Steal Me

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Steal Me Page 8

by Riley Rollins

  She kneeled in front of me, looking up the length of my body with that fucking naughty look I loved. I watched, holding my breath, as she opened her mouth and her soft pink tongue appeared. “Ana…” I leaned my head back and clenched my teeth, bracing for the feel of her. She licked at the tip of my head, just once, and then I was engulfed. She was warm and wet, her tongue was working me in circles as her hands worked my length. “Fuck, Ana… fuck…”

  She sucked me deep, to the back of her throat, and I could feel the muscles working in her cheeks. She swallowed, pulling me in deeper and working me hard. I gasped, thrusting into her hot mouth twice, before I pulled out and dropped my hands to her shoulders. I worked to slow my ragged breathing as I watched her eyes flash, her soft, full lips still parted, waiting for more. My cock was dark and pounding, the veins standing out on the shaft.

  I picked her up off the floor and dropped her roughly onto the bed. “A man can only take so much, Ana.” I locked my eyes on her like my life depended on it. She sat up a little, bracing herself with her elbows on the pillows behind her. Her breasts thrust forward with the movement, swaying as I watched her. Then she lifted her knees and spread her legs for me.

  “Show me how much, Max,” she said, low and sexy as hell.

  I was on her, inside her before she took another breath. She was tiny beneath me, but moved like a wild thing. I drove myself inside her like a savage, her body moving with the power of my thrusts. She was clutching me with her legs as her nails bit into my back. Every thrust of my cock drove my name from her lips. She moaned and bit into my shoulder as I took her. She drove me on with the strength of her tight little pussy clenching me, and the sound of my name as her voice became louder and more urgent.

  “Max… god, Max… fuck me… fuck me. I’m going to come… I’m…”

  I felt her lose all control as I drove even deeper. I could feel her clit, hard against the base of my shaft, and I knew she had taken every inch of me. Her sweet little body was swallowing me up. I took her ass in my hands and buried myself, locking the head of my cock in the deepest part of her as she threw her head back and arched into her climax. I lost myself in her then, and we moved together as our joined orgasm pummelled us both. Wave after wave hit hard, our bodies giving and taking, each knowing the needs of the other. I emptied myself inside her as the waves of her climax worked me. I buried my face in the lushness of her breasts as the last pulses of her pussy drained me. She wrapped her arms around my neck, working to catch her breath. My heart was beating in my cock, still buried deep inside her.

  “God, Ana.” I moved my weight off of her and pulled her to me. Her soft hair spilled across my chest. “I never could have imagined…”

  I’d realized for a while that my feelings for this woman were becoming complicated. But this… Nothing could have prepared me for this…

  I reached down to drop a kiss on her parted lips and felt a soft tremor run through her, as the moonlight illuminated her face. She was lovely, breathlessly lovely as I held her in my arms, watching her fall easily to sleep.

  I slipped out of bed, taking a long look back before pulling the covers back over her. I loved the look of her, the feel of her, naked in my bed. And I was going to find some fucking way to keep her there.

  I pulled on a pair of sweats and slipped into the library. I had to talk to Sergei.

  “Max? Shit, Max. It’s about damn time.” Sergei sounded anxious.

  “Uncle Serge,” I began.

  “What kind of shit is Savvin trying to pull, Max? I’ve gotten messages from him about pulling the whole fucking lot, and you’re not fucking answering my calls…”

  “I’ve sent encrypted messages.”

  “We needed the fuck to talk, Max. What’s Savvin trying to do? I want the Strastnyy back because it’s ours, but this job was never set up for a half a billion dollar job…”

  My heart was pounding, my fists clenched. For a moment, I wished I had snapped Savvin’s neck when I’d had the chance. I could have disappeared and forgotten the entire job… just taken Ana and vanished…

  “Sav’s young, Sergei. He doesn’t understand the risks.” I dragged a hand through my hair. “But he’s sure as hell going to. I promised you the Blue and I’m going to deliver. It’s under control, Serge.” I wanted to feel as confident as I sounded.

