Safe Zone (Book 2): The Descent

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Safe Zone (Book 2): The Descent Page 14

by Suzanne Sussex

  Her words brought back the reality of their situation and sobered him from the dizzying emotions of the last few hours, and he stiffened involuntarily

  “Oh shit, I didn’t mean it like that,” she said misinterpreting his reaction, “I didn’t mean that you were just an enjoyable distraction… I just never…”

  “Ssshhh,” he said and silenced her with a kiss, “I know. Maybe I can see you tomorrow. I could skip out on training in the afternoon.”

  “I’d like that, but I should go now, or we’ll be here all night.” She took his hand again and together they walked across the square towards the side street where she was staying. As they approached, the sound of angry voices rang through the night. Torch lights from the down the street caused shadows to dance on the walls of the square.

  “What’s going on?” Sammie whispered.

  “I don’t know,” Luca replied, mind racing, “Stay here.” He released his hand from hers and crept forward, staying to the shadows to avoid being seen.

  He peered around the corner. Sammie’s friend Annie was on her knees with her hands behind her head.

  Four men stood around her pointing knives, ready to attack should she move. The door to their guest apartment swung open, and Brian Crowe stepped out.

  “Take her, we’ll find the other one later,” he told the men. Annie was pulled to her feet and immediately pushed forward. She stumbled and fell to her knees, only to be yanked up again.

  “Walk, or we’ll drag you,” Brian hissed at her.

  Annie glared defiantly at him, but obeyed and walked slowly, taking care to avoid the men touching her.

  Luca’s heart beat frantically, they were headed in his direction, and he had to assume when Brian had said “the other one”, he meant Sammie.

  He had to get her out of here.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Watching Luca creep up the street, I smile and touch my fingers to my lips. It doesn’t occur to me to worry about the fracas he has gone to investigate, but I’m touched by his concern. Instead, I focus on the memories of kisses we have shared tonight. I refuse to think that soon I'll have to go home. I'll be back though, I'll make sure that I’m the one to bring the scientist back and I'll volunteer for all of the Zone G trade visits. I don’t know of anyone having a relationship with someone from another zone, but I’m sure we could work it out.

  Then reality hit me like a blow to the abdomen. I’m not just from another zone; I’m from a zone that this one believes is trying to hurt them. To say that will make a relationship harder is an understatement. Fantasies about staying with Luca and changing this zone’s opinion of E flit through my mind. Maybe Brian has already changed his mind about us. The fact we approached him about the vials might have given him a change of heart. I’m so swept up by this daydream that I don’t notice Luca running back to me until he is right in front of me. The look of terror on his face shatters my fantasies in an instant.

  “We need to run,” he pants, out of breath from the sprint across the square. He takes me hand and pulls me along with him. Fear hits me at the panic in his voice and the urgency in which he is dragging me along.

  “What’s happening?”

  “Not now, Sammie,” he growls and drags me into a dark alley. We flatten ourselves against the wall as Luca catches his breath.

  I peer out of the street and let out a small yelp as I see Annie marched across the square by six large men brandishing machetes. Brian stalks in front of the small procession. I step out ready to dash out and demand that he release my friend. But a hand clamps around my mouth and another holds me tightly across my stomach. I let out a muffled scream.

  “There’s nothing you can do,” Luca whispers in my ear, “They’re looking for you too.”

  I turn around in his grip. His hand still covers my mouth, so I use my eyes to ask the question, opening them wide and lifting my eyebrows.

  He shakes his head, “I don’t know why, but I don't think now is the time to find out. If I let you go, do you promise to stay quiet and not run out there?”

  I nod vigorously, and he lets go of me, “What…?”

  “Ssshhh,” he whispers, “We’ll go back to my house, we’ll talk there.”

  He takes my hand and leads me down a series of dark streets. I let myself be guided by him. I don’t understand what is going on and why they’ve taken Annie. Thoughts rush through my mind, but they’re jumbled. I’m desperate to talk to Luca but force myself to hold my tongue until we are somewhere safe. If we get caught, Luca will be in trouble for helping me, and I can’t have that.

