The Shadow Fox

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The Shadow Fox Page 7

by H. K. Varian

  “You have to cancel. The games aren’t safe,” the young woman said. She sounded frustrated, as if she had been trying to get through to this guy for a while.

  His stony face read that he was just as determined not to listen.

  “My team had direct orders from the First Four to track the Shadow Fox,” she said. “We had sightings in Willow Cove, and then she disappeared. So we knew she was on the move, but we didn’t know where she was going. I lost her for a couple of days, but this morning I picked up her trail again, and it led here. There are kitsune paw prints burned all over the forest. She’s somewhere around the school.”

  “Yeah, and there are also kitsune students and professors on campus. I even caught a kitsune youngling sneaking around here yesterday. We can’t cancel the games just because you think you picked up her trail. No one else has seen her, and we have Class B guards posted all over the place. Security isn’t taking any risks,” the man responded. “Besides, too many younglings and their trainers have traveled here for us to cancel the games based on your guess. I’m not risking my neck to report this.”

  The woman’s eyes flashed with anger. “Are you kidding? It’s not a guess. She’s here, and you’re putting all those younglings—the whole school—in danger. You know what the Shadow Fox is capable of.”

  The man dismissed her concerns. “All I know are the boogeyman stories I was told as a kid. Like I said, we have Class B guards posted at every entrance. Mr. Kimura’s enchantments are in place. You’re overreacting. I don’t know what you saw, but it wasn’t the Shadow Fox.”

  “I am not overreacting!” the woman shouted. “At least talk to the headmaster before you go on with the games. Tell her what I found. Let her decide.”

  The man shook his head. “Go tell her yourself.”

  “They’re already being seated for the opening ceremony. I need Class B credentials to reach her in time.”

  “Then tell your story to someone else. I’m not going to bother the headmaster with this. What would the Shadow Fox want with a bunch of younglings anyway? If she’s after anyone, it’s Akira Kimura. But she’d never risk going after him in such a public setting. She’d be apprehended instantly.”

  Gabriella gave up pretending to jog and came to a dead stop. The Shadow Fox was after Mr. Kimura specifically—not the First Four as a whole? That was new. If she had some kind of vendetta against Mr. Kimura, then . . . was the Shadow Fox trying to use Mack to get to him?

  The pair noticed Gabriella then, and moved away, lowering their voices.

  Gabriella had heard enough. She had to update the group, in case the woman’s warning was true. She ran her hands over her pockets and only then remembered that she had left her cell phone in her dorm room.

  She sped back to campus, scanning the crowd on the lawn for signs of Mack, Darren, Fiona, or any of the First Four. The door to the boys’ dorm was locked. It wouldn’t have mattered, anyway. She didn’t even know Mack’s room number.

  The girls’ dorm was empty. Everyone must already be at the opening ceremony, Gabriella thought. She took the stairs three at a time, her footsteps echoing in the empty halls, and grabbed her phone from the nightstand next to her bed. She quickly called Fiona, only to find out Fiona’s phone went straight to voice mail. She must have turned it off.

  Duh, she thought. Fiona would be going to the lagoon after the opening ceremony. Of course she would turn her phone off.

  Next she texted the group:

  The Shadow Fox is back. She wants to use Mack to get to Mr. Kimura. Find the First Four. Be safe!!!!!

  She anxiously waited for an answer, but none came. They must not have their phones either. I’ll have to go and find them in the arena.

  Gabriella knew she could run much faster in her jaguar form. She Changed and raced across the now-empty campus to the arena. When she arrived, she transformed again, just as the opening ceremony was about to start. She scanned the crowd, looking for the First Four, but she couldn’t see them in the sea of people. Did they know? Maybe they were already making plans to keep Mack and the campus safe.

  The band struck the first notes of their opening number.

  “Hey, sit down!” someone behind Gabriella shouted. “I can’t see.”

  Reluctantly, she climbed up to the middle of the arena and took a seat, continuing to search the crowd for Fiona, Mack, and Darren.

