Steal Me

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Steal Me Page 17

by Riley Rollins

  I pushed everything out of my mind but the need to find her.



  “No… NO…let go…let me…GO!” I thrashed and fought with everything I had. My nails hit hard flesh and I dug in.

  “Fucking shit Abby! Let the fuck go. It’s me goddamn it, it’s Dane. Stop…fighting me!”

  I froze, my nails still locked into his thick forearms. “Dane… Dane?! What the hell, Dane? You left me…you fucking tied me like that asshole and you fucking left me! Damn you, you son of a bitch, you fucking left me…!” He had pried my nails from his arms but I was pounding on his chest with my fists by then using all the strength I had left. “You left me to die out here.” I leaned my forehead into his warm chest. “You left me.”

  Dane took my small fists into his whole hands, covering them warmly and holding them still against his chest. “I’m sorry Abby, I am.”

  I was shaking, from fear or from anger? I wasn’t sure. Maybe both. I’d needed him and he hadn’t been there for me...until I ran headlong and flailing into his chest. Why the fuck should I believe him and just fall into his arms now?

  Because he’s still your only chance to live, my higher self said. And because even now your body is molding to his, his voice is making you feel safe and alive again. Because you need his touch on your skin and you need him to look at you, like he’s looking at you now...

  Dane’s big rough hand slid up under my chin, lifting my face to his. His eyes were black pools in the darkness and I exhaled. He gathered me in his arms and my own slid up high behind his shoulders, gripping him to me. I could feel his hot, hard need and my answering wetness dripping down my thighs.

  He ground his erection into me. “You can dig your nails into my back. Fight me if you want. Give me all the passion in your body Abby, but you’re going to feel every long inch of me when I fuck you.” He dropped his face to mine and he kissed me like a starving man. “Christ, how could I not come back?” He rumbled the words against my lips. “I’m going to fuck you Abby. Like I promised. Deep and hard with you begging for more. Neither of us can live without this. I didn’t leave you to die Abby. I was coming back all along. I did not leave you to die alone.” He paused and took a long breath looking at me. “It’s not who I am.”

  His hands cupped my ass and he lifted me, pulling me hard against his cock. I wrapped my arms around his neck, his tongue plundering my mouth and my insides turning hot and liquid. Finally he pulled back, taking my entire body in with his gaze. His darkness was lit by the night stars as he watched me. He looked at me silently, for a very long time.

  I leaned my face closer and slowly brushed his lips with mine.

  He lifted me suddenly in a smooth, easy movement and started walking in long strides. “Where are you taking me now?” I asked though it hardly mattered. I would go anywhere he took me. I had no choice, yet it was my choice.

  “I want a shower and a bed,” he said, his warm lips moving against my hair.

  “This is a shower and a bed?” I asked, after he swiped the keycard and swung the massive wooden door wide. “This looks like a palace,” I said, stepping into the five star suite with a fire burning enthusiastically in the living room.

  “I like my comforts, Abby. Does it please you?”

  “It’s beautiful Dane. I’ve never seen a room like this. It’s just...” I peeked into the bedroom at an enormous bed all in white, it’s own fireplace burning slowly, “lovely,” I breathed.

  Dane was on the phone ordering room service as I explored the large oval tub in the bathroom. The idea of a hot bath made me lightheaded. He’d brought me to this amazing hotel in the first good-sized town we’d come to. Surely he’d never have done that if he was going to kill me. He’d have left me in the woods. But I was here, we were here. In civilization and there was a phone in the other room. Maybe I’d been wrong about everything all along. Maybe he wanted me more than he needed to get rid of the witness.

  Dane came around the corner. “I’ve ordered dinner. Nothing too heavy. You still need to go slowly,” he said into the back of my neck. “Would you like to bathe before it arrives? I have some calls to make.”

  “Yes, oh god yes, please.” At that moment I wanted a bath more than food, more even than Dane.

  “Good girl,” he said. “I’m right out here if you need anything. Take your time, the food will keep.” He started running the tap for me, adjusting the hot water and adding a scoop of pink bath salts from a crystal decanter.

