Craved by her Cougar (Cougar Creek Mates Shifter Romance Series Book 4)

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Craved by her Cougar (Cougar Creek Mates Shifter Romance Series Book 4) Page 13

by Felicity Heaton

  She nodded stiffly and looped the soft rope around his wrist, leaving one end of the rope dangling near her knees. She went to pass the rope through the bars, and he growled at her.

  “Tighter. You have to do it tighter, Ember.”

  Ember swallowed thickly at the thought of doing that to him, verged on telling him she couldn’t tie it as tightly as he clearly wanted her to. It was tight enough, was already causing white marks on his skin where it pressed into them.

  “We don’t do this unless it’s tighter.”

  She cursed him for throwing that ultimatum at her and forcing her to hurt him, and it would hurt him. She was sure of it as she tightened the loop around his left wrist and his palm grew mottled.

  “Better.” He nodded as he flicked a glance at his wrist.

  Heart in her throat, she passed the rope through the bars and out again.

  The way Cobalt growled as she leaned over him heated her blood and helped push out her fear, replacing it with a need to look at him.

  His eyes were on her breasts, locked there as they swung above him. He craned his neck and brushed his lips across her right one, and she moaned as his mouth latched onto her nipple through the silver material.

  How was she meant to concentrate on tying him tightly when he was doing that?

  It was torture.

  She worked the rope around his right wrist and he grunted as she tugged it tight, not a noise born of pain but one that sounded distinctly like pleasure. Was he enjoying her tying him up?

  Did the thought of being at her mercy thrill him as much as it thrilled her?

  She weathered his growl as she eased back onto her bottom, feeding the rope back through the bars, pulling her breasts out of his reach now both of his hands were bound, inhibiting his movements.

  Her next pass around his wrists was a little tighter, the wicked groan he loosed as she pulled on the rope pushing her to stop worrying about hurting him and just roll with it.

  Because he was clearly enjoying it.

  Whenever she leaned over him, he lifted his head and captured her nipple again, wrecking her focus and making her want to forget finishing binding his hands and climb astride his chest instead.

  Or maybe she could do both.

  She didn’t stop to think, didn’t give the nerves a chance to rise, she just straddled his chest and drank down the deep groan that left him as if it was the sweetest and most addictive ambrosia of the gods.

  He tried to move his arms, and a frustrated growl left his lips, rumbling through her thighs, when he found he couldn’t shift them.

  “Fuck, I want to hold you,” he husked, the roughened edge to his voice sending a hot thrill washing through her.

  On another low growl, he craned his neck and captured her breast again, licked and suckled it through her halter-top as she tried to finish her task. The wicked throb in her belly grew more intense as sharp waves of tingles swept through her, bursting outwards from her nipple as he tongued it and sucked on the bud.

  It took a Herculean effort on her part to finish with his hands, twining the remaining length of rope around one wrist and then the other, and then leaning forwards to tie the knot.

  Alright, maybe leaning over him had been all about getting more of that delicious feel of his mouth on her.

  The second she was done, Ember sat back, breaking contact.

  The sight of Cobalt with his hands bound above his head hit her hard, had fire blooming in her veins together with a ferocious need.

  She needed to touch him.

  He groaned as she planted her hands against his bare chest and wriggled backwards, sliding down his delicious body.

  She moaned with him as her core pressed against his steel length and he rocked his hips up, rubbing against her and torturing her with the dulled contact. She tortured him back by skimming her hands over his stomach, taking her time as she fell into an almost leisurely exploration of every honed muscle of his torso.

  His breathing quickened as his thrusting slowed, and she sensed the shift of his focus away from where their hips met to where her fingers traced lines over every rope of his stomach, feathered along the achingly wicked ridge of muscle over his hip, and stroked up to the small muscles that filled the spot below his pectorals, next to his abdomen.

  She had never noticed them before, but gods, there was something sexy about that innocent group of muscles when he had his arms above his head. They were stretched long, diagonal streaks of temptation that had her leaning over him as she decided exactly where she wanted to start.

  Ember stroked her tongue over them and growled at the taste of his skin, at the heat that seeped into her together with his scent of earth and spice.

  A low moan tore from his lips and he tilted his head back into the pillow, arching his chest towards her.

  She shifted her lips to it, flicked her tongue over his left nipple and gauged his reaction, unsure whether males took pleasure from such a thing. He answered her silent question with another groan and his eyebrows furrowed, although it might have been because stretching up to reach his nipple had caused her breasts to press against his chest.

  “I need to feel you, Ember.” His face twisted in frustration and he tugged at his restraints.

  The bars creaked, but didn’t give.

  She wasn’t sure she would have noticed if they had.