  The band marched into the arena, and everyone cheered, clapping and whistling. Then the First Four entered the stadium and were met with even louder cheers. Gabriella hadn’t realized until now just how beloved the First Four were in the Changer world. This was the first time she’d ever seen them with a big group. She stood and started to make her way toward them, but once again, she was asked to sit down. Wyndemere Academy professors surrounded them. It seemed pretty unlikely that she would be able to get close enough to talk to them, anyway.

  The First Four climbed the bleachers to a box that overlooked the entire arena. The man from the argument by the lagoon was already there, but Gabriella didn’t see the woman anywhere. Was the guard keeping her away from the First Four?

  I wonder if the First Four even know that she tracked the Shadow Fox to campus?

  “We’re very excited to be here to celebrate Wyndemere Academy and the Youngling Games,” Mr. Kimura said, his face crinkling into a proud smile. “All of you—athletes and students alike—represent the best our Changer nation has to offer, and our hope for the future. Let’s use these games to celebrate peace and friendship for all Changer-kind.”

  Gabriella only half listened to his words, but the applause around her signaled that Mack’s grandfather had finished his speech.

  Next, the entire arena sang the Wyndemere Academy alma mater song, and then Gabriella watched groups march into the arena carrying banners celebrating sports, clubs, and academics at Wyndemere, and welcoming the competitors to campus. Each group stopped to bow to the First Four.

  Will I really be one of the First Four one day, sitting in their places with Fiona, Mack, and Darren? Or will the Shadow Fox turn us on one another and bring an end to the prophecy?

  A group of ten students ran to the center of the track, and even Gabriella was momentarily thrilled when they all transformed and performed a magical acrobatics act—flying, leaping, and twisting in the air. The crowd went wild, and the games were officially opened.

  Gabriella thought about skipping her events to continue the search for her friends. Then she realized they would all find her if she stayed where she was supposed to be—on the track.

  She joined the other athletes on the side of the field for the first race: the enchanted hurdles. She spotted Darren, who was also waiting for his competition. His elemental archery event was next to be held. Mack was in that contest too, and he should have been on the field getting ready.

  He wasn’t.

  “Wasn’t that cool? Did you see—” Darren asked, pointing to the acrobats leaving the field.

  Gabriella shook her head. There wasn’t time to talk about the ceremonies. “Have you seen Mack?” she asked, cutting him off. “I think he might be in danger.”

  “Danger?” Darren asked, lowering his voice. “Did you see—”

  Gabriella leaned in and whispered. “I overheard people—a guard and someone who said she was working for the First Four—talking about the Shadow Fox. She’s on campus. And the person the First Four hired said she’s after Mr. Kimura.”

  “Mr. Kimura?” Darren asked. “But she’s hunting Mack.”

  “Exactly,” Gabriella said. “What better way to get to Mr. Kimura than through his grandson? And you know Mack—he thinks she wants to talk. Promise or no promise, I’m sure if there’s another Shadow Fox sighting, he’ll go after her on his own.”

  Darren nodded. “I haven’t seen Mack since breakfast. He said he wanted to put in some time in at the art studio before the games and disappeared. I hope he didn’t hear what you did.”

  “I’m worried that he’s not on the fi
eld yet,” Gabriella said. “When he gets here, make sure he stays with you. He can’t go after the Shadow Fox on his own. And if you see Fiona, let her know what’s happening.”

  “You’ve got it,” Darren said. “And good luck.”

  “Good luck?”

  He pointed to the field, where other Changers were already taking their lanes for the enchanted hurdles.

  “Oh, right, I forgot. Thanks,” she said.

  Gabriella transformed and took her position on the starting line. She heard murmurs from the crowd. Most nahuals took the shape of dogs, not jaguars. She knew that black jaguars were both unusual and believed to be very powerful, and Gabriella was about to show them how true that was.

  For a moment she pushed aside her worries and enjoyed the admiration, at least until her competitive spirit kicked in. She narrowed her eyes and focused on the track. Enchanted hurdles changed heights, so she had to pay close attention.

