
Home > Other > Misfits > Page 11
Misfits Page 11

by TL Reeve

  Now, what do I do?

  Chapter 7

  Fallon woke to an empty room and the murmurs of a conversation. Everything ached, but most of her all her heart. She hadn't been responsible for her parents' death. They were Psychic Retrieval Agency agents. They saved lives. They also lost their life-saving shifters and those with abilities. How did she reconcile it all? How did she move past the fact everyone left in her life lied to her and Ji? How did she discard the nastiness slung her way by her brother?

  Then, there was the fact Lu died. He'd been killed on a mission she had no clue about. Like her parents, his life ended while trying to protect others. The creeping edges of bitterness crawled along her skin. It would be so much easier to give in to the hate she'd relied on for so long. To allow it all to consume her. It would, in some ways, be better than feeling like this.

  The smoky tendrils of her familiar swirled from her fingertips and coalesced into his human form. Suān ní stared down at her. His lips were set in a firm line of disapproval. His body was tense. There was no way of shielding her emotions from him. He knew all and felt all. Fallon couldn't look away. He ensnared her with his captivating deep-set eyes. What did she say to him, after the toxic mental tirade she'd been on? Sorry didn't seem to cover it, because, in reality, she wasn't sorry she felt the way she did.

  “You take on too much responsibility.” His voice startled her. “You take the burden and allow it to consume you. It eats away at your soul like a worm destroying a spring crop. You, instead of killing the worm, give it more food, until it has eaten through the field and there is nothing left. Both of you are miserable in the end and only you have nothing to show for your misery. The worm, at least, has a fat belly.”

  “Eww.” Fallon wrinkled her nose. “Gross analogy.”

  “Nonetheless true, mistress.”

  “What am I supposed to do, Suān ní?” The pleading edge of her voice rankled her nerves. “How do I adjust to all of this? The missing years? The truth? How do I deal with the death of my brother when I still can’t process my parents’ death as well?”

  “One thing at a time, mistress.” He lifted his chin to the door of her bedroom. “Lean on them as well. They are your team and your lovers.”

  “I wouldn’t go that far,” she quipped.

  “They are still there though. You have shut down again. Blocked everyone out.”

  “Wouldn’t you though? If you knew your family blocked your memories and sent you away? If your first night reunited with family, you also find out your brother is dead, and his twin is feral?” The whirlwind gathering within her threatened to rip her apart. She wanted to break everything and everyone in hopes they could feel an ounce of the pain and sorrow she experienced.

  “My family is long dead. I can only imagine how my mother and father felt when they received notice I was killed. I am sure my brother wanted revenge. But, there was nobility in how I died. The same can be said about your parents and your brother.”

  “So, I am supposed to go on and be okay with them dying?” She scrubbed her face. “I don’t think I can.”

  “No.” He shook his head. “You are supposed to bring those to justice who had a hand in your parents' death and the same for your brother along with the countless others who have lost their lives. It is why you are here. What you should not do, is close yourself off from those around you because of the pain.”

  Fallon nibbled on her bottom lip and sniffed. “It hurts so bad right now.”

  Suān ní wrapped his arms around her and tugged her close. “I would be more concerned if it did not. You are in mourning. You are grieving the truth and the loss. You are allowed to feel pain. What you do with it, however, determines if you are using it properly.”

  She snuggled into his arms and let out a hitched sigh. “You're good at this.”

  “I have had over seven hundred years to gain my wisdom. You are still learning.” He kissed the top of her head. “I am sorry for your loss.”

  “Thanks,” she mumbled, breathing in his scent. “I feel a little better now.”

  “Good. I am glad.”

  A tap came at the door before it opened. Warren stood there; sorrow etched into his features. Fallon lifted her hand in his direction, and he hurried to her side, climbing onto her bed. When he kissed her, the rawness of her grief seeped away, settling into a dull ache. Suān ní’s words flowed through her mind. They were there to help her. She kept herself apart from them, not the other way around.

