
Home > Romance > Winter > Page 100
Winter Page 100

by Michelle Love

  With a laugh he says, “You spoil me, Hilda!”

  “No, you deserve it, Mijo, follow me to the small dining room I’ve prepared you two. I know you missed each other, and I wanted to create a wonderful experience for you.”

  Even I was unaware that she’d done anything this special. We follow her to one of the small dining rooms and I see she’s outdone herself. It’s prettier than any five star restaurant. The chandelier is dimly lit as there are so many candles I can’t count them all. They fill the room with a golden glow and large vases of beautiful flowers sit around. The air smells rich with their aroma.

  “You’ve been busy,” I say as I look around the room then back at her. “This is gorgeous. Thank you so much.”

  Max squeezes me and kisses the top of my head then says, “Hilda this is so nice. I can’t thank you enough for how well you treat us. You’re a saint and we’d never make it without you.”

  I see her eyes going glassy and she waves at us. “Go, sit and I’ll serve you. There’s some wine on the table.” She looks at me and winks. “It’s a new wine, fortified with nutrients, and there’s no alcohol in it.”

  Max pulls the chair out for me and I sit down. He looks back at Hilda. “No alcohol? Is it any good?”

  Her eyebrows raise. “Have I ever served you something that wasn’t?”

  Max sits down and looks as if he’s been scolded. “No, ma’am. I didn’t mean to imply that. I’ll drink it, I’m sure I’ll love it.”

  He takes my hand in his and holds it on top of the table. Hilda hurries out of the room and he leans over and kisses me again. My head is spinning and I find I’m not hungry in the least and all I really want is for him to take me to our bedroom and never let me out of it.

  He pulls away and says, “Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?”

  I shake my head and run my hand over the lacy white top which shows a black, silk camisole underneath it. A tight black skirt I have on and some sky high, black heels. My hair is pulled back in a high ponytail with curls spiraling down my back.

  What can I say, I had a lot of time today to get ready to see my husband and got bored and made myself kind of spectacular for his return!

  He has on a tight, black T-shirt that shows off every muscle of his torso and tight blue jeans and running shoes. His dark waves hang around his tanned face and I find myself getting worked up and I have to chill and get this food down so Hilda’s work hasn’t been for nothing.

  “Anyway, tell me how the flight went and the food, how was that?” I ask, trying to get my head out of naughty time and back to dinner time.

  “Really?” he asks as he reaches out and strokes my cheek, making me lean into his touch.

  “Mmmm,” I moan. “Please, Max, go easy on me, baby. It’s been too long and if you knew what just seeing you was doing to me you’d try harder not to entice me. We need to show Hilda how much we appreciate her hard work, don’t we?”

  “We do,” he says then takes my hand and pulls it under the table, then runs it up and down a very thick, long, and hot erection.

  I blush and look away. “You’re a very bad boy!” I whisper.

  Hilda walks back in with some chips and the dips, and thankfully Max releases my hand and says, “Thank you, Hilda. I can’t wait to dig in.”

  “Enjoy, you two. I’ll be back in just a little while with the main course.” She hurries off again.

  Max dips a chip in the cheesy dip and holds it to my mouth. I open it and take the bite. “It’s good,” I say.

  Max leans forward and kisses me, moving his tongue into my mouth which still has the food in it. At first I’m all, ‘Yuck’ but then he swirls his tongue just before he pulls away, and I’m all, ‘Don’t go.’

  I must be looking at him with my mouth hanging open because he takes a napkin and dabs at my lips then pushes at my chin and my mouth closes. “Did I surprise you?” he asks as he dips another chip in the guacamole.

  I nod and he puts that chip up to my mouth and I take the bite. He leans in and instead of kissing my lips, he kisses my neck and nips at it as I chew and swallow.

  This man is going to make me orgasm right here at the doodley-dee dinner table!

  Not sure how I’m going to get through this dinner and on to the dessert if he’s going to keep this up. Soft kisses he trails up to my lips, leaving a kiss on them, then he pulls back and picks up my wine glass. He touches it to my lips and I take a drink.

