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Prichard, K., and Hesketh Prichard. Don Q’s Love Story. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1925.
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Robinson, David. Chaplin: His Life and Art. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1985.
Rosenberg, Bernard, and Harry Silverstein. The Real Tinsel. New York: Macmillan, 1970.
Rubens, Alma. Alma Rubens, Silent Snowbird. Edited by Gary Don Rhodes and Alexander Webb. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2006.
Russell, Charles. Good Medicine: The Illustrated Letters of Charles M. Russell. New York: Doubleday, 1966.
Schickel, Richard. D. W. Griffith: An American Life. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1984.
______. The Fairbanks Album. New York Graphic Society, 1975.
———. His Picture in the Papers: A Speculation on Celebrity in America Based on the Life of Douglas Fairbanks, Sr. New York: Charterhouse, 1974.
Sennett, Mack. King of Comedy. The Lively Arts. San Francisco: Mercury House, 1954.
Sherwood, Robert E. The Best Moving Pictures of 1922–23. New York: Revisionist, 1974.
Sragow, Michael. Victor Fleming: An American Movie Master. New York: Pantheon Books, 2008.
Swanson, Gloria. Swanson on Swanson. New York: Random House, 1980.
Talmey, Allene. Doug and Mary and Others. New York: Macy-Masius, 1927.
Taves, Brian. Robert Florey, the French Expressionist. Filmmakers Series, no. 14. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow, 1987.
Thomas, Augustus. Arizona: A Romance of the Great Southwest. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1914.
Thompson, Frank T. William A. Wellman. Filmmakers Series, no. 4. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow, 1983.
Tibbetts, John C. Douglas Fairbanks and the American Century. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2014.
Tibbetts, John C., and James Michael Welsh. His Majesty the American: The Cinema of Douglas Fairbanks, Sr. South Brunswick, NJ: A. S. Barnes, 1977.
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* * *
A. W. McClure Company, 110
Abrams, Hiram, 208, 211–214, 214n, 253n, 254, 321n, 328
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, 364–365
Academy of Music (New York City), 38
Acord, Art, 176
Actors’ Equity Association, 364
Actors Fund Fair, 179
Actors Fund of America, 116
Adventure (magazine), 160
Agua Caliente, Arizona, 391
Aguinaldo, Emilio, 423
Aitken, Harry, 73, 76–80, 85, 87, 107, 109–110, 126, 129–132, 135–137
Alba, Maria, 433, 434, 435, 436
Albany City Homeopathic Hospital and Dispensary, 33
Alexander Corporation, 265
Alexandria Hotel, 80, 81, 207, 212
Algonquin Hotel, 184, 185, 276
All at Sea (vaudeville sketch), 70
All for a Girl (1908), 49–51
All Star Production of Patriotic Episodes for the Second Liberty Loan, The (1917), 181
American Aristocracy (1916), 122, 124–126
American Embassy (Madrid, Spain), 324
American Law Association, 4
American Mutoscope and Biograph Company, 48–49, 76, 94, 95
American Radiator Company, 129
American Red Cross, 27, 155, 173n, 180–181
American Women’s Association, 352
Americanism, mantle of, 119, 192–193, 204, 422
Americano, The (1916), 90, 103, 121, 128–129, 183
Anderson and Sheppard (tailors), 439n
Anna Boleyn (1920), 247
