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Winter Page 150

by Michelle Love

  A woman’s voice fills the speakers, “Ten, nine, eight,” I look at Gia and give her a smile. She beams one back at me. “Seven, six, five.” Noah gives my hand a squeeze and I give his one back. “Four, three, two.” I brace myself for the sound. “One.”

  And here we go!


  The rough lift-off has my body feeling very odd like a heavy weight is covering it. I want to look at Maggie, to see how she’s taking this but my head won’t move. The sound is so loud and I want to cover my ears but I’m stuck in the position I was in when the shuttle blasted off.

  Holding Maggie’s little hand, I try to breathe normally but can’t seem to take in any kind of a decent breath. This seems to be taking forever. The woman who made the countdown comes back on the speakers, “Fifteen seconds.”

  I don’t even know what the hell that means but I count to fifteen in my head and nothing happens. Then I feel it. The weight is gone in an instant and so is the loud sound of the rockets. I hear sighs coming from everyone and let out one myself.

  Looking at Maggie, I expected to see her crying but she’s grinning like a lunatic. “Fun! Do it again, Mommy!”

  “Wow, you liked that?” I ask her as I’m shocked.

  Ryker gets out of his safety harness and comes to help me out of mine. “Your face is so red, baby.”

  “I couldn’t breathe. I’m okay now,” I tell him as he sets me free then picks me up and gives me a big kiss.

  A tug on my jumpsuit has me ending the kiss and turning to find Noah, is the culprit. “Can you guys let us out of these things before you start making out?”


  Ryker chuckles as he lets me go. “Sure, Buddy.” He gets to work setting him free while I free Maggie.

  Excited murmurs are everywhere then Damien is at my side. “Did you enjoy the lift-off, Gia?”

  “Not really. But it’s all good now.”

  “The living quarters are back this way. Come, I’ll show you,” he says as he leads my family to where we’ll call home for the next eight months.

  Ryker steps up beside me, putting his arm around my waist. “I purposely didn’t come on the shuttle, so I could see it all for the first time with you guys.”

  “Are you excited?” I ask him as I pick up Maggie.

  “More than that.” He leans in close to whisper in my ear. “And I can’t wait to christen our new bed.”

  Heat moves through me and I find myself blushing. “Ryker, naughty, naughty.”

  I feel a pinch on my ass as he gives me a devilish grin. “Yes, I am.”

  Turning down a narrow hallway, I see doors along both sides, just like in a hotel. Numbers are on each door. Each individual traveler or group of them, were given a number. That number designates where you live, sit, and even when you eat. Our number is seven and we find our door, easily.

  With no material objects to covet as everyone was issued what they need, there is no need for locks on the doors, so Damien opens ours and we see a small living area with three doors off of it. “Your suite.”

  We walk in while Damien stays in the hallway. “It’s small,” I say as I can reach out and touch each person in the room.

  “Cozy,” Damien says. “I prefer to think of it in that way.”

  “You’ll get used to it,” Ryker says then kisses my cheek. “And I like being close to you, anyway.”

  Not happy about how small it is, I make my way to the first door and find an even smaller room. A set of bunk beds that are built into the wall is there and only enough room to walk in and get on the beds. “I suppose this is the kids’ bedroom.”

  “Of course,” Damien says, still standing in the hallway. “These quarters are generally for sleeping and not much else. There are large areas around the ship where you can spread out. The dining areas, the entertainment areas. The observation area is very nice and adult beverages are served there. You two should join Svetlana and me for drinks later. You could leave the children in the play area.”

  “Sounds good,” Ryker tells him. He points to the watch-like thing we all wear on our wrists. “Tap me when you’re there.”

  With a nod, Damien leaves us alone and closes the door, making the main room feel even smaller.

  Ryker opens the door in the middle of the three of them and we find a tiny toilet area. “Bathroom. Look, Maggie, the potty is in here.”

  She claps and comes to look. “Potty!”

  We just recently potty trained her. Her joy at seeing a toilet makes me laugh and Ryker leaves that tiny room to open the door to what must be our bedroom. “The master…” he stops talking as he looks inside.

  I can’t imagine what has rendered him speechless but when I look in too, I find out. “Oh, Ryker!”

  A twin bed is all there is in the room. Tiny amounts of space are on each side of it. Barely enough room to walk. And my pregnant body will be expanding all the way there!

  “Gia, this isn’t a problem. This is great, we’ll get to be so close.”

  “I’m going to be on top of you! And I’m only going to get bigger! I didn’t think about this. I should’ve jumped in and had a hand in designing this space.”

  “It’ll be okay,” he says as he pulls me to sit on the bed. Our combined asses take up every bit of the space.

  “Tight quarters aren’t so bad. Think about it, Gia.” He gives me a kiss and I fight back the urge to cry.

  “Can we go in our room, Mom?” Noah asks me. “I want to lay on my bed. I’m taking the top bunk. I’ve never had a bunk bed before.”