  “Make sure you do, Max. There’s a lot on the line here, for me. For our family. For you. I want the diamond back home where she belongs, but I don’t want to lose you in the process. Even that shit, Savvin. I want all three of you safe. And home.”

  “We’re so fucking close. It’s happening on the thirteenth and everything’s in place.” I flashed to Ana, naked in bed. Innocent. Trusting me. “I’m not letting this slip through my fingers now.”

  “I know you won’t, Max.” The phone went silent.

  I dropped into an armchair, my jaw muscles working. For a moment, I imagined telling Ana the truth. She understood the importance of family, of tradition... of history. Once I was sure the stone was indeed Anton’s... could she possibly understand? That it had been given to my family, that it should still belonged to us. That I was only here to right a wrong done to our family centuries ago, when the stone had been lost to us? For a moment longer, I believed that I could make her understand, that perhaps I could have both Ana and the diamond…

  But Max Ivanov was a lie. A lie told to a woman who wanted him, only because she believed he was a different kind of man. It felt like a weight on my chest. How could she ever forgive that?

  I was a liar and a thief. What could it matter, that I was falling in love with her, when the Max she wanted didn’t even exist.



  I awoke alone in the darkness, to the sound of Max’s voice coming from the other room. His voice was too low to make out the words…

  I rolled over and ran my hands down my body, remembering how he’d touched me. How he’d felt inside me… how bold I had been. Everything can change so quickly, I thought, smiling to myself. I’d been so alone before Max, and now it felt like I had a whole new world of possibilities ahead of me. And every time we touched each other, the fire between us grew even hotter.

  I felt like I belonged in his arms and that he belonged in mine. It was as if we’d known each other forever, and had finally found each other again. Until now, it had only been the diamond I’d ever felt so sure of. Now I felt that way about Max. Everything I’d ever wanted was finally becoming real. The man of my dreams here, now... and the Strasnyy diamond was only a few days away. I smiled, as an idea started to form in my mind.

  I climbed out of bed and poked my head into the hall, listening for his voice. He must have hung up… I couldn’t hear anything. “Max?” I called softly. “Where are you?”

  He appeared in the hall, phone in hand, wearing black sweats that hung low on his hips. His muscles tapered, pointing down in a vee and taking my eyes down too… I blushed as he hardened visibly.

  “Now this is how I like to see my sweetheart,” he said, tossing the phone on a narrow table and taking me in his arms. “Naked and looking for me.” He cupped my breasts and then let his hands slip down my hips. “Fuck, Ana. I think I could never get enough of this feeling… of you in my hands.”

  “I didn’t mean to interrupt your call,” I said, pressing my body against the length of his. “I heard you out here…” I felt him stiffen against me.

  “You heard… What did you hear?” His voice sounded odd.

  “Nothing Max, only what sounded like a call.” There was something in his expression I’d never seen before, something I didn’t fully understand. He smiled and took me in his arms, kissing me, but frown lines still marked his forehead. He searched my eyes, his own bright and intense. “Ana. I… there’s something I need… something I want to tell you...”

  “Come back to bed, Max,” I said, pressing myself against his warm, solid body. “I have something to tell you too.”

  Max slipped into bed b
eside me, pulling the covers up over us both. I curled against his long hard body, molding my softness to his warmth. I rested the point of my chin on his broad chest, watching it rise and fall with his breath. I was holding mine, excited by my own boldness, hoping this would mean as much to him as it did to me…

  “Max,” I started, feeling my heart beat faster. “It’s about the diamond.” He shifted to watch me and I smiled up at him.

  “About you, actually,” I said, feeling myself blush. “You’ve been so incredible, Max. So supportive. We’ve only known each other a little while…” I blushed even deeper, glad for the darkness of the room. “And you’ve made me feel so safe, keeping me with you, here…”

  He stroked my hair, letting his fingertips trail low, down my spine. I gathered my courage and took a deep breath.

  “You know how much it means to me, to prove the diamond’s history…”

  Max nodded, watching me silently.

