Forgotten Fairytale (The Starlight Gods Series Book 7)

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Forgotten Fairytale (The Starlight Gods Series Book 7) Page 5

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "You never told me what he is," I pointed out.

  "Hmmm. You'll find out soon enough. He likes the element of surprise. Oh, and fire," Nick hinted.

  "A phoenix!" I suggested.

  "Wrong." Lily's gentle voice rang through my head.

  Aww, C'mon! He said fire!

  "Just because he says fire, doesn't mean he's a phoenix." Rose entered my mind, sounding sad about my sorry excuse.

  "Fire could mean DRAGON!" Lexi hummed.

  "Or some other mythological creatures we don't know about," Hope added with her melodic voice.

  "Fire fairy?" Midnight asked.

  "That would be rather cool," Lily commented.

  "Unexpected to say the least," Lexi added.

  "I wonder how it would be if a phoenix married a fire fairy?" Hope pondered.

  "I feel like we're going off topic here." Rose pointed out.

  "So, did we find out if Bleu is French? Asking for a friend, which I'm referring to Midnight." Lexi giggled.

  "I'm not curious!" Midnight defended.

  "SURE!" The other four emphasized.

  I groaned. I didn't find out if Bleu is French. What other spirits are there aside from demon, angel, dragon, phoenix, and dark fairy?!

  Nikolai snickered, a wide grin on his face while he looked like he was on the verge of laughter.

  "Should I answer that, or are your spirits going to answer?" he questioned.

  "I...did I say that out loud?" I shyly asked. Nick nodded.

  "It was super cute." He winked.

  I groaned and huffed. "I'm going to train."

  "I never answered your question."

  "It's secretly Midnight's," I admitted, and Midnight immediately took over to counter. "It was Mako's idea. Not mine. No interest in Bleu’s French accent. I like it though. I mean...bye." Midnight defended herself before she pulled back and vanished.

  I shook my head and sighed. "She's gone."

  "You can tell her later. I guess Bleu could be French. Maybe when we have free time, I'll ask Isa to do a DNA test. Even if I'm an orphan, maybe I'll find out my heritage. "

  "That would be nice. I'll come with you." I reassured him.

  "So you can see me squirm over needles," he mumbled, and my grin widened.

  "Yes," I said with pride.

  "Evil girlfriend."

  "Girlfriend. I like the way that sounds when you say it," I admitted, leaning in to kiss him.

  He smiled against my lips. "Me too, though I'm more pleased that you're technically mine."

  We began to make out, the connection between us returning with force. His hands started to lift my shirt, and I moaned at the touch of his hands against my hot flesh. The sound of my phone buzzed, and we broke the kiss to turn to the nightstand where my communicator phone continued its vibrating motion.

  "Boo," I mumbled. Nick chuckled and with ease lifted me up. I shrieked, immediately wrapping my arms around his neck and legs around his waist. Nick looked like he was enjoying this immensely as he walked over to pick up my phone.

  "Stop interrupting us," he complained. He was silent for a moment and rolled his eyes. "Fine. But I'm tagging along. Whatever." He ended the call abruptly.

  I lifted my eyebrow at him. "Anna?"

  "Ya. Asked if I'm coming and if I am, to leave my death stare at home," he grumbled.

  I laughed at the comment, knowing precisely what Anna was referring to.

  "Are you going to stare down all the guys training, so they don't approach us?" I giggled, unable to stop laughing.

  "Yes. Especially now that you're my girlfriend. Anna’s not even into anyone here. Everyone knows that. She wants to find love and believes in love at first sight. Plus, dating the commander is weird."

  "Drama!" I hummed before laughing some more. I had no idea why I found it so amusing, but I felt I hadn’t had a good laugh in ages. It helped me forget the problems that hovered over me when I wasn't with Nick or Anna.

  "Ugh, stopped laughing," he whined.

  "No," I said sweetly.

  He grinned as we shared a look before his lips slowly met mine. "Let's go train, but promise me if you aren't feeling well, you'll tell me. No matter how small, come to me," he whispered, his eyes full of concern.