  After what seems like an eternity we reach his darkened house. He pushes the door open quietly and guides me upstairs.

  “Luca?” Robert’s voice calls out from behind a closed door.

  “Go in there and wait,” he signals to another closed door. I do as he says and find myself in his bedroom. Like the rest of the house, it has high ceilings and unique features, but I am too caught up in worry about Annie to appreciate them. The springs of the thin and worn mattress creak under my weight as I perch myself on the end of the bed.

  After a few minutes, Luca pokes his head around the door, “You can come out now.”

  I follow him downstairs and find Robert waiting for us, a pot of water boiling on the stove.

  Luca directs me to sit at the table, and the pair of them make thistle tea as I stare dumbly down at my hands.

  When the tea is ready, Robert places a steaming mug in front of me, “There you go love, drink this. It’ll help settle your nerves.”

  I smile weakly up at him, “Thank you,”

  He nods, “Now Luca, explain again what happened out there.”

  Stupidly for a moment, I think Robert is referring to our kiss, and I feel a warmth raise up my face. Then I realise he means Annie. I will put my idiocy down to shock rather than me selfishly thinking of myself.

  “I didn’t see much, but when I got to the street, Annie was on her knees. Brian came out of the house and said that ‘they’ll find the other one later,’ I assumed they meant Sammie, so I brought her back here.”

  “I’m so sorry,” I direct my apology at Robert, “I shouldn’t be here, I could get you both in trouble.”

  “Nonsense,” he replies, “Luca did the right thing bringing you back here.”

  The kindness in which he speaks creates a lump in my throat and a big fat tear wells in my eye. It falls slowly down my cheek and lands on the table.

  “Now don’t cry, love,” Robert reaches across and squeezes my hand, “I’m sure this is just a big misunderstanding.”

  His words are hollow, and I think he knows that. The revelation earlier tonight and the taking of Annie make it clear to us all that this is not just a mistake. Brian Crowe knows exactly what he is doing. More tears fall as I think of Annie alone in a dark cell somewhere.

  Luca pulls me to him, he offers no words of comfort, but his gentle touch of reassurance is enough. Leaning into him, I pick up the mug of tea in both hands and sip from it slowly. The hot liquid warms me. Robert was right; the simple and everyday act of drinking tea is helping to settle my nerves.

  “Now, I’m too old to be up in the middle of the night, so I’m going to go back to bed. We'll find out what’s happening in the morning. Luca, why don’t you sleep in my room and Sammie can take yours?” he pauses and looks at me nestled in Luca’s embrace, “Unless you want to stay in the same room, of course.”

  “Dad,” Luca exclaims in horror, the speed in which he’s turned a bright shade of claret warms my heart.

  Robert chuckles, “Get your mind out of the gutter, boy, I just meant that Sammie might not want to be alone tonight.”

  “Oh,” Luca says, the blush staying firmly fixed on his face.

  “I don’t want to be alone,” I admit, “As long as you don’t mind?” I ask Robert.

  “Of course not, no funny business mind,” he grins, waving a reprimanding finger at us.

  Luca slaps his palm on his forehead
, “Oh, Dad,” he groans.

  Robert chuckles as he rises from his chair. As he passes me, he leans down and kisses me on top of my head, “It’ll be okay, love. Try and get some sleep tonight.”

  “I will. Thank you.”

  Luca and I finish our drinks in silence. When he finally places his mug back on the table, he shifts nervously in his seat, “Shall we go to bed … shit … I mean, shall we go to sleep?”

  I laugh softly, “I know what you mean, and yes.”

  I follow him upstairs, and each step I take seems to add weight to the nervous knot in my stomach. I meant what I said to Robert, I really don’t want to be alone tonight, and my desire to be with Luca is born out of the need for comfort and nothing else.

  But just a few hours ago Luca and I were kissing with such passion that it could have easily led somewhere, and now I am following him to his bedroom.