Arabian Nights project, 305–306
Arbuckle, Roscoe “Fatty,” 270, 271, 272, 298, 329
Arizona (1899), 195n
Arizona (1918), 196–197, 202–203
Around the World in Eighty Minutes (1931), 420–426, 430, 431, 431n
Art Cinema, 429, 463
Artcraft Pictures Corporation, 133, 134, 137n, 144, 146, 164, 183, 205
As Ye Sow (1905), 42–44
Ashley, Lord, 411, 452
Ashley, Sylvia. See Fairbanks, Sylvia Ashley
Ashley-Cooper, Anthony, Lord Ashley, 452, 454
Ashley-Cooper, Lady Dorothy, 411
Asquith, Anthony, 350
Assistance League, 293
Associated Authors, 329–330
Astaire, Fred, 461, 482
Astor, Mary, 228, 332–334
Astor Theatre, 66
athletic ability, 44, 55–56, 84, 120, 127–128, 168, 250. See also stunt work
automobiles, passion for, 155
Bader, Robert S., 418
Baker, Snowy, 333
Balio, Tino, 253, 358, 359
Ballin, Hugo, 346n
Bangs, John Kendrick, 367
Bank of America, 476
Banzhaf, Albert, 328
Barker, Lottie (Edward Wilcox’s sister), 6
Barrie, James M., 322–323
Barrymore, John, 179, 332, 358, 383
Baruch, Bernard, 201
Basten, Fred, 342, 343
Battleship Potemkin (1925), 355
Beach, Rex, 134
Bear Valley Charlie, 481
Beardsley, “Jack,” 31
Beery, Noah, Sr., 251
Beery, Wallace, 227, 294
Beetson, Fred, 364
Behlmer, Rudy, 308, 345n
Belasco, David, 33, 93, 95
Bell, Jim, 481
Bennett, Enid, 248n, 309
Berg, A. Scott, 469, 471
Berlin, Irving, 415, 419, 482
Bernds, Edward, 384, 398
Bernhardt, Sarah, 43
Bert, F. W., 57, 58
Bibesco, Elizabeth, 350
big game hunting, 425–426, 438–439
Biograph, the. See American Mutoscope and Biograph Company
Birth of a Nation, The (1915), 49, 72, 217, 342
Bitzer, Billy, 82–83
Black Fox, The. See Mark of Zorro, The (1920)
Black Pirate, The (1926), 343–345, 348, 351–352
Blaze Derringer (Lyle), 128
block booking practices, 132–133, 218, 390
Blood Will Tell (film). See Lamb, The (1915)
Board of Health (Chicago), 200
Bodamere, Madam, 243–244
bola training, 369–370
Boone, Allen, 458n
Booth, Elmer, 57n, 63, 88n
Bosworth, Hobart, 16–17
Bosworth Inc., 76
Bouncer, The. See Reggie Mixes In (1916)
Bound in Morocco (1918), 191, 473n
Bouton, Betty, 229
bows and arrows, 281, 290, 297–298
Brady, James T., 3
Brady, William, 34–35, 39–47, 51–52, 53, 55–62
on DF’s athletic ability, 55–56
relationship with DF, 37–38, 45, 46, 47, 56, 59, 61–62
Brasha, Henry, 370
Brenon, Herbert, 74, 399
Brent, Evelyn, 308, 309, 310
Brice, Fanny, 71
Brisbane, Arthur, 188
Broadway Jones (1917), 67
Brody, Steve, 15
Broken Blossoms (1919), 252, 327
Brooks, Joseph, 68, 69
Brotherhood of Man, The (proposed film title), 367
Brougher, J. Whitcomb, 231, 232
Brown, Johnny Mack, 429
Browne, Earle, 444
Brownlow, Kevin, 83n, 86, 99, 101, 267, 270, 273, 273n, 287, 292n, 347
Brunton studio, 257, 280
Buchan Soap Company, 46
Buchanan, Thompson, 269
Buckland, Wilfred, 284
bullwhip training, 333
Burbank, California, 152
burglaries and robberies, 413
Burke, Billie, 77
Burns, Ed, 151
BVD (brand), 255n
“by the clock” expression, 140, 479
Cabanne, W. Christy, 83, 84, 88, 109, 112
Cafe Nat Goodwin, 81
Cairo, Egypt, 401
Calaveras County, 113
camels, 277
Campbell, Marie, 168
Campeau, Frank, 162, 176, 192, 196
Canadian Victory Loan Drive, 192n
Capitol Theatre (New York City), 223, 252
Captain Cavalier (Gregory), 368
Carewe, Edwin, 369
Carpenter, Francis, 123
Carpenter, Horace B., 150, 150n