  I gave him an appreciative look and nodded. "Okay. Thank you, Nikolai." I tightened my hold to give him a hug, and he lifted one arm to wrap around my back while the other securely held me up.

  "Always, my Butterfly. I just want to protect you."

  "I know," I replied, closing my eyes and enjoying this moment.

  Even if my current predicament sometimes made my heart ache, it was people like Nikolai who helped brightened my new life.

  Time would pass, and maybe one day I'd recover from these lost memories and start my new life with Nikolai. A girl could dream.




  "ELI! I brought dinner."

  I glanced away from the mirror to the doorway of the guest room, my eyes landing on the 5'4 female whose eyes glittered with happiness.

  Luna Hunt, Marcus' little sister. It wasn't official yet, but before the end of the cycle, she'd be sworn in as an official Hunt and be in the running for Heir.

  She had long, curly orange and gold locks, and her eyes were similar to Mako's turquoise jewels, but I knew when she got upset or serious they would turn red or gold.

  I'd met her during my teen cycles, Elias and I begging Matthew to take us around to the different realms when he went on business trips. When we came to Distala, I was introduced to Luna, and we'd tried to keep in touch by mail until phones were created to function in all the realms.

  She wore a white nightgown, the silky lace fitting her curvy body. She had medium sized breasts and thick thighs which she absolutely loved. I knew in the past, she had hated her appearance, mostly because of the shifters making fun of her, but now that she was older she seemed to embrace her body.

  Not to mention being a lion shifter, their species loved women with curves, and she had the figure to fit that category. She was a lot tanner compared to Marcus, but I knew it was due to the amount of time she spent outdoors and how she had a thing against sunscreen.

  She used her hip to close the door, carrying a platter of food. I smiled as she approached, glad she only served the main course meal and some soup on the side. Lion shifters loved food, and I'd come to terms with the fact that Luna had a vacuum in her stomach.

  Seeing as she was only 19, she was still "growing" as the King and Queen of Distala loved to emphasize.

  "I made sure only to bring a small amount of food. Mother said she left some food and drinks in the fridge in this section of the castle, so if you're hungry at night, you'll have something to eat." Luna explained, lowering the tray to the desk on my right.

  I nodded and pulled up my legs to cross them on the little ledge platform I was currently sitting on. I leaned my back against the glass window that reached the ceiling and lowered my gaze to the gold jewelry on Luna's wrists. There were two bracelets on each wrist, and I glanced at her bare feet that were in fuzzy lion slippers; she had one anklet band on each leg.

  "She noticed my stare and followed my gaze to the floor. "Oh! I normally hide these. Ah, it's all Dad's fault. He distracted me with his obsession with soccer!" Luna whined.

  "Aren't they just pieces of jewelry?" I asked.

  "No. Before female lion shifters reach the adult age of twenty, they have to take part in a ceremony which determines how many mate potentials they have. Before their birthday, the male suitors gather and present themselves for the female to decide who will be her King. She doesn't have to choose right away, but that's the logistics regarding these gold bracelets," Luna explained.

  "Oh wow. I didn't know that," I admitted. Luna smiled as she turned to face me, crossing her arms over her chest.

  "Not many people do. Lion shifters are rare now. I doubt my p
otential suitors will have lion spirits."

  "Do you want a man who has a lion spirit?" I inquired.

  Luna appeared deep in thought for a moment. "I don't know what I want to be honest."

  She shrugged, lowered her arms, and walked over to the king size bed to sit near the end. Once she got comfortable by crossing her legs in the same position as me, she continued.

  "I don't think I care. A man isn't determined by what spirit they carry. It doesn't tell me if they'll treat me with respect or remain loyal to me once we do marry. I guess I'll find out when the time comes, but I want a man who will love me for who I am. Not simply because of appearance or the potential of becoming King."

  "Wow....when did you get all knowledgeable like," I mumbled. Luna rolled her eyes and adopted a proud expression.

  "When I'm actually serious, I'm very knowledgeable! That's what Mother says anyways." Luna giggled. I smirked, lowering my gaze to my left hand.

  I lifted it up to look at the emerald lines that vividly designed the back of my hand. Mako...are you well? I hope you're okay.

