Rocket Babe_Reflection

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Rocket Babe_Reflection Page 22

by Stephen R. DeArman

  After hearing Stevens’ explanation of Knowles’ speech, Tyl suddenly became physically ill. She didn’t fully understand her feelings or why she felt sick, but she was certain she did not want Randall to die, and when she remembered Thuban had thrown her to the wolves and would soon be coming to resume ownership of her, something snapped.

  As she began muttering to herself, extreme agitation set in and within seconds she knew what she had to do.

  “Randall must not die… and Thuban will never touch me again!”

  “I’m sorry, Captain. I didn’t understand what you said.”

  “Corporal, can you display a detailed image of the Emim ships?”

  “Sure, no problem.”

  “Can you isolate and highlight small sections of each and transmit the images to Commander Randall?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Do it, quickly!” In a heartbeat Stevens had a detailed image of every Emim ship in their data base on the screen for her to see. Tyl studied the photos for a moment then began pointing out various places on each.

  “See? Right there! Tell Randall to target every Emim ship as indicated, one missile should be enough.”

  “Yes, ma’am, transmitting now.”


  “Yes, ma’am!”

  Now well beyond the initial battle, Bill Collins had Major Driskill pushing Pandora’s engines for all they were worth. Some way he managed to get them to 90k mph just as her fuel tanks hit zero.

  “I’m almost finished here, Captain. Pandora’s course is locked onto Directorate coordinates. We can arm the Eradicators remotely after we’re gone.”

  “Very well. I still think it’s a long shot and the waste of a good ship.”

  Driskill agreed. “She’s been a good ship, sir, particularly since Pandora was never intended to be a battleship. We’ve had some interesting times the last three years. If she can end the Nephilim Empire once and for all, it will be a good way for her to go out.”

  “I suppose. Listen, Major, assuming we get back alive and should I get another command, I’ll need a Chief Engineer.”

  “I’d be honored, sir. According to scuttlebutt, three Predator class warships will be finished by year’s end.”

  “Good. Now that we have that settled, let’s get to the bridge and make our way back to the fleet.”

  A few minutes later Pandora’s Bridge separated from the main body before turning back to the battle, and as they did two explosions were detected approximately 2,000 miles away.

  “Commander Randall, SRN is showing two explosions near the area where Carl Jackson deployed her mines. Wait… there’s two, three, no seven more detonations! There’s so much debris it had to be an Emim Dreadnaught. And those weren’t just standard mines, they were nukes!”

  “That’s good news.”

  “Sela, weapons status.”

  “The cupboard is almost bare.”

  Randall looked slightly disgusted. “That’s just great!”

  “The fleet is moving into attack position, sir, but we’re going to need a lot of luck this time.”

  Randall slowly sat back in his chair, when he noticed the lieutenants all looking to him for some sign of hope.

  “Ladies, I’ve heard luck described as preparedness meeting opportunity. We’ve prepared as hard and as much as possible. We’ll be fine. Focus and keep the faith.”

  Without a word they all smiled and turned back to their stations, more determined to succeed than ever before.

  “Sir, I’m getting a transmission from Captain Starr. She just sent very specific targeting information for the Emim ships and says a single missile strike at the designated point of impact should take them out. She says it’s their Achilles’ heel, sir.”

  “Let’s see it.” Randall and Sela carefully looked at the photos then at each other.”

  “There’s nothing there, sir.”

  “I tend to agree, Lieutenant, but if Verna says target those areas, that’s what we’ll do.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “COM, share the information with the fleet.”

  “Aye, sir.”

  “W.O., how many in the mag?”

  “Three Strikers, two Eradicators.”

  “Well, there’s no time like the present. Pilot, we’re going in ahead of the fleet. Get us into strike position on the Dreadnaughts, max speed. W.O., standby to fire Strikers per Starr’s instructions.”

  “Aye, sir!”

