All I Want is that Hood Love 3

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All I Want is that Hood Love 3 Page 15

by Mercedes G

  “Why would I be mad with you?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. I thought maybe you felt like I had something to do with it, and I didn’t.”

  “I know you didn’t sweet lady. You good… come on, follow me to my spot. It’s only a couple of minutes from here.”

  “Okay cool.” I rolled up my window and watched Wesley walk back to his car.

  Once he pulled off, I followed.

  Wesley’s spot looked just as it was, a damn spot! On the outside it looked like an abandoned house, but on the inside you could tell it had been remodeled. It looked totally different. What I wasn’t expecting was to see Chino. He was sitting down on the couch in the living room playing an XBOX 360. He was so into that shit that he paid me and Wesley no mind, as we made our way into the kitchen. In the kitchen is where I spotted the backdoor. The only thing about the back door is the muthafucka was boarded shut! Aint this a bitch! My only option now was to improvise.

  “Thirsty?” Wesley asked as he walked over to the refrigerator and grabbed himself a can of Sprite soda.

  “No thank you, I’m okay.” I felt like I had trapped myself inside of this house. Wesley’s phone rung and he excused himself. I used that as my chance to text Mega.


  Come on Mega, message me back!

  The love of my life: CHECK THE WINDOWS!

  ME: K!


  “Sorry about that. Come on, let’s go in the living room so that we can talk.” Wesley grabbed my hand and led the way.

  When we got to the living room Chino was no longer there. I’m not sure where he went, but all of this shit had me regretting I ever came. I was in too deep now, plus I had to show Mega that I was down with him through whatever. I looked around the living room and guess what? The fucking windows were boarded shut too. I had to hurry up and text Mega back.

  Wesley and I talked for about twenty minutes. I was giggling and shit as if I was really into our conversation. Hell, I had even went as far as rubbing on him as if we could possibly take this shit to the next level. I’m not sure if Mega was still inside of the trunk or not, but I was ready for this shit to be over and done with.

  “Can I use your bathroom?” I asked. Shit, I had to pee for real.

  “Sure, come on, I’ll show you where it’s at.” He pulled me up from the chair and led me down the dark hall to the bathroom. Once inside I text Mega first.


  While waiting for Mega to text me back, I went ahead and used the bathroom. I flushed the toilet and washed my hands. My phone lit up alerting me that Mega had texted me back.

  The love of my life: DON’T WORRY MA…I’M ALREADY INSIDE.

  I smiled feeling more safe now that I wasn’t alone in the house anymore.

  POW!! POW!!!...POW!!

  I jumped, stuck the phone back inside of my pocket and eased the door open. I didn’t see anyone. Walking down the hallway I was looking for Mega and I didn’t see him. I began to panic as I made it back to the living room and it was empty. Quickly, I pulled my phone from my back pocket and Mega had sent me another text.

  The Love of my life: Go to the car Mrs. Lady, I got it from here.

  Going to the car sounded like the right thing to do, but I’d be damned if I was going to leave Mega in here by himself. I heard a lot of commotion coming from the opposite side of the house. Walking fast towards the noise, I noticed that it was coming from upstairs. I could hear Mega upstairs going crazy.


  I could only hear what was happening and it sounded like Mega was fucking somebody up. Making my way up the stairs slowly, I could see the light on in the room that the commotion was coming from. I stopped halfway up the stairs when I saw someone approaching the room with a gun. They weren’t able to see me because the stairway was pretty dark.

  Lord please forgive me for what I’m about to do!

  I pulled Mega’s gun from my waist, the exact same one that I had used to scared Debra with and eased up a little bit closer to get my aim right. Pointing the gun directly at the enemy, I fired. POW!! POW!! I hit him once in the shoulder and then one caught him in the abdomen as he went back against the wall and fell to the floor. I rushed up the stairs.

  By the time I made to the top of the stairs, Mega was already at the door entrance with his gun up. He looked at me and then followed my eyes to the body that laid next to his foot. Looking back up at me, a smirk spread across his face as I walked closer to him.

