... and Forever

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... and Forever Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  She didn’t move.

  He waited and slowly, she softened against him.

  “There has never been another woman. You can ask Dean and the guys when I introduce you to them. I haven’t been with anyone else nor will I ever be with anyone, ever.”

  Her hands went to his thighs. “It was only a date. Nothing happened. I haven’t been with anyone either.”

  She covered his hands with her own on her stomach.

  “So, we’ve both just had each other. Like always,” he said.

  “It seems that way.” She tilted her head back. “It doesn’t mean anything.”

  “Of course not. Who else would save themselves for a loved one if it didn’t mean anything? It’s nothing. I get it,” he said. She’d lied about it not meaning anything and he saw it.

  If this was what she needed to help her, he got it.

  Slowly, he moved one hand up and cupped one of her large tits. He teased the nipple, stroking over the bud, going back and forth, pinching the tip. She gasped, arching up. Her legs opened a little wider, and with his other hand, he moved down, cupping her pussy. He held her within his grasp, letting her get used to his touch, before he finally moved a finger down her slit.

  He teased from her hole, up to her clit, stroking over the bud.

  She whimpered and he stopped but continued again when she thrust up against his hands.

  Leaning down, he teased over her neck, sliding his tongue back and forth, biting down on her flesh until she moaned his name.

  She was such a fucking temptation. One he couldn’t control.

  “Simon, please!”

  She lifted up and he growled against her throat as her hand found his dick. Her fingers circling the hard length and moving up and down.


  He didn’t know how he was supposed to keep sane during this.

  Her touch set him on fire. Closing his eyes, he tried to think of hundreds of different things, but with how she rocked her cunt on his fingers and pressed against the palm on her tit, it was next to impossible.

  She was so close, and he wasn’t going to come before her.

  Using two fingers, he slid them over her clit, teasing her, getting her used to the feel of him. Her body tightened and the sounds coming from her mouth were so sexy and sweet.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” she said.

  Her cry filled the air and he followed her soon after with a grunt, his cum filling the bathtub as he did.

  Her hand let him go, and they both came down to earth panting.

  He kissed her neck.

  Neither of them spoke. No words were required. They knew what had just happened. What it meant.

  Simon reached behind him, pulling the plug and standing up. Drawing the curtain, he turned the shower on, buffering Tabby’s body with his own, so she wouldn’t get the first spray of cold water.

  He gritted his teeth at it, but it didn’t take long to warm up. Once it had, he drew her in front of him. Picked up the bar of soap and a sponge, lathered it up, and pressed the cloth to her body.

  She was sexy as fuck with a nice flush to her body. One he was going to remember always. They weren’t teenagers anymore, fooling around. They were adults and with it, they could play in ways they never had.

  He took one arm, then the other, washing her back, carefully moving to the front, down her body, her legs, between her thighs.

  Rinsing out the sponge, he washed the suds from her body, paying attention to each part of her.

  Once he was done, he removed the clip that bound her hair.

  Running his fingers through the length, he got it nice and wet. He started with shampoo, massaging the gel into her hair, staring into her eyes as he did. She closed hers as he moved her back beneath the spray of the water. Once her hair was rinsed, he grabbed the conditioner and repeated the process.

  When he was done, he expected her to leave, but she didn’t. She took his place, lathering up his body. This time, her hands explored. The sponge and her fingers, stroking along his body.

  He hardened just from her touch, but he wasn’t going to push her. He’d already put her through so much.

  Simon had to crouch down for her to do his hair and once it was rinsed, she wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him.

  He lifted her up, and her legs circled his waist. He didn’t like how light she was. Did she take care of herself? Have a good meal every single day? He’d take care of her from this day forward. Never would he rely on anyone else to give her what only he could.

  After carrying her through to his bedroom, he pulled the blankets back. Their bodies were still slick from the shower, but he’d put the heat on. It wouldn’t be long before they dried.

  Pressing her to the bed, he kissed her neck, moving toward her lips, taking possession of her mouth before gliding down her body.

  She gasped as he got to her tits. Sliding his tongue across each peak, he pressed the mounds together and teased each one. Glancing up, he watched her as she looked at him. He waited for her to tell him no more. There was no way he’d do more than she could handle.

  Finally, he took one nice plump nipple and sucked it hard within his mouth, using his teeth to create a bite of pain but soothing it out with exquisite pleasure.

  She cried out. Her hands clenching into fists.

  Slowly, he moved down her body, kissing every part of her. Licking a path from her belly button toward her pussy.

  Once he was settled between her thighs, he stared down at her pretty pussy. Fine hairs covered her lips and he slid them open to see her swollen clit. She was soaking wet.

  He had to taste her.

  Pressing the tip of his tongue to her clit, he circled her bud, going down to her entrance, back up, and taking her into his mouth, sucking her.

  She screamed.

  The pleasure echoed off the walls. He didn’t stop his ministrations, teasing down to her hole, then up again, sucking her hard.