  “I’ll sleep on the floor,” I tell Luca as he closes the door.

  “No, I will,” he insists, going over to an old chest of drawers and pulling a spare blanket out to lay on the floor

  Luca stands with his back to me, “I won’t look if you want to undress.”

  The room is only lit by moonlight but once my eyes adjusted to the darkness I can see well enough, and I am grateful for his offer. I quickly strip down to my bra and knickers and climb into bed, “I’m done,” I tell him, “I’ll turn away now so you can undress.”

  I face the wall and stare at the faded and peeling wallpaper. In the dim light, I can just about to see the outline of flowers embedded in the paper. Roses. My Mum is convinced that roses are a bad omen. Something to do with an old lady’s shop she was in during the outbreak. I never really listened, just put it down to superstitious claptrap.

  But now in the strange place, with all that has happened tonight, I would rather not be faced with roses, maybe a little bit of me believed Mum when she insisted they were bad.

  Sighing, I forget why I was looking that way in the first place, and I turn away from the wall. Luca is bending down pulling off his trousers. I gasp as I take in his physique. The muscles in his lean back ripple as he moves. He glances over his shoulder at me, and I quickly pull the blanket over my head. It does nothing to hide the giggle I let out.

  “Oi,” he whispers, in mock protest, “Were you perving at me?”

  Still under the blanket, I shake my head vigorously. Then add a muffled, “No.”

  “Liar,” he says with a chuckle, “I’m done now.”

  I lift my head from under the blanket and roll into my side I stare down at Luca as he shifts uncomfortably on the floor, “Um … you could just get in here with me, neither of us is massive, so we could easily both fit.”

  “Thank God for that,” Luca says, “This floor is really uncomfortable.” He climbs out of his makeshift bed and stands.

  I can’t help it. I really can’t. Thoughts of Annie and what tomorrow might bring, leave my head as I drink in the image standing before me. Luca’s back was lovely, but his front is perfection. Without an ounce of fat on him, his abdominal muscles are clearly defined on his golden skin. I stare at him.

  “Are you going to let me in then?” he smiles down at me.

  “Shit … er, yeah,” I shift backwards in the bed and lift the blanket enough to let him in without exposing my body to him.

  He climbs in and lies on his back. I shift my position to match his, and there we lie, side by side, both staring up at the ceiling. Inches apart but not touching. I close my eyes and will myself to sleep. To forget where I am, to drift on into peaceful oblivion, but I can’t. I'm all too conscious of my surroundings, the steady rise and fall of Luca’s chest that is causing small movement in the blanket. The sound of his soft breaths seems to echo in my ears. The imprint of his physique burns my retinas, and it is all I can see when I close my eyes.

  When I eventually take his hand in mine, it feels as if we have been lying here like this for hours, but it’s probably only a few minutes.

  He holds my hand tightly, but it is still not enough. I can’t help myself.

  I shift position, so the entire left-hand side of my body presses into his. He inhales deeply, then lifts his arm and wraps it around my shoulders, encouraging me to nestle into his body. I place my hand on his chest. I can feel his heart beating beneath my touch. I know that all I need to do now is lift my head to his. He will kiss me, and I will be his.

  Despite only knowing him for one day. Despite the promise to his Dad. Despite Annie. Despite everything, I want him. I hate myself, but I want him. I lift my head, to find his already titled towards me. Extending my neck, I push my lips into his.

  The kiss is gentle at first, tender, loving, but it quickly overcomes us both and becomes a thing of passion. I press my body closer into his, and he drops his arm from around my shoulders and moves it to my waist to pull me in. He moans softly. I kiss him harder but release myself from his embrace. I hesitate for a split second, before putting my hands around my back and undoing my bra. Pulling away from our kiss, I sit up and take it off completely. Tossing it casually on the floor.

  Luca stares at me for a moment, seemingly drinking in the sight of my body under the soft moonlight. Then he sits and, placing a single finger under my chin, he lifts my head to look at him. I can see the lust burning in his eyes. That he wants me as much as I want him is written all over his face. “Are you sure?” he whispers.

