All I Want is that Hood Love 3

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All I Want is that Hood Love 3 Page 13

by Mercedes G

  “She’s staying with my grandma tonight, her and DJ,” she said and rested her head back on my headrest. We rode in silence all the way to Mega’s house. I dropped her off and went home.

  Luckily, by the time I had made it home, Rock wasn’t there yet. I took a shower and went and sat down in my living room. I didn’t even bother to turn on the TV, I just needed time to get my thoughts together. I couldn’t believe that a man that I was once deeply in love with was now dead. Jay had taken me through the storm and back when we were together. From other bitches, sexually transmitted diseases, all the way down to lack of respect, and like the ass that I was, I stayed because I didn’t have the strength to leave him. That night that he beat my ass was the final straw. The threats and torture that came after that, only made the love that I once had for him turn into hate. I hated him with so much passion for the things that he had done to me that I was actually glad that he was dead. An unexpected smirk spread across my face, knowing that I could finally sleep at night.

  I had fallen asleep on the couch. When I woke up, I was in Rock’s strong arms being carried to our bedroom. He had already pulled the covers back on my side of the bed. He laid me down and pulled the covers up over my body. I was still pretending to be asleep. He went inside of the bathroom and I heard the water from the shower running. Fifteen minutes later, he was standing at the foot of the bed drying himself off with a towel. It was something about the way that he used the towel to dry off his dick. He threw on a pair of briefs and climbed in bed beside me. Doing what he does best, he fired of a blunt and I eased my hand inside of his briefs.

  “Damn Kira, I thought you was still sleep,” he moaned, as I stroked him gently causing his dick to get hard.

  Without responding, I got on my knees and made circles around the tip of his dick with my tongue. My ass was positioned up in the air beside him so he rubbed on it gently as I sucked on the head of his dick. Lifting his dick up further so that it was touching his navel, I ran my tongue across his balls making his toes curl in his socks. Taking one ball into my mouth, I pulled on it gently while stroking his dick with my hand. I began flicking my tongue on his balls causing him to tense up a little, as I scooped them both up in my mouth and lathered them with my saliva.

  “Ahhh shit, Kira…right thurr!” he said as I gobbled his balls, creating a sloppy puddle.

  He began rubbing his fingers up and down the crack of my ass softly. The shit was feeling so good that I could no longer focus on what I was doing to him. You know that feeling you get when you become so weak that you can’t even move? Yeah, that feeling right there. I politely laid my face down on his dick as if I was comforting a baby. In my eyes I was comforting a baby, my baby, his dick!

  “Ooooh fuck! That feels sooooo good Rock!” I moaned as he inserted his finger inside of my ass and pushed it in and out gently.

  He stuck his finger inside of my pussy, lubricating it, and then put it back in my ass.

  “I wanna punish this pussy cowgirl style,” he told me, and I obliged.

  I climbed on top of him cowgirl style. I didn’t have a gigantic ass for him to look at but my pussy was fat and pretty. To me that’s all that mattered right now. I picked up his pole and placed it inside of my tunnel. Sitting up straight, Rock placed both of his hands on my waist and I held on to his wrist.

  “Stay right thurr! Don’t fucking move!” he demanded.

  Rock held on to my waist firmly and began digging inside of me as if he was searching for a pot of gold.

  “Ahh…yeah! Just like that Rock! Oooh shit, beat that pussy up!” I yelled as I watched my size B cups bounce up and down in the mirror. I could see my fluids pouring out of me as they trickled down his dick. My juices had Rock’s dick glistening.

  “Umph…this… shit…right herr…got damn!” Rock groaned, squeezing my waist tightly as he thrust in and out of me compellingly.

  I stood up in a squatting position with both feet flat on the bed, giving him deeper access.

  “Spin around,” Rock commanded. “And don’t let that muhfucka come out! You herr?”

  “Mmmm….yeah daddy I hear you.”

  Doing as I was instructed, I spun around while keeping his dick still inside of me. He pulled me down on top of him, and kissed me fervently pressing my ass down onto him, while he continued to jab at my insides. I sucked on his bottom lip and cried out in pure ecstasy. My muscles contracted involuntarily, causing him to inject his load inside of me.