Carré, Ben, 120
Carter, Howard, 402
Case, Frank, 73, 73n, 97, 148, 292–293, 297–298, 467
Case, Margaret, 246n
Case of Frenzied Finance, A (1905), 39–41
Cathedral Fair, 18
Cavens, Fred, 348
censorship, 259, 266–270, 271, 273, 299
Centaur Film Company, 81
Chambers, Ruth, 319n
Chan, Jackie, 121n
Chaplin, Charlie, 77, 82, 90, 98, 133, 136, 138, 155, 330
as consultant on DF movie scene, 417
falls onto Franklin Roosevelt, 182–183
First National Exhibitors Circuit and, 209, 210, 326, 328
as founding member of United Artists, 206, 212, 213, 215, 216, 216n
friendship with DF, 126–127, 183–184, 302–303, 359
Mary Pickford and, 274
opposes mergers, 358, 395–396
as pallbearer, 482
on premiere of The Three Musketeers, 265–266
room at Pickfair for, 258
signs on to Liberty Bonds tour, 182
UA stock plan and, 463
Chaplin, Sydney, 210, 377n
chase sequences, 112–113
Chevalier, Maurice, 413
children, interaction with, 122–123
Children’s Crusade, 367
Children’s Matinee (Broadway Theatre), 18
Choate, Peter, 363n
Christian Science, 410
“Cielito Lindo” (song), 319, 319n, 482
Clark, Marguerite, 57
Clive, Henry, 225
Clothes (1906), 44
clothes, love of, 187, 439
Clune studio, 220, 257, 284
Cohan, George M., 62–63, 65, 67–68, 69, 437
Cohan & Harris, 61, 63, 64, 68
Cole, “Slim,” 389
Collier, Constance, 126
color photography, 341
Colorado School of Mines, 23
Columbia Phonograph, 296
Columbia Theatre, 54
Committee of the National Association of the Motion Picture Industry Cooperating with the Red Cross, 180
Comont, Mathilde, 314
Consolidated Film Industries, 400
Cooke, Alistair, 52, 78, 103, 113, 128, 240, 320, 457
Coolidge, Calvin, 391, 407
Cooper, Gary, 469
Cooper Hewitt Light Company, 99
Cooper Hoyt, Inc. (1914), 67
Coquette (1929), 380, 415
Corner in Wheat, A (1909), 356
Corona Grade School, 10
Courtenay, William, 33
Courtship of Miles Standish, The (1923), 390
Covent Garden, 278
cowboys, admiration of, 84, 118–119, 151–153, 188
Crane, William H., 68, 69
Crawford, Clifton, 117
Crawford, Joan, 393–394, 473
Creel, George, 119–120, 193
Crisp, Donald, 332, 334, 346–348
Crosby, Bing, 417–418
Crusades, interest in, 281–282, 367
Cub, The (1910), 55–57
Cuba, travels to, 63
Curse of Capistrano, The, 246–247. See also Mark of Zorro, The (1920)
D. W. Griffith Inc., 254n
Daily Express, 461
Daily Mail, 239
Daily Register Gazette, 323
Dana, Viola, 199–200
dance scenes, 15, 179n, 334, 370
D’Artagnan (1916), 265
“D’Artagnan of Kansas” (Lyle), 171
Davenport, Kenneth, 33n, 34, 37, 44, 147, 295, 306, 475
Davis, Richard Harding, 183
Daw, Marjorie, 174–175, 232, 251n
Dawley, Grace, 75
Dawley, J. Searle, 74–75
Dawn of Sound, The (2007), 418
Days of ’49 (proposed movie title), 408
De Coppet & Doremus (brokerage house), 30
De La Motte, Marguerite, 251, 251n, 309, 310n
De Mille, Henry, 33
De Verdi, Chico, 481
Delmont, Maude, 270–271
DeMille, Cecil B., 137, 208, 254, 358
Dempsey, Jack, 281
Denham Film Studios (Great Britain), 472
Denver, Colorado, 7–8
Denver East High School, 21
Denver Post, 16, 17n, 18
Denver Sunday Post, 17
dialects, comic, 16n, 18
“Diamond as Big as the Ritz, A” (Fitzgerald), 254n
Dickey, Paul, 289
Dillinger, John, 262
Dime, Jimmy, 345
Disney, Walt, 424, 424n, 463
Dixon, Lydia, 17
Dodd, Neal, 482
dogs, owned by DF, 176, 176n, 224, 294, 321, 341, 341n, 433, 480
