Claiming Her

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Claiming Her Page 2

by Noelle, Alexis

  Tina is looking at me with her mouth open. “One of those was for me, slut.”

  I give her the finger and get up needing to move, so I head to the dance floor. The bass is thumping, and it feels like my entire body is vibrating. My body is swaying to the music so fluidly; I’m letting everything go and surrendering all of my stressors. After a few minutes, I feel someone come up behind me. I don’t look back and decide to enjoy the feeling of contact before I tell them to beat it.

  His body is hard, and his hands grip my hips making my legs wobbly. I move with him almost like we are one person our bodies molded to each other. I relax my head against his chest, that’s when I realize I’ve had enough. I can’t get comfortable. I need my space. I lift his hands off of me and step away, turning around to tell him thanks for the dance.

  Jake is smiling back at me. I should be surprised, but I’m not. Of course, it would be him! I run my hand through my hair frustrated at my shit luck. He takes a few steps toward me, and I retreat the same way. I hit a hard surface realizing I’m now pressed against the wall. “I’m gonna say this one more time just to let you know how serious I am. I’m gonna take you out.” He leans down placing a kiss on my cheek before walking away. My skin burns from his contact and I want to go after him.

  I need to get the fuck out of here. I have been just fine for six years. There is no way in hell I am going to let him walk into my life and screw it all up. I move toward the door, and when I get outside, I start to look for a cab.

  “Leaving so soon?” I don’t even need to turn around. I know who it is.

  “Will you just go away? What are you some damn stalker? If you haven’t gotten the message from me saying no, or telling you, I was gay let me make it clear. Fuck off.” My alcohol balls have officially dropped, and they are out in full force.

  He laughs and it makes me want to dick kick him even more. “You’re cute when you’re feisty.”

  Really? That’s it. I’m going to kill him. I charge at him like a damn bull but he catches my arms and holds them behind my back. I’m pressed against him and at his mercy. I try to free my arms but it’s useless.

  “I know what you said, but your mouth and your body are saying two entirely different things. I felt you tremble when I whispered in your ear at the table. The submission of your body when we danced, and that content sigh you didn’t know you let escape when I kissed you. I’ll see you soon, gorgeous.” He releases my arms and walks back inside.

  I stand there dumbstruck until Tina comes out. “Hey, holy shit, girl, you okay? You look like you’ve been hit by a damn truck.”

  Nope not a truck, something much worse.


  I walk into work completely hungover. I couldn’t sleep at all last night. His words kept replaying in my head. The way he held me to him. The way he felt as we moved together. I shake my head trying to clear the haze I’m in. My phone buzzes and I jump.

  Tina: I’m going to start taking CrossFit classes in the mornings before work. You in?

  Me: Hell yes! I need something to distract me.

  “Hey, Nina!” Kelly, the receptionist, greets me. “I have something for you.”

  I look at her in confusion as she reaches behind her and hands me a box. I take it, thanking her, and go into my room before opening it. It’s a red rectangular box with silver ribbon encircling it. The small white card attached to it piques my interest.

  These are as sinful as the way you moved your body against me last night.

  See you tonight, Sparky.

  Sparky? What the fuck it that supposed to mean? And he sure as hell will not see me tonight. Flash may be the damn death of me. I open the box to reveal rows of chocolate strawberries. He may be a pain in my ass, but he has damn good taste.

  I look up when a knock sounds at my door. “Nina, your first client is here.”

  I nod and put the box away before heading out to the lobby. “Bobby?” I call his name, after I walk him back to my room, and go over what to do I leave the room. When I go back in, Bobby is lying face down as I instructed and I cringe as I take him in. His back is so hairy that I think Locks of Love would accept a donation from him. It’s like a damn afro covering his back. Just add another tick to this amazing day.

