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Vacations End

Page 9

by R J Murray

  “We still have the sat-phone,” Clive said. “And there’s a CB radio in the back room.”

  “Fuel for the generator,” Elise added. “If we’re careful we could make it work.”

  “What about you?” he asked Mandy who shrugged.

  “Will be a tight fit, but I’m game,” she said with a seductive wink.

  “So be it,” he said, giving in. “We’ll rest tonight and if no infected turn-up, we’ll see about securing the place tomorrow.”

  With the decision made, they settled in before the roaring fire as they waited for Mandy’s food to be ready. The stove was gas powered and had an almost full bottle feeding it so they wouldn’t have to worry about that for some time.

  Clive slipped his arm around Terri’s shoulders. It hadn’t been the best end to their winter vacation but they had each other and that was what mattered.

  The fire burned low and Terri kissed Clive with an urgent passion. The others were sleeping, Mandy and Elise in one room and Jacob and Alan in the other. Clive and Terri had volunteered for the couch and to take first watch.

  She pulled her jacket off and lifted her arms above her head as he removed her sweater. She straddled his lap, her bare breasts pressed against him as she tangled her fingers in his thick hair, enjoying the way his beard pricked her skin as her tongue explored his mouth.

  Her boots had been discarded along with her jeans and she reached down, fingers working the button of his jeans. He pulled them down to mid-thigh, boxers too and she wrapped her fingers around his hard member.

  A smile formed on her face as he gasped, her hand tightening around him, squeezing as her other hand slipped beneath his sweater to tangle in the thick hair of his chest.

  She pulled aside her knickers, fingers brushing the dampness between her legs before lifting herself over him. She guided his cock into her as she lowered herself down, a sigh passing her lips. There was a completeness to her when he was inside of her and a feeling of closeness with him.

  His lips met hers with bruising force, his hands squeezing her breasts, fingers pinching her nipples. She arched her back, hips moving as she began to grind against him. An urgent need to feel something other than horror at the deaths she had both witnessed and caused that day.

  Their breaths came in short gasps, the need growing within them both. There was no need for words, nothing to say to explain it all, just a pressing desire to be close to one another. To feel each other's bodies, to touch, to taste, to have the pleasure grow.

  Her movements increased, his hands slid down her side, holding to her hips as his mouth moved to her breast, teeth nipping at her nipple as his tongue licked out. She gasped, her muscles clenching around him and a shudder ran through him.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him close, her mouth meeting his as they kissed, losing themselves in each other as they held on to that feeling, that moment, for as long as they could.

  “I really needed that,” she said in a small voice. She pressed her forehead against his, eyes staring into his.

  “Yeah, me too,” he admitted. “Been a shitty few days.”

  “There’s always tomorrow,” she said with a wistful smile. “The army will come for us and things will get back to normal.”

  He smiled, but it didn’t quite touch his eyes and he couldn’t help but wonder if things would ever get back to normal. But, as she said, there was always tomorrow and anything could happen.

  Note from the Author

  Safe for the moment and in a place where they can rest and lick their wounds, the two lovers and their new friends will take the time they need, before heading down the mountainside and into the towns and cities of France before making their way home to England.

  Look out for book 2 where the story will continue.

  R. J. Murray




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