  “After years of working on this, I’m so close now... to having the pendant in my hands and proving I was right all along.”

  “It means everything to you, I know.” he said softly. “Tell me Ana, what is it?”

  “Proving there’s an inscription on that pendant could be the biggest thing that’s ever happened to me, Max, and I want to share it with someone who really understands, the way that you do.” I saw a muscle twitch along his jaw. “I want to share this with you, Max. I want you there beside me, when I examine the Strastnyy for the first time.”



  “I… I don’t know what to say…” I stumbled through the words as she rested her breasts against my chest. Her delicious little body was distracting enough. But it was the trust… the faith she had in me that left me speechless. It was the diamond I’d come here for, and she was all but handing it to me now…

  “You said there was something you wanted to tell me too, Max. What is it?” She kissed the edge of my jaw and snuggled sleepily beside me.

  “Was there…?” I muttered into her hair. “I... don’t remember now…” I stroked her back and felt her relax. “It’s late, sweetheart. You should sleep…”

  Her breathing softened into a gentle rhythm as I held her. I watched her face, so peaceful in sleep and felt a wave of guilt wash over me. Ana was so good, so sweet and trusting. She’d just given me more than I could have ever hoped for. Everything had fallen into place so perfectly. I’d have the chance to take what I’d come for and get the fuck out, pulling Savvin and his dangerous ideas back under Sergei’s control in St. Petersburg. In little more than a week, this whole job would be a distant memory.

  I felt her reach across the expanse of my chest and sigh. Her hand trailed down as she shifted against me and rested low on my belly. My cock stirred restlessly. Everything I’d come here for was within reach, as long as I was willing to leave Ana, betrayed and broken hearted behind me.

  I couldn’t deny it any longer. This wasn’t just a simple job anymore. It was fucking unprofessional as hell, but it was complicated now. I had to steal the diamond, but I sure as shit wasn’t going to sacrifice Ana to get it. Somehow I had to find a way to have them both. And that meant telling Ana the truth. Trusting her to understand I was here to bring the diamond home where it belonged. She said she’d do anything for family. Surely she would understand that it was the same for me...

  She rolled onto her side and I rolled with her. I curved myself around her, pulling her tiny body close, putting a protective arm over her. I felt the curve of her back and the roundness of her lovely ass against me and pulled her even closer. We fit together perfectly.

  I’d make sure she had the chance to examine the stone and confirm her theory. It meant so much to her. There was no way in hell I’d take that victory away from her. And then, if she would have me… if she could forgive me… we would disappear with it. Together.

  I would tell her the truth. I owed her that. I was in love with her, and I fell asleep with her in my arms, praying that love would be enough to save us both.

  “Oh… my… god… Max…”

  I thrust inside her with every word she uttered, as the shower beat down on us. Her legs were wrapped around me as I held her, moving her tiny body on my cock. My legs were spread and braced to take her as I lifted her, dropped her down, impaling her on my unleashed need. Her wet breasts bounced with every movement. Seducing, teasing, mesmerizing me. No matter how much of her I had, it was never enough. When I was in her pussy, her tits were begging me. When I held her swollen breasts, it was her lips that cried out to me. I wanted everything. And I wanted to give her every part of me.

  She collapsed against me, shuddering as I filled her. The heat of my seed flooded us both and ran down my thighs. I buried my face in her neck as she clung to me, rocking with the waves of her own orgasm. I kissed her, drinking in the taste of her lips and her tongue, feeling the heat inside her body. We were like one person who shared the same sensations. We held each other, moving gently together for a long, long time. The water fell around us quietly, like soft rain…

  “God, Ana…,” I said, reluctantly letting her unwrap her legs from my hips and setting her on her feet. I pulled her to me, completely spent but still hungry for the feel of her skin. I squeezed some soap into my hands and worked the lather over her. She was so perfect, so lovely. I’d never had these feelings in my life. I knew, deep inside, there was nothing I wouldn’t do for this woman.

