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Winter Page 75

by Michelle Love

  My pulse races as his lips touch mine. He never fails to excite me. My body reacts to him in such a way that it doesn’t make sense. After kissing me long and hard, he pulls his mouth away and turns me over, pulling me back to him on my knees.

  My body aches as I wait to see what he’s going to do. Blake leans over me and takes a breast in one hand and starts stroking my clit with his other hand. My moan fills the large room, and he shushes me then nips my back.

  He pushes his hard cock into me, but doesn’t move it at all. I try to rock back to him to make him stroke me, but he bites me a little harder and I stop. His fingers press and pinch with just the right amount of pressure on my throbbing clit as he massages my breast and rakes his teeth over my back.

  Just as my insides start to quiver with what is sure to be the first of several orgasms he’ll give me, he begins to thrust into me. Moving slow and steady until I completely come all over his dick.

  Releasing my breast and moving his hand off my pussy he straightens up and pushes deeper into me. Now it’s him who moans as my body pulses around his large and hard cock. “Fuck me, baby! God damn it!”

  My body goes crazy for him and I rock back to meet the hard thrusts he begins as he tries to make me come for as long as possible on his dick. He’s found a trick that will take me right back into a hard orgasm most of the time if he starts it before I stop pulsing completely.

  He pulls me back to him, plunging his cock into me then my orgasm slows and he stops. Reaching up, he takes both of my breasts in his hands and pulls me up so my back is against his chest. His dick still moves inside me, but the strokes are short as he rocks into me.

  Both breasts he squeezes and pulls on the nipples, sending jolts of electricity through me. One of them he releases then he places one of his fingers into my mouth. “Suck it.”

  I run my mouth up and down his finger and suck it just like I would do his dick. He groans against my neck as he begins his assault on it. Nipping and sucking at it before he bites down hard and it sends me over the edge again.

  Sucking harder on his finger, I reach around behind me and grab his fantastic ass with both hands and help him plunge deeper into me as I fall apart around him. This time it sends him into an orgasm and he moans in my ear as he comes hard inside me.

  He quits pulsing before I do as my pregnant body is insatiable it seems. I want more and he knows this. He lies me down and rolls me to my back. I pull my knees up as I have this part down. It’s the only way to finish me, thoroughly.

  With panting breath, he kisses my clit and runs his tongue up and down my folds, dipping his tongue into me. Over and over he goes until my whole body is shaking and I scream with the ultimate release.

  He kisses me gently until my body stops shaking and everything stills in me. Slow kisses he trails up my body then lies next to me, draping his arm over my stomach and kissing my cheek as my lids grow heavy and I fall asleep quickly in his safe embrace.

  The man knows how to keep me satisfied!


  The full moon’s light shines into the window of our bedroom. Tall pines filter it somewhat as I gaze out at the night sky and hold my wife in my arms as she sleeps peacefully after we made love.

  An owl hoots then another answers its call. One, large, white owl flies past the window then the other flies after it. Both are large and majestic looking as they fly past the window, hooting as they go.

  My hand rests on Rachelle’s pregnant belly and just as one of the owl’s hoots and flies past the window again our baby kicks. A grin spreads over my face instantly with happiness.

  I can feel my parents’ presence in my heart and find more than comfort with it. I find joy and happiness, and thankfulness all at once. If not for their wishes of their individual ashes being spread in opposite oceans and the money I had to play the lotteries across this big country, I would not be where I am tonight.

  I would never have needed to meet Max Lane to seek financial advice. I would never have met the beautiful lady I hold in my arms. The little red-haired girl and dark-haired boy I found at the children’s home Max grew up in would still be there and not making this family what it is today.

  My son wouldn’t be sleeping in his crib down the hall and my daughter wouldn’t be kicking her mother as we speak. Nope. None of this would be, without their passing and their wishes.

  The morning I found out my parents had died a piece of me did too. I knew life would never be the same for me. I never told a soul about how low I became in the weeks following their death.

