Rocket Babe_Reflection

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Rocket Babe_Reflection Page 1

by Stephen R. DeArman

  This is a work of fiction. The events and characters described herein are imaginary and are not intended to refer to specific places or living persons. The opinions expressed in this manuscript are solely the opinions of the author and do not represent the opinions or thoughts of the publisher. The author has represented and warranted full ownership and/or legal right to publish all the materials in this book.

  Rocket Babe


  All Rights Reserved.

  Copyright © 2018 Stephen R. DeArman


  Cover Art © 2018 Mike James, Azimuth Design. All rights reserved - used with permission.

  This book may not be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in whole or in part by any means, including graphic, electronic, or mechanical without the express written consent of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  Outskirts Press, Inc.

  Outskirts Press and the “OP” logo are trademarks belonging to Outskirts Press, Inc.



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Also by Stephen R. DeArman




  Paperback and Kindle available from!

  Author’s Websites:

  Verna & Randy’s Rockets, Fire & Smoke!

  Rocket Babe on Facebook

  Signed paperbacks available from these websites!

  Email the author: [email protected]


  The following friends have greatly helped in the production of Rocket Babe – Reflection.

  Sharon Coffman – Editor

  Blake Driskill - Technology work

  David Miller - Owner of Sirius Rocketry.

  Rolf Stabroth - World Class rocketeer, Germany.

  Special Thanks

  After having spent months working to perfect a manuscript, when I finish I want a cover worthy of my efforts. To that end, our very special thanks and deepest gratitude go to Mike James, owner of Azimuth Designs.

  Simply put, Mike is an amazing and unique talent. Once again, his cover art precisely portrays the Reflection storyline and Captain Verna Starr as she appears in the mind of the author.

  Examine the cover closely and you will find painstaking attention to the slightest detail. From the lighting, to shadows, to the blending of each, every facet is flawless!

  Thank you, Mike, for another outstanding piece of sci-fi art!

  Chapter 1

  Before the time of Moses, the area called Moab was east of the Jordan River and was known as the land of the Rephaites. In the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy, the Ammonites knew the Rephaites to be the most terrifying of the giants and referred to them as Zamzummim, or Buzzers, because there were times when their speech sounded like a swarm of bees.

  The Moabites called them… Emim.

  Two years ago…

  October 15, 1982, immediately after the Gorgon swept through the Nephilim Empire, Prefect Thuban is in his personal quarters on a ship orbiting the fifth planet of the Etamin system, enjoying some free time with his favorite and most beautiful slave.

  “Master, please forgive me. I do not mean to complain, but in this short, thin gown I am more than cold. I beg thee for additional coverings.”

  “You make me laugh, my pet. Would you deprive me of one of my greatest pleasures? One of such exquisite appearance was not meant to be hidden beneath much attire. To do so would be a waste of your talents and disappoint me greatly. And you know what happens when I am disappointed, do you not?”

  “Yes, my lord. Please forgive me for asking. I am warm enough. How may I please you, master?”

  Thuban gazed upon her bathed in candlelight and smiled as he carefully considered his answer, but before he could decide, his highest-ranking officer appeared at the door of his bedchamber.

  “Prefect, please forgive this interruption but I must speak with you about a matter of great importance.”

  Thuban’s lustful demeanor quickly changed to one of demonic fury.

  “General Dziban, I am in my quarters with my most special slave! Do you realize how angry it makes me to be disturbed at this time?”

  “Yes, Prefect, but you will be even more so if I do not report.”

  “So be it, but know this, if I disagree with your opinion of what is important, your life is over!”

  “I understand, my lord.”

  Thuban picked up a razor-sharp sword as he turned to face Dziban. “Then you know there is only one thing that can save your life. Do you have good news from the battle for the Sol system?”

  “I do, great Thuban. Our spies there have alerted us to significant events that we should address immediately!”

  “You may enter, but be quick!”

  “Yes, my lord. Less than four days ago, while the Nephilim were in battle against the humans, a pair of Gorgon ships moved swiftly against their unprotected Directorate. The following day the reptiles mounted a campaign to take the Sol system for themselves, but upon reaching the third planet the Gorgon vessels met with resistance from the humans. Both Gorgon vessels were destroyed swiftly and completely.”

  “The humans defeated both vessels? What designation were the Gorgon ships?”

  “Anaconda class.”

  “Impressive! I was unaware the humans possessed such power. And what is the present status of that system?”

  “Anakim now commands one third of the forces he had prior to his recent encounters with the Gorgons and humans. Currently, the Nephilim are totally defensive and will remain so for at least one full cycle. They are barely able to secure their own borders. As for the humans, they have demonstrated the will to defend themselves, but their resources are limited. However, they possess a weapon we have never seen before and they have no compunction about using it.”