Dollars and Sense (play), 68
Don Q, Son of Zorro (1925), 12, 228, 331–337
Don Q’s Love Story (Prichard), 332
Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall (1924), 314, 315
Double Trouble (1915), 87–88
“Doug” (game), 293, 410n
Douglas, Euretta Wolf, 319
Douglas Fairbanks in Robin Hood. See Robin Hood (1922)
Douglas Fairbanks Pictures Corporation, 136, 164, 198, 223, 254n, 266, 300, 321, 390–391
Dove, Billie, 344–345, 345n
Down on the Farm (1920), 253
Down to Earth (1917), 90n, 157–159, 163, 416
Dream Street (1921), 327
Dressler, Marie, 182, 183
du Pont family, 215
Duber. See nicknames, private, of DF
Duchess of Windsor, 475
Duel in Wall Street, A (1898), 17
Dujardin, Jean, 252n
Duke of Windsor, 475
Duke’s Jester, The (1900), 26
Dunlap, Harry, 340
Dupree, Minnie, 32
Dwan, Allan, 99–102, 104, 113, 116n, 117, 120, 176, 384–385n
Bound in Morocco and, 191
DF signs as director, 164
on DF’s reaction to sets for Robin Hood, 287–289
on filming Robin Hood, 292
introduces DF to archery for Robin Hood role, 281
The Iron Mask and, 381, 392
and making of A Modern Musketeer, 171–172
quits as director of Arizona, 197
receives automobile from DF, 172
reconciles with DF, 280
on using stunt doubles, 228
E. M. Hollander and Sons (law firm), 34
Eagle Eye, 176
Easy Street (1917), 110
Edeson, Arthur, 294, 318
Edison, Thomas, 34
Edison Studios, 48
Edwards, Snitz, 313
81st Street Theatre, 217
“Eighty-Nine Reasons for United Artists,” 212, 213
Eisenstein, Sergei, 355–356
El Tovar Hotel, 173–174
Elitch’s Gardens, 16–17, 43–44
Elks clubs, 26
Eltinge, Julian, 181
Emerson, John, 88, 104, 117, 126, 128, 129, 131, 144, 170–171, 173
contract details with Douglas Fairbanks Pictures Corporation, 136
deposition by, 135
directorial role in Wild and Wooly, 152
Erich von Stroheim and, 145
friction between DF and, 159–161, 163, 164–165
Henabery assigned as assistant, 151–152
Reaching for the Moon and, 166–168
in review of The Mystery of the Leaping Fish, 112
signs termination agreement, 168–169
entourage, 147–149
Epling, Mary Lee, 473, 477, 480
Erickson, Clarence, 472, 479, 482
Essanay Studios, 75, 77, 183
Eubanks, Victor, 75–76
Evans, James, 315
Everybody’s Magazine, 119, 171n
Exhibitor’s Trade Review, 130
Eyman, Scott, 156, 335n, 376, 377, 380
Fairbanks, Beth Sully, 45–46, 54, 107, 135, 140, 154, 173–174, 187, 235
asked to intercede on DF’s behalf with Pickford, 466
as business manager, 46, 75, 104, 315–316
conflict with mother-in-law, 138–139
on DF as a father, 122
divorce settlement with, 200–201
reaction to DF and Pickford’s romance, 185–186
shares DF story with Pickford, 118–119
suspicions of affairs, 160–161, 183–184
at Tarrytown house party, 90–92
Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr., 5, 45, 65, 65n, 451, 467, 482
acting roles of, 122, 315–316, 346
birth of, 54
childhood of, 123–125
on DF as a father, 122
on DF in The Lamb, 86
on DF’s desire to enlist, 199
on DF’s ethnic origins, 194
on DF’s last reconciliation attempt with Pickford, 467
on DF’s vices, 98–99
on directors and DF, 102
Joan Crawford and, 393–394
marries Epling, 472–473
Mary Pickford and, 99, 174, 432
relationship with father, 96, 316–318, 461, 473–475, 474n, 477n, 478
as source of information, 174
Fairbanks, Douglas, Sr.
The First King of Hollywood Page 66