Divine Intervention

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by Hayden Archer

  Futanari Demigoddess 5

  Divine Intervention

  Hayden Archer


  Cover design by Hayden Archer

  Individuals pictured on the cover are models and used for illustrative purposes only.

  Futanari Demigoddess 5: Divine Intervention Copyright 2014 Hayden Archer

  First digital edition electronically published by Hayden Archer, August 2014

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  This was not how my day was supposed to go.

  I was supposed to go to class. Okay, so maybe my plans were actually to sleep in and maybe skip a couple of my early morning classes and then go to the rest of my classes throughout the day, but still. It was supposed to be a completely normal day is my point. The classes, cheerleading practice afterwards, maybe going out to a house party in the evening because it might be a Monday but hey, there’s always time for a party.

  What definitely wasn’t supposed to happen was getting chased through campus by a bunch of cut-rate bargain-basement zombies created by a crazy lady who was mad because I grabbed a medallion her father discovered.

  A crazy lady, I might add, who seemed to be using ancient magic she didn’t quite have a one hundred percent grasp on.

  No, my day definitely wasn’t going as planned. Not at all.

  I pulled open the door to the teaching lounge slowly so as to make as little noise as possible and peered out into the hallway. It was still dark out there, but the important thing was I didn’t see anybody walking up and down the halls. Granted, this was the short end of the building and there could be anyone in the long halls at either end, the building was a giant rectangle which gave plenty of places to hide, but it looked like the coast was more or less clear. I paused and listened, hoping to catch the sound of somebody shuffling in the hallway, but there was nothing.

  I turned around and motioned to Kara who stared at me with wide eyes. She shook her head, and I motioned again.

  This time she did stand and follow. As she walked towards me I couldn’t help but admire the way her massive tits bounced under her tank top. I shook my head. No, I needed to concentrate. The last thing I needed was another distraction like what nearly got us caught about ten minutes ago. I needed to keep control.

  Damn her tits looked amazing.

  No! Control. Keep things under control.

  We crept into the hallway and made our way around to one of the stairwells. I peered around the edge into the longer hall that ran along the longer side of the building at a right angle to the hall we were standing in. It was dark, but I didn’t see anybody moving in the shadows. That didn’t mean there wasn’t somebody sitting there absolutely still waiting for us to make a move, but I figured I couldn’t plan for everything. If there was somebody out there waiting for us then we’d just have to go to plan B.

  Run like hell.

  I blinked as we stepped into the stairwell which was still lit. I wondered how Jones managed to get the lights out and evacuate everyone from the building, but there wasn’t time for little mysteries like that when I was busy doing more important things like running for my life.

  “Looks like the coast is clear,” I said.

  “Good,” Kara said.

  I’d planned on making my way down the stairs slowly, quietly, but apparently Kara didn’t get the memo. The moment I said the coast was clear she bolted down the stairs. I reached out to try and stop her, to at least try and slow her down, but she was out of my reach.

  I didn’t dare call out. If there was somebody in the stairs, or even on one of the floors below, there was a good chance yelling would just draw attention. That was the last thing I wanted.

  So I bolted after Kara, taking the steps two at a time as I ran down praying I didn’t trip, fall, break my neck, and take care of Professor Jones’ work without her lifting a finger.

  I felt the hair on my arms, on my head, starting to stand on end as we rounded the stairs from the third floor to the second. By the time I rounded the second floor and was making my way down to the first every hair on my body was standing on end. Now what was causing that?

  I rounded the final turn and was looking down onto the doors to the first floor. I nearly ran into Kara who’d come to an abrupt halt. I bit back a few choice words that came to mind as I slammed into her, both because she’d stopped so suddenly and because it looked like she’d run straight into a trap.

  “Damn it,” I said.

  I felt a strange tingling, sort of like when you have an arm or leg go to sleep, running up and down my body. Only I didn’t have time to give that much thought considering the group of five students from our class standing in front of the doors to our escape. The way the building was configured the stairs ended at a set of four doors that led into the building, but if we rounded the stairs and walked down a short hall in the opposite direction there was a door leading out of the building. Only I figured there were probably people guarding those doors as well.

  At the very least, there was no way we were getting past the five people at the bottom of the stairs without a scuffle. A scuffle that would probably result in us being captured since there were two of us and five of them.

  Damn it. Damn it. Damn it.

  “Run back upstairs,” I said.

  Kara turned and made to run up the stairs, but I could see that it was probably too late. Already our magically zombified classmates were starting after us.

  Damn it. If Jones was going to turn our classmates into zombies then why couldn’t she turn them into the slow shuffling variety that was easy to get away from me instead of the running kind from all the latest stupid movies? It would be just my luck that this was the one area where Jones turned out halfway competent.

