He couldn’t tell if she was completely serious or not. Yet that’s what he liked about Gwen. She was game for almost anything. What he loved about Gwen was that she was game for him.
He nodded to the little girl beside Kylie. “Who’s that?”
“Her name’s Molly. When she took riding lessons, she got attached to Kylie. They both love animals. Her mom’s the redhead on the folding chair by the window.”
Garrett glanced at the woman briefly, at Dylan who had taken Timmy from his wife’s arms, then at Tiffany who was cuddling Amy in an old rocker. “I know this might be a little soon to bring this up, but how do you feel about having kids?”
“I love the idea of having your kids.”
Taking her hand, he winked at her, and as unobtrusively as possible led her around the edge of the party to the door. “We’ll be back before they know we left.”
Gwen laughed, slipped out the door with him and ran to the barn.
Life with Gwen was going to be an adventure, and Garrett was going to appreciate every moment of it.
Breathless, he took her into his arms when they reached the barn’s side door. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
Garrett kept hold of Gwen’s hand as he led her inside. This was only the beginning, and no matter when they married, he was going to make the honeymoon last as long as he could.
At least for the next fifty years.
ISBN: 978-1-4592-1833-8
Copyright © 2006 by Karen Rose Smith
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The Baby Trail (Baby Bonds #2) Page 20