  “Aaaaargh fuck!” he groaned as his pumps became deeper and longer.

  I kissed him on the lips and pulled him up towards the bathroom so that we could shower together. Rock ate my pussy in the shower, and fucked me from the back. By the time we were done the water was no longer hot and we had to bathe in cold water. We got back in bed naked and Rock laid behind me with his arms wrapped around me.

  “I love you so much Kira,” he said while kissing the base of my neck.

  “I love you too Rock,” I smiled and snuggled back under him.

  “You ain’t gotta worry about that nigga Jay no more. I took care of that,” he said.

  “Okay babe,” I told him without asking any questions.

  I knew what he meant by that, there was no need for him to go into any details about it. I thought about how MeMe and I heard the toilet flush and got the hell out of dodge. I wanted to ask him what type of lunatic would use the bathroom after they kill someone, but then he would know that I was there so I remained silent until I dozed off to sleep in his arms.



  The next morning I left Mega at my apartment in bed sleep. I had told Mrs. Mildred that I would be by to pick DJ up early in the morning so I was on my way to Cuthbert to get him.

  I knocked on Mrs. Mildred's door and called her name like I always did, and waited for her to come to the door. I knocked a few more times and she still hadn't come to the door yet. I could hear the TV on in the house. She had it up so loud that she didn’t even hear me knocking. I was surprised that she had the door closed because it was late in the afternoon, and during this time of day only her screen door would be closed. I walked around back and her backdoor was open with the screen door closed. I called her name again before entering, then I heard Jamelia faintly laughing in the other room.

  Walking through the kitchen, I turned the corner and it looked like a scene from Friday the 13th. Blood was splattered all over the floor and walls. My heart dropped as I took in the horrific scene before me. There was a trail of blood that looked as if someone had been dragged down the hallway. Immediately, I begin to panic. Careful not to step in the blood, I made it in front of the guest bedroom. The door was closed but I could hear Jamelia laughing. I immediately opened the door and Jamelia was sitting on the bed watching cartoons, and DJ was in his bouncer on the floor gnawing on his fingers. I ran over to them both as my heart pounded firmly. I was so fucking terrified that I didn’t know what to do, but I was thankful that nothing had happened to them. I knew the worst had happened but I had to find Mrs. Mildred.

  Seeing that they were okay, my nurse instincts kicked in as I closed the door back, keeping them safe. I followed the trail of blood down the hall to Mrs. Mildred's bedroom. My mind was saying one thing but my heart was saying another. Please God, let her be okay!!! Blood was sprayed all over her bedroom door. You could tell that someone had been fighting for their life from the handprints that were on the carpet and walls. Trying to be optimistic, I prayed that, that someone wasn’t Mrs. Mildred.

  I pushed the door open and there she was, laying on her back with multiple stab wounds to her chest and abdomen. Bruises enclosed her face as well. I covered my mouth and screamed. My hands shook uncontrollably as I pulled out my phone and dialed 911. I moved closer to her body and checked for a pulse. There was nothing. Mrs. Mildred was gone. I couldn’t control my tears as I tried my best to explain to the 911 operator what I had walked in on, but it was too difficult. I gave her the address and went and grab
bed Jamelia and DJ. It was my duty to get them out of that house. The operator asked me to stay on the line with her until law enforcement and the ambulance arrived but I couldn't. There was no way that I could. I had to call the one person that I knew it would kill!

  "What's up Mrs. Lady?" he answered and a lump formed in my throat as I choked up.

  I couldn't even speak. I didn't have the strength to tell him that his grandmother, the apple of his eye, his heartbeat had been brutally murdered. All I was able to let out were my sniffles.

  "TAYSIA! WHAT'S WRONG MA YOU AIGHT?" The concern in his voice was obvious. Mega always became of aggressive when it concerned his family.

  "Mega…it's…your grandma…you need to get over here ASAP!!!" I said in between sniffs.