  “Ana,” I started, kneading her gently, running my hands underneath her breasts and down her belly. “I… there’s so much I want to tell you… about my life. About myself.” Her eyes were dark and soft as she looked at me.

  “I want to take you to dinner tonight. A special evening. One I hope we’ll both remember...”

  She reached up to put her arms around my neck, smiling deliciously, and rubbed her soapy belly against mine…

  Later… a very long time later, I left Ana puttering in the kitchen while I headed back upstairs. I had a couple of hours before I had to dress for dinner. I’d made a reservation for us at the best restaurant in the city, then I would bring her back here. But first, I had to talk to Savvin. It was long overdue, having had more pleasant distractions to focus on… I flashed back to Ana’s beautiful mouth working my cock in the shower and I exhaled hard. She was strong, beautiful, passionate as hell. Perfect as a jewel.

  I pulled out my cell. Seconds later, Savvin answered, sounding cold sober for the first time since we’d arrived in D.C.

  “Drag yourself off the pussy?” he snapped, bringing me back to cold reality.

  “Shut the fuck up Savvin,” I shot back. “We need to get some shit straight. I’ve talked to Sergei and we’re on the same page. If you want to continue with this job, with us, we need to get clear, very clear on what happens next. You’re not making the decisions on this, Savvin. You’re taking them.”

  “And you think I’m just gonna sit the fuck back and suck you like your girlfriend?” he ground out the ugly words. “Fuck you, Max. I warned you once I’m not gonna let you blow this shit, but I figured you still might be stupid enough to follow your prick…”

  “What the hell have you done, Savvin?” My guts turned to ice as I remembered Ana’s sister. I felt sick at the thought that I’d been too distracted by my feelings for Ana to take Savvin’s threat seriously. “So help me, I’ll tear you into pieces if you’ve so much as touched…”

  “Shut up and listen Max, for once. Kid sister is just fine. A little plain for my taste, but all in one piece. No, Max. She just wasn’t the girl for me… nothing like your hot little Ana.”

  “Goddamn it, Sav…”

  “Check your fucking messages, Max.”

  I punched the keys on my laptop and fell back in my chair, eyes wide and mouth open. I flipped through the files he’d sent me, anger growing into fucking rage. It was all there, everything in place. Savvin was good at his fucking job, damn him to hell… He was going to use the very setup that, months ago, I’d helped
him to plan…

  “You didn’t take me seriously, Max… and I don’t care for that,” Savvin said cooly. “So I figured it was time to hit a little closer to home.”

  I slammed a fist down on the desk, and looked up at the ceiling, waiting for him to finish. I knew what would come next. Anger and guilt sat on my chest like a dead weight. Savvin was dragging it out, enjoying the victory.

  “You knew all along what I’d planted in Ana’s computer, Max,” his voice was smooth as velvet. “Our little backup plan… setting her up to look like she was planning to steal the Blue all along. Did you really think you were the only one who could decide when it was time to use it?” I heard the pleasure in his voice.

  “You’re taking it all, Max. Every last fucking piece. And you’re turning it over to me. I figured you just needed a little motivation, to make the right decision. And you’ll do it, Max, gladly, or these files are going straight to the fucking D.C. police and your sweet little girlfriend will be going down.”




  It was still a little early, but I’d already dressed for dinner and taken extra care with my hair and makeup. I knew I looked good. I also knew the real reason why. The glow in my cheeks and the brightness of my eyes was all about Max. I was happy, truly happy for the first time in my life.

  “Max?” I pushed the library door open. “Are you here?”

  “Ana…” His sudden movement caught my eye in the dim light, as he closed his laptop. I saw him pocket his phone.

  “I… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt,” I said, stepping into the room. “I wanted to show off, is all…” I stepped into the room and gave a little twirl, smiling, suddenly shy. Thank goodness I’d had the presence of mind to pack a classic little black dress in my overnight bag. I only had my pink heels to pair it with, but somehow it seemed to work… judging by the look on Max’s face. He sat, unmoving and silent, drinking me in.


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