  Suān ní situated her into Warren’s lap and the incubi groaned. The thick bulge of his groin rubbed across her sex and she let out a shaky breath. However, what turned her on more was when Warren broke the kiss with her and locked lips with Suān ní. Hearing his explanation of his sexuality didn’t prepare her for this moment. Warren groaned again, wrapping his hand around the nape of Suān ní’s neck, tugging him forward. Sandwich between both men, the heat they gave off sent a shiver of arousal down her spine.

  “I think she enjoys me kissing you,” Warren said. “I can feel her heat through the crotch of my pants.”

  “Should we show her then?” The teasing lilt to Suān ní’s voice added to the arousal pulsing through her veins.

  “You'll see.” Warren pulled her nightshirt from her body. Had it been any other night, she'd have slept naked with Suān ní at her side. Last night, however, she'd been alone. “So pretty.” His gaze ate her up, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake.

  “She is like a porcelain doll, delicate yet strong.” Suān ní pressed his lips to the back of her neck. “She is my mistress. My flower.”

  Warren kissed her then and she squeaked in surprise. The ferocious hunger in the way his mouth claimed hers left her clit throbbing and her slit wet with anticipation. She rocked her hips, trying to alleviate some of the growing ache building within her. “Are you doing this to me?” She glanced up at Warren. “Using your incubi magic?”

  He shook his head. “No, but I can if you want.” He pressed his cheek to hers. “I can make you sloppy wet and so sensitized you come with every stroke of my dick or Suān ní’s.”

  She gulped. “Y-you can do that?”

  “Of course, I can. I’m incubi. It’s one of my favorite tricks with Abraham when he gets too cocky.” Warren winked at her. “Want a demonstration?”

  She quivered in his arms. A demonstration? “What... What do you have in mind?”

  A feral glean filled Warren’s light green eyes. “That’s for me to know and you to find out.” He tapped the tip of her nose. “First, you’re overdressed.”

  She lifted her chin. “I highly doubt it. I only have my panties on.”

  “Exactly.” His naturally tan skin became a molten blue then darkened. The horns she’d only glimpsed once, pierced through the skin of his forehead and curled backward over his ears. Tall already, he grew another four inches and his body bulked out by at least forty pounds of pure muscle. The whole display sent a bolt of pleasure through her, however, when he removed what remained of his pants, the bliss turned to intimidation. His body hadn’t been the only thing to grow on him. “You afraid?” He wrapped his palm around the thick stalk of his erection and stroked the twitching flesh.

  “No.” She lied.

  Warren laughed. “Yes, you are.” He pointed to his nose. “I can smell your deception. You are afraid.”

  “Well, duh. Anyone would be and I’m small.”

  He laughed again and pounced, covering her. His big bulky body blocked out her view of the room. “I’ll fit. You’ll see. You’ll come to crave my dick.”

  “Isn’t that, like, a typical line every guy says?” She rolled her eyes, trying to ignore the hard flesh cradled at the apex of her thighs.

  “For humans.” He pressed a kiss to her neck. “Do you want to see what I have in mind for us?”

  “We should be quick,” she murmured. “Don’t we have things to do today?”

  He shook his head. “Nope. We figured and Kalkin agreed, you should
take today off. You found out some harsh shit last night and you don’t need the added stress.”

  Appreciation filled her. “Thanks.”

  Warren kissed her. “Don’t worry about it. We’re here for you.”

  “Speaking of being here for me, where is Suān ní?”

  He appeared beside her, naked. He palmed her breast and tweaked her nipple. She arched to his touch. The familiar intimacy between them bloomed within her along with the excited nervousness of having Warren joining them. “I am here, mistress.”

  “Dude, did you know in BDSM, the dominant partner in the relationship, is called Master or Mistress.” Warren glanced up at Suān ní. “Does our little kitten here dominate you?”

  Suān ní frowned. “No.”

  “Then why do you call her mistress?” Warren quirked a brow.

  “Because she is. She is my owner and I am her familiar.”

  She shook her head while pushing Warren off of her. “I’m not your owner, Suān ní. I’m your pair bond, right?”