  “Yes,” I breathe.

  Now that we are both sitting upright, he leans into me, my breasts pressing into his muscular chest. We kiss frantically as though we can’t get enough of each other. He strokes my back, then my sides, then eventually runs the back of his hand down the side of my breasts. I moan quietly. He manoeuvres himself in front of me and gently pushes me back into the bed. He pauses and stares at me again.

  “You are incredible,” he whispers.

  I smile, “So are you.”

  Without another word, we rid ourselves of the remaining barrier of clothing, our underwear and then we are one. I gasp as he enters me, parting my legs a little further to accept him. As one, we move together, the pace slow, gentle, caring. We make love until we are both spent.

  It was not like the frantic fumble I had with the guy that took my virginity. It was soft and loving.

  Luca lies on his back and pulls me towards him. I rest my head on his chest and pull gently at the little strands of hair on his chest.

  As we lie there, nestled together, the emotion of the moment combined with the events of the day suddenly hit me in a crescendo of guilt and shame. A hot tear spills from my eye and rolls lazily down my cheek to land on his chest.

  “Sammie,” Luca whispers, “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m sorry,” I sniff, wiping the next tear that threatens to escape from my eye, “That was perfect, I just feel guilty.”


  “Yeah, she’s locked up somewhere. Who knows that they are doing to her and I’m here acting like a dirty slut.”

  Luca sits and pulls me up to be facing him, “You’re not a slut,” he insists, looking me directly in the eyes.

  “We’ve only just met,” I protest.

  “I know, but, there’s something here… you know?” I stare at him and wait for him to continue, “It’s like…” he shakes his head in frustration, “I like you… I mean I really like you. What we just did wasn’t a quick fuck, it was… I don’t know…” he trails off.

  I think I know what he is trying to say, so I finish his sentence for him, “Special?” he nods.

  He’s right. I like him too, from the moment we met I felt a connection, unlike anything I’ve ever felt with anyone else. What we just did felt right and natural.

  But there is still the matter of Annie.

  As though reading my mind, he adds, “As for Annie, I obviously don’t know her, but wouldn’t she understand?”

  I think on this, back to the farm house a few days ago where I saw her sneak into Joe’s room, “Yeah, I think s
he probably would. I guess every day in this world is a blessing, and we should take pleasure where we can.”

  Luca leans in and kisses me, “Do you feel better now?”

  “I do, sorry,” I reply returning his kiss.

  “Don’t apologise,” he lays back down and pulls me into him. We lie in silence, wrapped together until sleep claims us.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The muted voices at the front door filtered into Luca's dreams and roused him from his slumber. As memories of the previous evening rushed into the forefront of his mind, he bolted upright. Had they found out Sammie was here?

  He strained his ears, listening for some clue as to the who the visitor was, convinced that they would come running into his room and take her away. Instead, he heard the sound of the door closing, then of his father pottering around in the kitchen. He let out the breath that he had not realised he had been holding. It was unlikely that security was about to burst through his bedroom door while his father just went about making breakfast.

  He looked down at the sleeping form beside him. At some point during the night, Sammie must have turned away from him, as she now faced the wall, her nose almost touching the faded and tattered rose-covered wallpaper.

  For a brief moment, he watched her sleep, taking in the gentle rise and fall of her body as she breathed. She looked serene and peaceful. He was reluctant to wake her and bring her back into the harsh reality in which she now lived.

  But he would soon need to leave to feed the prisoners and then go to work. Before he did, they would need to work out what to do with her today.

  He planted a soft kiss on her spine, and whispered, “Wake up, sleepyhead.”

  With a small sigh, her eyes fluttered open. Just as Luca had experienced just minutes before, it did not take her long to remember, and pain flickered like shadows in her eyes.

  “Someone's just been to the house. I’m going to go and see who it was. Stay here,” he instructed, pulling on his boxer shorts and trousers, and closing the door behind him, he walked downstairs to the kitchen. He found his father stirring the oats that were boiling away on the stove.


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