Forgotten Fairytale (The Starlight Gods Series Book 7)

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Forgotten Fairytale (The Starlight Gods Series Book 7) Page 7

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "Finally, we're out." Daniel’s shoulders relaxed as he exhaled.

  I sighed in relief and moved to Ryder's side. He gave me a look as I lifted his left arm to rest on my shoulder.

  "I don't need help," he mumbled.

  "Just admit you look like Casper the ghost, Ryder," Winterlya commented with a shake of her head. Ryder was silent, but he looked troubled for a second.

  "Ryder, what's wrong?" Daniel asked.

  "Nothing...just thought of Mako singing the theme song for Casper, that's all," he admitted through our bond. We all frowned and Winterlya raised an eyebrow.

  "Did I say something that Mako would say?" she asked.

  "Ya. Something like that." Kai spoke up for Ryder, who looked like he didn't want to be a part of the conversation anymore.

  Winterlya nodded and peered at our ship a few feet away. "You guys should head back."

  "Wait, what about you?" I asked. I may not have been an angel, but I'd noticed just from our walk from the castle, Winterlya appeared even more exhausted than before.

  "I'm fine. I need a word with Vinzent and then will be on our way to Distala," Winterlya replied.

  "There's no way you're teleporting back that length without practically killing yourself, Winterlya," Kai pointed out. He wore a worried expression, but his words were stern.

  "I'll be fine. You all shouldn't be lingering on this realm. Especially with the King wanting to take you off the living list," Winterlya commented.

  Her wand began to glow, and in seconds, the wand disappeared as a tall light formed next to Winterlya. She wasn't the least surprised compared to us who watched in amazement.

  Vinzent came into view as the light dimmed. His eyes scanned around us before he turned his gaze on Winterlya. "I don't normally agree with what shifters have to say, but Kai has a point."

  We all bowed our heads to Vinzent, knowing he was not Winterlya’s bodyguard but her familiar and a Starlight god. We'd found out during Mako's recovery from the poisoning incident on Minato, and though it came as a shock, it was nice to know some of the gods lived among us.

  "I'm fine," Winterlya stated, crossing her arms over her chest.

  "That's what females say when everything is not fine," Vinzent replied.

  Winterlya groaned. "That's when we're arguing, or you forget to bring me chocolate that you promised."

  "You said you'd remind me," he mumbled.

  "I did!"

  "Um..." Daniel started, but I shook my head.

  "Let them work it out," I stressed, and we moved away to give the two some privacy as they continued their argument over chocolate and, apparently, Vinzent’s failed attempts at choosing the right wine.

  "Where are we heading now? Back to ArchAilennia?" Kai asked.

  "Don't see the point. My dad isn't there, and I think it would be too risky to hide on a realm full of angel shifters. We may be mean and not as holy as we state we are, but Jeffrey wouldn't get far lying.

  "Elias and Eli are in Distala. Minato, I doubt Jeffrey would step foot there when he's recognizable and many students would remember Mako. Earthala is out of the question now too," Kai added.

  "So Feminara, Phentailia, Wintalyn, and Latelia," Ryder suggested.

  "Why don't we send EliaseAnne to Wintalyn? I can check Phentailia, and you guys can check Feminara? By the time King Moore has arrived, my father would be updated with whether there has been any suspicious activity. Then when I arrive, he can give me a summarized report, and I can tell you all while you check Feminara," Kai said.

  "Splitting up?" Daniel asked.

  "You know how strict my culture is and even though we're all royals, they would feel more threatened with all of us arriving in their realm. Everyone gets a bit antsy when there are too many powerful shifters in one place unless it's for a sacred event or competition. With me going, it won't cause alarm and if Jeffrey is hiding there, he won't be alerted if I arrive." Kai explained.

  "So, Kai will go to Phentailia while we're at Feminara. We'll all stay the two weeks and gather the information we need while Elias and Eli are in Wintalyn doing their search. After all that, we'll gather in Latelia to do a search together?" I summarized, looking around our group for confirmation.

  Ryder nodded. "Sounds good."