  “At your convenience, Lieutenant”

  Addison gunned the engines, quickly sending them well ahead of the fleet and into position for their first target. As they approached the massive enemy vessel, 107 was met with a wall of white laser fire that began to drain their power with every hit.

  “We can’t take this kind of power drain for long.”

  “Maintain course. We have to get in close, so they don’t have time to take out the missile.”

  “I’ve got a lock!”

  “Wait… wait…light ‘em up!”

  Sela shook her head as she launched a single Striker toward what appeared to be the least likely target on the Emim ship. As Addison rolled away and on to the next ship they could see the missile bury itself deep onto the Dreadnaught’s hull, but after several seconds only a brief flare flickered up from the impact before fading out.

  “Well, so much for …”

  Before Sela could finish her statement, they watched as a series of internal explosions began dead center of the huge battleship. The lone missile had been the match that ignited eight secondary explosions that continued through the length of the ship before exiting into space fore and aft. In only a few moments the deadliest weapon in the Emim arsenal was nothing more than a lifeless hollow cinder.

  “What were you about to say, Lieutenant?”

  “Get me to the next ship!”

  “Sir, the others are firing missiles and having similar results!”


  Again, the white bolts came at them like rain from a hurricane. “Get us close, pilot!”

  “Striker away!”

  “Get us to number three.”

  “Sir, power levels are down to twenty two percent. If the next one is as bad as the other two we may not even have power for environmental.”

  “Understood; next target.”

  Addison made a hard turn to port and was met with another barrage of laser fire. “Fifteen percent.”

  Hold steady.”

  “Twelve… nine…six…”

  “Fire! Pilot, hard over, take us away from the battle.”

  “Impact in three… two… one.”

  The last Striker slammed through the alien hull and by the time Addison had them clear of the battle they looked back just in time to see the nose of the great ship explode into the darkness of space.

  “Ship’s status?”

  “Main power at six percent, barely enough to maintain primary systems. Strikers exhausted. Port and starboard nacelles have been breached in a dozen places and we’ve lost half of the port tail. In addition, the lower bridge deck has been compromised.”

  “So… not too bad.”

  “Fleet status?”

  “SF-1 and Carl Jackson are trying to regroup but they’re all in bad shape. Most are on aux power; magazines empty. There are dead and injured on every ship including Carl Jackson, but Blondie is by far the worst. She delivered her missiles before they were destroyed.”


  “Ice and 104 just recovered Ono and Sims; the others were lost. On a positive note, the good guys destroyed or disabled 18 alien vessels, the Rigelians obliterated 16.”

  “Of the ten ships the aliens have left, what are they?”

  “Eight Emim and two Nephilim. One of those is Anakim’s ship. The Emim are in pursuit of the fleet and will overtake them in approximately twenty-three minutes. The Nephilim are headed our way and should be on us in less than ten.”


  “He’s wi
thdrawing as well and making his way to rejoin our fleet, but judging by their speed they’re heavily damaged. And sir, this is weird but I’m tracking Pandora’s bridge taking a course around the battle zone. It seems to be on course for home, while the main body is on its way into the heart of the Nephilim Empire!”

  Randall looked at the tactical display and began to laugh. “Nice!”

  “What’s nice, sir?”

  “I think I can buy us some time. Get Anakim on comline for me.”


  “Now, COM!”

  “Yes, sir!”

  “Ferryman to Anakim. Respond.”

  “Greetings, Commander. I trust things are well on your ship. To what do I owe this last-minute pleasure? I’m sure you are aware that we will be on you soon. Have you called to plead for your life?”

  “Not exactly.”

  “Why don’t you make it easy on yourself and meet us half way? I promise to kill you quickly, and do not worry. I will take excellent care of your mate. I have exquisite plans for her! By the way, where is Starr. I don’t see her ship?”

  “Starr has other responsibilities at the moment. She doesn’t have time these days for minor skirmishes, but I’ll pass along your best regards when I see her, and thank you for your concern. I’m doing quite well actually, and you?”

