The End The Book: Part One

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The End The Book: Part One Page 1

by J. L. ROBB

  “This book is destined to be a best seller. Every chapter left me on the edge of my seat.”

  Shirley Lasseter,

  Gwinnett County Commissioner, Duluth, GA.

  “I could not wait until I went home to read the final Chapter so I read it at lunch. You have set the book up like a soap opera where you come to the end of the season and then there is something that happens that keeps you wondering until the beginning of the next season (or book). I love it.”


  “ amazing story!!! Thanks for letting us all share as it evolved.”


  “How could you leave me hangin’ like this???!! And WHEN is the continuation of this book coming out??? … I am emotionally attached to these characters. Anyway, thanks for taking me on this ride…it’s been a doozy. I will be praying that this book will save souls and that you will get great reviews.”


  “I am TOTALLY enjoying your book! I love mystery thrillers that get my heart rate up and this one fills that bill very well. It’s a real cliffhanger too..”


  “I feel blessed to read your book. I went to the site and did a quick scan, I am very intrigued!!!! Love the cover and the topic is awesome!!!! You can rest assured that it will be pasted around…I pray the Lord does not let your pen stop…I will let you know when I am finished…God Bless You Brother!!!!”


  “I know God will use you and your book for His Glory and that many will come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ . Thanks so much for letting me know. This sounds awesome Jerry.”



  Part One

  Copyright © 2011 J. L. ROBB

  Cover art and design by: Erica Robb, Yoni Art & Design

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  Bible scriptures from New International Version unless otherwise specified

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  ISBN: 978-1-4497-0975-4 (sc)

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  Library of Congress Control Number: 2011924748

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  WestBow Press rev. date: 03/29/2011


  List of Main Characters

  Part One




































  List of Main Characters

  Alphabetical by First Name

  Abe the Bartender: Bartender at Park Place. Friend of Jeff Ross.

  Aboud Rehza: a.k.a Vinny, a.k.a. Ricky. In charge of U.S. Operations for Jihad’s Warriors and various other Islamic Jihadist groups. Twin brother of Mohammed Rehza.

  Aludra Khalid: Muhammed’s sister. Lives with Muhammed, leader of terrorist Jihad’s Warriors, in the Korengal Valley, Afghanistan-Pakistan border.

  Bill “Wild Willy” Briggs: Master of Nanotechnology, Georgia Tech Nanotechnology Research Center, Atlanta. Ex-U.S. Navy, CIA and Homeland Security. Works closely with Israel’s Mossad.

  Chad “Chadbo” Myers: Assistant Director, Near Earth Object and Heliospheric Laboratory, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD.

  Chuck Hutz: Known around Raleigh, N.C., as Hutz-the-Putz, a.k.a. UpChuck. Graduate of the School of Rudeness.

  Condi Zimmerman: News anchor and Atlanta correspondent with FOX News Network.

  Dmitry Ustinov: Chechnyan-Russian arms dealer. Brokered the sale of 5 high-yield nuclear weapons and delivery systems from Pakistan to Iran.

  Erica P. Robbins: Freelance reporter and U.S. War Correspondent.

  Gray and Andi Dorey: Close friends of Jeff and Melissa Ross

  Jack Russell: United States Senator from Cumming, Georgia and ranking member on the Military Finance Committee. Married to Samarra Russell.

  Jeffrey “Jeff” Ross: Main character. Ex-husband of Melissa Ross. Father of three daughters, Jami and Jenni (twins) and Audry. U.S. Navy SEAL until discharged with injury after the Vietnam conflict.

  Jill Haskins: Wife of Leon “Bubba” Haskins and Samarra Russell’s closest friend.

  Joseph Scibet Rosenberg, Ph.D.: Public Speaker and Professor of Apocalyptic Religions, Candler School of Theology, Emory University.

  Judi Ellis: Director of Paleobiology, Emory Primate Research Center, Atlanta.

  Kyoto Kushito: Founder and Director of The Foundation, a shadowy, suspected worldwide terror think tank, based in the Hiroshima, Japan area.

  Leon “Bubba” Haskins: Owns the largest minority contracting firm in Georgia and a tourist submarine facility at Lake Lanier Islands, Georgia. Married to Jill Haskins.

  Mehdi: Chief of Security and Jihad Planner for Muhammed Khalid. Lives in Korengal Valley along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border.

  Melissa Ross: Also Melissa Ross-Jeremias. Divorced from Jeff Ross, mother of twins, Jami and Jenni, and adopted daughter, Audry. Recently married Robert Jeremias.