  "When we get to Feminara, you're on bed rest," Daniel ordered. Ryder didn't say anything, but he nodded.


  We all turned to see Winterlya in Vinzent’s hold, her face even paler than before. Shit.

  Daniel rushed over to them as Vinzent lowered her to the ground. We moved back to where they sat on the almost dead soil, and Daniel was already at work, his eyes glowing brightly as his hands were engulfed in a gold light and hovering over Winterlya.

  He started from her head down to her toes and moved back up until he stopped at her chest. "She's almost at her magic limit," Daniel announced.

  We all exchanged glances and Vinzent bit his lip, appearing both worried and frustrated.

  "When was the last time she rested?" Daniel asked Vinzent.

  "Rest as in days? Not in a while. She's probably gotten maybe one full eight hours of sleep when she arrived at Heila. Other than that, Winterlya had been on the move constantly," Vinzent explained.

  "There's no way she's teleporting to Distala, or anywhere for that matter," Kai stated.

  "Why hasn't she been resting?" I asked. Vinzent frowned and picked Winterlya up in his arms.

  She let out a weak moan as her head rested against his chest.

  "Have you noticed the changes across the realms lately?" Vinzent asked, his voice firm as he glanced around us.

  We exchanged looks and nodded. We'd been focused on Makoto the last couple of rotations, but you could see the increase in crime, murder, and kidnapping of shifters across the realms. It was as if the chaos that was going on across the galaxy had risen significantly these last rotations.

  "Winterlya receives calls from the realms practically every day, and it's only doubled in the last three rotations. People forget that she's only one person and can't be everywhere at once. I've tried encouraging her to take some time off, but she won't listen to me, and Karen's been busy with Mako's recovery before checking on the students in Minato," Vinzent explained.

  "She'd listen to Karen?" Daniel asked.

  "Yes. I guess when I say I'm worried about her, it's lover talk, but Karen shares her concern and Winterlya will actually take a day off. Hmph," Vinzent grumbled.

  We grinned at the remark, knowing how Mako wouldn't make much fuss if Eli or even Scarlet had asked for her to take a day off, but if we tried to say how worried we were for her, she'd say we were spoiling her.

  "Let's go back to Heila," Ryder suggested.

  Kai nodded. "Karen's most likely still there, so let's bring Winterlya back to get checked. Daniel can stabilize her on the trip back. At least with Heila, we don't need to deal with the two-week rule, especially since we're stopping for Winterlya's safety."

  "Sounds like a plan," I replied, and Daniel nodded.

  "Let's get going."

  We turned to head to the ship but stopped when Vinzent spoke. "Thanks."

  "Huh," we all said in unison, looking back at Vinzent who had seemed a bit uncomfortable.

  "Did a Starlight god just thank us?" I asked, wondering if my ears had stopped working for a moment and fabricated the spoken word.

  Vinzent sighed. "Winterlya says I should work on say thanking you to shifters and mortals who assist me. Seeing as you’re helping us, and Winterlya's too weak to say it, I guess I'll suck up my god pride and do it myself," Vinzent mumbled.

  "Wow. Today turned out to be a blessed day." Daniel grinned.

  "I wished I had a recorder, so I could have evidence of this moment," I added.

  Ryder and Kai shook their heads but they both smiled. "You're welcome, Vinzent," Ryder replied.

  "We'd always assist Winterlya and yourself if you needed it. You've aided us when we required help, so think of it as r
eturning one of the many favors we've collected," Kai added.

  "Just don't be like Kai and use our favors against us," I mumbled. Daniel and Ryder nodded in agreement while Kai rolled his eyes but had a grin on his lips.

  Vinzent had a small smile on his face and he nodded.

  I looked back to the ship and once more the large castle that barely had any lights on even though it was night time.

  What a lonely life to live. Elias was his shining light, and he fucked up. Maybe this is his punishment for those actions cycles ago. Who knows.


  I smiled and crouched down with my arms open, waiting for the group of children to run into my warm embrace.