  “I’m next,” he said, his eyes liquid. A delicious shiver ran through me. No, death was hardly the greatest danger this man represented.

  Dane closed the door behind him and I slipped off my dirty clothes in an instant and sank into the steaming water. Thank heavens he’d left me in the Jeep when he’d driven up to the hotel office. I’d caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My hair was a riot around my head, dirt smudged my face and clothes. I’d always been thin, now I was even thinner. The last few days had made a mess of me, yet somehow Dane merely looked casual...

  We had made it back to the truck quickly. Dane seemed to hardly notice the burden of carrying me. The drive into town hadn’t taken long either although I think I dozed off more than once. He had to stroke my shoulder to wake me and I waited in the Jeep until he’d checked in and parked closer to our room. Our room. I was sharing a hotel room with Dane the killer. And I wasn’t afraid.

  I ran soapy hands over my breasts. The door clicked and I looked up to see Dane’s eyes on me, my thickening nipples caught in the vees of my fingers.

  “Wetness becomes you Abby,” he said, the corner of his mouth twitched upward and I realized I’d never seen him smile. I tried to imagine him laughing, that generous mouth smiling widely, his eyes shining. I wanted to see that I thought, surprised at myself. I wanted to be the reason for his smile.

  He stepped to the edge of the tub and sat down. “Are you feeling better? You look delicious enough to eat.” He kissed my lips lightly, trailing his fingertips along one nipple and pulling it gently. He kissed me again and I could see the thick bulge of arousal in his jeans.

  “Our dinner is here.” He held a fluffy white robe for me as I stepped out of the water and he wrapped it around me. I felt a wave of shyness I could hardly explain after what he’d already done to me. Maybe it was thinking about what we were going to do...

  He took my hand and we walked to the dining room and sat down to plates covered by shiny silvery domes. He lifted mine.

  “I ordered broiled chicken with rosemary for you and potatoes with a light cream sauce. There’s a clear mushroom broth to begin and some rolls. I’ll order anything else you might like instead. You’re too thin. I want you to eat.”

  “This is lovely Dane, it’s perfect. It’s just perfect.” I took a light tender roll and bit into its crispy warmth. “Perfect.”

  Dane took the cover from his own plate and the mouthwatering aroma of filet mignon and roasted potatoes filled the room. We ate in companionable silence, him keeping my water goblet filled and occasionally offering me a tidbit from his own plate. I’d seen him eat with his hands in the woods. Now he ate like a gentleman, his napkin draped casually over a muscular thigh, handling the fine cutlery like he’d been born to it.

  I was full halfway through my meal as he was finishing the last bites of his own. Room service knocked at the door and Dane opened it to a thin young man in black. “Can I bring you anything else Mr. Harrow,” he asked, deftly clearing our table. “No thank you,” Dane said and slipped a large bill into the boy’s hand as he left. There was hot tea for me, a scotch for Dane and a thick decadent looking slice of lemon cake, dusted with powdered sugar. He pushed it toward me. I rolled my eyes and Dane smiled.

  “I like a woman of substance,” he said, looking at me from under his thick brows, his eyes smiling. “You’ll forgive me after you taste it.”

  He took a large bite for himself and settled back in an armchair by the fire with his glass. “Don’t
finish it. Just let the lemon linger in your mouth as the end of the meal,” he said.

  “Is this something you do often? I asked, relaxed from the food and the firelight. “Mountain man and gourmet…killer and Romeo?” Had I said that out loud? I sat upright in my chair and stared at him.

  There are times for…roughness,” he said, his eyes meeting mine purposefully. “And there are times for luxury. I enjoy them both.” His dark gaze caressed me. I was instantly wet inside, my walls clenching emptiness. I imagined what sex with him would be like. Rough and luxurious…me at his mercy.

  “You know I won’t tell Dane,” I said quietly, looking up at him from under my lashes. “I would never tell. I believe that man deserved to be killed. Look what he’d done to me and you said he’d done worse to others. You saved me from him Dane. You can let me go and I’ll never tell. You made me safe and I’ll keep you safe too.”