  The starting buzzer went off, and so did Gabriella. She took the first hurdle easily and then nearly clipped the second with her sharp claws when it jumped to meet her. After that she was in her stride, running and jumping like the champion she was.

  Gabriella was used to being far ahead of everyone else on the track, but she had never competed against Changers (other than Mack) before. Halfway through the race she realized that someone was right next to her. She and the other racer were neck and neck. The crowd cheered, urging them on.

  Finally, some real competition! Gabriella thought.

  The idea gave Gabriella the push she needed. She had never run faster or jumped higher. As she neared the finish line, she reached inside and dug deep for one final burst of speed.

  In a flash she took in the faces of the people in the stands. The noise she heard wasn’t cheering—it was screaming.

  What is happening?

  Gabriella risked a glance at her opponent. She saw a black streak with even darker flames licking at its paws. She wasn’t racing another youngling.

  Gabriella was racing against the Shadow Fox.

  Chapter 10


  Fiona could feel the panic building around her as the kids in the stands realized exactly who Gabriella was racing against. It started out as a few scared voices and then rose to a crescendo of shouts. The screams echoed around her as she made her way down the stands toward the track.

  Fiona pulled her phone out and turned it on. She had one text from Gabriella just moments before the race:

  The Shadow Fox is back. She wants to use Mack to get to Mr. Kimura. Find the First Four. Be safe!!!!!

  Fiona gasped.

  I have to find Mack and the others, she thought. We have to keep him from going after the Shadow Fox alone.

  An announcement reverberated over the arena’s loudspeakers. “The Youngling Games have been suspended. Evacuate the arena in a calm and orderly fashion. All students and teachers are to report to the castle sublevels immediately. Follow lockdown protocols and await further instructions.”

  Students were running and tripping over one another in the rush to flee the stadium. Someone grabbed Fiona’s arm and tried to pull her toward the castle with him.

  “You’re going the wrong way!” he shouted.

  Fiona shook him off. The boy took off with the rest of the crowd.

  “I repeat,” the announcer said. “The Youngling Games have been suspended. All students and teachers are to leave the arena in a calm and orderly manner. Report to the castle sublevels immediately. Follow lockdown protocols and await further instructions.”

  The students pushing past her were anything but calm and orderly.

  With chaos all around, Fiona stood quietly for a moment and tried to scan the crowd for where Mack might be. She didn’t see him or Darren anywhere, but Gabriella was still in the center of the field. She had come to a standstill beside the Shadow Fox. A jolt of adrenaline shot through her. She needed to get down there.

  Fiona couldn’t get a good look at her friend with all the people swarming past. She pushed her way through the crowd to get to Gabriella before the Shadow Fox could do any harm. Fiona fought against the river of people rushing in the opposite direction. She got knocked down twice and could already feel the bruises forming on her arms when she finally had a clean line of sight.

  Gabriella hadn’t moved. Her eyes were still locked on the Shadow Fox’s. Was the Shadow Fox already stealing her friend’s memories?

  Fiona dashed toward Gabriella. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a red streak. Is that Mack?

  The streak was gone as soon as she saw it, but Fiona started singing a protection song her mother had taught her. She hoped it would be strong enough to keep both Mack and Gabriella, as well as herself, safe from the Shadow Fox.

  She reached Gabriella’s side and had barely sung three notes before Sefu leaped onto the field in his bultungin form, taking a stand between the girls and the kitsune.

  The Shadow Fox grinned and bounded away, shadowy flames licking at her paws. Sefu gave chase.

  “Are you all right?” Fiona asked.

  Gabriella transformed. “I’m fine,” she said. “I don’t think she was going to hurt me. It was like she was playing with me. She just wanted to make sure that everyone knew she was here or at least . . . make sure Mack knew she was here.”

  “I saw her expression before she ran off,” Fiona said with a shudder. “It was like the screams and the panic were making her happy.”

  “Have you seen Mack?” Gabriella asked, looking around.

  “I think I saw him a minute ago,” Fiona said. “He had Changed, so look for something red.”

  They searched the crowd, but neither girl spotted Mack. Darren, Ms. Therian, and Yara ran toward them with Mr. Kimura right on their heels.