  "Hey everyone. It's been awhile." I giggled as the group of boys and girls did their best to hug me all at once.

  "We missed you!" a blonde girl stated.

  "Are you here to see Isa?" a ginger-haired girl asked.

  "You're here with Nick!" a brunette girl exclaimed.

  "Are you two finally dating?!" a redhead girl shouted.

  "What?!" three of the boys who were hugging me from behind exclaimed and looked at Nikolai next to me. He watched me with a broad grin on his face.

  "Ya, we're dating," he confirmed, his admission making me blush. The girls squealed and began to jump up and down.

  "Nick and Mako, sitting in a tree! K.I.S.S.I.N.G!" They sang together, giggling and laughing as they ran around us.

  "Yeah, Nick!" one of the guys declared.

  "Mako's pretty. You did well" the second boy added.

  "So, are we invited to the wedding?" the third boy asked.

  "Sure. It's not for a while. I have to win Mako's heart." Nick winked, and the little girls squealed.

  "See guys! Learn from Nick!" The girls pointed at Nick as they spoke, and the guys groaned.

  "Run away before they try to force us to date them!" The first boy shouted as he took off running. The other two other boys gave me tight squeezes before they followed their friend.

  "COME BACK HERE! Bye Mako and Nick!" The girls yelled out, waving goodbye as they all raced off to catch the boys who had almost reached the town edge.

  I smiled with joy as I rose back up, my eyes lingering on the children as they laughed and screamed happily.

  Nick slid his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder while his gaze was on the children. "Seeing them like that is what motivates me to keep doing these missions," he admitted. I nodded.

  "Even with such dark pasts and the knowledge that their parents didn't want them, they can still smile and laugh. Proves that you can still be happy, even if you don't know your background or have the harsh reality of being left for dead," I whispered.

  "You think an adult can be happy?" Nick asked, his voice so low I almost missed it. I turned my head and he moved his chin off my shoulder to meet my gaze.

  "I think anyone can obtain happiness. I don't know who I am, but standing here in the arms of a man who loves me regardless, contributes to the happiness I feel right now. Your past only partly contributes to the individual you are today. It's the steps you take in the present that will determine your future. Everyone can achieve happiness. You just have to make sure your vision isn't blinded by people or challenges that may not want you to reach such fulfillment," I explained.

  We shared a look, and a small smile formed on his face before he kissed me gently on the lips. "How are you able to do that?"

  "Do what?"

  "Your way with words. You're able to look at the world at such a positive angle, and when someone can't see what you see, you use words to help ease someone's anxiety, anger, or at times, pain. I've always worried about being an orphan and not knowing my past. It's something that's bothered me for cycles, but being with you helps lessen the burden those dark thoughts push on me," he admitted.

  I turned in his embrace to face him, our eyes locked on one another as I reached up to stroke his cheek.

  "You accept me with open arms, and have done nothing but protect and love me for who I am. You deserve the same treatment, if not more, for being the genuinely kind individual you are. It's thanks to you that many of these kids can continue to live here in peace because of the money you contribute," I whispered.

  He blushed at my words as he glanced away. "How did you know about that?" he mumbled.

  "A demon birdy told me," I replied.

  He groaned. "Ann?"

  "She likes to go by Anna during work hours," I teased, knowing Ann was currently on an assignment.

  He shook his head. "I don't want to imagine you two together for too long. I can guarantee trouble, especially once you start drinking."

  "I drank only once!" I huffed.

  "And you're not drinking without me supervising you," Nick mumbled.

  "Why not?! I was good!" I argued. Nick lifted an eyebrow at me.

  "You were all over George because he wore a unicorn onesie, and you announced to the entire bar that you were the Princess of Unicorns before you proceeded to declare the base as your kingdom. AND don't get me started with George's failed attempt to try to take you to the unicorn palace, which was his fucking room!"

  I blushed and looked away innocently, not remembering any of what he just revealed. "Oh look, we're gonna be late."

  Nick groaned. "Just admit it. You're addicted to unicorns and shouldn't be near anything that sparkles when drunk."