  “Didn’t I tell yo’ ass to go to the car? Good looking out tho’!” he said and shot Dub in the head to ensure that nigga was dead.

  “Chino is somewhere in here too,” I whispered to him.

  “I know,” he whispered back contemptuously.

  I followed Mega back inside the room where he had Wesley knocked the fuck out on the floor. On the other side of the room was Chino. The gunshots that I had heard earlier were reflected off of him.

  “Wake yo bitch ass up!” Mega pulled out a knife.

  “Since you like to stab people muthafucka, I’ma show you just how that shit feel!”

  With that being said, Mega began digging the knife in and out of Wesley’s abdomen. It was so gruesome that I couldn’t bear to watch. A sense of fear rushed over me as I took glimpses of Mega destroying Wesley. Mega was always a different person when he was angry. I stood back and covered my face. Wesley’s phone that was sitting on the bed rang.

  “Ma, answer that nigga phone and tell whoever it is that this nigga is dead!”

  I picked up Wesley’s phone and there was a picture of Brittany on the screen. I know damn well he ain’t fucking Brittany!

  “Oh shit babe, look.” I showed Mega Brittany’s picture on the screen as the phone continued to ring.

  “WHAT THE FUCK?” Mega snatched the phone from me and answered it.

  “HELLO!” he yelled into the phone.


  “Daddy’s dead bitch, and you next!” He hung up the phone and put it inside of his pocket.

  I couldn’t believe what I had just heard. Brittany was Wesley’s daughter. So both of those two grimy muthafuckas were working together. Wesley got what the fuck he deserved, and I felt sorry for what was to come for Brittany.

  Once we left, Mega called his clean-up crew to come and dispose the bodies and all of the evidence. We rode home in silence.

  “You a’ight Mrs. Lady?” Instead of answering that question I just looked at him and chuckled. He shook his head and we headed back home.


  That same night Mega dropped DJ and I off back at home and left to go handle Brittany. However, she was long gone. The next day he went to her job only to learn that she had resigned. I eventually talked Mega into letting her breathe and let’s just move the fuck on with our lives. He and I both knew she wasn’t crazy enough to show her fucking face knowing what he was capable of. He agreed but I knew deep down inside that he still wanted to kill the bitch.

  Chapter 30


  “Damn Kira, hurry yo’ ass up! I’on know why you gotta put on all that damn makeup and shit anyway. Long ass fuckin eye-lashes and shit! You too damn cute for all the extra shit!”

  Rock was agitated and I was in the bathroom laughing my ass off. Rock and I were getting ready to go see Jurassic World at the movie theater. It wasn’t really my type of movie but after hearing everybody talk about how good the shit was, I decided to give it a try. The movie was set to start at ten o’clock and it was already half past nine. Not to mention that it would take us at least forty-five minutes to get there being that the closest movie theater was located in Albany. I don’t know why he was tripping because everybody know they were going to promote a thousand movie trailers before the actual movie came on anyway.

  “Rock, please quit hating because I don’t even wear makeup like that nigga. Only lip gloss and eye-lin
er, thank you very much,” I said turning the light off in the bathroom. Rock was sitting on the side of the bed rolling a blunt.

  “Well what about them lashes? All that is uncalled for,” he licked his blunt.

  “I love my lashes nigga and you do too!” I batted my eyes at him with them, and grabbed my purse. “Let’s go.”

  “Hold up for a second, let me finish rolling this blunt.”

  “Nigga, I know damn well you ain’t been rushing me all this time and you ain’t even ready! You better roll that shit up in the car,” I told him and I walked out of the room with him right behind me laughing.

  By the time we made it to the movies, Jurassic World hadn’t even started. Luckily the movie had been showing in theaters for a while now so it wasn’t that many people in there. Rock and I took our seats in the far back and waited for the movie to start. It wasn’t nothing for us to hit up the bootleg man back in Cuthbert and cop the movie on DVD, but Rock and I was determined to get out of the house tonight. After the movie was over, we had planned on stopping by Wal-Mart to shop for a few household supplies that we needed.