  I nod and watch him take his little sister’s hand and lead her the five steps across our living room and they go into their new room and both seem very happy and excited. When I look at Ryker, I see the same damn expression on his handsome face. “You love this, don’t you?”

  “Close the door and come to bed. I think we need a naked nap.”

  I close the door, using my foot and lie back on the bed. “Take me away, Ryker. Only you can take my mind off how small everything is.”

  Unzipping my jumpsuit, he pulls it off me, tossing it to the little floor area next to the tiny bed. I watch him as he pulls his off and has more difficulty doing that than he had taking mine off. “We’ll get used to these close quarters. I know we will. When we have the wide-open spaces on Mars, we won’t know what to do.”

  “I’ll know what to do,” I say as he lays down on one side of me, stroking my tummy and looking into my eyes. I cradle his face in my hands and kiss him. Letting my mind go, feeling only his lips on mine.

  His hand makes slow strokes over my stomach then he dips it into my pleasure pool, stirring up sensations that take my mind even further away. Playing with me until I ache to have him inside of me, he finally gives me what I need. Moving his body to cover mine, he makes one hard thrust into me.

  I arch up to him and he moves his mouth off mine to kiss along the length of my neck. I moan a little as he gives me a good bite then thrusts into me harder.

  My body is quivering before I know it. My heart is racing as the wave washes over me, leaving me writhing under his attention. I’m home!


  A red sky greets us as we step off the ship. A gentle breeze blows and I take in a deep breath of the cold air. Steam forms when I blow my breath out.

  “Steam, we can make water just like we planned,” Damien says as he and I take the first steps onto the loose red dirt. “We made it, Ryker.”

  “We did,” I say as I look all over at the vast open space where we will make our new home. I tap my communication device. “Gia, bring them out.”

  Damien calls his wife too and they come out of the door as we watch their faces. Steam floats around them all as they walk out with much hesitation. Gia gets to me and I find her smiling. “Ryker, we’re here. We’re finally here!”

  Taking her in my arms, I kiss her as our children cling to my legs. “We’re home, baby.”

  I run my hand over Noah’s head and reach down to pick up our d
aughter. “Daddy, it’s windy!”

  “It sure is.” I carry her away from the shuttle, so everyone else can get out too. The eight months went by like molasses but we’re finally here. And here is where we’ll stay.


  The baby waited a whole week before coming out to see his new world. Zane Ryker Crawford was the first-born citizen of Mars, just how Ryker wished for.

  Life on Mars is hard work. Diligence and patience are required here. We’ve managed to make things easier as time has gone by. Five years have passed. Ryker and I have had another child in that time, a girl named Cindy.

  The people here are from all over the world. We are but one race now, the Human Race. No divisions are made here. We all work hard and we all share the fruits of our labors, evenly.

  Money will never come into play. If we, the founders, have things our way. We’ve penned a constitution that makes everyone equal and set basic rules for society.

  No murders have occurred, knock on wood. We have had one death but it was from natural causes. Mr. Chadwick was eighty-seven when his heart gave out on him. He came here alone. He had no one left on Earth anyway and he was proud when he told us, he’d make a name for himself here, as the first person to die on Mars.

  It seems most people want to be remembered for something, no matter where they are. I want to be remembered as the woman who once was lost but found her way and ended up as a founder of Mars.

  Ryker wants to be remembered as the man who didn’t let adversity stop him from achieving his very large goal of getting here. And he’s also happy he’ll be remembered as having the first child here too. His planning paid off for him.

  Planning, preparation, and follow-through are important things to remember when you want to reach your goal. Any goal. And most goals aren’t easy to get to. Most have a road filled with hard work, trials, tribulations, and even disappointment. In the end, though, when you reach that goal that seemed like it would never come, how you feel is beyond amazing.

  Focus is the key. One must remain focused if they want to see their dreams come true.

  I wasn’t lost when Ryker found me. I was hiding from greatness. He forced me to come out of hiding and grab the brass ring, joining him in a future most can only dream about.

  The time has come for us to settle in and just live now. And I think it’s safe to say, we will all live happily ever after…

  The End

  Bonus Story Unforeseen Treasure

  A Single Daddy, Billionaire, Navy Seal Romance

  Lieutenant Commander Damon Saunders was caught off guard when I met him at Lanesborough Hotel in London. He and I had business to attend to. But our business was pushed aside quickly.

  Always the consummate professional, I was shocked to find my inner woman clambering to the surface, stuffing the professional in me down as far as possible. The man was abnormally hot and muscular and turned me into a puddle of desire with just one look.

  I was worried my self-discipline would become compromised. And I was right. That man compromised me nine ways to Sunday.

  I was left wondering if it could really turn into something more, something that could last …

  I went to London with the expectation that I was about to be had. But it turned out just the opposite. I had to have the gorgeous woman who’d ordered me to come to her.

  When I met Liv Tillman and found her to be the hottest little American spitfire I’d ever seen, well, the real dilemma began.