  I turned to run up the stairs, but before I could do anything the tingling in my legs grew so overwhelming that I lost all control. Before I knew it I was tumbling forward, very hard stairs rushing up to meet my face. I squeezed my eyes shut, this wasn’t going to be fun even if I managed to land on my wrist or something, and braced for impact.

  There was a flash of bright light, but surprisingly no pain.

  I opened one eye and looked around. I fully expected to be sprawled out on the stairs even though I hadn’t actually felt my face hit anything. Maybe I was in shock or something. Not that I was upset that my face didn’t slam into the stairs, I was just a little surprised at the lack of impact. And pain. I figured there’d be a lot of that.

  I’d assumed the bright flash of light was from my head slamming into the stairs, but again no dice. I didn’t even feel like I’d had the wind knocked out of me.

  I opened the other eye. Yup. I definitely wasn’t seeing weird things with the one eye. I squeezed both eyes shut, shook my head, opened them again, but the impossible vision before me remained firmly, stubbornly in place.

  Well that was weird. I must have hit my head harder than I thought, because I could swear I was staring at a large palace with white marble steps leading up to a massive entrance with marble columns. It looked like something straight out of ancient Rome, Greece, whatever. I never paid much attention in history, as we’ve already established. Whatever time period we’re talking about, it looked sort of like the covers on some of the old albums my dad had lying around the house growing up.

  Either way, it looked old. Ancient, even.

  Okay, so this was something you didn’t see every day. But at the same time, like I mentioned before the needle on my weird-shit-o-meter was buried so far in the red zone at this point that finding myse
lf waking up in front of a giant marble columned palace really wasn’t all that surprising. A little weird, to be sure, but not the weirdest thing I’d seen lately.

  I glanced around but the only thing I saw around the marble palace was grass fields running off into the distance. Maybe I had hit my head and this was just the hallucination I was experiencing in my subconscious while back in the waking world those zombies were carrying me off to Professor Jones so she could chop me up for her stew or whatever the hell it was she had planned for me. If that was the case then I really needed to wake up, but I wasn’t sure how to even start doing that.

  I tried pinching myself, but that didn’t work. I considered going up to the top of the stairs leading into the marble palace and throwing myself off of them, falling always seemed to do the trick waking me up from a dream, but there was a small nagging voice in the back of my head telling me it might not be a good idea to do that on the off chance I wasn’t dreaming.

  Okay, so there obviously wasn’t anywhere to go but up the stairs. So I’d play along. I went up.

  I felt a tingle running along my skin not all that dissimilar from the feeling I’d had when I was running down the stairwell. It passed over my body like a wave as I walked through the columns. As I passed through those columns the palace interior went from being completely empty to bustling with people.

  Now that was a trick.

  I decided the best thing to do would be try and figure out where the hell I was, maybe get some information from someone walking around the massive interior wherever I was, but that plan was dashed almost as soon as I thought of it as an incredibly attractive girl wearing a pink toga, robe, I couldn’t really tell you what it was other than it wouldn’t look out of place during Greek week at the University, approached me with a smile.

  “Welcome, daughter of Venus,” she said.

  “Um, hi yourself?”

  “If you could follow me please?” she said.

  Okay then. If she wanted me to follow her then I’d play along. More people bustled back and forth wearing robes, some more ornate than others, but the one thing that everybody in this place had in common was they were all incredibly attractive. I’d say there wasn’t a single person less than a nine in the room. It was disconcerting considering I was used to being the only objective nine or ten in a room. Being thrown in the middle of a place where I was average was a new and very different experience.

  Not that it stopped me from looking around and enjoying the view. Hey, if my subconscious was going to project me into a room filled with insanely attractive men and women right before my untimely death because my brain thought it would be more important to come up with flights of fancy than to wake up and escape from the zombies who were no doubt dragging me to certain doom then I figured at the very least I would enjoy it.

  “So, um, where are we?” I asked.

  The girl turned and smiled, a dazzling smile that set my cock stirring. She had long brown hair down past her shoulders, wavy but not quite to the point of being curly. It was hard to tell in that toga, but it looked like she had one hell of an amazing body too.

  “You’re in a pocket dimension managed by the pantheon, but if it’s more convenient you can think of it as the Hall of the Gods or something like that,” she said.

  Okay. Interdimensional whatsit I couldn’t understand, but Hall of the Gods was clear enough.

  “So this has something to do with my mom?”

  The girl started walking again, looking over her shoulder with another smile. “Something like that.”

  I glanced around the room again, but she didn’t slow. I started jogging to catch up with her. I had a feeling if I got lost in this place I wouldn’t be able to find my way back, and I wasn’t sure what would happen to me if I wasn’t able to find my way back. Best not to find out.

  As we walked through the massive hall I noticed that only some of the people wore the pink robes. There were other colors as well, but then there were people who were dressed in clothes that looked more modern. Like they were from the real world. I wondered what the difference was between the people in the ridiculous colored togas and the people who were dressed in clothes like me. I also noticed that everyone in clothes like mine seemed to be about my age, if not slightly younger. The ones in the togas seemed to be any age, though they were all equally attractive no matter how old they were.