  “I believe you Abby. I’ve held you in my arms.” His black eyes watched me. “You could never lie to me. But my life is not simple. The people I work with…there can’t be witnesses Abby.”

  “But do they know about me? If only you and I know that I saw you…and you know I’d never tell... We’re both safe, don’t you see?” Could it really be that simple?

  “I’m not going to kill you, Abby. It’s not possible.” He stroked a finger down my cheek to my lips. “But there are those who would, as easily as turning off a light. I can’t kill you, but I can’t let you go either. The only way to protect you is to keep you.”

  I looked into his deep dark eyes. Keep me? As a hostage, as a pet…as a lover? I thought of my small apartment and my smaller job. I thought of classes I was taking and my dream to become curator in an art museum. I looked at the easy bulk of Dane’s enormous body, his fingers wrapping the glass in his hand. What was his life really like and what part would I play in it? Could I ever really understand the kind of life he led? Could I give up my past and my future for…what kind of life was he proposing?

  Could I trust him to keep me alive? He already had. But could I live in his life, without freedom, just to stay alive?

  There was a soft knock and Dane rose, stretching to his full height and striding to the door. He opened it to a wiry man with dirty blond hair. Drawn and ready in his hand was a dull black gun with what looked like a silencer. “Cutter,” Dane said.

  And I knew from his voice that the choices were no longer ours.



  “What the fuck do you want, Cutter?” I ground out, spreading my shoulders and blocking the doorway with my bulk. Abby was behind me, naked under her robe and I could tell by his face he had seen her. “Make it fast, Cutter. This one isn’t coming cheap,” I lifted my glass toward Abby. Her eyes were huge and her face white. “And I intend to get my money’s worth tonight.” I added an ugly lear, praying to fuck that Abby would understand, willing her not to panic. What the fuck was this asshole doing here?

  “Just checkin’ boss. When Lazar said you hadn’t called in, I thought I’d come looking, see if everything was good.” Cutter sucked at a tooth as he slid past me and looked around the room. “I know you like this place…after.”

  Cutter was a fucking weasel, but he was good at what he did. I killed and he cleaned up. He worked for me and for Lazar’s side of the organization, but he worked for Macek on occasion too. Lazar and Macek worked independently, like right and left arms of one body. Cutter and I mostly left each other the hell alone. And nobody checks the fuck up on me.

  “What the fuck, Cutter? Put the goddamn piece away. I’ve spoken to Mister Petrescu.” It pissed me off when he took liberties. “The job is done and you’ve taken care of your…responsibilities. Take a goddamn vacation and buy yourself a better suit.” I glanced at Abby. She was holding up, but I could see the tension. She knew this wasn’t good.

  “Yep, you burned down the Arsonist and I swept up the ashes,” Cutter dug a nail into his tooth. “We always did good together boss, like a real fucking team.”

  “Yeah right. Now if you don’t mind, I’m going to get on with my fucking evening,” I said, stepping past Cutter toward the door and opening it wider. “And my plans don’t include you.”

  “Nice piece of ass you got there,” Cutter said, clearly going nowhere. “But she sure as fuck don’t look like a whore. Little Miss Innocent Blue Eyes,” he licked thin lips. “Nope, like no fuckin’ whore I’ve seen. ‘Course you go in for the high class ass and all…”

  “This hotel doesn’t cater to street trash, Cutter. They provide quality. Now leave us the hell alone. I’ve waited long enough for her and I’m not waiting any longer.” I was getting pissed now and I didn’t like his eyes on Abby or the shit coming out of his mouth.

  “Nope, like no shit whore I know. This one looks like a fucking coed.” His eyes slid to me. “Where the fuck you get a good little girl like this, Dane?”

  I took an angry step toward him. I needed him to believe she was a prostitute yet I wanted to wring his stringy neck for looking at her like she was.

  But it was pure fucking dangerous for him to suspect that she wasn’t.

