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The Elven Alliance

Page 2

by J. A. Culican

  I began to tremble. I hadn’t pushed my mahier to the breaking point yet; I had barely used any, but that now familiar feeling had befallen me. As quickly as I could, I pulled back my mahier while calling out to Cairo. Something was wrong.

  “Relax Cole, reel it in,” Cairo called to me, his voice calm and steady.

  Energy whizzed through my blood and scales as I nodded to Cairo’s words. I pulled almost all my mahier in, leaving just enough out to keep myself shifted. It wasn’t enough though, my body continued to shake. My movements became choppy as I slowed and began to lose altitude.

  “Release your energy,” Cairo shouted. “Release it now!”

  I didn’t understand what he wanted from me. My mahier was in, and as far as I could tell, so was my tilium.

  “No, Cole. Release your fire!” Cairo shouted through my head, clearly reading my thoughts. His voice wavered from fear.

  I had no idea how to do that. I had seen the other Wolands eject dragon fire during the battle with the farros, and Jericho when he was angry. But it never crossed my mind that I would also be able to breathe fire. I attempted to focus on myself, feel inside myself. I hoped I could feel the fire and instincts would kick in. But nothing. I felt nothing. My emotions were too unsteady for me to focus.

  And suddenly, my wings stopped beating, frozen. My body fell towards Ochana and panic began to take over. Inside my head, realm five debated on how to stop me. The ground was close. Too close.

  I tried to scream in fear, but no sound came out. I no longer had control of my vocal cords. Fire exploded from my mouth, almost catching the Woland who had moved close to aid me in my fall. Right before impact, my wings began to flap again and I took off into the clouds. With each breath, more fire burst from out of my throat and viciously poured from my mouth. I should’ve felt overheated, but the opposite was true. The more fire I exhaled, the cooler I felt. My mind began to clear and I felt more in control of myself than I had in weeks.

  During my last fireball blow, silver sparks shot from my claws. In my head echoed the confused chatter from realm five as more Wolands responded to the call for help. Below me, close to fifty Woland looked up at me through the sparkling lights emanating from my talons. Each spark formed a compressed feeling in my throat that I hadn’t experienced before, and wasn’t aware of its foundation. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and as the last spark fell, I exhaled a large veil of smoke from my nose.

  Opening my eyes, I met Jericho’s red gaze. I could see the fear, but there was another emotion I couldn’t decode. Cairo and Garrik flew behind him with puzzled expressions pervading their eyes.

  “You good?” Jericho asked.

  “Yea, I feel great.” I laughed. “Better than I have in weeks.” And that was the truth.

  Jericho shook his large, red head at me and flew towards Ochana. I flashed a look at Cairo, hoping we would continue with the perimeter check, and that my little spectacle hadn’t changed our plans.

  “Sorry kid. Orders are to head in,” Cairo answered my thoughts. “Your spectacle, as you put it, needs to be discussed,” he explained with a chuckle.

  Once again, realm five resumed their spots to escort me back to Ochana. For the first time, I landed with ease next to the waterfall. I looked up as a sense of déjà vu overtook me.

  There stood three dragons in full regalia. Jericho shifted and joined the others as he pushed his long black hair out of his eyes. They stood backs straight and chins high. Four sets of gem-like eyes bored into me. Jericho’s red eyes were the first to look away as he turned, snapping his fingers at the now ceased waterfall, and disappeared down the cave.

  The council.

  Chapter Three

  I shifted quickly into my human form and followed the council through the waterfall. It poured around us as we walked through. Realm five followed close behind as my personal escort. Once we broke through the large cast iron doors, I darted to my designated seat and sank down with relief. I needed to figure out exactly what had just happened. Jude, seeing that I was safe and sound, signaled to the rest of realm five, and they turned to leave.