  “What kind of weapon?”

  “We are not certain, only that when detonated the weapon consumes all matter but leaves no residual radiation.”

  “How and… to what degree?”

  “When detonated, the weapon causes total annihilation of all matter within an area the diameter of their eighth planet, with withering effects out to one light second.”

  “One light second! Important news, indeed! That means without Nephilim interference and with the proper precautions on our part, the Sol system is ripe for the taking. You made the right decision, Dziban. You shall live.”

  “Thank you, my lord. Shall I return to my duty station?”

  “Yes, at once! Set course for the Nephilim capital and prepare to open a conduit to that system.”

  Less than 24 hours later…

  “Lord Anakim, an Emim ship is approaching the outer defense perimeter but thus far has not responded to our communication attempts. How shall we respond?”

  “A single ship?”

  “Yes, my lord. Dreadnaught class.”

  “Have they resp
onded to communications?”

  “Yes, and no. We signaled them, but their response was confusing, as though they were having a problem with their transmissions. All we received were short intervals of buzzing.”

  “I see. Allow them to pass but order two cruisers to escort the Emim ship to the main staging dock. Also, send Pollux with a contingent of warriors to greet their commander, then bring him to me without delay.”

  “At once, Lord Anakim!”

  “We shall soon see what this is about.”

  A short while later Pollux and his guest stood before Anakim.

  “Thuban! My old friend, I should have known. Could we please speak plainly, without all the… noise? I find your native tongue very annoying.”

  “As you wish, Anakim. It has been some time since I looked upon you at the games. You were flat on your back as I recall.”

  “Yes… a lucky strike for you, old friend.”

  “I’m sure, only by luck.”

  “But, enough of ancient history. You have come a great distance. May I offer you refreshment? Meat? Ambrosia? Some time with a human female?”

  Thuban smiled as he shook his head and began to speak in a condescending tone. “I appreciate your gracious hospitality, Lord Anakim. The offer of a human female is especially tempting but I have no time for such indulgences. I know you must be exceptionally busy as you desperately toil to piece your little fleet back together. So, without further delay I will share the reason for my presence.

  “Word has come to Etamin that one of our mutual foes, the Gorgon, have returned and are threatening to seize this system.”

  Anakim’s eyes widened as he roared, “That is not… entirely true! We have had losses, but we are still quite capable of defending ourselves, and our empire! If you doubt my word I would be happy to provide a demonstration at your earliest convenience!”

  As he spoke, Thuban began to look more closely at Anakim. “Anakim, what has happened? You seem… shorter and I don’t recall you with so many scars, or a limp.”

  “It is nothing. Since our last encounter I was injured in battle by the human’s greatest weapon. But that is not important, let us focus on your presence here today. Why would it concern the Emim, if the Directorate were to fall?”

  Thuban looked at Anakim as though he were the biggest fool in the universe. “I am not at all surprised you would have to ask. It is because, my old friend, as cousins we are by extension thought to be the same by many other races. The perception of our enemies could be that if you are weak, we are weak, and that conclusion might lead those wishing to expand their territories to act aggressively toward us.

  “Of course, we all know the Emim are far more advanced than the Nephilim, but by now every higher civilization within 2,000 light years of the Nephilim Empire has learned of your recent debacle with the humans, as well as the reptiles. As I understand your situation, due to significant losses the Directorate is at best in imminent danger of falling to the Gorgon, or at worst, to the humans.”

  Laughing, Anakim responded. “Much like our distant enemies, you do not have the complete story, old friend. I believe it would be your people who would be made to suffer, not mine.”

  “And how would that happen, exactly? No civilization can stand before the Emim! Who would dare try?”

  “Who indeed; the reptiles you speak of were eliminated. Although, if there were any Gorgons in the system your forces might well have defeated them, but taking the Empire and subjugating the humans will prove much more difficult.”

  “Anakim, I did not come here to ask for your permission to make war with either faction. I came as a courtesy to inform you of what we will soon accomplish. You may assist us or stay out of the way. That is your decision. We are more than capable of taking this system on our own. Neither the Nephilim, nor the humans, nor your little pitiful band of Grey thieves pose a threat to us, but when word came you had been attacked by the Gorgon, the Emim Supreme Counsel thought it in the best interest of all that we assist you, if you can still fight. If not, we will do what must be done!”

  “I see. In that case you are welcome to proceed with all dispatch with your business, but before you go allow me to share a few things the galactic rumor mill may have left out of your report.

  “Much has changed since your people left this system. The humans have evolved well beyond what you remember. They are surprisingly strong and intelligent, but even so, for us it would not be difficult to subjugate them were it not for their greatest warrior. While it is true, there are no Gorgon ships in this system at present and their recent attacks have left our forces weakened, I was well into a cunning plan to defeat the humans until those cowardly lizards executed a sneak attack upon the Directorate, while our main forces were engaged in battle elsewhere.”

