bray’s bed before he’d returned from his guard station.

  She could hear his restless breathing as he lay on the bed. She knew he hadn’t slept well since the incident. That’s what she referred to it as when she thought of it, ‘the incident’. After the incident, Bray had followed her around for days, not saying anything, just following her and watching her closely. She’d sneak out at night to the garden and walk the perimeter of the garden only to find Bray trailing behind her. During the day, she roamed the temple and often turned a corner to run into the solid wall of his chest. Finally, after many days Bray returned to his station guarding the temple.

  He spent most of the day on the temple wall, standing guard against any would-be assailants. Neomee assumed he’d returned to his duties in an effort to avoid the guilt he felt over his actions. Regardless of the reason, she was finally able to breathe a little easier without Bray constantly underfoot. However, each day before he went on duty he issued a harsh warning.

  “Stay in this room Neomee. You’re refusal to carry my scent makes you vulnerable to another attack.”

  The first time he’d made the comment she’d quickly hurled back, “From you or from them?” When his expression darkened dangerously she’d dropped her head and whispered an apology. He’d left without another word.

  At night when Bray returned from his station, Neomee was always curled up on the divan feigning sleep. She didn’t want to talk, she didn’t have anything to say. Her pain and fear were nothing compared to her anger. She couldn’t understand why he would try to force something from her that she’d been willing to give freely the night before. The attack had been terrifying but when Bray turned on her too it was more than she could bear. She felt betrayed and alone and she hated the feeling. She was more angry with herself for having actually believed that Bray had some loyalty to her. Just a slave. She should have known better.

  Glaring out the window, Neomee couldn’t help but wonder how she’d gotten herself into this predicament. Just a few short weeks ago, she was a simple temple slave, unnoticed and unassuming. She’d been planning her escape and was working towards her freedom. Now, she’d been beaten, bound, and nearly taken against her will…twice!

  Ughh, Neomee sighed. Such an ugly memory, it just doesn’t seem to fit the Bray I know. The Bray I thought I knew. She wasn’t sure how she could be so hurt over his attempted claiming when she’d offered herself to him the night before it had happened. I’d wanted him. Desperately wanted him. But it had been different in the catacombs. He hadn’t attempted to mount her out of desire, passion, or love, it had been out of his need to keep any other Cat from doing so. It had been cold and unfeeling and an attempt done out of his misguided sense of protection. He thought it would keep me safe.

  She couldn’t figure out why she kept defending Bray. Honestly she couldn’t help but admit that she actually felt bad for him. He was so remorseful, so apologetic that she actually felt like she’d done something wrong, overreacted at the very least.

  Neomee gritted her teeth, trying to figure out why she couldn’t just be mad at Bray like she wanted to be. She wanted to hate him with every fiber of her being, but no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t bring herself to feel that particular emotion in regard to him. Maybe it’s this binding thing. Perhaps it has affects on not only my scent, but my emotions as well.

  She was trying to be angry and hateful and she was confused at her inability to do so. It only makes sense that I should hate the man who tried to force himself on me, who tried to…to…

  Her cheeks flamed when her body instantly reacted to the mental image of Bray mounting her. After the initial shock wore off she couldn’t help but find the thought of being claimed by him in the catacombs highly erotic. Of course she’d never admit it. Still, he should have asked her, seduced her. Only she knew that she would have complied. She wasn’t as hurt by what he’d attempted but more by her lack of choice in the matter. She despised being a slave because she was always forced to do things she didn’t want to do and she hadn’t expected Bray to pick up where the Slave Master had left off.

  After attempting to claim her in the tunnels, Bray found her in their quarters sobbing uncontrollably. He’d grabbed her and held her in his arms until she stopped fighting him. Then he gently laid her on the bed, climbed in behind her, and pulled her body back into the cocoon of his warmth where his strong arms cradled her as he kissed her cheek and apologized repeatedly until she’d finally cried herself to sleep.

  He’d tried explaining that he was only hoping to keep her safe, but Neomee decided then and there that she needed to leave. She had to escape the temple, her enslavement, but most importantly him. She needed to distance herself from this Cat that did funny things to her head and even funnier things to her heart, this Cat that had no qualms about binding her to him for all eternity.

  She’d decided to wait until nightfall and simply walk out of the temple. She’d seen other Cats’ mates leaving the temple freely during the day, and they were never stopped or questioned. The only problem with her plan was that at first Bray rarely left her side. She’d take a walk and there he was, she’d turn a corner and there he was. She knew he could smell her fear, but she prayed he interpreted it as fear of him and not the actual cause, which was the fear he’d discover her plan.

  Finally, he’d returned to his guard station but it was on the wall, which meant that if she tried to leave while he was on-duty he’d see her go.

