Queen Of My Heart

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Queen Of My Heart Page 6

by Silver, Jordan

  “Like a babe your majesty, your wife, my sister has seen to my every comfort.” He stretched and yawned as he followed me to the fire where the morning meal was waiting. It was a little before dawn and if we wanted to make it home in a reasonable time we would have to start our days early. Had she not been among us I would’ve ridden longer into the night but I will not take chances with her safety though I did not expect anything to befall us.

  She exited the tent moments later looking more like the queen she was. Her maids had plaited part of her hair and wrapped it around her head with sprigs of the forest flowers, leaving a long fall of it to hang down her back. The style was very becoming on her fine features and the red of her surcoat matched almost perfectly her russet colored curls in the early morning light. She looked fresh young and well rested, not like she’d passed the night with her amorous husband buried inside her half the night. The thought brought a smile to my face and a swelling to other parts of my body. Later, I will leave such thoughts for later. Right now it was time to get the day started and be about our way.

  “Come Rhiannon.” I beckoned her over to join us as we turned to our meal.

  “Good morrow Jason, did you pass the night well?” She took a seat between us and of course pretended that I didn’t exist while she fawned all over her brother. I hid my grin at her obvious slight and just enjoyed the friendly banter between the two of them as she tried to boss the poor lad around, as was her wont. I was pleased to see that at least some of the sadness that had been evident in her upon my arrival at her father’s castle had receded. She no longer had the gaunt look of death about her.

  It was a sobering thought to realize that I had brought her to that. I know that very soon I will have to tell her of the reasons behind my actions but I was hoping to put that off until after I had her safely ensconced in my home. I was no longer sure of her reaction to the revelation. The sweet biddable girl I’d grown to know might’ve easily forgiven my lapse in judgment, I’m not too certain this hellcat will be as understanding. More’s the pity; looks like there will be more trying days ahead. Hopefully I would’ve sweetened her up by then.

  “Here Rhian try this.” I shared a portion of honey cake with her and was more than a little surprised when she accepted the tiny morsel from my fingertips without objection. Could be that so engrossed was she in her brother’s fabricated tales that she wasn’t aware of her actions. I used the distraction to feed her thus for the rest of the morning meal. I found myself more than once studying her beneath lowered lids so as not to appear too obvious. Who was this amazing creature that is my wife? Which one will I spend eternity with? The sweet young girl who was even now taking such gentle care of a young man who had no one else in this world? Or the hellcat who had scratched and bit my flesh in the night as I took her time and again?

  “It’s time you two.” the meal had been over for some time but I had thought to indulge her for just a while longer. It was hard going on the back of a horse all day and into the night, not to mention I knew she missed her brother while we rode and then in the evenings he was more inclined to stay among his new friends. She did have her ladies with her for company but it was not the same.

  The tents had been packed up and all was in readiness. She was making her way throughout the camp speaking to all she passed until I caught up with her after having a word with my men. The terrain we were about to traverse was not the safest with its hilly crags and cliff facing. It could be seen by some, as an ideal place for an attack though I had no fear of such a thing it always paid to be on the alert.

  My enemies were being held in check until my arrival in the lands on the north side of my kingdom so we weren’t expecting anything from this end. I’d left my second in command to see to that matter while I came after my wife though the men here with me today were by no means lacking. If anything should happen I had no doubt we would hold our own. I just wanted them to be aware that she was their first priority if such a thing were to happen.

  I got her from among her women and took her towards my steed that stood awaiting us. I was amazed that she showed no fear of the beast. Most people shied away from the cantankerous animal but she walked right up to him and spoke into his eyes. His tail whipped about before he lowered his head and butted her shoulder before trying to nibble on her hair. Her sweet laughter rang out and my heart jolted at the sound.

  I lifted her into the saddle before me after gaining the animal’s back and gave the signal for the camp to follow.

  Now she's sitting atop my steed with her queenly carriage, stiff shoulders, back ramrod straight. This new pique is because I refused her her own mount. Knowing her penchant for disobedience she'd probably try to head back in the opposite direction. I wasn't taking any chances; I'd already changed plans in my attempt to placate her. Instead of the hard terrain that would take us home in another day or two I've opted instead to travel the countryside hoping the scenery might loosen her up a bit and maybe sweeten her disposition if such a thing were possible. I remembered that she had once spoken of her love for such things and was hoping it would have a positive affect on her.

  This little boon was going to cost me at least one extra day of travel, a day I could hardly afford to spare, but I was willing to do anything short of giving up my kingdom to win her favor once more. It was a true testament to the tender feelings I bore my stubborn wife. We had just finished the noon meal and it was time to be off once again.

  Climbing up behind her, I wrapped my arms around her stiff frame; I could hear Jason's laughter behind me as he jested with the men, no doubt sharing lurid tales. She looked around me and I saw her wave and smile at her little brother before facing forward again. I guess all the stiffness was saved for me because I could've sworn that not long ago I'd heard her conversing with some of my men, inquiring about their families. It surprised and elated me to know that she'd met some of the wives before, something I hadn't even known. Maybe if I'd paid more attention instead of looking after my kingdom in the day and saving our talks only for those few hours in the night I would've grown to learn my wife much better and wouldn't have been so easily led into accepting what I now know to be lies against her.