  By the time five o’clock comes around I’m sprinting out of the door. I had the absolute worst luck with appointments today. After Bobby, I had a moaner, which is so uncomfortable and disgusting. Then there was the Boy Scout that when he turned over I swear you could have fit a family of four in the tent he was pitching. Then the grabber who kept trying to touch my hands as I massaged him, or grabbed my hips when I was rubbing his neck for “balance.” Luckily tomorrow is my day off and I have every intention of doing absolutely nothing. It’s probably good that I’m off since Tina wants me to do that class with her. I haven’t worked out in forever so it’s very possible I won’t be able to walk when it’s over.

  I pull into my parking spot and make my way up to my apartment. “Are you fucking kidding me?” How the hell did he even get my address?

  “Well, it’s nice to see you too, Sparky.” Jake is standing outside of my door.

  “You know they offer help for people like you. Not only that, but stalking is a crime. Oh, and what the hell is with the ‘Sparky’ stuff?” I turn the key in my door stepping just a bit inside so he understands this is not an invitation to come in.

  “It’s not stalking. I told you I was taking you out tonight.” He grabs my hand and pulls me toward him. “See you were inside and I took you out.” His hand releases mine, and he bends down to pick up a box of pizza. “Now let's eat before this gets cold.” He is so persistent that I don’t even know what to think. It’s nice that he is putting in the effort for me, but it’s completely unwanted.

  I hold my hand up. “No. One, I want to know why the hell you call me Sparky and, two, I did not invite you in.” I cross my arms trying to seem unaffected by him.

  “I call you Sparky because of how feisty you were last night, don’t worry it's a good thing. And I told you I was coming over tonight, I don’t know why you are so surprised.” He squeezes past me and walks inside. I clench my fist as I slam the door in frustration.

  “Get out.”

  He looks at me from the kitchen as he is opening the box of pizza and putting slices on plates. When he walks toward me, my body tenses. Stay strong. He holds the plate out for me to grab and smiles. “Eat this. Maybe you’ll be a little more pleasant.” He winks at me before sitting down on my couch.


  Chapter Four


  I sit down on the couch as far away from him as possible. I’m trying to be stubborn and not eat his stupid pizza, but it smells so damn good. I cave to the fat monster inside of me and take a bite. An involuntary moan escapes my mouth and my eyes dart to Jake instantly to see if he noticed.

  By the big ass smile on his face, I would say he did. I finish the piece in record time then turn to face him. “I ate, but I still don’t want you here.”

  I hear him laugh before he looks up at me. He stands and walks in front of me. His finger traces my jawline making my entire body pay attention. My skin heats as his touch disappears. “It’s a shame you’re such a shit liar, Sparky. Besides I brought a movie.” How the hell does he know I’m lying? I have tirelessly perfected my poker face over the years. How can he see through me so easily?

  He disappears. A movie? Where the hell did this guy come from? No wonder he has such bad luck with girls, he can’t take no for an answer. “I just don’t get it.” I stand up and face him. “Why won’t you just go?” He doesn’t answer me. I walk to where he is in the kitchen. “I’m talking to you! What is your damn problem? I have asked you a million times to just—“

  His mouth crashes to mine. I’m backed against the kitchen counter, and there is no escape, not that I want one. His tongue forces its way into my mouth, taking full control as his hands grip my ass and lift me up to sit on the granite. He pulls b
ack, placing hard kisses down my jaw and then his lips trail over my neck. I throw my head back in pleasure. I’ve never had this feeling. Like I will combust any damn minute. Then he stops. I look down at him in confusion.

  “That’s why I won’t leave. No matter how much this sexy ass mouth says no, this sinful body is screaming yes. I’m okay with hanging out until they get on the same page.” His hands skim up my sides before lifting me up and setting me back on my feet. He takes my hand and walks me into the living room, leaving me standing by the couch as he puts in the DVD.

  It's like I’m frozen. I don’t fall for guys. Mostly because everyone who has ever tried to get close to me is pushed away after the first hello. His determination scares me.