  He places it back on the table then his mouth is on mine and his tongue is back in my mouth and he thrusts it all over my mouth as his arms wrap around me and he pulls me to him until our chests are touching and my body is on fire.

  The sound as someone clears their throat makes me push at him, and he reluctantly pulls back. “Sorry, Hilda,” he says as his eyes never leave mine. “I really missed my wife.”

  His wife! I wonder if it will ever not make something inside me quiver when he says those words. I am Max Lane, Billionaire’s, wife!

  Hilda puts the plates down and smiles. “I know, Mijo. Young love, is so sweet. Now eat as much as you want. You won’t upset me if you have more on your mind than my food. Then I’ll bring dessert. I made the cake special for you, so I do want you to take at least a bite of it.”

  “I will, Hilda. And I assure you, I am enjoying what you’ve made us, very much,” he says as he smiles at me.

  I blush and look down at the plate of delicious food and find I’m more than ready to dig in if Max is going to continue to show me this much attention.

  A forkful of enchilada he picks up and asks, “How about you feed me and I’ll feed you?”

  I nod and know he’s going to make me even hotter than I already am, but damn it, I just can’t tell him no!

  Stabbing at a bite of enchilada, I take it and place it on his lips as he places his on mine and we both take the bite and watch each other chew it and then swallow. I reach for my glass to take a drink, but he gently grabs my hand and picks it up and gives me a drink.

  After he sets it back down he turns and takes my face between his hands and kisses me, but keeps his tongue to himself. Then lets me go and picks up his fork again.

  At this rate, it’s going to take an hour to eat dinner!


  Lexi glows like I’ve never seen her do before. I’m not sure if it’s the lighting as there are a lot of candles or if she really did miss me that much.

  I know I missed her. The damn thing went on for far too long and I’ll never be away from her that long again. We finally finished dinner and all I want to do is drag her to the bedroom and strip off her clothes and take her nine ways to Sunday.

  Hilda comes in the room holding a platter with the cake which I don’t even want, on it. I smile because she’s worked so hard on this meal, and I feel terrible for not paying more attention to it. She exchanges a glance with Lexi and I find myself feeling anxious.

  “What’s that about?” I ask Hilda.

  Her eyebrows go up and she looks innocently at me. “What? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She places the platter on the table in front of me like it’s my birthday and I’m about to blow out some candles, which there are none of on the cake.

  “I don’t think I can eat the whole thing, Hilda,” I say then notice something on the top and look at the cake.

  One word is written in orange across the white icing, ‘Congratulations.’

  I look back at Hilda. “Thanks, I guess it is kind of a big deal, this new glass.”

  Lexi takes my hand and smiles. “That’s not what she means.”

  “Oh, the marriage!” I say and look back at Hilda. “Yeah, I guess you haven’t been able to tell me that. Thanks, Hilda.”

  Lexi pulls at my hand and I look back at her. “That’s not what she means, either.”

  “Well, just spit it out then, because I’m clueless,” I say as I look at Hilda.

  Her hands go to her cheeks. “Oh! I guess it would be better if he had the card.” She
reaches into her apron pocket and pulls out a yellow envelope and hands it to me.

  I open it and find a card with a picture of a couple holding hands and smile at Lexi. “Do you know what this is about?”

  She just smiles. “Open the card.”

  I open the card and everything goes blank in my head except for the words on the white page, ‘You’re going to be a father.’

  My mouth falls open and I look at Lexi. “Really?”

  She nods and I have her up in my arms and twirling her around as I laugh like a crazy man. “I’m going to be a father!” I stop and hold her back. “How long have you known this, you little sneak?”

  “A whole month,” she says. “It’s been killing me not to tell you when we talked on the phone every day. I’m two months, you knocked me up on our little honeymoon, you devil.”

  I hug her then hug Hilda. “You kept it a secret too, huh?”

  “Of course, we knew you’d be over the moon and we both wanted to see your face. I love you, Mijo!”