  Her mind told her that Bray couldn’t be trusted, but her heart was constantly defending him. She had to get away before her heart won the war. I’ve got to focus. I’ve got to get out of here, get free, BE free. She knew the consequence of being caught trying to escape, her back was still healing from her first attempt, but being bound to a Cat seemed to promote her status, if ever so slightly. I’ll take full advantage of my elevated status...the way he tried to take advantage of me. The memory stung her heart.

  Chapter 19

  “I’ve got to attend training this morning.” Bray growled without looking at Neomee. “The men need to get back to routine. They’ve avoided me long enough.”

  Neomee looked over her shoulder and nodded before turning back to stare out the window. She jumped when Bray’s hands gently grabbed her shoulders and turned her to face him.

  “I must report for guard duty after training, but when I return tonight we need to talk.”


  He slid a hand up over the collar at her thro
at and used a thumb to caress her cheek. Neomee couldn’t help but think that his eyes looked haunted and she chastised herself for wanting to do something, anything to get rid of that look.

  He released her and left their quarters and Neomee waited only a few moments before exiting their room. She didn’t bother with provisions this time, knowing that there wouldn’t be an excuse for her to be seen leaving with anything. Instead, she casually strode down the long corridor that led away from the training arena and to the mouth of the temple.

  Her gut twisted at the prospect of getting caught or worse, being discovered by Bray. What would he do if he knew? She had to fight to keep from racing out the front entrance.

  Approaching the mouth of the temple she intentionally slowed her pace in hopes of seeming more casual. Stepping out into the sun she could see out of her periphery guardian Cats pacing along the tall stone walls that lined either side of the entrance.

  Lifting her head a notch she feigned confidence as she walked the length of the entryway. She only had to pass through one small tunnel and then she was home free. Following the several individuals ahead of her as they were funneled toward the small entrance/exit, her heart rate spiked when she stepped into the shadow of the tunnel. She’d never seen inside the tunnel and prayed that it was just a small unmanned entrance point.

  Ushered through by the group of people at her back, she was forced forward even after she attempted to stop. Her eyes locked on the two guardian Cats that held spears crossed over the entrance of the tunnel.

  “State your business,” one of the Cats barked at the woman who stood at the head of the line.

  “I am Akila of Karnak,” she spoke loudly, “I came to the temple to deliver my wine to the Priest. Our business is complete.”

  Both Cats leaned forward and their nostrils flared before they relaxed back and uncrossed their spears allowing the woman to pass.

  Amon! Neomee turned and tried to press her way back through the mill of people shoving her forward. “Excuse me, I’ve forgotten something,” she lied, “I have to go back.”

  “Turn around!” One woman chastised.

  “You can’t go back,” another man declared, “you must go forward!”

  A fine sweat coated Neomee’s suddenly flushed skin. “I just got lost is all,” she offered lamely. “I don’t want to leave.”

  “Hey!” A deep voice from the front of the line rumbled, “What is the problem there?”

  Neomee slowly turned to peer over her shoulder. Her heart hammered in her chest when she saw one of the guardian Cats eyeing her angrily.

  She started to shake her head but the woman behind her shouted, “She’s trying to get back inside.”

  “You there,” one of the guardian Cats lifted his spear over the heads of the people in line and jabbed it in Neomee’s direction. “Come forward.”

  Her mouth open and closed several times before she finally spoke, “Oh, no thank you. I just got turned around is all.” She began trying to force her way back toward the temple, “I’m not trying to leave.” She screamed when the woman behind her pinched her arm.

  “Do as they say slave!”

  Neomee looked at the faces of the people behind her only to find them all angered by her attempt to retreat. “I’m sorry,” she whispered dropping her head, “I am just lost. I got turned around. I’m not trying to leave.”

  “She lies,” a man a few people back shouted. “You could not have been lost when you left the mouth of the temple.”

  Neomee looked up in time to see the man focus his attention on the guardian Cats, “She is probably trying to escape.”

  “NO!” Neomee gasped, “I am only lost. I wouldn’t dare leave.” When rough hands grabbed her and began pulling her toward the front of the line she screamed in a panic, “I am mated. I can come and go as I please. I do not need to escape.” The words left her on a hysterical shriek and she was fighting tears when she was turned to face the two guardian Cats.

  “State your business.” The guardians crossed their spears in front of her face.

  She turned to look back over her shoulder and was greeted with an angry mob, clearly displeased with her keeping them from exiting. She was trapped.

  “I-I-I,” she began. “I’m Neomee of Thebes. I am mate of Bray, Prince of Cats. I…,” she tried to think quickly. If she claimed to not be trying to leave she knew from what Bray had told her that the Cats would scent the lie. “I was leaving the temple to explore the village.” The statement was mostly true and she prayed they would let her pass.