  Not even twenty minutes into the movie, Rock’s phone started going off loud as hell in the movie theater. He looked at the caller ID, shook his head and put back in his bottom. Ten minutes later it went off again. This time Rock ignored the call and put the phone on vibrate, what he should have done before we even got here.

  Bzzzzz! Bzzzz! Bzzzz!

  Rock’s phone went off again. Only this time he pretended not to hear it, or should I say feel it buzzing.

  Bzzzz! Bzzzz! Bzzzz!

  I snatched my head back and looked at him like “nigga you betta answer that muthafuckin’ phone before I do!” He sighed, stood up from his seat and stepped outside of our movie session to answer the phone. Not even two minutes later, Rock came back and sat down.

  “That was Alicia,” he said.


  “Rahley’s running a temp, she’s up at the ER now. We gotta leave.”

  As bad as I wanted to be upset, I couldn’t be. That was his child and I had signed up for this so I may as well get used to it. Getting used to it was hard when I felt like Alicia was doing shit out of spite like she always did. Who knows? Maybe Rahley was sick and running a temp for real. Instead of speaking my mind, I grabbed my purse and Rock’s hand. We left in the middle of the movie and headed back to Cuthbert.

  “You can take me home Rock.”

  “You don’t wanna ride to the hospital with me?” he asked like he was surprised.

  “Nah, I’m good. I trust you.”

  He cracked a smile at that statement. Lord knows I didn’t want Rahley to be sick but he better hope and pray that Alicia wasn’t on no funny shit. It just really fucked with me that whenever Rock and I had something to do, she would call with her fake ass stories.

  Rock came home about two hours later. I asked him about Rahley’s fever and he claimed that they had broken her fever by the time he got there. That was straight bullshit to me. I didn’t think Rahley was even sick for real, for real. I was giving this crazy in love bitch one more time to try some funny shit. I had a feeling that I was going to have to pay her ass a visit real soon.



  Damn near two months had gone by and the same shit was still going on. Rock and I were headed to Mega’s surprise all-black birthday party, when a message came to his phone. He had ran inside of the store to grab a pack of cigarillos when his phone started ringing on his seat. I picked the phone up and shook my fucking head. Here this bitch was again.


  Rahley had been with Rock and I for three days straight, and we had just taken her back home earlier this morning. I knew this was one of Alicia’s bogus ass ways to lure Rock to her house. Rock had put the bitch on speakerphone twice letting me hear him tell her to quit being petty and to respect what we had, but this bitch just wouldn’t let up. Now it was already ten o’clock at night, and she was still on that same dumb shit. I knew for a fact that Rahley was probably knocked out stone cold because she could never stay up past 9:30. At least, whenever she stayed over to my house she couldn’t.

  Rock was coming out of the store. I watched him lustfully as he made his way towards the car. He had on his black button down Ralph Lauren Military Stretch Poplin shirt, with a pair of black Ralph Lauren Courier Cargo pants, and his black Ralph Lauren boots. The gold that outlined his Tom Ford glasses glistened from a distance. His dreads were styles into two big braids going to the back. Rock was undeniable. His swag was amazing and he lived up to his height. He got inside and closed the door.

  “Ma, you going the wrong way,” he said when he noticed that I had taken a left instead of a right.

  “I know. Check your phone,” I told him and he pulled his phone out. He sighed and shook his head but he knew not to say shit about it. Damn right! We was about to pull up on that ass! She was getting way too comfortable doing that dumb shit, and I was tired. I had been letting this shit slide for way too long.

  When we pulled up to Alicia’s house, I opened the door to get out but Rock didn’t move.

  “Bring ya ass on nigga! I’m done playing these games. We ‘bout to set this shit straight, right here, right now!” I told him. Rock didn’t say shit, he just opened the door and stepped out of the car.