  Lexi smiles at Hilda. “I had to tell someone, and I knew Hilda would be the best one to confide in. She’s kept me so well fed, only the best foods have passed through these lips since she found out.”

  Hilda smiles and says, “Well, I’ll leave you two be alone. I’ll clean up after you’re done.”

  I take a bite of the cake and look at Lexi. “Want some?”

  She shakes her head. “I’m stuffed. It was delicious, Hilda. Thanks so much.”

  “You are very welcome. It was a joy to make it all.” She turns to leave.

  “You can clean up now,” I say as I pick Lexi up, surprising her. “I’m taking my wife to bed.”

  Lexi giggles and Hilda laughs as I make my way out of the room and to the staircase leading up to our bedroom. I nuzzle Lexi’s neck as I walk up the stairs. “I can’t believe you kept that a secret for a whole month.”

  “I had to see your face when you found out and it was priceless. I’m glad I waited.” Her lips touch my neck and I’m about to come undone.

  I move my face to catch her lips and have to stop as I feel dizzy with the sensation. Letting her down, I walk, moving her backwards until she hits the bedroom door. Her hands run over my back and mine run through her hair, pulling the ponytail out. Her hair falls and I moan at the softness of the curls.

  My hand runs down the door until I find the knob and twist it, putting my arm around her to make sure she doesn’t fall when I open it. Picking her back up into my arms, I never let our mouths part. I open my eyes for a second to make sure I’m going towards the bed and see the décor of the room has been changed.

  I pull my mouth away as Lexi groans and takes my face in her hands. “Don’t stop.”

  My head swivels as I look around the bedroom which used to have dark accents, but now is all bright and cheery and I kind of hate it. “You did this?”

  “Yeah, but you can see all the pretty stuff I added later.” She pulls my face to hers, but then stops and looks at me. “Put me down, I have to pee, like right now!”

  I put her down, and she dashes off to the bathroom. There’s dozens of little throw pillows on the bed that has a flowery comforter covering it. Tossing them off as I take my shoes off I see the television is gone and wonder why she’d take that out.

  Yellow curtains hang on the windows. I pull my shirt off as I walk over to one to see if the dark, wooden blinds are still on the windows and I see they are. That’s all I used to have on the windows. I don’t really like curtains, they look cheap. I unbutton and drop my jeans to the floor and shimmy out of my underwear.

  The light I turn off so I don’t have to be distracted with the new look of my bedroom. I have to remember this is our bedroom now, not just mine. But, shit! It’s not just hers either. Hopefully we can come to a compromise.

  I pull back the comforter and find some bright ass, yellow sheets that glow a little in the darkness. With a shake of my head, I laugh. The girl is clueless about style.

  Light falls into the room as she opens the bathroom door and I can see her smile already. A smile finds me as well as I see she’s ditched her clothes and is making her way to me.

  Who cares about what the hell is covering the bed and windows anyway?


  Max’s eyes smolder as he watches me come into the dark bedroom. He looks completely gorgeous as he lies back on the pillow and the yellow sheets contrast with his tanned skin, making him appear to glow a little.

  I knew he’d look great in them!

  Stopping at the end of the bed, I take his foot in my hand and massage it then kiss the top of it. He wiggles his foot. “What the hell are you doing, get up here, girl!”

  “I was going to kiss every last inch of you,” I say as I wait to see if he wants me to do that.

  His head shakes. “Nope, get up here. I want your body all over mine and vice versa, you can kiss me all over later on.”

  Crawling up the bed I make my way to him and can’t help starring into his dark green eyes. “I hope our baby has your eyes,” I say and lick my lips as I’m just about to pounce on him like the tiger I feel like right now.

  “Uh, uh,” he says in a deep husky voice. “No talk of babies right now. This is me and you and that’s all I’m about right now.”

  Finally, I am near enough for him to reach out and take me by the shoulders. He pulls me to him then kisses me hard. I’m on my back without knowing how I got here. My head is mashing into the fluffy pillow, his mouth is so hard on mine.