  The fact was that I had sat in their bedroom one night a few weeks after their death, drinking a bottle of whisky and holding a pistol in my shaking hand. I was planning on ending it all. The pain had become too much, and I didn’t want to live anymore all alone in this big and cruel world.

  I wasn’t always the buff bodied man I am today or when I met Rachelle. Nope, I was a fat little boy who got beat up a hell of a lot. I grew into a pretty chubby man who had super low self-esteem. When they died, it took away the only people who loved me, the only ones who never made fun of me.

  That night as I sat there with that bottle and that gun something happened as I put the barrel of the gun in my mouth and put my finger on the trigger. Something slammed against the outside wall, making me nearly jump off the bed it was so loud.

  For some reason, I stopped what I was doing and went outside to see what the hell had made the loud noise. It was dark, but I saw a large rock near the area I had heard the noise from. As I looked around I saw the mouth of the big bass mailbox hanging open.

  I went over and found one flyer inside and pulled it out, surprised to find I must’ve left it when I checked the mail earlier that morning. Taking it inside, I looked at it and found it was advertising this weight set, home gym thing. No money down and I could make low monthly payments.

  I didn’t go back into my parents’ room that night. I left the bottle and the gun on the bed in there and went to my own room and went to sleep. The next day I called the number on the flyer and by that afternoon the equipment was delivered and the guys set it all up in the living room for me.

  The home gym came with this pamphlet that told me how to eat right and within a couple of months I was well on my way to where I am today. I took every picture of the old me and burned them all. The new body gave me new confidence, and I finally did what my parents’ will asked me to.

  I made the trip to New York and dropped Dad in the Pacific then went across the country, playing the lotteries in each state on my way to Los Angeles where I dropped off my mother.

  That was the first step on my new life’s journey. I don’t know if I’ll ever tell my wife about the desperate man I was or not. That guy did die that fateful night after all. The old, fat, depressed, and insecure Blake was no more after that.

  Happy go lucky Blake was born and apparently was being sent to find a young woman who needed him very badly. And I am happy to find out we get to have our happily ever after, after all.

  The End

  Secrets Series

  A Billionaire Romance Series

  “Max Lane is about to turn thirty and to settle down is in the forefront of his mind. His taste in women doesn’t make his choices in finding a wife and future mother of his children easy. Wealthy, gorgeous women with long legs and luscious bodies are great until you have to deal with their entitled attitudes which is something the young billionaire neither has nor finds attractive.

  Alexis Mathews is a freelance accountant who comes into Max’s life just as he’s ready to make some changes to it. Initially, he takes her on as a project, but soon realizes he’d like to keep her for himself. Alexis’ long time insecurities make it hard for her to believe she’s the right girl for a man of Max’s wealth.”

  Part 1 Secrets of Desire


  The darkness is interrupted by a light as I sit in a dimly lit room waiting for the always late Lauren. She’s my latest attempt to find a woman that I ca
n get along with for the rest of my life. It’s going on a month since we started dating so I’m about to test the matrimonial waters with her this evening. I want to see if she has the same ideas I have for the future. I’m turning thirty in a few days and decided it’s time to move out of the fast lane and slow things down a bit.

  Abandoned when I was ten years old by my drug addicted mother, I grew up in a children’s home in the middle of nowhere, South Texas. Divorce is not an option for me. Once I marry and start a family which I’d like to do right away, nothing will tear my family apart. So my choice for a wife has to be someone I can stand, at the very least.

  It was my cell phone which lit up, meaning I have a text message. It’s from the freelance accountant I contacted and he’s agreed to work on some accounting issues for me. My least favorite time of the year is coming up, tax season, and I need all the help I can get to hang onto as much of my fortune as I can.

  A pair of long, sexy legs topped by a short, red skirt stride into the room. I scan them and move up over a lithe body until her face comes into focus.

  I wonder what she really looks like.