  I squeezed her gently and kissed her temple knowing full well it would throw her off which it did. She stiffened even farther before relaxing back against me; up until now I'd saved my special touches for when we were making love, before when she was in our home, before I'd cast her out, we'd shared a few tender kisses, now I was thinking it might be good to keep her off guard by taking a few liberties here and there since it appeared she couldn't resist my touch. I tested my theory by letting the tip of my thumb brush against the bottom of her full breast back and forth. Her body literally melted back against mine, giving me a splendid idea.

  Thank heaven she was too young and inexperienced to hide such a reaction from me, or worse yet use it against me. I doubt she understood how much she gave away with her body’s natural reaction to my touch and nearness. I cupped her ripe flesh under cover of her cloak and squeezed drawing forth the sweetest sound from her lips. I stole a quick nip of the flesh of her neck, as she seemed to have lost the ability to hold her head up straight but instead rested it back against my chest.

  "When we're home again, one day I shall take you up on my horse and fuck you as we race across the east meadow." I made sure to let my lips brush her ear as I whispered the vulgarity in her ear. Her small frame shook and she made that sweet sound again as I pulled her back onto my hardening cock. “Do you feel that wife? Did you like having all that hardness buried inside you these last few nights, hmm? Do you have any idea how wild and abandoned you look while I fuck you, or what that does to me?” Her body shook and her nails dug into the flesh of my arm as she came, grinding her plump arse flesh back into my now fully hard cock. Sweet mercy, if mere words could do this, what more when I put action to those words?

  In my need to be alone with her to carry on with my newfound pleasure, I had pulled slightly ah
ead of my men and her personal guard. I did not want prying eyes and ears overhearing or seeing the things I did to her body as I kept up a constant assault on her senses. I between soft nibbles of her flesh I kept up a barrage of whispered words meant to inflame her senses. She could not hide from me what her body revealed, neither the pebbling of her nipple beneath my palm, or the slight trembling of her limbs.

  It was as I lifted my head for some much-needed respite from her heady scent that I first saw the flash of light up ahead. At first it appeared to be nothing more than a play of light against the trees, but for a trained soldier it told a different story. Being careful not to alarm her, I withdrew my hand from her body more abruptly than I would have liked and turned back to my men. My blood ran cold at the thought of what might have happened had I not lifted my head in time.

  I rode through the ranks until I came to her brother and deposited her on his horse behind him. “Protect your sister.” Turning to my men who had stopped at my approach and were no doubt wondering at my strange behavior I told them what I suspected. “I saw a flash of armor up ahead in the denser part of the forest bed. They are well hidden but I do not know as yet how many and if it’s just the one group or if they’ve broken off in two, one in front and one behind. We will carry on as if we know nothing. Some of you will go around and behind but you must be as quiet as possible. We now have the upper hand as they’ve lost the element of surprise. We will stop here long enough to give you time to get in place behind them on the pretense that my horse has lost a shoe.”

  The men murmured among themselves as we chose who was to go. There was an air of excitement as it had been sometime since we’d enjoyed a good battle. I too would’ve felt that heat for battle had my wife not been caught in the middle. “Jonas, Tam, Sheldon and Dane. You will stay with my queen and see that no harm comes to her. As soon as the others give their signal we will send the horsed ahead at speed while we move in on foot. This way they will show themselves and be out in the open for our attack.”

  Chapter 11

  Four of my best scouting men slid into the woods on foot as I set about doing as I’d said. “Do not worry Rhiannon, I will let nothing happen to you.” She seemed scared but was holding onto her composure nonetheless. With no care for our audience I pulled her to me and kissed her before going to tend my horse. If the men up ahead had us in their sights it would appear that we had stopped to tend him. I was sure that they would not give up their position by showing themselves so there was no fear of attack. By the time they realized it was a ruse it would be too late, as my men in the woods would’ve out flanked them. I would study the question of who and how later. Could be they were just a band of brigands and highwaymen, but if they were not and were my enemies instead then I would know that I had a traitor in the midst.

  As soon as we received the signal from my men a few minutes later, my remaining men and I sprang into action leaving the queen and her brother behind with their guard. Soon the air was rife with the sounds of battle as my men in the woods unleashed their bows in the enemy from behind. Since we had taken the element of surprise away from them and were at the ready as we rode towards them they were the ones who now found themselves caught in the middle.

  I recognized the colors immediately and swallowed the bitter taste of disappointment for now as I swung my sword from atop my steed. While half of my men dealt with the lesser men and the other half protected my back I made my way down the middle to the leader who was also well protected by his men. It was an act that left many stymied but one I found to be most affective. No king in battle went after the enemy without his men at his side, instead choosing to remain surrounded by his men.

  I knew that if I took out their leader the rest would scatter, it was a time-honored truth that had never failed me. With my attention focused solely on the head of the Torcs, I trusted my men to cover me as I cut my way through the melee. Clasping my horse with my thighs I drew my bow and sent two arrows flying in quick succession. One went through the neck and the other pierced his armor. As was to be expected at the fall of their leader the others started to flee but I had other ideas. I only needed one of them alive though so I gave my men orders to pursue and cut them down saving one alive.