  The rest of the council found their seats, all the while eyeing me up and down as if I was on display at the zoo. Choosing to ignore their now familiar glares, I averted my eyes from their scowls, and the large, round polished table stood center stage. Above us, an open ceiling let the natural light shine down. Along all four walls were pictures depicting the roles of the four founding dragons: Leslo, Galian, Sien and Woland.

  Rylan sauntered in, followed by Sila, who patted my shoulder as she passed by. I enjoyed being gifted with Sila’s small smile. My parents exemplified the perfect specimen of royalty. The King and Queen of Ochana—which made me, the Prince, next in line to be King of Ochana. I prayed nightly that such a day wouldn’t happen for, say, 500 years. I finally looked around at the council, noticing Eva hadn’t arrived yet. Council meetings seemed to be the only time we saw each other nowadays.

  “The Golden Dragon, where is she?” Rylan questioned, scanning the room. His emerald eyes stopped on me as he tilted his head sideways.

  “On her way, Sir, she was in the middle of a lesson with the Galian, Meka,” Jules informed the king. “Cairo just left to escort her here.”

  Rylan’s eyes left me as he nodded at Jules. “This meeting was called to address an incident involving the farros,” Rylan stated.

  I squirmed in my seat. The farros? I had hoped to never speak of them again. Especially their so-called Queen Tana. The woman frightened me to the core, her black, soulless eyes, razor-sharp teeth and cackle haunted my dreams. As Queen Annabelle had dragged her bound in fairy ropes from Farro Grove, she had threatened revenge. Since I held her tilium, I could only assume that revenge would be directed at me.

  Jericho paced around the table. “Queen Annabelle of the fairies contacted us earlier today.” He hesitated a moment. “The farros have disappeared.”


  The question came from behind me. I turned as Eva entered the council room and took her seat beside me. She glared at Jericho, awaiting a response. Unlike everyone else, she never seemed intimidated by him.

  “That’s a good question,” Jericho countered. “The fairies had constant eyes on them. The guards on duty at the time said they disappeared right in front of them.” Jericho shook his head disbelievingly.

  “That’s impossible. Cole has their tilium, I can still feel it,” Eva said, sliding her golden eyes my way

  “You’re right. Cole proved that to us mere minutes ago,” Jericho said. “However, farros aren’t the only creatures who wield tilium.”

  Jules huffed. “You can’t mean-.”

  “The eldens,” Zane interrupted. “The farros and the eldens have been working together for some time now. It makes sense they would help them. The eldens see the farros as dispensable, the first line of attack.” He waved his hands around. “They will use them to destroy as many dragons and other true creatures as possible before they officially enter the war.”

  “Didn’t the fairies have protection spells around their grove?” Eva asked, glaring at each of the council members. “How could the eldens break through without notice and take the farros?”

  Jericho sighed, placed his hands on his hips and lowered his head to the ground. “The eldens are very powerful. Much more powerful than the fairies.”

  I tried to keep up. I was still stuck on the idea of Queen Tana being on the loose. “What are eldens?”

  “Elves,” Jericho explained, looking back up at me. “Like the farros, the eldens are fallen. Fallen elves.”

  Wonderful. Not only did I have the fallen fairies after me, I now had to worry about fallen elves or eldens.

  “Send the Prince to the swamp,” Allas suggested. “He’s already proven he can steal tilium. Send him to steal the eldens’.” Her jade eyes glanced around at the other council members, hoping they would agree with her proposal.

  “No,” Jericho answered before anyone el
se had a chance to agree. “We don’t know what more tilium would do to the Prince. As it is, he is unable to control the tilium he has. Not to mention, he doesn’t know how he stole it in the first place.”

  “I agree,” Rylan chimed in. “First, we need to know for sure it was the eldens. I’m not interested in starting a war with them if we’re wrong.”

  A chuckle came from beside me. “Hate to break it to you, big brother, but you’re already in a war with the eldens. We’ve been through this.” Zane chimed in. “They were there the night Prince Colton took the farros down, which means they know he holds their tilium.”