  She was practically drooling over me after all. Or was it the other way around? I have a hard time recalling the whole thing as my cock was kind of running me. All I could think about was getting her naked and underneath me, which I did many, many times.

  Then duty called and things happened so fast. There’d be no stopping the rollercoaster our lives were on …


  Waking up in a cold sweat, out of breath, and nearly falling out of my bed, I grasp the certified letter off the nightstand and read it once more.

  Lieutenant Commander Damon Saunders,

  Your presence is required at the Lanesborough Hotel in London, England at noon on May 25th. You will report to suite 407. A private jet will be sent to you at the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Florida, where you are currently stationed. You will be met at the Heathrow Airport by a driver who will have a sign with your name on it. Go with him. He will bring you to me. Accommodations for the period of five nights have been purchased, along with all the meals for that duration of time.

  Do not underestimate my ability to find you wherever you are, anywhere around the globe. I will speak to you, no matter what you may want.

  This doesn’t have to be unpleasant. It’s all up to you and how you decide to accept the consequences of your actions.

  Yours in sincerity,

  Livacious Tillman

  “Who the hell could this be?” I ask myself as I put the letter back down and get out of bed. “I need a drink.” Laughing, I realize just how much I’ve been talking to myself since the letter arrived three days ago.

  There are three days until I need to depart fromFlorida, making my way to London on a jet I have no idea who’s sent to fetch me. I know I should blow the whole thing off. The idea that anybody could find me anywhere in the world is insane after all.

  But there’s just enough crap in that letter to make me think I should go. The consequences thing has me curious. I’ve done some major shit in my life. A career in the Navy has seen to that.

  I’ve been on a Seal Team for the last six years, and I’ve done more in those years than my entire life put together.

  But who could hold me responsible for anything I did with the Seals? And why would they only target me? And why the hell is London the place I have to go to?

  The last time I was in London was about five years ago. I took a short R&R after one bitch of a mission had me nearly wiped out. I’d started out messing with random chicks, then settled into a five-night sex-fest with one woman. She was nuts!

  She would only tell me her name. Her first name was Jennie, and she told me nothing more than that. It was all about the sex. And that was cool with me. I wasn’t into having a relationship at that time, and she didn’t seem to be about that either.

  Maybe it’s her who’s wanting a rendezvous?

  “Nah, can’t be,” I say to myself. “I didn’t give her more than my first name either.”

  With nothing more than one tap on the door, my buddy, Jim, opens it and has a piece of paper in his hand, waving it at me. “You have an order to make a phone call, my friend. And who is Liv Tillman?” He’s fully dressed in his uniform and I’m still in nothing but my skivvies. An eternity in the service has left us both none too shy about the lack of clothing on my part.

  “An order?” I ask as I take the note out of his hand and read it out loud. “Mr. Saunders.” I stop and look at Jim. “Mister? What a jerk.”

  “Sounds like he’s one for sure,” he comments.

  “Wait, he?” I ask as I look at the name on the note. “The certified letter was signed by a Livacious, but this one says Liv. Liv sounds like a girl’s name, doesn’t it?”

  “Might be,” Jim agrees. “Either way, major asshole for not calling you by your rank. You’ve worked hard as hell to get to where you are. You deserve to be called by your title, not a minor title, like mister. And who is this person anyway? They have no problem ordering you around. Not cool!”

  “Not at all,” I agree, then keep reading the note, “Mr. Saunders, you’ve yet to respond to my certified letter. I was expecting a prompt response from you. You are expected in London in no less than three days, and I need to know if I’m wasting my time with trying to talk to you civilly or not. Please give me a call as soon as you get this message. I can be reached at 44-20-9024-5462. I expect your call shortly. Liv.”

  Jim grins as he slaps his own ass. “Well, you better pull that cell out and give the lady a call, Lieutenant. You don’t want to get into trouble with little Liv,
now do ya?”

  Taking out my cell, I decide to call this bossy person in front of a witness. “I am going to make this call. And you’re going to listen to every word we exchange. I’m beginning to worry this might be a scam of some kind.”

  “Sounds like one. Who’s this pushy in real life?” Jim asks as he takes a seat on my unmade bed.

  “I’m about to find out. I’ll bet you a hundred dollars I get some kind of a recording or end up talking to some call service.” I dial the number and wait.

  There’s a series of beeps then the sound of ringing. “Hello?” An American-accented female voice answers.

  “Hi, I’m Lieutenant Commander Damon Saunders. You’ve sent me a note …”

  “Oh, yes! Mr. Saunders …”

  With a quick interruption, I correct the misinformed woman, “No, not Mister. Lieutenant Commander Saunders is what you may call me.”

  “That’s a mouthful, but if you insist. Lieutenant Commander Saunders, will you be coming to London as I’ve directed you to?”

  “And why should I?” I ask as I give Jim a nod and puff out my chest.

  “Because you have one of two choices. Meet me in London as I’ve asked or meet me in court. It’s your choice. I do have to tell you that you’ll like coming to London so much better. But it’s all up to you.”


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