Freeman, Harold
Friedman-Kien, Alvin
Fromm, Ernest
fusidic acid
Gabon; Ebola virus in
Gajdusek, Carleton
Gallo, Robert
Garenne, Michel
Garrón, Hugo
gas chromatography
Gaul, Gilbert
gay men, see homosexuality
Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC)
Gay-Related Immunodeficiency Disease (GRID); see also AIDS
Gee, Gayling
GenBank; AIDS project
genetic engineering
genital cancers
Genoveva, Sister
Gentry, Al
Germain, Max
German Physicians’ Association
Germany; AIDS in; antibiotic resistance in; Black Death in; cholera in; Foreign Ministry; Health Ministry; and Lassa fever; Marburg disease in; reunification of; Toxic Shock Syndrome in
Germs That Won’t Die (Lappe)
Ghana; influenza in; onchocerciasis in; schistosomiasis in
gibbon ape leukemia virus
Gilada, I. S.
Gilligan, John J.
Giuliani, Rudolph
Global AIDS Policy Coalition
Global Programme on AIDS (GPA)
Global Strategy for the Prevention and Control of AIDS
global warming
Godal, Tore
Goddard Space Flight Center
Godwin, Ronald S.
Goedert, Jim
Goff, Paul
Golde, David
Goldfield, Martin
Gonda, Matthew
Gordin, Fred
Gore, Albert
Gorgas, General William C.
Gorman, Michael
Gostin, Larry
Gottlieb, Michael
Great Plague
Greece; AIDS in; ancient; malaria in
greenhouse warming effect
Green Monkey Virus
Green Revolution
Gregg, Michael
Grmek, Mirko
Group of
Groupe de travail français sur le SIDA
Guatemala; yellow fever in
Gubler, Duane
Guillain-Barré syndrome
Guinan, Mary
Guinea-Bissau; AIDS in
Gullet, John
Haas, Earle
Habyarimana, Juvenal
Hahn, Beatrice
hairy-cell leukemia
Haiti, AIDS in
halogen ions
Halstead, Scott
Hamburg, Margaret
Hamburg University Virology Institute
Hannon, Claude
Hansen, Armauer
Hansen’s disease
Hantaan virus
Harvard University; Dana Farber Cancer Institute; Department of Tropical Public Health; John F. Kennedy School of Government; Medical School; School of Public Health; Working Group on New and Resurgent Diseases
Haseltine, William
Hazelton Research Products, Inc.
Health, Education, and Welfare, U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services (HHS), U.S. Department of
Health Research Group
Health Transition
Healy, Bernardine
heart disease; Lyme disease and; rheumatic fever and
heavy-metal poisoning
Heckler, Margaret
Held, Richard
Helms, Jesse
hemophilia; AIDS and
Hemophilia Diagnostic and Treatment Center Program Act (1975)
Hemophilus: H. ducreyi; H. influenzae
hemorrhagic fevers; simian; see also specific diseases
Henderson, D. A.
Hensley, George
Henson, Jim
hepatitis; in blood supply; in drinking water; transplants and
hepatocellular carcinomas
herd immunity
herpes simplex; B virus; drugs for; HIV and
Herpesvirus: H. ateles; H. saimiri
herpes zoster
Herre, Allen
Herzenberg, Len
Heymann, David
Highton, Barney
Hilliard, Julia
Hinuma, Yorio
Hira, Subhash
Hirsch, Vanessa
Ho, David
Hodgkin’s disease
Hoechst AG
Holland, John
Hollwanger, Phebe
Holmberg, Scott
Holmes, King
homosexuality; AIDS and,
Hong Kong
Hong Kong flu
Horn, Joshua
House of Representatives, U.S.; Energy and Commerce Subcommittee; Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee
Howard, Bob
Howard, Greggory
Hubbard, John
Hudson, Edward
Hudson, Robert
Huebner, Robert
Hughes, Jim
Human Genome Project
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV); in blood supply; conspiracy theories about; drugs for; earliest identified presence of; emergence of; genetic variations in; Ghanian strain of; herpes virus and; iatrogenic spread of; incidence rates; Leopold-ville strain of; malaria and; measures to prevent spread of; monkey viruses related to; mutations of; research leading to identification of; social conditions in spread of; transplants and; tuberculosis and see also AIDS
human papillomavirus
human rights, AIDS and
Human Rights Watch
Humboldt University
Humphrey, Hubert H.
Hungary, antibiotic resistance in
Huntington, Samuel P.