  Jake walks back to me, sits down, and pulls me next to him. For the first time, I don’t fight him. I sit there but make no move to touch him. My head is so jumbled, and I can barely think straight. This is why I need to fight any feelings I might have. I can't let him in and risk hurting someone else. I don’t deserve to have anyone. I had Carly, and she’s gone because of me.

  He’s toxic and dangerous. He is the reason I could lose everything I have worked for. He could also be the one to pull me from the darkness. I don’t want that, though; the darkness is safe. You can’t see the monsters in the darkness.

  The movie starts and with the eerie music, I can tell it is a scary movie. Great. Add another plus to this night. I hate scary movies. Life is filled with enough bad shit as it is.

  His arm wraps around my shoulders pulling me close to him. I move to push him away, but I don’t. It would be nice to have one night where I didn’t have to bear the weight of the wall that I’ve built. A night where I can be normal and not broken. I give in to him, letting my head rest on his shoulder. I’m playing with fire here, tempting fate, embracing the devil. And it feels good. His hand slowly strokes my long hair, and my body loses the last bit of tension in it.

  “Sorry I’m so late!” I jump from the loud voice. I look over at Jake, and there is a pillow on his lap, when I look at the TV the credits are rolling. I fell asleep. “Well, well, what is going on here?” Tina has a huge smile on her face.

  “I um…I.” I have no words. I let myself slip. My weakness took over.

  “Well, I’ll see you soon, Sparky.” Jake stands up before leaning down and placing a quick kiss on my lips. He says a quick bye to Tina before leaving.

  Tina runs over to the couch. “What happened? This morning you were still so against him. Then I walk in to find you spooning his junk.”

  “Spooning his junk? Really?” She just shrugs waiting for my explanation. “I don’t know what happened. After arguing with him multiple times, he snaked his way in here with pizza and a movie. I guess I fell asleep.” I’m not going to tell her about what happened in the kitchen. She’s a bad influence. My mind wanders to the memory though. The way his hands felt on me. It was like he was everywhere, surrounding me.

  “What the hell are you thinking about? With the way you just turned red and got all googly eyed I’m gonna say you did more than just fall asleep, hooker.” She nudges my shoulder and I give no indication as to whether she is right or not. “I don’t get it, babe, I mean I have never seen you even give a guy a second look. You obviously like, or at least are curious about this guy. What is holding you back?”

  “I just don’t want to deal with a relationship now.” Relationships mean sharing things with another person. Personal things, memories, family stuff, everything I have tried to bury. “I was perfectly fine before Flash walked into my life, and I’ll be perfectly fine once he is gone.”

  “Flash?” She starts to laugh. “That reminds me, what is up with the Sparky thing?”

  “Ugh, God, don’t even ask.” She arches her eyebrow at me, and I know that there is no way that she will drop this. “Fine, he said it's because I’m always so feisty.”

  She gets up and starts walking to her room. “I like this guy, he can go toe to toe with you. He’ll be good for you.”

  Or he’ll destroy me.

  Chapter Five


  Beep. Beep. Beep.

  I groan as my finger swipes the screen and silences the sounds of pure evil. I glance at the clock, 5:30AM. I’m not getting up; this is insane. Screw this I’m going back to sleep. I pull the covers over my head before they are ripped away from me.

  “Somehow I knew I would end up needing to drag your ass out of bed. Come on, Sparky.” Tina laughs. Oh great, now she is going to start calling me that.

  I huff and puff the entire time I am getting dressed. “Why in the name of all things holy did it have to be a six a.m. class?” I pout at her hoping she will decide to leave me here.

  “Because it’s a good way to wake your ass up and I can’t do any of the other times.” She hands me a water bottle, and I begrudgingly take it from her. “Let’s go!” She practically skips out the door. People like her should be given a sedative until normal people are ready to be functional.

  I close my eyes in the car, falling back to sleep. A forceful nudge wakes me up. “You better wake up, girl. I heard this class is no cake walk.” Awesome.