  Using his fingers, he pushed them inside her tight cunt, pumping them as he worked her pussy. He felt her walls tighten around him, her orgasm getting closer, and he didn’t stop. His name spilled from her lips as she came, and he relished it. Licking at her clit, drawing her orgasm out, he rode her body right along with her.

  Drawing her back down to earth, he pressed a kiss to her clit and moved up behind her. Wrapping his arms around her, he kissed her neck.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “We’re going to go to sleep?”

  “What about you?”

  “I can wait.”

  “You don’t want me to?”

  “No, not tonight. This was all about you.” He kissed her again, content and happy.

  At first, Tabby was stiff in his arms. He didn’t let her go.

  Slowly, she relaxed, falling against him and trusting him as she fell asleep. This was how it was supposed to be with them from the very beginning.

  Chapter Nine

  Simon lay beside her.

  Tabby had woken up a couple of minutes ago. Her body … was different. In a good way. Simon had given her two orgasms last night and other than her using her hand, she hadn’t given him a second one.

  Why wouldn’t he let her touch him? Glancing over at him, she saw that the sheets had ridden down to rest at his waist.

  Licking her lips, she glanced down then back up. Her name was still inked on his chest. More ink covered his abdomen and sides, but she wasn’t interested in any of them.

  What are you doing? Get the hell out of bed and go home.

  I don’t want to.

  Oh, yeah, and why not?


  Because? Are you freaking kidding me? He gives you two orgasms and already you want to bang his brains out.

  Tabby cut off the thought. This wasn’t something she was going to control. Last night had been … amazing. When he’d walked into the bathroom, seconds before she’d been hoping he would. This was crazy. She was so pissed at him for leaving her. Five years wi
thout a single phone call or nothing, and yet, she wanted him.

  There was no denying that.

  She didn’t see a reason why they couldn’t play. They were grown adults, and well, if Simon was going to keep her locked up here, she may as well enjoy it.

  Also, you really, really, really, really want him.

  She should be ashamed of how badly she did.

  But she wasn’t.

  This wasn’t the worst thing to want. Admittedly, she didn’t forgive him and this didn’t mean they were okay. Far from it. She was still pissed at him, and she wasn’t going to cave to his every single request or demand.

  Moving the blanket out of the way, she exposed his dick for her gaze. Watching him, she waited for him to stop her.

  What are you doing?

  You have no experience with this.

  This was Simon. Not some random guy. Everything with him always felt natural. Even as they’d changed, his arms still made her feel safe. They were normal to her. The scent of him, his feel, it surrounded her and gave her comfort.

  There was no changing that.

  She moved down the bed to straddle his waist with her hands.

  He’d gotten to taste her last night, but she’d wanted to reciprocate last night, only for him to turn her down. This morning, it wasn’t going to happen. She and Simon were doing this.

  “If you’re going to suck me off, don’t you think you should wait until I’m ready to enjoy it?” Simon asked.

  His eyes were open and he looked down at her.

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No.” He grabbed her pillow and plumped it up beneath his head, lifting him up. “But I want to be able to watch you.”

  Damn. She should hate him. I do hate him. This shouldn’t turn her on either.

  Wrapping her fingers around his length, she stared into his eyes, waiting for him to tell her to stop.

  He didn’t.

  His hands moved behind his head and he looked relaxed, calm, ready.

  She moved her fingers up and down his length and stroked the tip of him with her tongue. There was already a bead of pre-cum leaking out of the head, and she tasted him. Pulling her hand back, she licked the whole head of him, drawing him into her mouth. She released a little moan and this time he groaned.

  “Fuck, that feels so good.”

  “You like it?” she asked, letting go.

  “Yeah, you have no idea how pretty you look with a mouth full of cock. My cock.”

  She covered the tip with her lips and took him to the back of her throat, loving his growl. The noise filling her senses, teasing her with the lack of control he showed.

  Bobbing her head up and down his length, she took him as deep as he could go without gagging, and pulled up, looking at him.

  “This isn’t what you wanted last night?” she asked, smiling.

  “You think I didn’t want this? I did, but last night was all about you.”

  “Are you feeling bad about leaving me?” She worked his length with her hand, going up and down. She watched him, seeing his eyes close.

  “Yeah, I do. I didn’t want to leave.”

  “But you did.”

  “Not now, Tabby.”

  She didn’t want to fight now. No, she wanted him to beg her. She covered his length with her mouth and using her hand, she worked the entire length of him, drawing him close to an orgasm but keeping him there.

  “Please, Tabby, fuck, yeah, fuck.” He rocked his hips, trying to take control, but she wouldn’t let him.

  She was the one with the control here, not him.

  “Please, Tabby, please.” Only when he changed out his begs did she thrust him over the edge. She didn’t know what to expect, but as he filled her mouth, she swallowed him down. It was so natural to her. Tasting him.

  Afterward, when he was finished, she climbed off the bed and went into the bathroom. Once she’d closed the door, she used the toilet, flushed, washed her hands, brushed her teeth, and ignored him as he followed her around.

  She grabbed a pair of his sweats and a shirt, leaving him in the bedroom to go and make herself a cup of coffee.

  He entered the kitchen, completely naked.