  “You appear good enough to eat, Lauren.”

  She laughs, and the sound makes my face pinch as it is loud and slightly off key. “Don’t I know it, Max,” she says with a southern drawl. “Where are you taking me this evening?”

  I hold my arm out and she takes it. “My chef, Hilda, is making us one of her specialties for dinner. I imagined it might be nice to stay in tonight.”

  The sound of a heavy sigh meets my ears and I notice her red stained, collagen injected lips form a pout. “And what will we do after we eat this stuff your maid is making, Mr. Billionaire?”

  “I thought we could eat by the fireplace in the small dining room. Afterwards we can cuddle on the couch and watch a movie. I’ll even make you popcorn if you’d like me to. And by the way, Hilda is not the maid. If she ever heard you call her that she might have to kick your ass, I’d have to intervene and most likely get mine kicked too.”

  I pull the door open and lead her out to my Jaguar where she folds her long legs into the passenger side as she says, “That sounds dull and I don’t do dull, Max.”

  After taking a gander at those long, tight, tanned legs I begin to salivate. My weakness is long legs, and it overrules my brain way too many times. I close the door and walk around to the driver’s side. “So what would you like to do?”

  She looks into the mirror and applies more red lipstick. “I want to go to a nice club and be drunk by nine o’clock.”

  My hands grip the wheel so I won’t grab her and choke some personality into her. “Oh, same as last night and the night before that.”

  Her head swivels around, perfectly manicured eyebrows raise, creating wrinkles on her forehead.

  “Oh my God, Max!” She goes on as her hands fly around in front of her. “So because you want to be a party pooper, I’m supposed to sit around your big ol’ mansion and piss the night away too?” Pausing to stare back in the mirror, she grabs some mascara and applies even more to her already thick as shit eyelashes. “Well, just drop me off then. I can find another ride home.”

  As great an idea as that is, I’m too much of a damned gentleman to do that to any woman.

  “No, Lauren, I was just kidding. I want to go to the club too.” I lie.

  Suddenly she wears a sweet smile and bats those monster lashes at me.

  “Oh! You’re silly.”

  No, I’m an idiot!

  As I drive along I decide to try out a little of what I had planned to talk to her about if she’d let me take her to my place.

  “When do you think you’ll be ready to have kids, Lauren?”

  Whoa! Shit! Everything on her face just raised into something that looks like the preceding of a shit storm. Can I take my words back, please?

  With a thin finger wagging in my face, she screeches, “Oh no you don’t, Mr. Moneybags! Even you won’t be talking me into messing up this body. So that’s why you wanted to take me to your place. Hear this loud and clear, Max. I don’t want to have your children, nor anyone else’s. Kids add years to a woman’s body and face.”

  “I see.”

  Her finger trails down my cheek.

  “Though you and I would make some beautiful children, sweetheart. I can’t do that to myself. Sorry to let you down, lover.”

  I smile at her and give her a wink. I don’t feel let down at all. It is relief I’m experiencing the truth. She’s not the one for me. As I glance over at her, I find that her skirt has slid up and her upper thigh is showing. She’s good for a good time at least. Softly I run my hand over her exposed skin, only to have her slap it away.

  “No! None of that.”

  “Now who’s the party pooper?” I ask.


  My head is beginning to ache as I stare at this demon of a spreadsheet. Something isn’t right and I can’t figure it out. I grab my cell and text the old guy I’m doing this freelance work for.

  And it’s time for more coffee.

  As I walk across the room, I catch my reflection in the sliding glass doors. My bun has come loose and I can’t have that. I pull my hair down and mentally note that I need to go get it cut; it’s just too long. I pull it into a tight bun and notice a slight wrinkle in my khaki-colored Dickies. Smoothing it out, I take the time to make sure my starched, white button down is looking snappy too, and push my glasses further up on my nose.