Hussein, Saddam
iatrogenic diseases
Ibadan, University of; Hospital; Medical School
IgG antibodies
immune system; anal intercourse and; dengue-2 virus and; diphtheria and; herpes viruses and; impact of malnutrition on; of injecting drug users; in Lyme disease; in malaria; pollution and; suppression of; in Toxic Shock Syndrome; tuberculosis and; see also AIDS
Imperial College (London)
Inaba cholera substrain
India; AIDS in; ancient; antibiotic resistance in; Black Death in; cholera in; dengue hemorrhagic fever in; Health Ministry; hepatitis B in; kala-azar in; malaria in; respiratory infections in; smallpox eradication in; tuberculosis in
Indian Health Service (IHS), U.S.
Indonesia; AIDS in; dengue fever in; malaria in; respiratory infections in
Industrial Revolution
infant mortality
influenza; tuberculosis and; see also Swine Flu
injecting drug users; AIDS in ; Staphylococcus infections and; tuberculosis in
Inkoo virus
insect vectors; see also mosquito-borne agents; specific microbes and diseases
Institute of Medicine (IOM), U.S.
Institut Mérieux
International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research
International Commission of Jurists
International Conferences on AIDS
International Congress on Tropical Medicine and Malaria
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights
International Development Advisory Board
International Development Research Center
International Monetary Fund
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
International Red Cross/Red Crescent
International Research and Development Corporation
International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases
Ireland; antibiotic resistance in; morbillivirus in
Isaacson, Margaretha
Iseman, Michael
Israel; sexually transmitted diseases in; Toxic Shock Syndrome in
Italy; antibiotic resistance in; Black Death in; malaria in
lxodes dammini
Jacoby, George
Jaffe, Harold
Jahrling, Peter
Japan; AIDS in; expenditure on drugs in; Hantaan disease in; hemophilia in; HTLV in; Kawasaki syndrome in; malaria in; medieval; National Hospital of; smallpox in; Toxic Shock Syndrome in
Japanese encephalitis
Jarvis, Bill
Jenkins, Carol
Jews: ancient; Black Death blamed on; Nazi extermination of
Job Corps
John, Jacob
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Johnson, Karl
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Johnson & Johnson
Journal of the American Medical Association
Journal of Infectious Diseases
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Joyce, Gerald
Juliana’s disease
jumping genes
Justice Deaprtment, U.S.
Kachenko, Sasha
Kalisa Ruti
Kanki, Phyllis
Kansas, University of
Kapita Bila Minlangu
Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS)
Karpas, Abraham
Kaunda, Kenneth
Kawasaki, Tomisaku
Kawasaki syndrome
Kennedy, Edward M.
Kennedy, John F.
Kenya; AIDS in; antibiotic resistance in; expenditure on drugs in; malaria in; Marburg virus in; Ministry of Health; Rift Valley fever in; sexually transmitted diseases in; yellow fever in
Khan, Ali
Khmer Rouge
Khorana, Har Gobind
Khouri, Yamil
Kidenya, Jayo
kidney disease
Kiereini. Eunice Muringo
Kilama, Wen
Kilbourne, Edwin
Kimberly-Clark Corporation
King, Martin Luther Jr.
King’s College (London)
Kinshasa, University of
Kirsten sarcoma virus
Kissinger, Henry
Knowles, John
Koch, Edward
Koch, Robert
Koch’s Postulate
Kondrusev, Alexander
Koop, C. Everett
Korea; AIDS in; hantaviruses in
Korea University Medical School
Korean War
Koth, Andre
Kramer, Larry
Krause, Richard
Krebs, John
Krugman, Paul
Ksiazek, Tom
Kuns, Merl
Kyoto University
Lagenorhymchus albirostris
Laidlaw, Sir Patrick Playfair
Lallemont, Marc.
Lancet, The
Landesman, Sheldon
Landsat satellite imagery
Lane, Cliff
Lang, August
Lange, Michael.
Langmuir, Alexander.
Laos; dengue hemorrhagic fever in; heroin in; malaria in
Lappe, Frances Moore
Lappé, Mark
Lassa virus
Leakey virus
Lederberg, Esther
Lederberg, Joshua
LeDuc, James
Lee, Ho Wang
Leeuwenhoek, Anton van
Legionnaires’ Disease
Lehmann-Gruber, Fritz
Leifer, Edgar
leishmaniasis; visceral
Leopold II, King of Belgium
leukemia; see also HTLV
Levins, Dick
Levy, Jay
Levy, Stuart
Lewis, David
Lewis, Sinclair
Liberia; AIDS in; Lassa fever in
Liebowitch, Jacques
life expectancy
Lisangi Mobago.