  We walk in and see a guy with his back to us talking to about five other girls. Tina and I put our stuff down then walk over to everyone. One of the girls makes eye contact and says hi. When the guy turns around I curse every God in the world. Jake. When he notices us he smiles, his hands resting on his hips in that cocky way that he always does.

  I turn to Tina. “You’re not funny. What the fuck?” I whisper.

  “Did I not mention that Jake taught this class? He told me about it the other night.” She smiles before greeting the group.

  My bad mood just tripled. The music turns up, and he instructs everyone to line up. Being the newbies, Tina and I move to the back. Jake goes through the warm-ups, which don’t seem so bad. It’s a mix of push-ups, suicides, and sit-ups for five minutes. It’s like high school gym class all over again. I got this shit. Every time I run I feel his eyes on me. My senses are on high alert, and it is so hard to focus on the task at hand.

  “Time’s up!” Jake shouts and his loud voice makes me jump. He makes his way back to the front of the room, and I can’t help but check him out. He is wearing a tight black t-shirt and red basketball shorts. His huge biceps look as if they might bust through the straining material making every girl in here a happy camper.

  Everyone starts to move and grab the barbells. Great, I was daydreaming and now have no idea what I’m supposed to be doing. Tina calls me over, and I quickly catch up with her.

  “We are sharing a spotter. Girl, get your head out of the hormone clouds.” Jake announces that we are doing back squats with the bars and then demonstrates the proper form. I can’t help but watch his ass as he squats down, and the fabric stretches tight over it. My core aches in a way I am not used to. This is insane. I can’t be here. Tina goes first, and when she is done with her set, I position myself under the bar. Standing up, I bear its weight on my shoulders before squatting down.

  When I stand straight, I know he is behind me. “Nina, when you squat you want to lean forward more. Pretend there is a chair you are trying to sit on.” He goes to walk around me before leaning in close to me. “Stick that beautiful ass out a little more.”

  I look around to see if anyone noticed and everyone is oblivious, even Tina. My eyes are watching him as my body is screaming for him to touch me. I squat down trying to take his direction as he watches me from the side. His tongue traces the line of his bottom lip as his eyes are glued to my ass. I complete my other three reps before returning the bar. Holy shit.

  A part of me is scared by the way Jake looks at me. I’m so inexperienced, and I’d be willing to bet that he isn’t. I don’t want to be attracted to him, but I am. Fighting it sucks.

  I am not going to make it through this whole class. Watching him watch me, is sexy. I look over at my so called best friend and see her smiling at me. “We aren’t friends a

  She finishes her set. “Yeah, okay, bitch. Tell me that when you two finally do the dirty.”

  My mouth drops open. “Not going to happen.” I return to do my next set.

  “Girl, the way that man is looking at you, I half expect him to bend you over one of these benches the next time you squat. And it isn’t one sided, Mother Theresa.”

  “You’re delirious.”

  “Yeah, and you’re horny and in denial.” She laughs before taking a drink of water. Tina has no idea that I’m a virgin, so she probably thinks I’m chomping at the bit to have sex with Jake

  After finishing our strength set, Jake announces we are on our last section of the class called “metcon.” “Get ready for hell, girls.” Jake jokes as he walks past us.

  We are instructed to grab kettle bells for swings. He explains that this will last as long as it takes us to complete the goal. We have to do 100 burpees, whatever the hell they are, stopping to do twenty swings every other minute. I ask Jake what a burpee is, and he shows me real quick. This shouldn’t be that bad.

  I was wrong. Very wrong. Burpees are the spawn of Satan. I can’t feel my legs, and I can barely lift my arms as I stumble toward the car. I sit down wincing and groaning with every muscle movement. My phone buzzes, and it’s a text from a number I don’t know.

  I’ll be by tonight to help work out those sore muscles, Sparky.

  How the hell did he get my number? I look over at my friend and instantly know. “Why the hell would you give him my number?”

  “To help speed this process up. There is so much sexual tension between the two of you, it’s making me horny.” She shakes her head before starting the car and heading for the house.


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