  My dad always told me to dress for the job I want. To rid the world of financial mistakes is my goal, a lot like a superhero. All I need is a khaki cape with a big, white letter, ‘A’ on it and I can get to work on saving the planet, one spreadsheet at a time.

  My cell dings and the old dude has responded. He wants to have lunch and show me what he needs done.

  I’m not a real social butterfly, hence the work at home gig. But he’s paying me an exorbitant amount of money. At least he gets to know that he has hired an accountant who looks the part. It should give him confidence in my abilities, I think, and perhaps he’ll decide to keep me on long-term.

  The restaurant isn’t too far from my apartment so I hop on my bike and pedal on over. I have a car but I prefer not to pollute the air as often as I can. Okay, I’m not really all that into saving the planet. My car is a POS.

  I chain my bike up in front of the restaurant, then smooth out my clothes again and notice a scuff on my penny loafer and bend down to wipe if off. My glasses fall off and a piece of broken cement puts a long scratch across one of the lenses. I can see enough to get by. If I’m close enough, I can see everything.

  Into the restaurant I go, tapping on the pouch I placed around my waist to carry my small laptop in. It’s all the rage in Paris I’m told. A long mirror is in the entry way and I take a quick glance to be sure that I look good.

  Perfect! Just like any accountant in any fine office building, complete with a pocket pencil organizer. This man is sure to be impressed.

  A waiter comes towards me. “May I help you?” he asks.

  “I’m here to meet Mr. Lane.”

  The man looks me up and down as he says, “Do you know his first name, because the Mr. Lane I’m thinking of, well it’s most likely not him.”

  “Yes, of course. It’s Max,” I say and the man’s eyebrows move to the very tippy top of his balding head.

  “Oh! Please follow me.”

  I follow him and peer around trying my best to focus on the surrounding fanciness. I pull my glasses out of my pocket and close one eye to look through the one good side.

  Stud alert, front and center!

  What a man! Broad shoulders, and a suit that probably cost him a cool thousand or more. Dark waves of luscious hair that falls to his shoulders. Eyes the color of emeralds, oh be still my heart.

  I put the glasses back in my pocket protector and follow the waiter dude. Fantasy man is making my panties wet, I need to find the old guy and get back into reality.

  The wa
iter stops and pulls out a chair for me. I smile and plop down as poised as possible.

  I blink to try to get my stupid broken eyes to focus. An arm with black sleeves reaches across the table and I shake a hand. It’s a firm hand; it doesn’t feel all wrinkly like I expected it to. “Hello, Miss Mathews. I’m sorry, you surprised me, I thought you were going to be a man. Your first name is Alex.”

  That voice is much too deep and sexy to belong to an old man. “It’s actually Alexis, but everyone calls me Alex. I broke my glasses a minute ago. Do you mind if I sit a little closer to you so I can see you?” I ask.

  “Let me come to you, don’t move.” I watch him as he gets up and notice that he’s tall.

  He sits down and scoots his chair close to mine and slowly he comes into focus.

  Oh God! It’s the gorgeous man who made my panties wet!

  “Mr. Lane?” I ask.

  He nods and smiles. “Can you see me now?”

  I nod back and am sure my face is making some awful half smile, half frown thing I’ve been told I do on occasions when I feel awkward, which is often. “How nice to meet you,” I say as I extend my hand to shake his, but pull it back as I realize we already did that. My elbow knocks the plate sitting on the table in front of me and makes a loud clanking sound. My cheeks are most likely red and I may be sprouting beads of sweat on my forehead.

  Mr. Lane laughs and places his hand on my shoulder. “No need to be nervous with me, Alex, I assure you.”

  His cell rings and he looks at it. He’s so close I can see it too and a picture of a gorgeous blonde woman fills the large screen. A slide of his finger sends the call to voicemail and I say, “You can take the call. I don’t mind.”

  “I never take calls when I’m with someone. It’s rude, don’t you think?” he asks as he looks right into my eyes with those gorgeous green ones he has.


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