  Cobalt’s entire body had tensed when he had used his strength on his bonds, every muscle going rigid beneath her hands and her body, sending electricity arcing along her bones that triggered a hunger in her, roused her instincts and had them leaping to the fore.

  She scooted back, so her belly pressed against the hot steel of his erection, and worshipped his torso with her lips, desperate to lick and nip every inch of him, to feel his strength beneath her hands as she ran them over him.

  His gaze scalded her.

  When she reached his navel and swirled her tongue around it, he groaned and sank against the bed, tipping his head into the pillow again. His body flexed and she looked up the length of it as she stroked her tongue over the sensual dip of his navel. He gripped the bars now, the change in position making his body even more of a feast for her eyes.

  Gods, her fated one was strong.


  Utterly male.

  She snarled and couldn’t stop herself from nipping at the spot beside his navel, a desperate need to sink her fangs into him and mark him as hers flooding her and seizing control before she could curb it.

  Cobalt shuddered and moaned, rocked his hips up and against her breasts. Heat pooled lower as he thrust his caged erection against them, his lips parting as his sandy eyebrows dropped low, causing a wrinkle at the top of his nose. He liked that. He liked to rub against her breasts.

  She found she liked it too as she watched the pleasure flitting across his face, listened to his soft pants and felt a ripple of bliss tripping through their fragile bond.

  He looked as if he wanted more as he thrust harder, his eyes screwing shut, a hint of frustration rolling off him.

  She certainly did.

  Ember sat back, ignoring his curse and growl and the way he twisted his arms, fighting his bonds in an attempt to get to her.

  He calmed the second she gripped the bottom of her halter-top, going perfectly still as he stared at her hands, his golden eyes fixed intently on them.

  She teased him by slowly lifting it, flashing her rounded belly. The way he groaned, as if just that flash of her bare skin was torture, and the need she felt mounting inside him, gave her the courage to keep going, made her feel beautiful as she revealed herself to him.

  She pulled the silver top off and tossed it aside, not caring where it landed. All she cared about was Cobalt’s eyes on her, the way his pupils widened as they landed on her bare breasts and need flooded them, hunger that matched her own.

  His breath caught when she lowered her hands and stroked her fingers along the waist of his jeans, and he finally dragged his eyes away from he
r breasts.

  They dropped to her hands.

  She tamped down her nerves as she popped the first button and then the next, and moved down his thighs a little. Anticipation swirled with excitement inside her, making her breaths shorten and heart pound as she kept her eyes on her work, an ache to see his cock building inside her together with thoughts of all the things she wanted to do with it.

  Tasting it pushed to the front of that list, and as she undid the last button and eased his jeans open, the hunger to take him into her mouth and explore him with her tongue only grew stronger, obliterating all her other desires.

  Ember reached out, her hand trembling a little, and tentatively ran her fingers down the long length of his shaft. Velvet and steel. He was all heat and strength, masculinity that called to her on a base level and demanded she claim him as hers, take him into her and make him want only her.

  His eyes rolled back and a groan left him as he pressed his head into the pillows again, his fingers flexing hard around the steel bars of his headboard.

  That groan only grew louder as she gently encircled his cock with her hand, remembering the way he had touched himself, his fingers curled around the shaft. She stroked her hand down, revealing the darker tip, a sweet plum that glistened with his need.

  Ember moaned, her eyes locked on that smear of moisture, the need to mate rising swiftly inside her to push her right to the edge. Before she was aware of what she was doing, she had taken him into her mouth, was groaning low in her throat as she tasted him, suckled and squeezed him until he gave up another drop on a hoarse shout.

  “Oh gods… fucking… I’ll blow if you keep doing that.” His lust-roughened words reached her and she slowed her assault as she clawed back control, but she couldn’t break away from him.

  The need to taste him was still too strong, mastering her. She stroked her hand up and down his velvet shaft, feeling it kick and pulse as she worked her mouth on the crown, alternating between sucking and licking.

  “I’m no longer sure you’re a virgin,” he muttered, sounding strained, and when she looked up at him, her mouth still wrapped around his cock, she wasn’t surprised to find a pained smile on his lips. “Can you dial back the heat a little before you kill me?”

  The heat.

  He knew the season was affecting her, had her running wild as a need to finally mate reached a crescendo inside her, fed by the knowledge that soon he would be inside her.

  She tried to do as he had asked, focusing hard to push it back to a point where she was in control again. It was difficult, the taste of him on her tongue and the feel of his hot flesh beneath her fingers easily ripping control from her each time she managed to claw it back.

  She darted her eyes up to his and shook her head, her eyebrows furrowing as she locked gazes with him.

  She couldn’t control herself.

  The need to mate was too powerful, the delicious sight of him and the thought they were going to do this giving it a hold over her that she couldn’t shake.