  “I don’t mind if he wants to stay,” Abby said, pushing past me and gliding easily toward Cutter.

  What the fuck was she doing? The shoulder of her robe starting to slip down and she let it. The tie around her waist was loosening and more and more flesh started to emerge as she moved. “But the price more than doubles,” she purred over her shoulder at me with a slow smile that made my balls tighten. She moved so close to Cutter that the tips of her nipples brushed against his arm through the robe and I could see the goddamn fuck starting to harden for her. The expression on her face was pure sex kitten and she was all but rubbing herself up against him. Her entire presence had changed. My hands balled into hard fists.

  Abby rolled her eyes toward me, her jaw wagging ever so slightly to one side and then I knew.

  She was playing the game. For me. For us. This girl is fucking amazing, I thought, but I was still pissed. I didn’t fucking like this shit at all.

  “If it’s all the same to the both of you, I’ll stick to my own plans,” I said dryly, taking Abby’s arm and steering her away from Cutter. The fucking prick looked like he wanted to screw her on the floor and I wanted my hands on his throat. “You won’t have anything left after me, baby,” I said with finality, my face close to Abby’s. I pushed her behind me and felt her relax unsteadily on her feet.

  “You’re overstaying your welcome.” I turned back to Cutter. “Now, if you don’t mind, get your greasy ass out of my room. Looking at you shrivels my dick.”

  “Can’t have that shit can we, with Tits over there waiting. Yeah, you got you some sweet pussy tonight. Don’t let me fucking get in the way.” Cutter moved to the door. “Boss said you’re back Saturday.” He looked past me to Abby and winked. “Hope you can make it ‘till then honey. This big bastard’s worn out more pussy than you g…”

  I cut him the fuck off with one hand hard in the center of his chest. I wanted to cave his goddamn face in. “Enough. Get the fuck out. Now,” I said. I took his arm and shoved him to the door, steering him out. He turned and put his face in mine, his breath sour.

  “We both know fuckin’ whores ain’t your shit, Mister Harrow,” he breathed at me with a sneer. “There was a lot of blonde fucking hair in Arseny’s bed. I may only be a fucking cleaner, but I see shit. I can see shit.”

  I slammed the door in his face, imagining crushing his fucking neck in the doorjamb.



  Dane turned his back to the door, facing me and putting one hand to the back of his neck. “Is there no end to your surprising abilities, Abby?” He dragged the hand around and looked at me, his head at an angle.

  “Who is he, Dane? You know him, but who is he? He said you’re a team.” I blanched at the idea of Dane and this man working together even if Dane did seem to despise him. I moved closer, putting a hand on his arm. I wanted an answer
but I was afraid too.

  “That man takes care of things after a job, Abby,” he said with a sigh. “It’s not nice fucking work and it has to be done right. He’s good but he’s ambitious too, and that can be a dangerous quality.” He pulled a long breath and took his time on the exhale. “I answer to Lazar Petrescu, who thinks no more of that asshole than I do. But Cutter works for the other side as well as for us. The same side Arseny worked for, under Andrei Macek’s control. There are branches in our organization and there are connections within the different branches. There are tensions too. There can be…disagreements and sometimes loyalties can shift.”

  “Takes care?” I didn’t hear much of what Dane said after that part. “You mean he gets rid of…of the…bodies?” I looked up into Dane’s eyes, already knowing the answer to my question. “You’re in the mob, Dane. This is organized crime that we’re talking about?”

  The blackness in his eyes answered me.

  “You’re a hit man,” I stated quietly, feeling the reality hit my belly. Dane reached out and covered my hands with his own.

  “My mother brought me to Lazar after my father died. He’d been a friend to our family for many years and was the closest thing to family we had left.” Dane spoke softly.

  “She died shortly after we arrived in Chicago. She’d known my dad since they were children and I think she just couldn’t live without him anymore. The light in her went out when he died. Lazar took me under his wing and raised me up. He’s always treated me like I was his own, like a brother to his son Nicolae. I look out for his interests Abby. I owe him everything.”


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