  Thuban began to laugh loudly. “So, I have heard. A single human female is responsible for your most humiliating and substantial losses, not to mention your current… malformations. The great Lord Anakim, defeated and scared by a little Earth girl! Very humorous!”

  “You may laugh now because you have not met her in battle.”

  “That is true, but I know of her. I have studied the reports and I have exchanged communications with other Nephilim leaders who are greatly disappointed in you. They have shared much.”

  “Ah! You refer to your spy that works with Lord Pyro, no doubt! Yes, I know your spy well. Did he tell you she is a cunning leader and she has managed to strike an alliance with one of our most formidable foes?”

  “That is of little consequence. The Emim fear no foe or alliance!”

  “Not even the Rigelians?”

  “The Rigelians! What have they to do with your defeat?”

  “With my setbacks, nothing. The Gorgon situation forced our withdrawal from the fight before the Rigelians arrived. I do not know why they have become allies with the humans but Kontana arrived here shortly after the reptiles and quickly eliminated two of their ships just as they were on the verge of invading Earth. Soon after, Rigelian markings appeared on every DSSF ship.”

  “Who or what is DSSF?”

  “I thought you were informed, great Prefect. Deep Space Strike Force. It is what the humans call their space fleet.”

  With each passing second Anakim could see the anger and hate rising within Thuban. The longer he spoke the more enraged Thuban became until he was literally seething. “Kontana! You know how I loathe Kontana and all Rigelians! They have frustrated my attempts to expand our borders many times! Yes! This is the time and place to settle things with Kontana and his people!”

  Now, it was Anakim’s turn to laugh. “And how will you accomplish that Thuban? Do you have a massive battle fleet waiting nearby? I would estimate that you would need more than 50 ships such as yours if you hope to defeat the humans, and many more if you must deal with Kontana.”

  Thuban slammed his fist against a metal girder as he snarled. “You would taunt me? Unlike you, my thinking is not one dimensional, nor clouded by the voluptuous form of a human female. It is well known the Emim do not make a move until we have thoroughly evaluated our target. I have spent some time studying your battle with the human called Starr. Also unlike you, I do not always use a hammer when a feather can be more effective. My plan is simple, but its execution will be complex, and it will take some time to put in place. Still, fear not, I will require very little from you, Anakim.”

  “Really? Being one dimensional, how could I possibly assist you?”

  “Tell me in your own words how you lost the battle with the Earth woman?”

  “I did not lose. I was interrupted! Just prior to the Gorgon arrival, we fought a great battle against DSSF and I had captured Verna Starr. But as I have told you, she is very resourceful. While I was occupied with several important issues she managed to escape with the help of her mate, Commander Randall. A perpetual aggravation, that one is.”

  “Why have you not killed him and the female before now?”

  “You may well find Thu
ban, that it is not always so easy as you might imagine. If I may continue… I was about to embark on a campaign to complete my conquest of the humans and reclaim Earth for the Nephilim once and for all, when we suffered severe and unexpected losses at the hands of the Gorgon. They timed their attack to correspond with my fleet’s absence. I was forced to break off my efforts against the humans so that I might return to defend our home worlds. The damage inflicted by the reptiles during that time left us in an extended state of defense and incapable of moving against the humans until we can rebuild more of our fleet.”

  Thuban grinned as he again mocked Anakim. “A sad tale indeed for such a mighty warrior! You waited for years to own the woman, yet she easily escaped your grasp. Now, allow me to show you how to achieve a sure and simple victory. All I need is a likeness of Starr and the talents of one of our females. After my operative is properly prepared, I will capture or kill Verna Starr and replace her with one of our females. Once my spy is established on their main base she will shut down their defenses, allowing us to move in with minimal effort and take full control.”

  Anakim was completely bewildered by Thuban’s plan until he remembered that some Emim females are accomplished shape shifters.

  “How long will that take? Even if one of your women could fool the humans physically, I doubt she would be able to function long enough to complete the task.”

  “She would not have to be in place for long; just long enough to neutralize their defenses. In fact, I believe we can take them quickly and without a loss. Once she is inside their operations center she would subdue their leaders with her physical charms. When that is accomplished it will be no problem for her to shutdown communications, weaponry, deactivate their ships and all other forms of resistance. In less than a day we will be in total control.”

  “I understand where you are going Thuban, and I can give you what you need. I know the humans well, especially Verna Starr and Randall. We have studied them for many years: how they think, their mannerisms, favorite foods and close, intimate details of their relationship. But as for preparing your operative, I would not know where to begin.”


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