  Mohammed Rehza: In charge of European operations for Jihad’s Warriors. Twin brother of Aboud Rehza (a.k.a. Vinny, Ricky, Henri, etc.)

  Muhammed Khalid: Islamic Jihadist and founder of the extremely secretive Jihad’s Warriors. Lives in Korengal Valley with his sister, Aludra.

  Pam MacLott: Owner of Park Place Café. Married to Jim.

  Richard “Rich” Badey: Investigative reporter with CNN.

  Robert Jeremias: Missionary, philanthropist. Married Melissa Ross.

  Russ Ivies: Chief of Security, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta. Actor and producer.

  Samarra Aziz Russell, Ph.D.: Director of Research of Communicable Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta. Married to Senator Jack Russell.

  Sheryl Lasseter: Director of the United States Public Relations Liais
on and personal friend of Dr. Rosenberg and Admiral McLemore. Works directly for the U.S. President.

  The Admiral: Justin P. McLemore. A graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and retired four-star Admiral. Director of Near Earth Object and Heliospheric Laboratory, Goddard Space Flight Center, Maryland.

  Vinny: A truly bad man, his real name is Aboud Rehza, a product of wealthy Saudi parents. He and his twin brother, Mohammed, had been child prodigies and both speak several languages, fluently. A man of many aliases. Vinny resides in the United States.

  “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” Matthew 24:14

  “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Arab proverb

  Part One


  Most folks believe that the world had a beginning and that it will have an end. Books have been written and movies made. Nostradamus, the Mayans and the Hopi Indians all indicate that the end will be December 21, 2012, according to their predictions.

  There is another story about the end, as we know it, that predates Nostradamus and the Indians by several thousand years. It does not mention 2012, but it does list many signs that will be present just before, signs that are happening at this very moment for those who care to see.

  This book is a fictional account, like the Left Behind series and other apocalyptic novels, that is based on the Books of Revelation, Daniel, Ezekiel and other Biblical books of prophecy.

  It is interesting that many people believe the Nostradamus stories but not the Bible’s, though Biblical predictions (prophecies) have been tested and determined to be true, over and over and over again.

  THE END The Book is a thriller and a love story, about Jeffrey Ross, the main character, who is an atheist and has been most of his life. Jeff always adored his wife, Melissa, and still did. Only now Melissa was the ex-wife, who he still adored. He guessed she left because he wouldn’t go to church. He was pretty flawless, he knew.

  This novel is written for all adult thinkers, believer or non-believer, a book that may answer some of the questions posed by the likes of Bill Maher and other celebrities who apparently claim atheism as their belief system, according to the following web site,

  One of the things the Bible states in its predictions about The End is that it will be like it was in the days of Noah. People were partying, scoffing at believers, drinking and being merry and trying to make a fool of God. Then it started to rain.

  That is happening today. Just as predicted, many people are narcissistic, lovers of themselves, lovers of material things and believe that mankind evolved from the single-celled amoeba, not created supernaturally.

  Then the end will come. There will be no laughing in those days.

  Though this is a fictional account of how it could happen, it is based on years of research, not just from the Bible and the Koran, but also from archeological research and discovery.

  Follow Jeffrey Ross on the seven-year adventure of a life time, as Atlanta burns once again, not by the hands of General Sherman, but by the hands of imported and home-grown terrorists, with a cause: Muhammad, The Prophet, and the long awaited Twelfth Imam.

  As the last day of Jeff’s seven-year journey emerges from beyond the horizon, the world will not be a place one would want to exist.

  It will not be a happy-camper type of day, as that day is described as the day of God’s Wrath.


  I would like to dedicate this book to God, who inspired me to finally write something; and to my oldest daughter, Erica, who worked tirelessly, learning how to make a web page for me, and helping me to stay motivated and focused on this book. It would have been impossible for me to do this without her.


  “…abandon all hope, you who enter here.” Dante’s Inferno

  Jeff walked across the asphalt parking lot, trying to avoid the rough, alligatoring pavement in grave need of repair, a victim of the failing economy and a tough winter.

  He walked across the damp, concrete sidewalk, toward the Starbucks entrance. Swatting mosquitoes as he went, his only intention was to grab a latté, read the paper and get on with the day’s activities as soon as possible. Noting a brief flash of red, he looked left and saw the beauty in the Versace dress, or rather what was inside the red dress. I love red, he thought, and ran straight into the Starbucks doorframe.