  “Why don’t we make contact with the twins? They will know if the eldens are on the move,” Luka, the councilman for the Sien’s suggested as he scanned the table.

  “Who are the twins?” Eva asked.

  “The rulers of the Elves—Gaber and Clara. They come from a very powerful line.” Jericho explained, sitting and turning towards Rylan. “May I give a suggestion?”

  “Of course,” Rylan tapped his long index finger against his chin.

  “Let me contact Prince Gaber and speak with him about the eldens. I’d also like to discuss Prince Cole’s training.”

  That got my attention. Why would the Prince of the elves be interested in training me and what would he train me on?

  “Continue.” Rylan cocked his head at me, then back to Jericho.

  “The tilium within our Prince is unstable and hindering his true abilities. I would like Prince Gaber to work with him on it; no one here has ever experienced the likes of tilium before. Even when Tana gave Zane control of hers, he was unable to wield it.”

  “How do you propose we convince him to train the Prince?” Allas asked from beside Queen Sila, her green gaze directed at me.

  “We have a treaty with them,” Jericho stated. “Not to mention if the eldens are involved, the elves will want our help. And our Prince is the perfect weapon to defeat them for good.” He explained before he turned his attention back to Rylan.

  With a nod, Rylan responded. “Agreed. Contact Prince Gaber. I would like both Keeper of Dragons to be trained by the elves.”

  “My King,” Cairo stood. “I would like to escort both the Prince and the golden dragon. Regardless of who freed the farros, they are out there and will be looking for the two of them.” Cairo pointed at Eva and I as he spoke.

  “Realm five will also accompany them,” Jericho stated. “We have had little dealings with the elves in the past. Even with a treaty, we must be on alert.”

  “Make the arrangements,” Rylan commanded. “As for the farros, find them.” Rylan glared firmly at the council. “And find out who freed them.” Rylan stood and walked towards the closed iron doors. “Colton, come with me,” he spoke over his shoulder as he willed the doors to open.

  I scrambled out of my seat at the surprise summon, and followed Rylan out the doors. In a much calmer manner, Sila followed behind me. While she was closing the doors behind us, I ran up to Rylan as he was passing though the waterfall and strolled to the edge of the island.

  I stood behind him, afraid of getting too close to the edge. The view was remarkable; the pinnacles of the clouds blew peacefully by. Hard to believe a war was brewing beneath us.

  “How do you feel?” Rylan’s simple question pierced the quiet that had enveloped us.

  “Okay,” I answered quietly as I shifted from foot to foot.

  Sila chuckled from behind me. “You breathed fire for the first time today. How does that make you feel?”

  I thought about the question. I felt more myself than I had since I arrived. It was almost like releasing the fire made me more human.

  “That’s an interesting take on it,” Sila answered my thoughts.

  Rylan turned to face me. “You’re more dragon now than human. It takes most new dragons many years to breathe fire. It took you mere weeks. Quite remarkable.” Rylan had a look of pride on his face. “Then, of course, we have the tilium.” His face expressed pure wonder.

  “You’re the first dragon to carry both maheir and tilium. The two are not meant to be mixed. It is why the tilium is so unstable within you.” Sila placed her hand on my shoulder. “The elves will be able to help you control it,” she said with a squeeze.

  “Are you sure?” I asked with trepidation.

  “The elves are the most powerful beings that wield tilium. Prince Gaber and Princess Clara are two of the strongest elves in existence,” Rylan stated with confidence.

  If they were unable to help me gain control of the tilium, I was in big trouble. Some of the council wanted me to head out to the eldens and take their tilium. Somehow. I sighed and looked up towards my parents, anxiety written on my face.

  “It will all work out,” Sila stated, removing her hand from my shoulder with one last squeeze.

  I hoped she was right.