  He nodded. “Yes, mistress.”

  “Then I could never be your owner. Besides, I don’t ever want you to feel like you don’t have free will.”

  “Free will.” Suān ní turned the words over. “I enjoy these words.”

  “Good, then it’s settled. You have free will and we’re pair bonded. I’m not your owner.” She kissed Suān ní then glanced at Warren. “So, when does this making me orgasm until I can’t stop, happen?”

  “Finally, we’re past the talking phase.” Warren covered her again. “Close your eyes.”

  Fallon did as he asked. For long moments nothing happened. Then the darkness dissolved into skyscape. She couldn’t describe the colors or where she was because it wasn’t clear. It was more of a feeling. Pastel shades of robin egg blue, pink, and violet shimmered to life, combined then shattered into a million shards of glitter falling around her. The pieces flittered around her at first forming a circle around her. She tried to see where they were coming from, but everything above her blurred into a void. Curious. As she continued to lay there, the glitter transformed into multicolored pastel feathers, surprising her more.


  The rounded tips brushed over her skin sending ticklish sparks through her. She grinned and giggled. Whatever trip Warren sent her on, she could get used to it. She’d never experienced anything like it before. Even her tiger couldn’t stop purring. What’s next? She wondered to herself as the cascade of feathers slowed before lifting back into the air. The light around her darkened, throwing back into the pitch blackness. Her heart hammered. Her breath came in soft pants. Anticipation crawled through her veins.

  A tap of her clit drew her attention and she gasped, arching to the unseen toy. It was followed by a feather tracing the outline of her vagina. Her eyes went wide as she wiggled, not sure if she wanted to be closer to the instrument or get away. Once more something a bit blunter than the feather flicked her clit. Fallon moaned. Her legs fell open more, allowing her tormenter to tease her.

  “I’m glad you’re enjoying this.” Warren’s words whispered through her mind. “We’re about to go from zero to sixty.”

  She didn’t care one bit. She wanted those promised orgasms. “Please.” The reedy tone of her voice surprised Fallon.

  “So greedy.” Warren ran his tongue along her slit and groaned. “Here we go.”

  Nothing happened at first, then her body was bombarded with sensations. She arched to Warren, or where she thought Warren could be in this, whatever kind of realm he built for her.

  The first of her orgasms shot through her, surprising her with its intensity. She hadn’t even felt close. She rode out the spectacular climax, rocking her hips while touching herself. When did I do that? She shrugged as she grinned it didn’t matter.

  The shiver of arousal still coursing through her hadn’t been given a chance to cool before Warren’s ministrations began again. This time, he used images. They were erotic. Some were of her and Suān ní. Others were of her, Warren, and Abraham. Warren was behind Abraham fucking him while Abraham was deep inside her. Fallon cried out. It was too much. She could feel her impending orgasm expanding inside her. The electric sparks spread through her lower belly and along her spine. She cried out this time, her back lifting off the unseen surface she’d been laying on.

  “Number two,” Warren whispered in her ear. “That’s one of my favorites. You almost made me and Suān ní come too.”

  “Why can’t I see you?” She glanced to her right, hoping to find Warren beside her.

  “Because this is all about you.” Warren ran his tongue over the tips of her fingers. “You’re soaked. You’re almost ready.”

  She frowned. When had her fingers become so wet? “Almost ready?”

  “Yes. I’m going to slide my dick inside your pussy and fuck you.” Warren nipped at her neck and she screamed.

  The feral scream of her cat while her pussy twitched through another release startled her. She shook as she laid there. She was limp and relaxed yet still excited. She had to give it to Warren, he didn’t lie. He could make her come as many times as he wanted without fucking her. Which made her wonder what would happen once he got deep inside her? His rough masculine chuckle vibrated through her. Had he read her thoughts?

  Could incubi read minds?

  Did it matter?

  “You’re thinking too hard.” Warren appeared in front of her. The blue hue of his skin darkened as he hovered over her. “It’s okay though. I’ve got you right where I want you.” He fit his thigh between her legs, opening her up for him.