  “Enough of this! Prepare to die commander. You only have minutes to live and this time I will not be denied.”

  “Well… about that. I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but you might not want to kill me just yet. I have some information you may find interesting.”

  “Is that right? Enlighten me.”

  “I know you’ve been distracted today by the battle, but if you will check your scans you will see the USS Pandora on a direct course for the Directorate.”

  “Yes, we know, and we also know their bridge is on its way home. I will deal with them as soon as I have disposed of you!”

  “That is of course your choice but here’s what you don’t know. The Pandora is now traveling more than 90,000 miles per hour and she’s carrying three Eradicator antimatter missiles. If you check, you’ll see they were just activated.”

  “Curse you forever, Randall! We will still kill you and then stop the bombs!”

  “But that’s the thing, Anakim. We know you brought everything you had to this fight and you don’t have time for both. You see, there was a reason we hit your ship first and with limited force. We didn’t want to destroy you; just reduce your speed. Pandora’s speed and timing were carefully chosen so that you must make a choice. Your forces can remain here and fight, or return home and possibly detonate the bombs on the fringe of survivability. But you don’t have time for both. Do the math. Surely someone with a head as big as yours can figure out speed and distance.”

  The giant warrior turned to his navigator with an inquisitive glare, and when he confirmed Randall’s statement, Anakim flew into a rage so severe his words were unintelligible. “How I hate Randall! I want to cut him into little pieces and burn them while Starr is forced to watch!”

  “Hello? Are you still there? If you leave now at maximum speed you might get there in time to watch the Directorate turned to dust, but it will be close.

  “Anakim, are you ok?”

  “Mark my words, Commander, I will have you in the end! There will come a day when I will kill you, slowly, and I will own your mate. She will be my slave if I must destroy the entire universe in the process! Turn the ship for home, top speed for the Directorate!”

  “Sir, they’re changing course!”

  “How do you like that? He didn’t even say good bye.”

  Randall looked at the lieutenants sitting there with their mouths wide open. “What?”

  “How did you know all of that?”

  “I just put two and two together.”

  “Yeah, you put two and two together and came up with twelve! It’s because you’re married to Captain Starr. She’s rubbing off on you.”

  “Oh really? How do you know I’m not rubbing off on her? Besides, I knew Pandora was carrying the Eradicators. They were approved a month ago.”

  “Now what?”

  “First, let’s see what we can do to restore power to the engines.”

  “Power slowly coming back; now reading eighteen percent.”

  “Good. Pilot, plot a rendezvous course with the fleet that takes us wide of the Emim.”

  “Aye, sir.”

  “COM, I need status reports, asap.”

  Penelope glanced at ship’s radar just in time to see an Emim frigate appear out of nowhere and only twenty miles ahead.

  “Commander! Check the forward monitor!”

  Chapter 16

  Randall cursed under his breath as he watched the image come into focus. “Are you serious? I guess it’s just going to be one of those days.”

  “They’re on an intercept course.”

  “I don’t know that I can talk us out of this one. W.O., arm an Eradicator. Pilot, full stop; COM get me a line to that ship.”

  “Go ahead, sir.”

  “Attention, Emim frigate. This is DSSF Commander Randall. Disarm your weapons now and surrender. Otherwise, we will destroy your ship. Acknowledge.”

  In seconds the fighter was dwarfed by the much larger vessel as it moved in nose to nose with 107.

  Randall expected to hear some kind of buzzing noise, but when a very familiar voice answered he was completely caught off guard.

  “Commander Randall, we surrender.”

  Penelope turned to face Randall so fast she almost pulled a muscle. “That sounded like… Captain…”

  “Yes, like… Starr!”

  “Emim ship, repeat your answer.”

  “Of course, I said we surrender… and I love you.”

  “It’s a trick! It can’t be Captain Starr, she’s at HQ.”

  “Who am I speaking with?”

  “You don’t know your own wife’s voice?”

  “I do, but I also know she’s at DSSF HQ.”