  “So you never did tell me where we were,” I said.

  “I told you, this is the Hall of the Gods,” she said.

  “Okay, let me rephrase. I’m in the Hall of the Gods, but what am I doing here?”

  “All new demigods and demigoddesses need to go through orientation before they go out into the world,” she said. “It wouldn’t do to have you suddenly discover your powers and get set loose on the world without any training.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You’re telling me.”

  “I’m glad you understand,” she said.

  So my subconscious was coming up with one hell of a weird scenario. But I could understand where it was coming from. The one thing I’d wondered constantly since this whole ridiculous situation started last Friday was how the hell this was happening to me and how I could control it. Obviously when I hit that step my mind cracked a little bit mentally as well as physically, I hoped the cracked skull didn’t hurt too much when I woke up, and now my subconscious was making up crazy explanations.

  “So what’s happening to me off in the real world while we’re doing this orientation stuff? Because I was kind of being chased by a big crowd of…”

  I was interrupted by the girl rounding on me and grinning.

  “You daughters of Venus always seem to have a crowd chasing after you when you discover your powers,” she said. “At least that’s what the records tell me.”

  She cocked her head to the side as though she was listening to something, but I didn’t hear anybody saying anything. In fact, it didn’t look like there was anybody within earshot of us. The farther we walked into this palace the fewer people we seemed to run into.

  “Yes, I’m told this is very common with daughters of Venus, but you don’t need to worry.”

  “I don’t think the crowd chasing me was…”

  She held up a hand and I stopped talking again. This girl just didn’t want to let me finish a sentence.

  “Again, don’t worry. Nothing will bother you while you’re in the pocket dimension.”

  I stopped and put my hands on my hips. This girl could interrupt me all she wanted, but I was going to get some answers. After all, wasn’t I the one who was the demigoddess here? I didn’t know who she thought she was, but I was pretty sure that if this was real, if I was a new addition to some ancient pantheon of gods and goddesses, then I outranked pretty much everyone up here.

  Except for maybe those gods and goddesses, but I didn’t see any of them hanging around.

  “I’m telling you I was being chased by this crazy crowd…”

  “I know you’re worried about the love crazed suitors chasing after you, but you really don’t have anything to worry about. Everything out there is frozen for you while you’re in this pocket dimension. It will only start again when you step out,” she said.

  “Okay, so what’s the purpose of bringing me here?”

  “I told you, training.”

  “So you pull me into some pocket dimension stopping time so you could train me?”

  “Think of it like a Star Wars. Luke goes away to train for what seems like forever while Han and all of his friends are on a chase through an asteroid field that couldn’t take more than a few hours. Days at most,” she said.

  I raised a skeptical eyebrow. “Star Wars? Never seen it.”

  The girl shook her head. “I really need to keep up on what’s popular with the younger crowd these days,” she said.

  I was so caught up in our conversation that I hadn’t noticed we were walking through smaller and smaller areas. When I initially walked into the palace there was the giant r
oom with massive vaulted ceilings big enough to fit the massive crowd I saw. Now we were walking through a small hallway, and the girl came to a stop in front of a door.

  “So what’s this?”

  “This is where we’ll do our training,” she said.

  I sighed and rolled my eyes, but I figured at the very least as long as I was here, assuming she was telling the truth and this wasn’t a hallucination of some sort, I was safe from those crazy zombies.

  I stepped through the door fully expecting to find myself in maybe a classroom or something like that. The last place I expected was a crowded club with music pumping and bodies pressed together. I covered my ears. The music was loud, and the steady thrum of the base pumped through me.

  “What is this?” I yelled over the music.

  I turned and my jaw dropped.

  The toga was gone. In its place my companion wore a skin tight tank top low cut enough that it left absolutely nothing to the imagination when it came to her impressive tits. It also barely covered her stomach, and it looked like she had a piercing of some sort in her belly button. Below that she had on a pair of shorts that showed off an amazingly curved ass, and long tanned legs. In short, she was easily one of the hottest girls I’d laid eyes on. Ever.

  “Holy shit,” I said.

  “You like?” she asked giving a little twirl that had me panting. I briefly wondered if I needed to roll my tongue up from the floor. “I based it on what I understand are the latest fashions on your world.”

  “You did a good job,” I said.

  I kicked myself. You did a good job? That was the best I could come up with? Sure I’d only been with a few girls up to this point, but I figured I could come up with something better than “you did a good job.”

  Oh well. Too late now.

  The girl smiled, and it was a smile that had a mixture of innocence and sincerity that was almost as much of a turn on as her skimpy clothes. Whoever she was, I definitely wanted to get to know more of her.

  “I’m Alexis, by the way,” she said.


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