  Fallon was exposed to him. Vulnerable to his touch. He pressed his forehead to hers as he fit his tip to her entrance and pushed forward, filling her with a single stroke. The vicious growl ripped from him, sent a cascade of pleasure across her skin while she rippled and pulsed around him, trying to accommodate his girth and length. Her eyes went wide at the sensation of being stuffed full and stretched to the point of pain. She dug her nails into his shoulders, whimpering his name. It was too much.

  “You need to come, mistress.” Suān ní’s voice filled the darkness before his mouth descended onto her nipple. He sucked and licked the hard point, drawing her focus to him, not Warren.

  Together though, the tension brewing within her grew taut with expectancy. She tried to relax into it, yet with each stroke, Warren pushed her higher. He made her forget all of her problems and worries. He removed the agony and replaced it with bliss. She clung to him and Suān ní, determined, even for a little while, to have fun. Fallon gave a tentative roll of her hips and a keen cry fell from her.

  “Shit, yeah, kitty, get off on my dick like a good girl.” Warren grunted and cursed under his breath as his thrust grew stronger by the second.

  His words were lyrical, or maybe she’d only thought they were lyrical... It didn’t matter. What did matter was her impending climax. The others were small compared to the way her body responded to his. The carnal craving rushing through her veins. The way her body clung to his as he shoved deep over and over again, threatened to destroy her and she welcomed it. She embraced the need to be ripped apart and rebuilt, this time stronger.

  When Suān ní’s thumb circled her clit, she screamed. The pain of her release contorted her body and morphed into pleasure so intense, she feared she wouldn’t survive it. But, both guys were there. Warren’s pace increased while Suān ní didn’t let up, manipulating her clit until the little nub became so sensitive any touch set her off again. She trembled and shook in Warren’s arms unable to stop the torrent of ecstasy spilling into her body. Her eyes fluttered close when Warren roared, and the first throb of his orgasm filled her.

  “Holy shit, she passed out.” Warren’s warm breath against the sensitive skin of her neck drew her back from the darkness along with the prick of pain at her neck.

  “Wh-what happened?” She blinked several times before opening her eyes to find Warren and Suān ní hovering over her. The concern etched on
both of their faces gave her pause. “What’s wrong?”

  A sexy as sin smirk tugged at the corner of Warren’s mouth. “Not a damn thing. Do you believe me now?”

  She peered at him, confused by his comment. They’d had sex. She’d felt him inside of her. The dull pinch at her neck along with the ache between her thighs, it couldn’t be denied. “I—” She licked her bottom lip. “I don’t understand.”

  “You were beautiful.” Warren kissed her. “I can’t wait to feel you come apart in my arms for real.”

  She gasped. “We didn’t?”

  He shook his head. “My gift to you.”

  Fallon lay in her bed, tangled in her sheets while Suān ní and Warren surrounded her above the covers. Their bodies were covered in sweat. Their chests were pink from arousal and excitement. “It was all in my head?”

  Warren grinned. “Yep. Didn’t touch you once.”

  She glanced at Suān ní who gave her a sheepish grin. “I may have touched you more than once. You are irresistible.”

  Embarrassment flamed to life within her. “I had phantom sex with both of you?”

  “Sort of.” Warren gathered her into his arms. “I experienced everything you did. It was amazing.”

  Suān ní joined them. “You were spectacular, mistress. I have never seen such beauty and grace. The way you soared. I am in awe of your beauty.”

  “Okay, both of you can stop with the compliments.” She grinned against Warren’s chest. “So now what?”

  “Now, we get you a bath and go on a date.” Warren looked down at her. “I should have mentioned this earlier, but we thought you might like a day out somewhere.”

  “What about Abraham and Grainger?”

  “They’re coming with us.” Warren pointed to the window. “If you haven’t noticed, the sun is going down now.”

  She jerked, startled not only by how long she’d slept, but how long Warren kept her in that realm-thing. “Crap. I thought it was morning.”


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