  "I won't deny the fact that unicorns are awesome, but I will not cage my drunk desires of being near shiny objects. It's my shifter right to do as I want, sober or not," I declared proudly.

  "Shifter, right? You know what? I won't even argue." Nick sighed, clearly giving up on his attempt to fight back. I smirked, wrapped my arms around his neck, and pulled him down for a steamy kiss.

  He groaned against my lips while his arms tightened around me, pressing my body against his.


  We both leaned back and turned to see the kids hiding behind a large rock. "I got a picture! Let's show Isa!" The group laughed before they ran off toward where we were supposed to be heading.

  "HEY!" Nick called out, but none of them stopped, their hysterical giggles like music to my ears as I grinned. Nick huffed. "They shouldn't be allowed to have phones."

  I raised up and kissed the bottom of his clean-shaven chin, and he lowered his eyes to meet mine. "True, but at least we'd have a nice picture to save on our phones."

  "Hmm." He hummed and kissed me once more. "I guess."

  "Let's go?"

  "Ya. Don't want to be late for your appointment. I think I'll get Isa to scan me too. Haven't had one in three rotations," Nick added.

  "Good, because I don't like those machines," I admitted. Nick gave me a tight hug and left a soft kiss on my neck.

  "Don't worry, I'll be there the whole time," He assured me.

  I nodded into his shoulder. "Okay. Let's go see Isa."

  "Everything looks good from the reports. Your spirits are all stable as well." Isa’s eyes scrolling through the printed results. I walked out from behind the curtain as I buttoned my shirt.

  We'd just completed a three-hour examination. One hour was spent on physical scans which involved massage techniques before entering the machine for scans that assessed our body and ruled out lingering injuries obtained during our missions.

  The second portion assessed our emotional and mental state and responses. For most of us shifters living on base, we were required to take pills every day. Those who'd been here for longer than two cycles and had no mental disturbances were lowered to once a week, but for someone like me, I had to take two capsules of the white medication every day.

  The purpose of the medication was to alleviate the stress that would come with memory triggers. If the single dose didn't help, it was upped to double. For me, however, I started off with two capsules right away, something that even Ann pointed out was rare.

  I was already the "special" shifter here for having five power spirits, all
of them having different elements and spirit races. To people of power, I'd be the perfect weapon for acts of war, but currently, I was using such power to clean up the realms of the increased number of rogues who had gained enough confidence to do whatever they pleased. Until Starlight Reapers started spreading around.

  Isa hadn't brought up that topic yet, but I knew it would be discussed whether I liked it or not. Especially with another mission coming up, which looked like it would be my first solo assignment. I knew Nikolai wasn't going to leave this house until he was 110% reassured I'd be okay alone and not be crippled by annoying headaches.

  I glanced over at him, my eyes trailing down his bare chest as he sat on the physical assessment table. He reviewed something on his phone, but he must have sensed my gaze. Nikolai lifted his red eyes to catch me admiring him again.

  He grinned and raised his hand, gesturing for me to sit next to him. I smiled, walking over to where he sat as I finished buttoning the last gold button of my short-sleeved dress shirt.

  My attire was a bit business classy today, my white top having gold buttons and the sleeves were half rolled up in a designed pattern. There were small gold zippers on the sides for extra show, and I matched it with a pink skirt that hugged my curves and had gold buttons trailing down the front. My pink heels were in the corner with Nick's black dress shoes.

  I'd gained a bit of weight in my hips and butt, and even my breasts were a bit bigger thanks to Nikolai being all strict on my poor eating habits. He literally had a food alarm on his phone set just for me, and if I dared miss a meal, I'd be hearing a long ass lecture of how food nurtures the soul and the importance of maintaining my curves. Essentially, I gave up trying to fight his methods within a week, and now I'd gotten used to it.

  I ran my hand over the bracelet that I had kept on my wrist. The origins of it were unknown, and I'd been debating whether to throw it away, but the thought always brought tears to my eyes, so I'd officially given up on trying. It wasn't like it was hurting me or anything, so at least that was a good sign.


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