  "You'll find her."

  I looked up to Luna whose eyes were now gold as she stared back at me. "I know you and Elias are worried, but I doubt the gods would let Mako die."

  "The gods don't even know what's going on," I whispered.

  "They didn't know how Mako was taken with Nighty, correct? It doesn't mean they aren't watching her like they do the rest of us. From what Marcus has told me of Mako since meeting her, she sounds like a strong shifter. She survived things none of us know occurred at the facility and has avoided death before. I doubt she'll die now," Luna said as she leaned back to rest on her hands while she uncrossed her legs.

  "How can you say that for sure, Luna? No one can find her," I murmured

  "We can't confidently say that when we haven't searched every realm," she replied.

  We were both quiet for a moment before Luna spoke up. "I contacted Trinity, earlier today."

  "Trinity? Isn't that your best friend from Japan?" I asked. Since meeting Luna, she'd been pen pals to a girl named Trinity. Aside from her name, I didn't know anything about her, but she must have had some royal background for Luna to request her assistance regarding Mako's disappearance.

  "Yes. She just left Japan and is currently on Earthala. She said she'd keep a lookout, but some weird things are happening on Earthala right now." Luna revealed.

  "Weird things?" I asked. There was a knock on the door, and we both turned to see a maid open the door and glance at Luna.

  "I'm sorry to interrupt, Princess. You have a visitor," she announced, bowing her head before she gestured for the visitor to enter the room. I gawked and Luna squealed, jumping off the bed and running to give the tall woman a tight hug.

  "WINTERLYA!" Luna greeted, running into Winterlya's open arms.

  "Evening Luna. Sorry to arrive so late. I had to visit Earthala real quick," Winterlya apologized with a smile. She looked up to meet my stunned gaze.

  "Good evening, EliaseAnne."

  "Good evening," I replied, still shocked at her arrival. Winterlya's beauty always took me off guard.

  From her 6'3 frame, her long purple locks that shifted to a vivid pink, and the beautiful blue gown that cloaked her body like a glove, she looked like a true Princess who'd become a Queen.

  She'd be someone people would always look at in awe and bow their heads in authority simply because of her simple presence. An outlook I'd never be able to achieve with my people.

  "Did you just arrive? Where's Vinnie?" Luna looked around the room as if in search of him.

  "Vinnie?" I asked.

  "Vinzent," Winterlya replied. The maid closed the door, and Luna directed Winterlya to sit with her on the bed. "He's having a chat with Risuki."

  "Risuki? You mean the Starlight god of War?" Luna asked.

  "Yes. That god is rather close with Nightmare, but due to what's been going on down on Earthala, he's behind on the recent events."

  I frowned at the news, Elias and I both knowing how close Nighty was with Risuki. "I don't think he's going to take the news well," I pointed out.

  "I count on it. If we get any crazy weather in the next couple of weeks, you all know why," Winterlya replied.

  "But, he's the god of War," Luna repeated, brow furrowed in confusion.

  "Some of the gods have more to their roles. Nightmare, for example, can use any element and is one of the strongest gods, even though she's essentially the daughter of Death and assists in the collections of souls," Winterlya explained.

  "So, Risuki can control the weather?" I asked.

  "Somewhat. He loves thunder and rain especially, though I think Earthala could use some rain with what happened," Winterlya admitted.

  Luna and I exchanged confused looks before we glanced at Winterlya. "What happened?"

  "It's a long story. There have been fire outbreaks across Earthala, LA especially."

  "Scarlet?" I asked.

  "She's well. I had to send over some medication for her to take. Being an investigator seems to be such a risky job." Winterlya shrugged.

  "Do you think Mako is there?" I inquired.

  Winterlya shook her head. "No. I've already done a check of Earthala when I went down there."

  "You did?" I asked. She nodded.

  "King Arthur contacted me before I arrived. I think it would be rather stupid to bring Mako to a realm that's been dealing with their own set of environmental problems. Not to mention the new law that was initiated. They had a conference with many leaders, and now they have to stay another week before they can leave." Winterlya sighed, crossing her right leg to rest on her left.