  Chapter Four

  I had been up and ready for at least two hours. I abandoned any attempt at sleeping after the last nightmare woke me in a cold sweat. As soon as I closed my eyes, visions of Tana and the farros flooded my head. I couldn’t keep the dreams straight. One second, Tana and her flock of farros were descending on me, the next second they were gone. All that remained was her malicious laugh echoing through my head. Then there were the ones with the elves, or what I assumed to be the eldens. They were even creepier than Tana.

  Looking out the floor-to-ceiling windows in my room, I rubbed my eyes. Ochana was just awakening; dragons trickled down from the mountains to begin their day. The sun had barely breached the mountains when a now-familiar pound on my door had my feet moving rapidly to answer it. As I reached for the royal insignia, the door swooshed open to reveal Jericho, his permanent scowl securely in place.

  He stomped into my room and turned to face me. “We leave in twenty minutes. No need to pack, everything you need will be provided for you.”

  I huffed in exhaustion. What could he possibly have planned for me today? “Where are we going?”

  Jericho’s red eyes glared at me. For a moment I anticipated him to roll his eyes, but the action surprisingly didn’t come. On second thought, it was way too early for that much emotion from him. Who was I kidding? The man never showed that much emotion.

  “Prince Gaber has agreed to meet with you. Today.” He paused. “Make sure to eat. We won’t be making any unnecessary stops.”

  I looked around my room as if Mira would suddenly appear with breakfast in tow. A sigh to my right was the only sound Jericho made before the door swooshed shut behind him. The man really wasn’t a morning person, or any time person.

  Mere seconds later, a light knock on my door made me aware of Mira’s arrival. In the last few weeks, I’ve learned to keep my distance as Mira set up breakfast. She darted throughout my room, gathering what she needed and quickly preparing the meal. I mused at her energy; I had never seen her move at a normal pace. “Here you go, my Prince. Is there anything else you may need?” She asked, bouncing on her toes, ready to move on to the next task.

  I shook my head, sitting down on one of the chairs she had just set at the table. Jericho must have told her to bring extra food; there was an abundance, much more than I could ever eat.

  “Join me?” I asked her politely. I hoped she would validate my thoughts on Jericho.

  “No, my Prince. It’s all for you. It seems you have a big journey ahead of you today.”

  I pondered what she said. Just like with the farro, I was going in blind. “Do you know where the elves live?”

  “No. Sien’s aren’t given that type of information. We aren’t allowed off the island unless accompanied by the Woland guard. I know very little about the elves.” Mira explained, twirling her long black hair around her fingers. “Is there anything else you need, my Prince?”

  “No, thanks, Mira,” I said as she bounded out the door and on to her next duty.

  Looking down at the food covering the table, I grabbed some eggs cooked over medium, exactly how I liked them, and
some toast. There was no way I would be able to eat any more than this so early in the morning. I finished my breakfast and grabbed an energy drink off the table as I walked to the door. I had joked to Mira a few weeks back about how she acted like she drank a case of this caffeinated drink each morning. She’s brought a can with my breakfast every day since. I had no idea how she acquired them, I doubt they are a part of a typical dragon’s diet.

  My guards were right behind me as I headed towards the command center. They never spoke to me, just silently stalked me as we walked. Eva and Cairo were waiting by the stairs that led up to the massive glass building. Eva saw me first. She ran towards me and threw her arms around me, enclosing me in the safety of her arms.

  “I heard about yesterday. What was it like, breathing fire?” She whispered in my ear while holding me tight.

  I laughed uncomfortably as she untangled herself from me. In the last week or so, she always greeted me in the same fashion. It seemed our constant distance from each other had been just as tough on her as it had on me.

  Before I could answer, Jericho flew down the stairs, whipping past us as he approached the area designated for take-offs. “Let’s go.”

  I followed behind him, still no idea where we were headed. Eva treaded at my side, and what I guessed would be our entourage for the trip adjacent to us. We maneuvered to the runway where we met my parents and the rest of the council. Sila hugged me tightly. It was a strange move for her; normally I would get a squeeze on the shoulder or a pat on the back. I tentatively hugged her back.


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