  “Yo, why we gotta do all this. We suppose be going to have a good time tonight, ma,” he said as if he was aggravated, but I didn’t care.

  Alicia would only do shit like this so that she could show me that she still had control over Rock, and when he commanded her wishes, that only meant that she did. I had no problem with him jumping for Rahley. She was his daughter and I respected any man for that, but her mama was on some slick shit out of spite. Rock and I made our way up to her door.

  “Ring the doorbell Rock,” I told him. He looked at me as if I was crazy. Seeing that I was, he pressed the doorbell.

  Alicia didn’t bother to see who it was. She opened the door the wearing a silk red house coat that was untied, and the bitch wasn’t wearing nothing on up under it. I fucking knew it! Alicia quickly tried to close up her house coat when saw me standing there with Rock.

  “Nah bitch, don’t try to cover that shit up now!” I swung and as soon as my fist landed in her face, Rock picked me up and toted me back to the car.

  “Let me the fuck go Rock! I knew it, I fucking knew it!!” I said kicking my feet as Rock held me up from the ground. I was trying to pry his arms from my waist but he was too strong.

  “Yo Kira, chill the fuck out! My daughter up in therr!” Rock said as he pinned me up against that car. Alicia was getting a kick out of this shit, and her giggles only made me angrier than I already was.

  “That’s right Rock, check that bitch!” Alicia spat and Rock quickly turned around and walked back up to her door where she was standing.

  “Go in the fuckin’ house!” Rock demanded.

  Alicia pouted but did as she was told. Rock followed her and slammed her door. What the fuck? I thought. I know damn well this nigga didn’t. Not even a minute later, the door swung open and Rock was making his way back to the car.

  “Fuck you Rock, yo’ no good ass! Don’t let Rock fool you sweetie! He’s a dog just like the rest of these niggas! You can have that muthafucka!!!” she yelled from the door and slammed it shut. Rock hopped in my car and shut the door. He was pissed and I could tell.


  “Don’t say shit Kira! You be blowing shit out of proportion. All you gotta do is trust a nigga!” He shook his head and pulled out his phone. I did as I was told and we made our way to Mega’s party.

  Pulling up to the venue, there were cars everywhere. Mega was definitely that nigga, and my girl had did a damn good job planning this big event for him. Taysia had valet parking and all. I opened the door to get out and Rock pulled me back in the car.

  “Cum herr, ma. Gimme kiss.” I gave him a kis
s and he smiled.

  “All I want is you ma, remember that shit,” he said and I returned a smile.

  Rock and I stepped out of the car and I gave the keys to the valet attendant. We walked inside hand in hand as everybody stood outside waiting to enter. I felt like we were outside of an awards show it was just that many people out. I text Taysia and let her know that we were on our way in.



  Tonight was the night. I had been planning this event for a while now and I wanted nothing more than for it be a success. It was Mega’s birthday and I wanted this to be a night for him to remember. So far I had done a damn good job at keeping it secret and I was more excited as if it was my damn birthday.

  I had Mega thinking that we were going to a Nurses Appreciation Banquet and that I was being awarded for my outstanding work. I know, I know, crazy right? I had to think of something though, and it was the best I could come up with, and he fell for it.

  It had been approximately two months since Mrs. Mildred’s death and even though things were getting back to normal, Mega was still mourning in his own way. I wanted this night to bring the life back inside of him. He was coming around slowly but surely; however, I needed that old Mega back. Mega’s housekeeper, Mona helped me with finding the perfect event coordinator, and she had no problem with keeping our son. I had been working Kira’s nerves with ideas every damn day up until now. MeMe didn’t want to have anything to do with Mega since the incident and that was still on his mind heavily as well. He would call her every day and send her text messages, but she would never respond. Even when I called her she wouldn’t answer thinking that it was him calling from my phone. I would have to text her and let her know that it was me calling in order for her to answer the phone. I had begged her to come tonight as one of Mega’s gifts but she was still in her feelings and I had no choice but to accept that. That was something that needed to be worked out between the two of them.


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