  I pulled the phone away from my ear and it was on the home screen. Mega had hung up! I would let him tell MeMe. A few moments later law enforcement had the house surrounded. They had blocked the entire yard off with yellow tape. Nosy neighbors were standing out on their lawn watching the scene with others, and as each minute passed the scene became more crowded. It seemed as if the entire City of Cuthbert had come out to see what had transpired. People were standing in the street and on the sidewalks observing the scene. A few people were even crying.

  Mega had to come from Albany, which was a forty-five-minute drive. Well that forty-five-minute drive, turned into a twenty-minute drive. When I saw his Range Rover bend the corner looking as if it would tilt over, I knew that all hell was about to break loose. He pulled up in the driveway and I saw him throw the truck in park as it jerked. Pulling up right behind him was MeMe. Mega ran right through the yellow tape, as if it wasn’t there. Law enforcement was trying to stop him but he was too strong.

  “GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!” He pushed both officers down. “WHERE MY GRANDMA AT? WHAT THE FUCK GOING ON? MAN WHAT THE FUCK!” he yelled at the other officers who were trying to calm him. Watching his reaction from the porch killed me inside.

  “What’s going on? Is she okay?” MeMe cried and asked questions to the officer that tried to console her. She was just looking around for somebody, anybody to give her answers.

  I had DJ in his bouncer beside me and Jamelia was in my arms. Nobody was supposed to be near the house. The only reason they allowed me, is because I’m the one that had found her and I had the kids. They were either going to let Mega through the easy way or the hard way. Using their common sense, they allowed him to enter the easy way. When Mega approached the door, I had to stop him or at least try. He didn’t need to see that shit, it was horrible! I hate that I had saw it.

  “MEGA BABE, NO! PLEASE DON’T GO IN THERE,” I begged as I got up and pulled him by his shirt, but he was resistant.

  “What the fuck happened Tay? Is she okay? Huh? Is she okay Tay? Just please tell me that she’s okay!” His voice cracked and I knew he was about to break down. The look on his face hurt me.

  “FUCKING ANSWER ME TAY!” he yelled causing me to damn near jump out of my skin.

  Shaking my head no, I cried harder. Mega snatched away from me, yanked the door open, and went inside. Meme was right behind him.

  “AHHHHHHHH! FUCK MAN!” he screamed.


  Mega was in there breaking shit up. He was mad and couldn’t take it. After hearing Mega’s loud uproar, MeMe broke away from the officer and ran inside as well.

  “Get up ma…please get up,” I heard Mega crying.


  I wasn’t sure what exactly was taking place on the inside, but I knew it was nothing pretty. All I heard was MeMe and Mega’s cries. My phone rung and it was Kira. She must have heard what happened but I didn’t have the strength to talk, so I didn’t answer.

  “THIS YO’ FAULT MEGA! YOU DID THIS SHIT TO HER! I HATE YOU MEGA! I FUCKING HATE YOU!!! SHE BEGGED YOU TO LEAVE THESE STREETS ALONE! FUCK YOU!!!” MeMe spat and burst out the door. She came over to me and grabbed Jamelia.

  “MeMe, I’m so sorry,” I sympathized with her and she fell into my arms and cried her heart out.

  “I can’t be here Taysia, I have to go.” With that being said, she took Jamelia, walked to her car and she left the scene. Kira and Rock pulled up but law enforcement wouldn’t allow them any further than the yellow tape. I wasn’t able to leave at the moment either so I called her phone and told her what was going on and that I would talk to her later. Rock was standing by the road cussing law enforcement out and I watched Kira pull him back towards her car.

  Mega was still inside with the investigators. When he came back out, his eyes were bloodshot red. He didn’t even look like the same person. He sat down beside me on the chair and picked DJ up out of his bouncer. He rested his head in the crease of DJ’s neck as he held on to him for dear life and cried. I had never seen Mega cry before and it hurt me to my heart seeing him like this. I tried to get him to leave but he wanted to stay there, and he did. I wasn’t leaving his side. I had one of the officers bring DJ’s milk out of the refrigerator and I fed him his bottle right there. I wasn’t going anywhere. If Mega wanted to stay then that’s what we were going to do. Hell, I even laid DJ across my lap on the porch and changed his diaper. He said he wasn’t leaving until they came and got the body. Mega said that he wanted Perkins Funeral Home to care for Mrs. Mildred. They were the best in the city and that’s what he wanted to give her.

