The Elven Alliance

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The Elven Alliance Page 1

by J. A. Culican


  Title Page



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Books by J.A. Culican

  About the author

  Contact me

  The Keeper of Dragons

  Book 2

  The Elven Alliance

  J.A. Culican

  Copyright © 2017 by J.A. Culican

  All Rights Reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without the express written consent from the author, except in the case of a reviewer, who may quote brief passages embodied in critical articles or in a review. Trademark names appear throughout this book. Rather than trademark name, names are used in an editorial fashion, with no intention of infringement of the respective owner’s trademark.

  The information in this book is distributed on an “as is” basis, without warranty. Although every precaution has been taken in preparation of this work, neither the author nor the publisher shall have any liability to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in this book.

  The characters, locations, and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarities or resemblance to real persons, living or dead is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Edited by: Danielle Carioti

  Cover by: Covers by Christian


  For my lone prince Gabriel

  Chapter One

  Bam! My back slammed against the floor for what felt like the hundredth time this morning. My ears rang as I dragged myself back to my feet, glaring at Jericho. My body ached everywhere; we had been at the Woland training facility for the last three hours. It consisted of three separate levels, and when you graduated one, you moved up to the next. Once you reached the third floor or level, you were considered a trainee for the Woland guard. Jericho was determined to make me a Woland warrior, but had so far only succeeded in making me a laughing stock among the other young hopefuls; I had been unable to move off of ground level. Hence the fact that I was still stuck on the ground floor.

  When sparring with other Wolands, my uniform consisted of a pair of dark red shorts and a black t-shirt bearing the royal insignia. The insignia illustrated a green dragon wrapped around a silver, red, and blue sword to represent the four founding dragons in all of their colorful beauty. Right now my clothes were in disarray, accurately mirroring how the rest of me felt. I chanced a glance around the room only to be mortified by the laughter in my fellow trainee’s eyes as an eruption of whispering dispersed amongst them about my constant failures. It was clear I wasn’t a warrior or any kind of fighter. I had no place in the Woland guard, obviously Jericho hadn’t received the memo yet because he continued to drag me here each and every day.

  “Back of the line, Jameson,” Jericho growled.

  It took me a minute to regain my wits so I could head to the back of the line. I was still getting used to being called by my last name during training. The one shining light throughout this horror was that they let me keep my adoptive parents’ name.

  As I stumbled to the back of the line, the other Wolands elbowed me here and there through spiteful snickers. You would think they’d be scared to treat the Prince this way. Then again, each one of them had been successful in taking me down more times than I could count. The average Woland only stayed on the first level a week. I was now on week three, with no end in sight.

  From the back of the line I was unable to see over the heads of my fellow recruits. The sounds of the next match drifted back to me at the end of the line as the next sparring session begun, and I exhaled a sigh of relief. For the time being I was glad to catch my breath and regroup before attention was sure to be back on me. At the present moment, all eyes were on the fight ahead. The other dragons cheered and whistled with each sound of skin on skin as I hid in the back. The last three weeks had been horrible. Each morning Jericho would drag me from the safety of my room to train with the other Wolands, who arrived daily as they turned 18. Without a moment’s rest, I would be shuffled off to my next session, usually with the Sien’s, and then off to the next with the Gailan’s. My last session of the day was usually with the Leslo’s or one of the councilmembers. As a result of my failures during the incessant training, Eva and I had been separated almost immediately. She had excelled in every area and moved up quickly to the third and final levels. Jericho squashed my moment of solitude with a growl.

  “Focus,” he snarled.

  I turned to give him my attention, which was the wrong move. Jericho grabbed my chin and forcefully shifted my head towards the fight I still couldn’t see from my vantage point. He held my head in place until he was satisfied I wouldn’t move.

  “Stop sulking and pay attention. You will learn nothing if you do not focus,” he huffed. “Tell me, what do you see?” He placed his hands on my shoulders from behind.

  I hesitated a moment. “I can’t see anything from back here,” I explained.

  “Wrong answer. Look again.”

  I searched my surrounding area, but all I could see were my fellow dragons as they hooted and hollered at the match ahead. Their camaraderie made me feel even more isolated as they patted each other on the back and pointed at the two Wolands wrestling ahead.

  “That is the right answer.” Jericho stated after reading my thoughts. With one last squeeze to my shoulders, he strode to the front of the room, out of my sight.

  I lowered my head with a slight shake. I wanted to be a part of the group. I wanted to make some friends. But the truth was, I didn’t know how, and even if I did, no one wanted me around. As the Prince and the Keeper of Dragons, I had so many things working against me. You’d think my rank would give me an added edge, but in reality it meant I had to prove myself even more. My clumsy, uncoordinated, cowardly self didn’t stand a chance. I was no Woland.

  “You’re dismissed.” Jericho’s voice reverberated through the air with a solid conclusiveness.