  “Where’s Makoto?” Mr. Kimura asked.

  “I think he was here a minute ago,” Fiona answered, “but I lost him in the crowd.”

  “Have you seen him?” he asked Darren.

  Darren shook his head. He exchanged an uneasy glance with Fiona and Gabriella. They all knew Mack would follow the Shadow Fox and confront her if he got the chance.

  Mr. Kimura looked as if he was about to give them some orders, but Ms. Therian spoke first.

  “Go and look for your grandson in the castle, Akira. She’s after you and Makoto,” she said. “The rest of us are safe for now.”

  The sound of Ms. Therian’s voice, filled with concern, sent a shiver up Fiona’s spine. She watched her teacher Change into a werewolf.

  “Take the younglings with you, Akira,” Yara said gently. “Dorina and I will search for the Shadow Fox.”

  Yara, a water Changer like Fiona, couldn’t Change on land, but she still had incredible powers in her human form. She climbed onto Ms. Therian’s back and took hold of her thick fur. They galloped off into the gathering darkness.

  “Come, children,” Mr. Kimura said, trying to keep the worry out of his tone. “Quickly. Quickly.”

  It was eerie how fast the arena had emptied. Trampled banners littered the track. Some kids had left behind sweatshirts, backpacks, books, and even phones in the desperate panic to get away.

  The small group ran across campus to the castle and headed downstairs to the basement, following the low rumble of frightened voices. Student monitors and guards stood at all the exits, keeping an eye on anything or anyone that moved. The basement, which would have seemed huge at any other time, looked small now that it was packed with kids.

  Mr. Kimura motioned for Fiona, Gabriella, and Darren to join the other students and then stood quietly at the main entrance, his eyes taking in every corner of the room.

  One by one, as the groups of students spotted the leader of the First Four, they whispered to one another to be quiet. In minutes, there was total silence.

  “Has anyone seen my grandson, Makoto? He goes by the name of Mack.”

  He was met by blank stares.

  “He’s a kitsune, red fur, with two tails,” Mr. Kimura s

  There were a lot of shaking heads. No one volunteered an answer.

  “You stay here,” Mr. Kimura said to the three Willow Cove Changers. “Don’t leave under any circumstances. I need to get somewhere quiet so I can meditate and search for Makoto.”

  Fiona watched a disappointed and clearly frightened Mr. Kimura leave the room.

  Soon the basement was a cacophony of noise again as the students began an excited recounting of the day’s events with claims about who had seen the Shadow Fox first and how quickly they had managed to leave the stadium. The most frightened of them were subjected to some good-natured teasing now that everyone was safe within the castle walls.

  Fiona, Darren, and Gabriella sat quietly with a group of high schoolers, too worried about Mack to join in on the chatter.

  Then the teens noticed who Gabriella was.

  “Hey, aren’t you the nahual the Shadow Fox was chasing?” one girl asked.

  “I don’t think she was chasing me. It was more like she was making sure we all knew she was here. And besides,” Gabriella added with a slight grin, “I was winning.”

  The boy next to her leaned in. “Did you lose any memories?”

  “I don’t think so,” Gabriella said.

  Fiona could tell that the kids were all waiting for some juicy gossip. “If the Shadow Fox had stolen any of her memories, there’s no way Gabriella would remember losing them,” she pointed out.

  “I heard he’s after Mr. Kimura’s grandson, the kitsune,” another guy said. “There are rumors that the grandson is being groomed to be one of the new leaders. Did he say anything to the three of you? We saw you come in with him on Thursday.”

  Fiona shook her head. “Not a word,” she said.

  “Can you imagine if the Shadow Fox gets her hands on him?” the guy continued. “There will be a civil war for sure.”

  “What?” Darren asked. “Why a civil war?”

  “Yeah, what do you mean?” Fiona asked. Dread was building in her stomach. It seemed pretty clear to her now that the Shadow Fox wanted to harm Mack and Mr. Kimura, and probably the rest of the First Four. But a civil war was much bigger than that.


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