  "The two-week law doesn't apply to you?" Luna asked. Winterlya giggled.

  "There's no way I'd follow a stupid rule like that when I'm constantly summoned. I feel this won't do anything but increase the risk of crime in each realm."

  "Why is that?" I asked, not understanding how the new law of us staying two weeks could make people commit crimes.

  "You really think people who go to Miolana, for example, want to stay two weeks in the palace with your father?" she questioned me.

  I frowned and glanced away. "No," I mumbled.

  "Impatient leaders would rather wreck shit then be at risk of getting experimented on, or whatever the rumors are in relation to your father," Winterlya pointed out.

  "Wait. Isn't brother heading there?" Luna asked.

  "Yes. I don't think they're there now though. I've been here for a week, so they should be in ArchAilennia," I said.

  I hadn't contacted them since our last mental talk because I didn't want to worry about any of them. They were all dealing with their own problems, and I'd already caused enough trouble. I was still trying to earn Elias' forgiveness even after a week of being in Distala. We hadn't talked much; simple morning and evening greetings and he'd been resting a lot more than usual.

  I didn't blame him since he was dealing with Mako's kidnapping harder than I thought he would. I just prayed all of this was worth it and he'd forgive me. I knew it was a privilege to be able to take over like this, and I fucked it up by putting my own worries and fears ahead of the team.

  Winterlya was quiet for a few moments and Luna raised an eyebrow at her as her once gold eyes shifted red.

  "They're in Miolana," Luna stated.

  "What?" I asked, looking at Winterlya who sighed.

  "Yes. They didn't need to stay the full two weeks at ArchAilennia. King Arthur gave them a one-time pass, and they can leave Miolana once they confront your father."

  "Hold on. Are they going with King Moore?" I asked. I knew the original plan was they wanted to go on their own, but with such short notice and no reassurance that the team was strong enough to face them, my fear for their safety spiked.

  "King Moore is heading to see King Akiyama. There were some issues, and seeing as King Arthur and Queen Catherine aren't in the proper state to perform royal duties, King Moore volunteered to help. The other
star knights are going on their own," Winter revealed.

  "They can't face my father on their own. It's only been a week. I doubt any of them are ready for his attitude," I argued.

  "Your dad really is a pain in the ass, huh?" Luna sighed and glanced over at Winterlya. "Any chance you can go there?"

  "I could, but that's a tiresome trip you’re asking me to take Luna," Winterlya pointed out.

  I uncrossed my legs and scooted off the platform I sat on to walk over to Winterlya. She and Luna both looked toward me.

  I gave Winterlya a deep bow. "Please, Winterlya? I should have been there to give them support as a team, but I screwed up and thought if I came down alone, I could accomplish much more. I know how powerful my friends are, but I can't afford for them to be trapped on that realm for two weeks. The thought alone is terrifying," I whispered.

  Our own people barely survived going to the kingdom with urgent matters, and everyone else made sure they lived as far away from the castle walls. I could remember our childhood with the snap of my fingers, and I wouldn't wish my worst enemy to experience what Elias and me had endured.

  When you run away from your own realm, that should already tell the people around you how bad life was there.

  Winterlya was quiet and Luna sighed. "Winterlya. I ask for your assistance with this one. I've heard the rumors regarding King Kingsley and the minimal respect he has for his people and outsiders. That is one of the few reasons King Arthur goes there himself, and we all know he never goes alone. The star knights are strong together, but without Elias and Eli, as well as with the state they’re in from the kidnapping of the Princess, they could get into a stickier situation without necessary assistance," Luna pointed out.

  I slightly lifted my head to see her red eyes and solemn expression, her political side coming to my aid.

  "And you two have confidence in me to help versus a king or queen?" Winterlya questioned.

  "I may be nineteen, Winterlya, but even I know how long you've been a part of this world, and you've made yourself known across the realms. You've gained enough respect and proven your power enough for royals to request your assistance. I've never met King Kingsley and I never wish to. However, I can guarantee he wouldn't want to pick a fight with you, especially knowing who Vinnie is, which I know he’ll accompany you," Luna declared.


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