Jane's Team: A High School Reverse Harem Romance

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Jane's Team: A High School Reverse Harem Romance Page 18

by Janie Marie

  “Ugh.” Jane had no idea how she was going to work things out. It was a good thing David hid everything because she realized now, Kingston would stop everything. “How are we gonna get onto the field?”

  He cut her a quick glance. “Do you think they’re going to tell me to go back to my seat?”

  “Forgot I was in the presence of a king.” She beamed up at him, awed that officers greeted Luc with a nod before opening the gate to the field.

  “You tend to forget some of the most important details, my queen.” He smirked down at her. “Behave around my brother now,” he said as they approached where Ryder stood.

  Jane tingled as she watched him frowning at his phone, then turning to scan the bleachers. Her cute, mean boy was worried. So, she gave Luc a look, respecting him as her ‘boyfriend’ for the evening but pleading that she give her bad boy some attention.

  He squeezed her hand. “Did you not just boss me around with your terms?”

  She felt warmth all the way to her toes. “Thank you, Luc.”

  He nodded, walking her closer to Ryder until they were right beside him.

  Ryder was still checking his phone when she brushed up against him. He looked almost annoyed someone was beside him until she said, “Close game, huh?”

  Her bad boy took her in quickly, barely darting his attention to Luc before focusing on her again. “Like you’ve been staring at anything other than my ass.”

  She giggled, nudging him a bit. “Um, I was staring at David’s, wondering if your handprint is visible.”

  Ryder grinned, pocketing his phone but at the same time, he snuck a little squeeze of her fingers with a free hand before crossing his arms. “Papi is gonna be sore for days.”

  “You did not just call him Papi,” Luc chastised.

  Ryder glared at him. “Shut the fuck up, bitch. I’m not thrilled about you claiming our girl in front of the damn world.”

  Jane’s heart skipped a beat at the words ‘our girl’, and she moved enough to gain Ryder’s focus. “Hey, he was trying to help.”

  Twin emerald infernos fell on her. “Babe, you’re not dumb. You know he’s looking to gain from this.”

  It was nice he was saying he thought she was smart, but she needed him to cool off. “You don’t have to worry then, do you?”

  Ryder searched her face like he had seen it a thousand times before but never tired of her. “You don’t care if he’s using you?”

  “If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t be down here—I wouldn’t be seeing you tonight.” She shifted her eyes toward the stands. “I think I’d already be grounded because I had sex with you. You’re the one Kingston is worried about corrupting me.” She bit her lip for a second, sighing when he stared at the action with narrowed eyes, his hand twitching like he was considering touching them. So, she grinned. “Kingston always told me you were watching me, and he knew I was watching you. Not Luc.”

  It made her sad to say that with Luc right there, but Ryder was hurting, and bad boys hurting were never a good thing.

  The tension in Ryder’s posture eased. “Next time, I want to see you in my jersey,” was all he said, though, then he turned away to watch the game.

  Jane took his words as a good sign, but he still wasn’t happy. She’d have to make everything up to him before the night was over. She was still sad about not getting to embrace her first time with him.

  Whistles blew, and shouts rang out. Jane couldn’t see a damn thing because players and coaches kept pacing in front of her. It got so loud, she barely heard Luc and Ryder discussing something, other than making out David’s name.

  “What happened?” she asked, peeking at the monitor. It showed David on the ground after a tackle, but a player from the other team stomped on his hand. She gasped, looking up at Ryder. “Is he okay?”

  Ryder shrugged a shoulder. “Dumbass should’ve gotten up faster.”

  Like she’d always done in the past, she bristled, ready to defend David, but she held her tongue. They were football players after all.

  “Winters, take Mike,” Coach Knight yelled. “Lykos, take his spot.”

  Jane squeezed closer to Ryder, but Luc pulled her against his side.

  “Don’t forget you are being watched,” he said, fixing his grip on her waist as David walked toward the sidelines with the trainer.

  Everything in her screamed to run to David. His hand was dripping blood, and his eyes looked wild. It was easy to forget David was aggressive as hell. She always made him out to be perfect and sweet, and she’d blinded herself from the painful things he was doing, but the guy cussing up a storm because he couldn’t go kill the player who stomped on his hand—that was the David she forgot existed.