  Embarrassed more than hurt and surprised at the noise it made when one walks into a doorframe, Jeff acted as though nothing happened and hoped that no one heard the loud collision. The man and the girl-with-a-ponytail by the front window looked at him with concern but said nothing.

  Jeff was a regular visitor to the Dunwoody Perimeter Starbucks, and Latté Lady saw Jeff crossing the Publix grocery store parking lot and had his Grandé Latté with one raw sugar, waiting by the time Jeff reached the register.

  “Thanks Jenifer. Or Miss Attentive, I should say. You are an amazing woman with that latté machine. Wanna get married? I have a ring in my safe that has your name on the inside of that platinum band.”

  “You are such a flirt!” She liked it. “What size is that ring? I have very small fingers, but they’re strong enough to support huge diamonds.”

  Grabbing his latté and a newspaper, Jeff winked at Jenifer and took a seat by the window with a gorgeous view of the Publix parking lot and the heavy Atlanta traffic. Maybe he would see the girl in the red dress, he thought to himself, and hoped she hadn’t seen him run into the doorframe. He felt a small knot rising from his forehead.

  Taking his seat beside the concerned-looking couple, Jeff opened the Atlanta Journal and Constitution to begin his fill of the daily tragedies occurring around the world. Another earthquake, this one off the coast of Charleston, small but unusual. It sure seemed to Jeff that there was a whole lot of shakin’ goin’ on around the world. A glance out the window gave no glimmer of Ms.Versace.

  “Nostradamus wrote that the world would end as we know it, in 2012. The Hopi Indians, who lived in the southeast United States, or what is now the United States, predicted a great worldwide, cataclysmic disaster at the end of time, also in 2012; and December 21, 2012, is the end of the Mayan Calendar. The Mayans were no dummies and were the most advanced society of the time when it came to studying the stars.”

  Jeff didn’t mean to listen in on the conversation at the next table but couldn’t help himself after what he had seen a few months earlier in the night sky.

  “Yeah, I’ve seen the documentaries on Discovery Channel. Do you believe all that stuff?” the young lady with the blonde ponytail asked the man, kind of a look of wonderment on her face that the professor-looking gentleman might actually believe the 2012 predictions. Though a little portly, Jeff thought the man looked distinguished, maybe even a rabbi though no yarmulke graced the back of his balding, gray head.

  “Well, don’t bet the farm on it or start selling land. The End has been predicted many times throughout history, forecast on a regular basis since the first century A.D., shortly after Jesus was executed. The ancient Jewish prophets started predicting an end and a Judgment Day at least fifteen hundred years earlier.”

  The professor-rabbi sipped what looked like a frozen mocha, thinking about the meaning of A.D. and why it was no longer used in textbooks, or any books for that matter. He knew why though. AD stood for anno domini and meant “the year of our Lord,” and BC meant “before Christ.” Nope, he thought, not much chance we will see that used again in this politically corrected world of shame-and-no-blame. The day was hot and sweat dropped on the man’s blue and white striped seersucker shirt, crinkly and wrinkly by design.

  Jeff watched the chameleon in search of mosquitoes, laying-in-wait on the outside windowsill for a flying delight. It would not be a weight-watchers day for the chameleon, as the air was filled with newly hatched mosquitoes, thriving in mass production since the record rains and heat.

  “Jesus talked about the End Time
s or Last Days, as did numerous other Biblical characters. His followers questioned him about this, wondering if the end would come in their day. Jesus told them he didn’t know but that it would happen. There would be ‘signs.’”

  “I didn’t know that! Are you sure?” The young, freckly woman seemed surprised that Jesus would not have known, having been taught that Jesus knew all things by her Aunt Sammie, who had raised her.

  “Go back and read your Bible, or Google it; and you will see what I say, it’s true.”

  “No, no. I don’t doubt you Dr. Rosenberg. I just thought that Jesus was God and knew everything, at least that’s what I’ve always been taught at my church.” Blonde Ponytail looked genuinely concerned that she had offended Dr. Rosenberg. “What did he tell his followers when they asked about the end?”

  The man couldn’t be a rabbi, Jeff thought to himself, having been to a few bar mitzvahs in his time and raised as a child in a South Carolina “Jewish” neighborhood. Rabbis don’t talk much about Jesus; but there sure seemed to be a lot of talk lately about the end of the world, and God is a Woman signs were everywhere.

  “Jesus told them he didn’t know exactly when the date was, that only God knew. He did give them some signs to look for in the future, signs that would let us know that the end is near, signs that let the early Christians, who were all Jews of course, know that it would not come in their time, though they hoped for it.”


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