  Seeing the hearse pull up a couple of hours later, was unreal. Mega spoke to the funeral home director and walked inside with him. A few moments later, an officer held the door open as the funeral home director rolled Mrs. Mildred’s body out on a stretcher. She was resting in a black body bag, and Mega just shook his head with his hand over his mouth and silently cried.

  Law enforcement left that evening once the crime scene investigators gathered all of the information they needed. Mega wasn’t cooperating with anyone.

  “Babe, let’s go. We can just go to your house for tonight,” I tried to convince him while rubbing his back, but he didn’t budge, he just held DJ in his arms. People were still standing there as if this was some type of celebrity event. They wasn’t leaving until Mega left. Some wanted to see his reaction and most wanted to pay their respect.

  Twenty minutes of pleading, Mega finally agreed and we went back to his house. My heart was not only hurting for Mega, but for myself as well. I had grown to love Mrs. Mildred as if she was my own. The conversations she and I had will definitely be missed. This shit was just too much to bear right now. Deep down inside, I felt as if I knew who was responsible for her death. I’m sure Mega was thinking the same thing but I wouldn’t dare bring that shit up at this time. Mega went straight to his liquor bar and pulled out a bottle of Hennessy.

  Giving him some time alone, I watched him turn it up straight from the bottle, while taking DJ upstairs to prepare him for bed. Once I had DJ settled, I took a shower, slipped on one of Mega’s t-shirts and went down stairs to accompany him. He was sitting at the island still drinking.

  “You okay baby?” I stood behind him and massaged his shoulders. I just wanted to relieve any tension that he had built up inside. His eyes were still red and he had bags under them as well. Mega looked like he hadn’t slept in days. Nodding his head was his only reply, and he stood up and walked away from my grasp. He went and sat down in the living room.

  Should I follow him or just let him be alone? I didn’t know if Mega needed his space at the moment or if he needed me to be right there with him. I wanted to hold him so badly and just assure him that things would be alright, but I knew in his state of mind that he didn’t believe that. Mrs. Mildred was his soul, and as hard and tough as Mega was, she was his soft spot, her and MeMe. Thinking about how MeMe had blamed him for Mrs. Mildred’s death, I know that destroyed him even more.

  Feeling as if he didn’t want my compassion at the moment, instead of joining him in the living room, I made my way ba
ck upstairs to get in bed with DJ.

  “Mrs. Lady!” I was halfway up the stairs when he called my name. I immediately turned around and he was watching me from the couch.

  “Don’t leave…just come sit down with me for a while,” he directed in a lower tone. I walked back down the stairs and sat down next to him.

  “You okay?” I asked.

  “I’ll never be the same after this shit.” He put his hands in his head with his elbows resting on his knees and I rubbed his back, trying my best to console him.

  I sat up and grabbed the cigarillo off of the table and bust it open with my fingernails. I opened the drawer on the end table because I knew that’s where Mega always kept his weed. I grabbed the Ziploc bag full of marijuana, opened it up, grabbed just enough out to calm his nerves, and sprinkled it up and down the center of the cigarillo. Mega watched in awe as I rolled the blunt. Being that he never saw me roll one before, he probably thought that I couldn’t. He grabbed the lighter out of his pocket and handed it to me. I lit it and toked on it setting it just right before handing it to him. I knew this wouldn’t change what had happened but it would damn sho’ calm him down a bit, and it did. We didn’t really hold much of a conversation while he smoked but I was right there, and didn’t plan on leaving his side. When he was done, we went upstairs and got in bed with our son.



  “Oh my fuckin’ God!” I mumbled to myself as I watched the news. I grabbed the remote and turned the TV up louder. This can’t be true! I bucked my eyes at the TV screen to make sure that I was seeing shit correctly.

  I quickly grabbed the phone and dialed Mega’s number but he didn’t answer. As of matter of fact, I had been calling him since the day before and he wasn’t answering any of my calls, and this is probably why. Seeing his grandmother’s picture on the news, it was a must that I get in contact with him ASAP! I sent him a text message.

  ME: Hey bae! Call me as soon as you get this!


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