  “Well, I’m good but I’m not that good. Even I can’t be in two places at one time.”

  “Have Penelope switch to visual and please ask Sela to disarm the Eradicator. I said we surrender.”

  “How does she know about the Eradicator?”

  Standing to face the bridge camera, Randall shook his head. “COM, visual, now.”

  “Now do you recognize me?”

  “You certainly look like Verna, but there’s one easy way to find out. When we were in eighth grade we gave each other secret names that were never to be shared with anyone. Do you remember yours?”

  Verna rolled her eyes as she responded. “Of course, I have an eidetic memory.”


  “Very well, Raven T. Sarr officially surrenders; or do you prefer I use the name, Legs?”

  “You know it’s not easy to surprise me, but what the heck are you doing on that ship?”

  Sela quietly giggled. “An anagram?”

  Across the bridge Penelope had a glazed look while Addison sat quietly whispering with tears rolling down her cheeks. “Thank you, Lord!”

  “Ok, I’m satisfied. Now, how did you acquire that ship? And where’s Lieutenant Lucy?”

  Verna stepped to the side, so he could see Lucy waving at him as she watched blinking lights on a wall across the room. “It’s a long story but we don’t have time for that now.”

  “Then, who’s at HQ?”

  “My guess would be a shape shifter.”

  “But that doesn’t make sense. Whoever it is, told us how to eliminate the Emim with minimal effort, and it worked, too. We thought the information came from you.”

  “I don’t know who or why, but for now we have to deal with them here, before they figure out their friends are not in control of this ship.”

  “What do you suggest?”

  “I’m going to fire lasers over 107. When I do, cut power and play dead while I ease in for a sneak attack. I should be able to e
liminate most of the Emim ships before they know what’s happening.”

  “I don’t like it, but I don’t see another choice.”

  “And contact Kontana and the fleet to let them know it’s me.”

  “Will do. Good luck! COM, alert the fleet not to fire on that ship.”

  “Already on it!”

  After firing a heavy laser barrage over and around 107, Verna changed course for the armada.

  “Sela, reduce power to minimum. Pilot, let her drift.”

  “So far, so good. She’s almost on them and none too soon. The Emim will be in range of the fleet in seconds.”

  There was no reaction to Verna’s arrival as she matched their speed and became the last ship of the Emim armada.

  “Get ready, Lieutenant. It’s about to get rough. Find something sturdy and hang on.” Turning back to the image display, Verna began shouting orders to the ship’s computer.

  “Ssshahg bbachtobar, novvehim! Zzegotok bbachtobar, novvehim! Novvehim! Novvehim! Novvehim! Ssshahg bbachtobar, novvehim!”

  One by one but in rapid succession, Starr used a cutting beam to disable seven Emim ships before they began firing on her. In seconds she could hear Thuban screaming orders to his subordinates over their communications system.

  “This is Thuban to all Emim! Dziban is firing on our people! Destroy him!”

  The frigate took several major hits before Verna could finish off the others, and for all except Thuban, it was too late. Her surprise attack had been more successful than she dared hope, and in no time, she had single handedly destroyed or shutdown the remnants of the armada. The only threat that remained was Thuban’s ship, and while it had suffered considerable damage he was not running. His rage was now so great Thuban was coming straight for her with all the speed his ship could muster.

  “Hang on, Lieutenant. They’re going to ram us!”

  Verna tried desperately to move her ship, but Thuban was on them quickly. The Dreadnaught was much larger and substantially heavier than the frigate. As a result, the energy transfer from the impact was so powerful the smaller vessel was literally impaled by the Dreadnaught’s forward cannon.

  Lights began to flicker while strange sounding alarms sounded throughout the ship. “It’s time to go, Lieutenant! I don’t know if this thing is going to blow or not, but I’m sure the Emim on the lower decks will be able to force the doors when the power fails. Pressurize your suit and follow me. There are hull breeches all over this ship. We just have to locate one large enough for us to get through before they find us.”


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