  The Wolands collected their things, chatting as they exited the training center together. I stayed behind and waited for my next directive. Each day brought something new, and I never knew exactly what was going to happen day to day, or what would be expected of me. I walked over to the corner of the room to retrieve my belongings I stashed when we first arrived. Quickly, gathering my stuff, I walked towards Jericho. He was deep in intense conversation with two Woland instructors. None paid me any mind as I plodded over to them. Not wanting to seem like I was eavesdropping, I looked around the room for something to do. I noticed the mats were still out and began to walk towards them. That’s when Jericho stopped me in my tracks.

  “Follow me,” Jericho growled, throwing his bag over his shoulder.

  I fell in step behind him as he led the way out the doors and into the sunshine. Ochana was a sight to behold. It was midmorning and the day was already in full swing. The market was going strong as dragons shopped and socialized with each
other. While we walked, dragons would stop everything they were doing and bow towards me. It always amazed me the respect the older dragons had for me. To my peers, I was a joke, but everyone else showed me complete respect. It was a respect I still felt I hadn’t earned. I’d rather fall somewhere in the middle where I could blend in and just belong.

  “You will be shadowing Cairo today as he checks the perimeter of Ochana. I realized you have yet to see Ochana for all its glory,” Jericho acknowledged, piercing me with his signature red-eyed gaze. “You need to learn the ins and outs of Ochana. That starts with learning the ways to protect it and keep all residing dragons here safe. Trust your dragon and keep your senses sharp. This will be the first time you are off the island since our return.”

  “What about my other lessons?” I questioned. An excitement I hadn’t felt in a while started to buzz around me. I had been dying to see all of Ochana since I arrived, and it seemed this perimeter check would be from the air. A smile crept across my face as I bounced in anticipation

  “We have a council meeting later that you are required to attend,” Jericho said as he leapt up the steps to the command center. “Your regular lessons will continue tomorrow.”

  I nodded as we entered the mighty glass building that overlooked the west side of Ochana. Wolands were busy monitoring all of Ochana. I observed the scene as Garrik sat in the back corner tapping on his computer. He was surrounded by glass walls and completely engrossed in his task. I began to walk towards him, but was intercepted by Jericho.

  “Cole, my office,” Jericho commanded, never breaking stride as he headed towards a group of Wolands.

  Jericho had the best office in the command center; it was enclosed around four walls made of complete glass, three of which overlooked the clouds that surrounded and protected Ochana. Plopping down on one of the uncomfortable black chairs in front of his desk, I looked out the nearest window and waited for Jericho to join me. Nervousness zipped through me, I could only imagine what he wanted to speak to me about.

  Suddenly, the door slammed shut and Jericho whipped past me to the window. He stood in silence with his back to me. The excitement I just felt vanished. Jericho made me nervous when he ignored me like this. I tried to relax my breathing; the last thing I wanted was for him to know how uneasy I was. For some reason, I wanted him to see me as strong.

  “You’ve been distracted. Have you forgotten who you are? What you are capable of?” Jericho’s voice was laced with disappointment.

  I knew who I was, but everyone else seemed to have forgotten. I was Cole. Just Cole. Plain, ordinary Cole. Jericho turned to face me, his eyes glowing with fire. I kept my eyes on him as he tracked each one of my nervous fidgets.

  “You defeated the farros. Something us dragons have tried and failed many times in our history,” he barked, cocking his head in disbelief. “If it takes plain, ordinary Cole to do that, then I will take him.” His voice softened a bit.

  I had no words. He was right, and wrong at the same time. It was Eva and I who defeated the farros, not just me. I continued to look at Jericho as my mind contemplated a way to explain this to him without causing smoke to billow from his ears.

  “You’re right.” He turned towards the window, his back facing me once again. “You are only one half of the Keeper of Dragons. The two of you need to train together. Keeping you separate is not beneficial to either of you.” He huffed out a great breath, causing the condensation on the window to expand and then disappear. He bowed his head. “For now on, the two of you will train together. You’re a team. The Keeper of Dragons.” He sighed and glared at me over his shoulder. “Go to Garrik, Cairo will be here soon. I need to work.” Jericho stated, dismissing me.

  I stood and headed towards the door. At least I knew how to open it now. There once was a time I’d be trapped in his office with him until someone else came and opened the door for me. I shook that thought off, placed my hand on the royal insignia, and willed the door to open using my mahier. Once through, I made my way over to Garrik who was still in the same spot, only now he punched at his keyboard with deliberate, angry strokes.

  I stood behind him in silence, not wanting to bother Garrik while he worked. He huffed in agitation, pounding harder on his keyboard and grumbling unintelligently under his breath. Abruptly, he stood up and his chair flopped to the ground behind him, nearly hitting my feet. Without so much as an acknowledgment, he stormed towards Jericho’s office. The door slammed behind him, effectively barring the two within. Visible through the glass wall, they squared off in a heated discussion. Garrik’s arms moved wildly as he explained something to Jericho, who stood with his hands on his hips, nodding his head.