  She stood wide-eyed and watched as both Cats flared their nostrils. One of the Cats pulled his spear back and Neomee felt relief crash over her like a tidal wave. The relief was short lived when the second Cat kept his spear in place. “Wait!”

  The relaxed Cat eyed his companion before thrusting his spear forward to once again form an ‘X’ that prevented her from passing.

  “Were you going to return?”

  “W-what?” Neomee felt the blood drain from her face. There was no way to avoid the direct question. If she lied, they’d scent it and it she told the truth then they’d know she meant to escape. “I was just going to explore the village,” she whispered hoping they’d just accept her claim and be done.

  “You already said that,” the Cat growled impatiently. “I want to know if you planned on coming back or if you were attempting to flee.” He frowned down at her, “Well slave? Were you attempting to escape from the temple?”

  She actually felt sick to her stomach. The scent of sweat covered bodies and the dirty ground wafted up to her. The stifling heat didn’t help matters. That’s it! Once the idea struck, Neomee threw herself into it. She opened her mouth to respond then feigned a swoon. Dropping like a ton of bricks to the ground she was more than a little annoyed that neither of the guardian Cats had even attempted to catch her.

  “Get her up!” She heard the mean Cat growl. “Ottah, take her to the Priest. Tell him she attempted to escape and falsely claims to be bound to the Prince.”

  She was jerked up by her arms before being thrown over a broad shoulder, the action knocking the wind from her lungs.

  “She’s wearing a collar Niu. Perhaps she does belong to him.”

  “She does not scent of him.” The Cat named Niu growled.

  “You are certain?”

  “Turn her,” Niu demanded.

  It took all of Neomee’s will to keep her body lax over Ottah’s shoulder when he turned her and she felt the unmistakable press of Niu’s nose to her sex. He inhaled loudly then pressed deeper to sniff some more before pulling back.

  “If she is his, he has not yet claimed her. Take her away.”

  Neomee waited until the murmur of voices died down and until after she felt sun shine on her backside followed by the shade of the temple before she began to stir. “W-what happened?” She had to remember to be careful. While Ottah seemed much nicer than Niu, he was still a guardian Cat. “Please put me down.”

  The Cat kept on walking, “I’m taking you to the Priest. You tried to escape and have been caught. You must be punished.”

  No, no, no, no, NO! “Please, I truly do belong to the Prince of Cats…to Bray. He won’t be pleased that you’re touching me.” She was glad that Ottah wouldn’t scent the comment as truth.

  “He’d be more upset with me if I would have let you escape. We Cats do not like it when our play things run away. Bray is more possessive than most. He’ll thank me for capturing you.”

  She tried to slide off his shoulder and was rewarded with a hard slap to the ass that made her yelp. “You shouldn’t touch me there!”

  “You should be still.”

  She didn’t know what to do. Her appeal hadn’t worked and she had nothing to bargain with…unless. “Are you mated?”

  “Do not try to persuade me with sex.”

  She was appalled at his assumption. “Not me! I’m not, but I have a friend. She is very beautiful and she’d be willing to repay your kin
dness if you just return me to my quarters. She’d be very grateful.”

  The Cat’s feet slowed to a halt. “How grateful?”

  “Have you heard of a display?” She remembered the threat from when she’d been punished and knew that Sabah wouldn’t be opposed to performing the act again; although, how Neomee thought she’d get Sabah to do so for her sake was a mystery.

  “A display?”

  The Cat was just about to set Neomee on her feet when an all too familiar voice grated from behind them.

  “Ottah? What are you doing with that slave?”

  Neomee lifted her head and saw the Priest, flanked by two Cats, peering at them from near the end of the corridor.

  Ottah spun, his interest in her offer suddenly gone. “I’m bringing this slave to you for punishment. She attempted to escape the temple and was caught. She pretended to lose consciousness to avoid our questions.”

  They knew I was faking?


  She didn’t have to look at the Priest to know that he was steepling his fingers.

  “And is her mate aware that she attempted to run from him?”

  She felt Ottah shift nervously. “Mate? We scented no mate on her.”

  “Oh she has a mate.” There was humor in the Priest’s tone, “She belongs to the Prince of Cats. Somebody fetch him while I escort Ottah and the prisoner to the altar room.”

  Not again! “I wasn’t trying to escape!” She forced her tone to sound firm.


  The Cat inhaled sharply. “It is a lie.”

  Amon! “Priest please!

  “Please? Now you beg? Your words lead me to believe that you’ve learned your place, but your actions speak to the contrary.” He was silent a moment before adding cheerfully, “I hope your back has healed.”


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