Lister, Baron Joseph
Little, Arthur D., consulting firm
liver cancer
Lizenge Embale
London Institute of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
London Times
Lootens, Father Germain
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Angeles County Health Department
Louisiana State University
Lovejoy, Frank
Lown, Bernard
Luande, Jeff
Lucas, Adetukunbo
Lule, Yusufu
Lumumba, Patrice
Luwum, Archbishop
Lwangwa, S. K.
Lyme disease
lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM)
lymphadenopathy-associated virus (LAV)
Maalin, Ali Maow
Mabalo Lokela (“Antoineâ€)
MacArthur Plan
McClintock, Barbara
McCormick, Joe
McDade, Joe
McDermott, Jim
McGraw, Pat
MacKenzie, Ron
McKeon, Thomas
McLuhan, Marshall
McNamara, Joseph
McNeill, William H.
Machupo virus
Madagascar, Rift Valley fever in
Maddox, John
Magellan, Ferdinand
Maguire, Andrew
Mahidol University
Mahler, Halfdan
malaria ; AIDS and; drug-resistant; geographic spread of; in injecting drug users
Malawi; AIDS in; malaria in
Malaysia; AIDS in; malaria in
Mali; Lassa fever in; malaria in; schistosomiasis in
malnutrition; immune system and; tuberculosis and
Malore, Richard
mammary tumor virus
Mandela, Nelson
Mandrella, Bernhard
Mankerere University
Mann, Dean
Mann, Jonathan
Mann, Marie-Paule
Mao Zedong
Marburg virus
Marcella, Sister
Mariam, Mengistu Haile
Mariette, Sister
Marine Fisheries Service, U.S.
Marshall, George C.
Marshall Plan
Martin, Malcolm
Martini, Gustav Adolf
Maryland, University of
Masangaya Alola Nzanzu
Mason, James
Masoni africana mosquitoes
Mason-Pfizer virus (M-PMV)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Massamba Matondo
mass spectral analysis
Mastomys natalensis rat
Masur, Henry
Matek, Stanley
Mauritania; Rift Valley fever in
Mayinga N’Seka
MBoup, Souleymane
Mbuzu Sophie
M cells
Mechai Viravaidhya
�decins du Mond
Medecins Sans Frontieres
Meedard, Frantz
Meegan, James
Mekalanos, John
Mendel, Gregor
meningitis; cryptococcal
Merck & Company
Merson, Michael
Mertens, Paul
Messier, Jeanne
Mexico; antibiotic resistance in; cysticercosis in; expenditure on drugs in; Spanish conquest of; yellow fever in
Meyer, Gene
Mhalu, Fred Solomon
Mhaya people
Micotus: M. californicus; M pennsylvanicus
Microbiological Research Establishment (Porton Down)
Middle American Research Unit (MARU)
Milk, Harvey
Minnesota, University of, Medical School
Minnesota State Health Department
Missouri Botanical Garden
Mitchell, Sheila
Mitchison, Avrion
Mobutu Sese Seko
MO cells
Modcoicar, Prassad
Moi, Daniel Arap
Moke, Germain
Molecular Biology of the Gene
“molecular chaperones,â€
molecular epidemiology
Moloney leukemia virus
Monath, Tom
Montagnier, Luc
Moore, Carrie
Moral Majority
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
Morris, Anthony
Morse, Bradford
Morse, Stephen
Moscone, George
mosquito-borne agents; AIDS and; dengue fever; malaria; Rift Valley fever; yellow fever
Moss, Andrew.
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Mozambique; AIDS in; expenditure on drugs in; gonorrhea in; malaria in; tuberculosis in
Mtu ni Atya Chakula ni Uhai village health campaigns (Tanzania)
Muerto Canyon virus
Muhimbili Medical School
Mukhopadyay, A. N.
multidrug-resistance (mdr) genes
Muñoz, Angel
Murphy, Frederick
Murphy, John M.
Murray, Christopher
Mus musculus
“mutator alleles.â€
Muyembe Tamfum Lintak
Myanmar, see Burma
Mycobacterium; M. avium; M. leprae; M. tuberculosis
Myers, Gerald
Myriam, Sister
Nader, Ralph
Nakajima, Hiroshi
Namibia; malaria in
Narkevich, Mikhail
National Academy of Sciences
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Association of Public Hospitals
National Cancer Institute; AIDS and
National Gay Task Force
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
National Hemophilia Foundation (NHF)
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).
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