  Feather light kisses cover my shoulder as he moves his lips from mine. The change from hard and hot to soft and warm is other worldly. I stretch my neck to entice him further, and he moves his mouth to it. A quick nip at the nape of my neck then softly he sucks at it. My body flashes with a fire which runs from the tip of my toes to the top of my head.

  I want him now!

  My stomach flutters as he moves down, and places his warm mouth over my breast. I arch up as he bites at it, making my insides quiver. He sucks at it as he rubs the other breast, then takes the nipple between his fingers and squeezes. His dark, shoulder length waves beg me to run my hands through them. The silkiness makes me crazy and I want him in me now, but he’s still toying with me. His mouth travels between my breasts up to my neck, then finally to my mouth.

  The sweet taste of vanilla fills my mouth as Max’s tongue rolls around mine in a tangle of sweet desire. Moving my hands over his shoulders, and down his back, they grip his hard as a rock ass. I hold him, pressing his monster sized erection to my hot, wet and more than ready, aching for him pussy.

  With a wicked laugh, he whispers, “Not yet, princess. I need to taste you.” He moves down my body which is slick with a light sheen of sweat.

  My body shakes as his lips touch the little pearl already pulsing with desire for him. His tongue runs over it, and my hands tangle up in his luscious locks as I hold him to me, and groan in ecstasy.

  His strong hands grip my ass and he pulls his mouth away to say, “You taste like Heaven, princess.”

  I ache for more and say, “Let me taste you while you taste me.”

  Even in the darkness of the room I can see surprise etching his handsome face. “Really?”

  “Yes, really.” I say with a smile.

  He moves to lie down next to me and I climb over him and make my way south. My mouth slides over his hard erection, just as his hot mouth closes on my clit, his tongue stroking it with hard strokes. He moans, vibrating my clit as his tongue runs over it. I shudder with the sensation.

  The touch of his mouth on me excites me more than usual. I run my mouth over his hot, throbbing dick up and down in long strokes. My hands stroke as I run my tongue over the tip, and down the long, hard shaft.

  Suddenly Max rolls me over. I’m on my back and quite surprised, then he flips me over and I’m on my knees as he pulls me back by my waist. With one hand he grabs a fistful of my hair as he fills me from behind, jerking me back to him. He pounds into me, and I
quiver with how hard he’s breathing, and how wild I feel with him.

  He rams into me and I yell with each thrust as he groans and leans over my back and bites my shoulder hard and that’s it. Stars fill my head as I fall apart. I quake inside and lose it. An orgasm rips through me as I shriek. My face I push into the mattress to stifle the noise, as Max pounds at me even harder, and faster.

  My legs shake as he slaps my ass hard and I feel it starting up in me again. Max pulls out and flips me again. On my back I see him coming to me and his face is shiny with sweat and he’s smiling. Then his mouth is on mine as he slides back in and makes long, deep strokes.

  I moan as he grabs my leg and pulls it up, my ankle near my ear. The orgasm that was pending reignites as he fills a space in me he hadn’t yet. His body rubs my clit with every hard stroke and I rake my nails across his back as I orgasm hard and he moves faster and kisses me harder.

  I arch up and wrap my other leg around his waist. Moving my hands down his back, I grip his ass and push him with every thrust. His body stiffens, and he shoots hot cum into me as he groans in my mouth.

  With slow strokes, he keeps going until neither of us pulse anymore. His lips move to kiss my neck and his breath is hot on my ear. “I love you, Lexi Lane.”

  Trying hard to catch my breath, I say, “I love you to, hubby.”

  With a low groan, he rolls off me, but pulls me to lie of his chest. His strong arm holding me tight to his broad chest. His heart beats beneath my ear and I find I’ve missed the sound more than I realized.

  My Max is home and life couldn’t be better!


  I wait nervously for the person to come to the examination room to run the magic wand over Lexi’s now protruding stomach to tell us what we’re having. Lexi looks relaxed as she lies on the table. “Max, why do you look so nervous?”


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