  Ryder laughed, glancing down at her. “He’s not going to come to the house, babe. They’ll make him go to the hospital.”

  “Oh, gosh, is it broken?” She couldn’t tear her eyes away from him as the trainers cut his glove off. “Is he telling them to let him play?”

  “Probably.” Ryder winked at her. “I’ll be back.”

  All she could do was stand with Luc as Ryder went to inspect the damage. David greeted him with a middle finger, but Ryder didn’t seem bothered by it. She still couldn’t believe they were getting along. Well . . . David smacked Ryder’s hand off his shoulder, and Ryder shoved him back as the trainers yelled for them to stop.

  “Children,” Luc said bored.

  She ignored his jab, her full focus on David, who was now looking her way. He was sweaty, a ruddy color flushing his cheeks, and his blue eyes hardly visible. There was even steam rising from him as he breathed heavily, listening to the coaches and Ryder. He looked like a monster.

  The sexiest monster alive.

  ‘Are you okay?’ she mouthed to him.

  He nodded once, his eyes flicking to Luc then to her again. ‘Love you,’ he mouthed back.

  Now she felt like a lovesick fool. How could he think to tell her that while blood was dripping from his hand and the trainers were painfully taping it closed?

  “I something you,” she whispered, knowing he’d read her lips.

  He smiled, then turned to his coach and grabbed his helmet to head back in.

  Luc exhaled loudly, turning her a bit so she wasn’t gawking at David.

  “Sorry,” she muttered, patting his stomach on instinct.

  He didn’t look down at her; he kept his eyes on the field, but he said, “You complicate quite a lot, Jane.”

  “Well, you don’t have to shield me,” she said just as he moved in front of her, catching the football that had been thrown out of bounds.

  “You were saying?” He smirked at her before launching the football all the way to the referee standing at the center of the field. The crowd went wild.

  “Thank you.” There was no point denying it—she needed him to cover for her, and if he was willing to help her with Kingston and her mom, she was going to let him.

  He put an arm over her shoulder as people clapped after seeing him ‘in action’. “Just smile for me.”

  A sad one came to her face, and she leaned her head against him. “I don’t like liking you.”

  “I know,” he said as David jogged onto the field again. “As I said, you complicate things.”

  “Then get the fuck away from her,” came Ryder’s dark voice.

  It was like someone had thrown a bucket of ice water over her. She even gasped as she turned her head and spotted Ryder giving Luc a deadly look.

  Luc removed his arm slowly, but he didn’t block her from Ryder. It was almost as if he knew now was not the time to push Ryder.

  “Ryder,” she called him, hoping to dissolve the tension before anyone noticed.

  He dropped his gaze down to her. “Babe, you really don’t need to hide behind him. I can handle your stepdad. I can handle David, and I don’t give a fuck if you want Tercero—you can have his ass, but this motherfucker”—he lifted his eyes to Luc’s—“is unwanted and unnecessary. If you’re going to b
e a fucking complication to anyone, it’s me. And nothing you do is a complication for me. So, like I said, he can get the fuck away from you.”

  She was actually afraid for Luc as she took in Ryder’s intimidating stance across from them. He was already taller than Luc, more muscular, too. But more than that, Ryder could fight—she’d seen him destroy guys bigger than him and even when he was outnumbered, he was the one to walk away. His brothers always kept other teammates from helping him because ‘he could take care of himself’. And she wouldn’t be surprised to see Ryder fight right now, especially with him already pulled from the games.

  Jane swallowed, moving to stand in front of Luc. “Ryder, I already told you Luc is helping with my stepdad.”

  His gaze narrowed at her. “Are you not hearing me? I can handle your stepdad.”

  Luc sighed, moving in front of her. “You’re going to upset her, and I recall you said she’s worth everything to you.”

  “Fuck you,” Ryder spat, closer to Luc, making a show of how he was taller and stronger when he tilted his head down. “Where the fuck did you take her for the last twenty minutes?”

