Draven's Crossing: Tempestuous Crossings

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Draven's Crossing: Tempestuous Crossings Page 15

by Selena Illyria

  “Okay. Are you serious about my friend? I’m looking at you and wondering if this is a true attraction or are you just bored?” Sabrina’s features became hard with an unreadable glint in her eyes.

  For a moment, he wondered if Sabrina had been hurt by a vampire before. With a deep breath, he glanced at Rose, who looked vulnerable and open. Giving her arm a squeeze, he answered, “I am falling in love with her. She’s everything I want and more. I adore her. She’s never far from my thoughts. I can’t think of a day ending where I haven’t spoken to her. I’m serious about having her in my life as my lover, and significant other.”

  He waited for a reaction, anything from either woman. This was the second time he’d laid it out on the line with Rose. She’d believed him the first time. Draven couldn’t help but wonder if having her friend here had put doubts into her head. The soft touch and warmth of her hand on his thigh sent a jolt through him. It heated up his stomach. His shaft hardened as his heartbeat sped. Shifting in his chair, he pushed back the growing tide of desire and ignored the painful pulse of his fangs wanting to distend. Rose didn’t help things by moving her hand closer to his groin. Sucking in a breath, he tried to cover his growing lust with another sip of wine and found his glass empty. Shit. He spotted the wine in the bucket of ice beside their table and poured himself more.

  “Looks like I made the big, bad vampire nervous.” Sabrina’s chuckle was full and robust, which made him smile in response.

  “Yes, I’ll admit to being nervous. What else do you want to ask me?” Draven took a sip of his wine, this time savoring the crisp, dry taste with a hint of floral, citrus flavor. He watched questions flit across Sabrina’s face.

  “Well, with the time we have, and since I’m hungry, I’ll keep it to one question and a warning. First the warning. Don’t hurt her, or I will hunt you down and make you watch hours of Barney the Dinosaur. And now for the question. Are you going to hog the wine all night, or can we have some, too?” She held up her empty glass and raised an eyebrow at him.

  Laughing, he refilled her glass. “Point taken.”

  Their meal arrived, and the conversation turned light as Rose and Sabrina recounted their experiences in the town. He especially appreciated Sabrina highlighting all the things she liked and the ones she disliked.

  “I figured you’d like to know, for when you launch that new ad campaign to get out-of-towners to vacation here. Although my opinion could change once I move here.” She dug into her brownie and ice cream.

  “Ah, you’re moving here? For a job? Or did you fall in love with this town and had to stay?” He smiled.

  “A bit of both, actually. Your head of P.R., Katey, offered me a job. I’m a photographer, so I’ll be taking beauty shots of the town.” She closed her eyes and moaned when she put the brownie into her mouth.

  “Ah, you’ll be working with Ben. He’s in charge of writing up the glowing review of the town for the booklets. I meant to say earlier, he couldn’t make it. His sister had gone into labor, and he was there when it happened. No other family in the area, and the husband is out of town.” Draven didn’t want to think of what his friend was going through.

  “Oh, man I feel for him. Poor guy. Is he a vampire, too?” Sabrina looked up. Curiosity was back in her eyes.

  “Lion shifter. Good guy. I think you’ll like him.” He didn’t miss her muttering, “As long as he hot.” Draven smiled, but said nothing. Ben was also one of the bachelors up for auction.

  Rose yawned next to him.

  “Tired, honey?” He rubbed her back.

  “Yup, it’s been a long day.” She turned and kissed him at the pulse point in his neck. “I’ll see you on Saturday, when I finally have time to spend with you.”

  The women stood up, and Draven called for the check. He gave Rose a kiss. “I’ll take care of the bill. You get home safely. I’ll call you later.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Checking in on me or phone sex?”

  “Ewww, let’s go before you two start making out.” Sabrina grabbed Rose’s hand and dragged her away as Draven looked on laughing.

  When he arrived home later that night, he couldn’t help but feel like nothing could bring him down. After a quick shower, he dried off and climbed into bed, settling against his pillows. For a moment, he debated calling her or letting it go. Unable to resist, he hit speed dial on his phone and waited for her to answer.

  “Hey, was just about to call you. Sabrina likes you. Thank you for having dinner with us tonight,” Rose said.

  “Anything for you. Do you feel better about us now?” His heart stuttered, waiting for the answer.

  “I think, just seeing how you interacted with Sabs, it made me realize you could get along with my friends. Next up, meeting my family, but that will be later. Maybe for the holidays?” It was posed as a question, but he knew that this request wasn’t that simple. Meeting her family and seeing where she came from would be a huge step for them. One he wanted to make, but first they would need time to cement as a couple.

  “I’d like that, but no hurry. I know you need more time, and I’m willing to give it to you.” He closed his eyes and rested his head against the headboard.

  “I know. You’ve told me that, and I appreciate it. Spending time away from you made me see how much I want you in my life, and I’m ready to step into this relationship. Also, I’d like a unicorn. Think you can rustle one up for me?” She snorted before falling into loud peals of laughter.

  “Well, I could ask one of the unicorn shifters to be your friend, but I doubt they’d take too kindly to being a pet. Well, some might. I heard they’re a kinky lot,” he joked.

  She giggled. “You’re so silly. I found out something new about you.”

  Silence descended between them. He heard her yawn, and grinned. “Go to bed, sweetheart. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “What…no phone sex?” It was her turn to taunt.

  His cock twitched at the question. “No, baby. Not tonight. Besides, I want to be with you, but not over the phone.”

  “Fine. You’re so damned considerate. Geez, what kind of vampire are you? You didn’t even try to seduce me,” she mocked.

  He laughed. “I’ll show you seduction. You just wait until Saturday.”

  “I’ll hold you to that. Night, honey.”

  “Good night.” He hit the off button and sighed. Happiness filled him with warmth. His world was very good at the moment. If only the serial killer would be caught, then he could truly be at ease.

  The End

  About the Author

  Interracial author Selena Illyria was born with an overactive imagination. With great curiosity and a love of writing that pushes her imagination there are many worlds she'd love to explore, from paranormal to sci-fi, from cyberpunk and beyond.

  Visit her online at:



  Romantic Speculative Fiction





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