  In coordination, both their heads swung my way, eyes glowing in a look I was unable to decipher. I took a step back involuntarily; almost tripping over the chair Garrik had knocked on the floor. I righted myself and picked up the chair, incapable of taking my eyes off them.

  What did I do now?

  Chapter Two

  Garrik and Jericho stared at me through the glass wall, neither making a move towards me. Unable to think of anything I had done that would make them this irate, I wasn’t sure what to do now. Even from the distance between us, I could see the flames dancing in their eyes.

  Finally, Garrik broke his gaze from me and walked out the crystal door towards me. Jericho kept his glare pointed at me the whole time; I swore smoke was billowing from behind him. I sent a silent prayer to anyone who could be listening that it was only my eyes playing a trick on me. Jericho in full-fledged smoky dragon mode terrified me. Once Garrik reached me he looked over his shoulder at Jericho, and with a shake of his head he gestured for me to follow him.

  I broke the connection between Jericho and myself and stumbled behind Garrik out of the command center and into the bright sunshine of Ochana. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and muster enough courage to ask Garrik what that was all about. I had finally prepared myself to spit out the words when he turned my way and shook his head at me. It was clear I wouldn’t get an answer out of him.

  “I need you to focus, truly focus.” Garrik glared at me as he spoke. “Stay close to Cairo and don’t get distracted.” He paused “We haven’t seen anything out there,” he pointed to the clouds. “But having you off the island could attract any number of creatures.”

  “What do you mean attract any number of creatures?” I stammered. What creatures could be out there?

  Garrik sighed. “The farros were attracted to something within you.” He flicked my chest with his finger. “Others could be as well.” With that last statement he bowed, looked over my shoulder and left.

  I shook my head at his odd behavior. What was all that about? Wasn’t I supposed to meet Cairo to do a perimeter check? I turned to head back to the castle when I collided with what felt like a brick wall. I fell backward with a solid jolt, hitting what felt like a wall that I realized was actually Cairo. With a puff of smoke, he shook me off, his scales glinting red in the sunlight. Cairo the dragon towered over me.

  “Shift.” Cairo’s voice growled through my head.

  I centered myself and willed my dragon to appear. My shifts had become easier the last few weeks. It was the one part of this whole ordeal that I had improved on. I wasn’t as fluid as Cairo, but still, I was impressed with my progress. Seconds later, I painlessly shifted into my colorful dragon. My scales breached through my pale human skin and instantaneously gleamed in the sunlight. I stretched my neck high, moving it side to side, waiting for instructions. My upstretched excitement created a sudden buzz of energy. I hadn’t been allowed out of an elder’s or my parents’ sight since the whole farro debacle. I was itching to get into the air and truly see Ochana for the first time.

  “We will circle the perimeter of Ochana. Keep your senses sharp because you will sense danger before you see it.” As soon as Cairo finished he pushed off the ground with his solid hind legs and leapt into the sky, officially cutting off any response I may have had.
br />   I followed behind as close as I could. Garrik’s warning made me nervous. Everything had been quiet since that night at the Grove. Queen Annabelle had contacted Rylan with the arranged punishment for the farros. I had no idea what it was, no one would tell me. But Rylan seemed satisfied.

  My head burst through the first sheet of clouds as we proceeded back to Ochana. It was a brilliant sight; I could see the waterfall cascading from the island towards the sea below, the sparkling water disappearing as it made contact with the clouds underneath. Dragons milled around Ochana, stopping to talk with each other and continue on their way. I looked away from the marvelous sight only to find that the fifth realm had surrounded me. I was sandwiched between Cairo and their leader, Jude. The other Wolands circled us restlessly.

  I should have known better, especially with that little warning from Garrik. No way would they let me off the island with Cairo as my only guard. Now that I thought of it, I was surprised Cairo was off the island without Eva. He had been her personal guard these last few weeks, never leaving her side.

  “You’re distracted.” Cairo’s voice rang through my head. “This is a perimeter check, keep your senses open to everything around you. You just let realm five sneak up on you. They could have been any number of creatures bent on destroying you,” Cairo chastised me.

  He was right. I steadied my breathing and attempted to open up my senses. Sila and I spent many hours together these last few weeks working on just this. Once I build up enough tolerance and get better control of my mahier, I should be able to keep my senses open constantly. Right now, I’m able to keep them open for a few hours at a time before I become exhausted and need to rest.

  Now I was able to feel the six Wolands that surrounded me. I sensed each breath and movement they made, and could even anticipate their next actions. I extended my senses out as far as I could. Thanks to the farro, my mahier was unstable due to the added tilium in my system. Whenever I attempted to exert my mahier, something would blow up or break. The elders believed this was due to the tilium residing in my blood that I had stolen from the farros. Luckily, I could physically feel when I had pushed my mahier to the blowup point. My body would shake and shudder as the energy zipped through me. As soon as I felt this, I would pull my mahier in, rest for a bit, and everything would go back to normal.


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