  We rode a ways away from the battle site before I called a halt. “We will stay here I must see to the injured. Tie the prisoner and leave him I’ll deal with him later.” The men went about setting up camp as I went to see about the few who had been injured. Rhiannon surprised me when she brushed by me with a sack on her shoulder shouting orders to her ladies to make the men comfortable. “My lady we have someone here to tend to the wounded.”

  “I can be of help, let your man see to the more serious injuries and we will do what we can.” She seemed to know what she was about as she called for cloths and water. The men were set up on pallets in the open, as there had been no time to set up their tents as yet. I made the rounds checking our number to be sure that we had lost none in the little skirmish. Jason was at my heel asking me a thousand questions about the fighting, he seemed more excited than alarmed by the day’s happenings and it led me to contemplate something I’d barely given any thought to.

  I hadn’t quite decided what was to be done with the young man on arriving at my kingdom, but his new excitement gave me an idea. “You fancy being a soldier young Jason?”

  “Oh yes brother more than anything, but…” he looked down at the leg that was bent at an awkward angle and was the source of the limp that impaired his movement.

  “I’ve seen you fight Jason. I think with the right training we may make a fine soldier of you yet.”

  “Do you mean it your majesty?” His eyes were bright with excitement and I was reminded once again of his youth. I ruffled his hair and sent him back to Jonas while I went to question the prisoner.

  He had been bound and tied to a tree with two of my men keeping watch over him. I relieved them and studied the young man who stood before me. The leader had been a nobleman from the days of my grandfather’s reign, one of the last of a few rebels who had refused to accept my lead. He wasn’t the first I’d had to put down but hopefully he was the last. Most preferred and alliance as opposed to war as my reputation preceded me. I was known to show no quarter to my enemies neither did I take prisoners. Why should I feed and shelter those who sought my demise?

  “How did you know I would be passing by this way?” He glared at me with contempt as I drew closer to his side. He wasn’t one of my former subjects at least not one that I’d lain eyes on before and I had made a point of meeting all the men of fighting age when I was crowned as king years ago. Still he could’ve slipped my notice, it was possible.

  “I asked you a question, if you want to live to see the dawn I suggest you answer. From where did you learn of my whereabouts?” Only a handful of people knew where I’d gone to and I’m quite certain my mother and father hadn’t let slip to anyone what I was about. He grinned facetiously when I raised my fist. “You’re going to kill me anyway so I might as well stay still. That way the next one to attempt your death will have success.”

  “So there’re more of you are there? Very well I’ll just have to dispatch the scum the same way I did your leader today.” I drew my sword to take his head and be done with it. I have no stomach for torture and I deplored the practice of slavery so there was only one recourse left.

  When I was through, I went to the tent before heading back to where I’d left my wife tending my men. She wad still at it, sewing up the arm of one of my soldiers who’d taken a broad axe to the arm. She was fair to drooping as she knelt next to him on the grass in the waning sunlight. When she was through binding his arm I picked her up my intent to head to the nearby stream to wash away the day’s grime. “Put me down you big ox.” She started pounding my shoulder and I almost dropped her in my surprise.

  “Rhiannon, what mean you by this? What has gotten into you?” There were tears in her eyes and I realized I hadn’t stopped to think of the fear s
he must’ve felt. “Forgive me my love I didn’t think…”

  “No you didn’t, what mean you going into the thick of it as you did? You could’ve lost your fool head, not that I care one wit.” She broke into tears and it took me a while to realize that it fear for me that had upset her. I snatched her back up in my arms and twirled her around to the enjoyment of my men.

  “Put me down you lout or I swear I shall, I shall bash your thick skull in whilst you sleep.” I grinned up at her before stealing a kiss. “Never, I’m never putting you down again.” I held her close to my heart as I made my way to the water. My men knew not to come near while we were there together so I had no fear of undressing her there beneath the moonlight. She was so busy railing at me for putting myself at risk during the battle that she didn’t try to stop me.

  When we were both naked, I lifted her and into my arms and walked into the water. Her screech of outrage awakened the birds that were bedding down for the night in the trees above us. I dunked her head beneath the water before she could flay me with her tongue farther and started washing her while she was busy trying to get her hair from her eyes. I passed her the soap, which I now saw was rose scented; too late, she was already running it over my chest and arms. Again so caught up was she in her chastisement of me that she scarcely seemed to be aware of her actions.

  “Whoever taught you to fight was very lacking in their skills. A king never leaves his guard and forge into the thick of battle whatever were you thinking?” She fussed and prodded and poked at me, running her hands over my body until I understood that she was searching for injuries. “I suffered no harm love quit your fretting.” I pushed her wet hair back lifting her face to me. She had stopped her crying but there was still evidence of tears in her eyes. Did she realize what she had given away just then? Dare I hope that this meant we were finally past our impasse? Or will her mercurial mood raise its ugly head again?


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