  “What the fuck is this? Did I hurt you? Upset you?”

  She wanted to throw the cup in her hand at him. Instead, she blew across the top and glared at him.

  “I still hate you. You cannot use sex to control me.”

  “We haven’t had sex. My dick hasn’t been inside you, Tabby. I’m not trying to control you.”

  “And you never will.”

  Simon advanced toward her. He took the coffee and threw it down the sink, putting the cup into the bowl.

  She shoved him hard.

  “If you need an excuse to want to be with me, that’s fine, but I will never hurt you, Tabby. I will never use anything to control you. I’ve never wanted to control you. I love how fucking fiery you are. I don’t need anything to get what I want. You give it to me, free of fucking charge.”

  He lifted her and dropped her ass on the edge of the table. Tabby couldn’t explain it. She was so wet, so hot, so hungry for him.

  None of it made any sense.

  Just give in.


  Use him.

  She lifted up and pushed her sweatpants down her thighs. Gripping the back of his neck, she pulled him in close. His cock pressed against her pussy, but it wasn’t enough. Even as she hated him, she wanted him, and right now, she wanted his dick balls deep within her.

  As she kissed his lips, he wrapped his fingers in her hair, tugging her back. He shoved the large shirt she’d picked up over her head. There wasn’t enough time to get it completely off her body.

  He grabbed his cock with his other hand and teased the tip against her core.

  She moaned, spreading her thighs, wanting him to fuck her.

  Sinking her teeth into her bottom lip, she watched and waited for him to make the next move.

  She’d given him all the permission. There were no words of refusal coming from her. The meddling bitch inside her head was surprisingly quiet. Clearly, they were all in agreement, she needed this.

  Simon aligned the tip of his cock at her entrance and in one hard thrust, he filled her to the hilt.

  They both cried out.

  He was hard. A lot harder than she remembered. Part of her had been a little afraid she couldn’t have this. That the two memories of two entirely different experiences would mold into one and it would make for one of the worst moments of her life.

  It didn’t invade.

  All she felt was a deep sense of calm. A pulsing need of pleasure rushing through her body, consuming her.

  Simon stayed perfectly still within her. They were both panting. He was so close. Cupping his face, she kissed him.

  Deep down, they were still the same people. Their exteriors had hardened up a little, maybe more like a lot.

  He kissed her back. His hands going to her hips, holding her in place, he started to rock gently within her. He took his time, letting her get used to the feel of his cock, and it felt fucking glorious.

  It was everything she remembered him being and so much more.

  In and out.

  He fucked her.

  The pace sped up, but she didn’t care. The pleasure was out of the world. It was more than she could stand.

  One of his hands moved between them and he stroked over her clit, teasing the bud.

  She cried out. His name once again fell from her lips as he brought her to the peak. He didn’t keep her waiting. She cried as he threw her over the edge, and he swallowed the sounds with his kisses.

  There was no doubt she belonged to him. Her mind, heart, body, and soul, they all belonged to Simon.

  His thrusts deepened. He held her in place and she stared into his eyes as he came. For a split second, his closed, but she didn’t care. Seeing the release cross over his face meant everything to her.

  Afterward, they were once again
panting for breath. She didn’t know where they both stood. The anger would come once again like it always did, but until then, she was just going to enjoy the moment.


  Simon had wanted the sex.

  He stood out at the edge of the cabin, giving himself some air. Tabby was inside waiting for him. Since they’d had sex on the edge of the table, they hadn’t spoken. Breakfast had gone by in silence, so had the cleanup.

  The silence had driven him crazy. He needed to know he hadn’t gone too far but of course, he was too fucking afraid of bringing it up in case she had bad memories, or it was the last thing on her mind.

  Running fingers through his hair, he took a step toward the cabin and then backed up.

  “Please tell me she’s alive in there.”

  Simon turned to see his father, sitting perched on one of the fallen trees. Most of the bark had been scraped off.

  Devil looked calm and relaxed. One leg crossed at the ankle, his hands clasped together like he didn’t have a single problem with the world.

  “I would never hurt her.”

  “No, but you would decide to disappear on her without a trace. You haven’t physically hurt her. Mentally? Emotionally? I’d say it’s right up there.”

  “You’re supposed to be my parent and take my side.”

  “No, as a parent, I don’t pansy to any whims. I give it to you straight. You don’t like the shit you’re feeling, you change it, simple as that.”

  He stared at his father. Devil had aged well. Living the good life, the peaceful life suited him. There was no denying that.

  “You never were one to sugarcoat anything.”

  “I give it to you real, son. It’s how it is, and I’m telling you, you fucked up, big time.”

  “I had to kill him.”

  “I know what you had to do, but I’d hoped you’d have done the right thing. Instead, you made me have to make a fucked-up agreement with Lash to keep the peace. It kept you safe, and well, that’s a problem I need to fix.”

  “I want to wipe that club off the face of the earth,” Simon said.

  “That’s great, but what does your woman want?” he asked. “You asked her about it?” Devil watched him and laughed. “Ah, she wants something different. That’s what you’re going to have to come to peace with.”


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