  Jane gaped at him. He was more hormonal than her during her period.

  “She snuck off with Tercero,” Luc said, a definite smile on his face. “She can have his ass. Yes?”

  There was a growling sound, then Jane practically felt Ryder leaving. She peeked around Luc, her heart sinking at the sight of his back and him shoving players out of his way.

  “The game is almost over, Jane,” Luc said, pulling her to his side again.

  She kept watching Ryder; he’d gone as far as he could get without actually leaving the field. Her whole chest felt like it was being crushed. “Fuck,” she said, putting a hand over her heart. Why did she have to make things so hard? Why did she have to like all of them? Why didn’t she try dating like David had? So many whys.

  Yet again, there wasn’t much time to ponder. Jane’s attention was pulled to the field where David made a destructive tackle on the guy who’d stomped on his hand. It caused a fumble, and David managed to knock the ball to the newest player to pick up. She screamed, clapping as Jason Winters ran toward their endzone. That’s when she spotted the clock. It was the last play, and she’d missed when the Hellhounds had gotten up by a field goal.

  “Go, Jason,” she cheered as Gareth knocked a player from tackling Jason, and she screamed like a maniac when Jason made it to the endzone, spiking the ball before he was tackled by the rest of their team in celebration.

  “I thought you were going to run to him at the end of the game,” Luc said, hugging her and brushing a kiss to her temple.

  Jane realized the stadium was clearing and students were rushing the field, and she also realized Ryder was walking out.

  “Congratulate David, Jane,” Luc said, walking onto the field with her. “Then we will leave.”

  Her excitement and worry were torn between her boys, but when she saw David lifting Jason up and the guys going nuts, she smiled and let go of Luc to run toward him.

  It was easier said than done, but Jane managed to lose Luc in the crowd and push through until she was at the pile of players. David was in the center with Jason, but there was no way to reach him.

  “Hey, gorgeous,” a dark voice purred in her ear.

  She jerked, turning to see a player from the other team. It was the guy who had stomped on David’s hand. “I’d piss off if I were you, asshole.”

  He smiled, his dark eyes flicking toward the celebration. “You don’t mean that.” His hand came around her wrist, and he tugged her close.

  “Stop!” She tried to yank away, her eyes searching for Luc or David. Neither were visible with all the ruckus.

  “Don’t put up a fuss,” he said, covering her mouth and hugging her like he was her boyfriend. No one was paying attention.

  Jane tried to kick and scream, but the crowd was too chaotic. He was taking her toward the exit. Oh, God, what was happening? She knew, but she was crying like a baby. No one was looking.

  “Don’t worry—his little cheerleader will keep him busy,” he said, kissing her cheek.

  Jane fought, trying to bite his hand, and he only shoved gloved fingers down her throat, gagging her.

  “That’s a good girl,” he said, well into the shadows now. “I knew you’d know how to take it deep.”

  “Let her go.”

  Jane’s heart soared as the guy stopped walking.

  There, leaning against the fence in the dark, was her bad boy. Ryder didn’t move away from the fence, just stood there, arms crossed. “And get your goddamn fingers out of her mouth.”

  Jane coughed, almost hurling up her dinner when the guy roughly pulled his hand away from her. She was in too much shock to move more than that, but she was aware more people had shown up.

  “Aw, fuck,” someone said, the deep, sinful tone somewhat recognizable but no one Jane knew. “Dylan, get the fuck off her—he’s gonna kill you.”

  Someone pulled her away from ‘Dylan’, supporting her as she was walked toward Ryder. “Apologies, little queen.”

  Jane sobbed, looking up at the player with her. She knew him from the plays he’d made all night—Than Messor. The one who’d spoken earlier was the captain—Alexander Sin. There was another guy beside them—Damon King. All the captains.

  Damon King watched her without saying anything, and a humming noise filled Jane’s head as the Sin guy yelled at the guy who had tried to take her. When Ryder took a step forward, about to go past her before Than could leave her with him, Damon swung, punching the bastard who’d taken her.

  Dylan fell like a rock, and Ryder halted when the principal appeared out of nowhere.

  “Take Jane, Ryder. He’s not going anywhere,” Mr. Prince said.

  Than Messor grabbed Ryder’s arm, holding him in place. “She’s shaken up. We’ll deal with him.”

  Ryder was still. Too still. He just stared down at the guy who some other players were now checking on. Again, he looked like he could really kill someone, and she didn’t want to see that.

  “Ryder,” she croaked, grabbing her throat. “Please take me away from here.”

  He didn’t look away from Dylan. He only blinked after Than moved her in front of him.

  “Godson,” Than said firmer. “We’ll deal with him.”

  Mr. Prince blocked Ryder’s view. “Jane, do you want the cops to arrest him?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, worried the fucker would do it to someone else.

  Tingles finally caressed her cheek, and she was pulled into a hug. “I’m here, Sweet Jane.”

  She trembled, hugging him tightly as she buried her face against his chest. There was mumbling and some scuffling noises, but Ryder kept her with him, eventually picking her up and holding her like a little girl. He swayed with her, kissing her neck in between questions being fired at them. It was impossible for her to talk at this point, and she briefly registered Luc standing off to the side, watching. Tercero was with him, neither pulling their gazes from Dylan, who was awake now and being led off stadium grounds.

  Then she saw David. He was scanning the field after breaking away from the mob still celebrating, the band trying to surround him as well as the cheerleaders. Her mom was there now, grabbing his hand and inspecting it.

  He was having his big moment, and she was going to ruin it with her stupidity for rushing off without Luc. “Ryder, I don’t want to ruin David’s victory.”

  “You matter more, babe.” He hugged her tighter. “We need to get your parents, too.”

  “They’ll take me away,” she whispered, hugging him.

  “I won’t let anyone take you.” He kissed her neck again. “The cops want to question you.”

  She shook her head, her heart racing again. “I can’t.”

  “You can,” he soothed, turning her and motioning for a cop to follow him. “She’s panicking. It’s probably better if she does this without her parents and stepbrother near.”

  Jane gasped when David turned in their direction as the police car’s emergency lights were turned on. “Ryder, they’re going to take me from you.”

  He chuckled, carrying her farther away with two cops trailing him. It was strange they obeyed him, but she was freaking out because David and her parents were heading their way.

  Ryder sat down on a car hood—a cop car, and he situated her on his lap and made her focus on him. His beautiful smile lit up his face, and she breathed easier. “Babe, you have to know by now . . . I’ll follow you wherever you go, and if I have to, I’ll pick your cute ass up and bring you home.”

  She hiccupped, staying still as he wiped her tears. Home meant David, and he knew that.

  “You’re not ruining anything, and this wasn’t your fault.” He glanced behind her, nodding to whoever was there. “Keep them away until she’s done with her statement.”

  “You got it.” It was Mr. Prince, and then it was just Ryder and the two officers.

  “This won’t take long, Miss,” the one officer said coming to her side. “Are you fine with this gentleman staying for your statement?”

  She nodded, hugging herself to Ryder, comforted by the tingles as he slid a hand under her shirt, the other on her thigh. “Please don’t take him.”

  The cop chuckled, shaking his head. “No one is taking him, and the suspect is already being escorted to the station. You won’t have to see him again.”

  Ryder kissed her cheek. “Come on, babe, you can do this.”

  “People are going to laugh at me—call me a liar,” she blurted, a whole new set of panic taking hold when she saw people pausing to watch where she sat on a cop cruiser with Ryder.

  “If you’d like, we can have the principal open one of the buildings,” the cop told them.

  Jane felt pathetic and dirty. Her heart wouldn’t stop pounding, and only the feeling of Ryder’s arms around her was keeping her from screaming.

  “That’ll take too much time, and he’s keeping the parents away,” Ryder said. “Mind opening the door and letting me sit in the dark with her?”


  Jane squeezed her eyes shut, feeling the urge to spit when she tasted dirt and grass. Ryder merely cradled her head against his shoulder, hiding her face with his hand as he took a seat and let the cop shut them inside the backseat of the police cruiser. The cops were in the front seat shortly after, and the questioning began.


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