  “Come here, Sweetheart,” Cobalt murmured and jerked his chin up, a flash of warmth and concern in his eyes, heat and tenderness that had her doing as he commanded.

  She crawled up him and he craned his neck, captured her lips with his and kissed her. She moaned and settled on top of him, lost herself in the kiss as his tongue tangled with hers and she felt the shift in his emotions, softer ones rising to the fore now.

  His kiss was gentle, calming and comforting, everything she needed as the turbulent tide of her season threatened to pull her under.

  When she had control back in her grip again, Cobalt breathed against her lips, “Open your jeans, Sweetheart.”

  She nodded and did as he had instructed, her hands shaking as she fumbled with the fly. When it was open, she eased off him and pushed them down her hips, and then rolled onto her bottom to remove them. She tugged them off and dropped them on the floor. Her panties followed them.

  Her breathing grew ragged when she moved back to face Cobalt, every inch of her on fire, burning with need that felt as if it was going to consume all of her and leave nothing behind if she didn’t quench the flames soon.

  He looked down at his hips.

  She didn’t wait to hear his next command. She took hold of his jeans and pulled them down to his knees, and then dropped to her feet on the floor at the foot of his bed so she could remove them. When she was done, she looked up at him.

  Good gods.

  He was glorious, stretched out before her, naked and hard, his long cock rising from a pale nest of curls. It jerked as she stared at it.

  “Killing me,” Cobalt muttered and tried getting his hands free, causing every inch of him to tense again.

  Ember snapped.

  She growled as she mounted the bed, hunger driving her, instinct riding her so hard she was at its mercy as much as Cobalt was at hers. He stilled as she prowled towards him, up his legs, her eyes on his cock.

  His groan as she tongued his length propelled her deeper into her instincts and she couldn’t hold herself back. She stroked her tongue up his shaft, pressing it into the ridge that ran down the length of it, and wrapped her lips around the tip again, taking him into her mouth.

  Her breasts swayed against his thighs as she sucked him, tingles sweeping from her nipples with each brush, cascading over her belly to the apex of her thighs. She moaned and rubbed her legs together, clenched them and wriggled.

  Cobalt drew down a deep breath and half-grunted half-growled. “Fuck, I need to be inside you.”

  Because that was where she ached for him, where she needed him now. This instant. He could feel it in her and it was driving him out of his mind, had the instincts that rode her riding him too. He wanted to mate with her, wanted to ease her and take care of her.

  “Come here.” He jerked his chin again and she released his cock and growled, flashing fangs at him for daring to command her.

  She was in control here, not him.

  The way his golden eyes brightened, his pupils dilating further and that ring of emerald around them emerging as he hunted her, warned her she was in danger of overstepping the bounds of her position as a female, crossing into his territory as a male.

  “Come here.” He somehow managed to say it in a gentle voice, no trace of his need to make her submit in it.

  Ember went to him, but only because she wanted to go to him.

  Because she knew he had something in mind, something that would give her relief.

  She crawled up the length of him and kissed him again, swallowing his moan as she gripped his hair to pull his head back so she could kiss him deeper. When the need abated and he was breathing hard again, she pulled back from him.

  Molten gold eyes held hers.

  “I can’t do it… so I need you to touch yourself.” A hint of colour climbed onto his sculpted cheeks.

  Hers blazed.

  She had touched herself before, but he was asking her to do it in front of him, would be watching her as she placed her fingers on her flesh. She reminded herself that in a way it was only fair that she did this anyway. She had watched him touching himself. He just didn’t know that.

  Ember sat back a little, propped herself up on her left hand, and reached between her thighs. She bit her lip as she stroked her fingers through her slick folds, her bead throbbing whenever she brushed it, her arousal spiking as she looked at Cobalt and found him watching her hand.

  Watching her touching herself.

  His gaze grew more heated, burned into her in a way that gave her courage, emboldened her and had her loosing a moan as she pinched her nub and sparks of pleasure shot through her.

  “Are you wet?” he husked, his deep voice strained as he stared, his eyebrows knitted hard above his blazing gold eyes.

  She nodded and lowered herself, rubbed her core against his cock. She meant to do it just to show him how slick she was because of him, but once she started, she couldn’t stop.

  He groaned and shuddered, and barked
, “Fuck.”

  His hands flexed around the steel bars, knuckles draining of colour as he gripped the rods hard.

  Sweet mercy, she couldn’t wait any longer.

  She lifted her hips off him, dropped her hand to his cock and pushed it upwards. He stilled, tensing beneath her.


  No, she was doing this. No more instructions or waiting. She needed him inside her now, before she burst.

  Whatever warning he had wanted to issue died on his lips as the blunt head of his length found her sheath and nudged inside.

  She moaned and shook, nerves colliding with need as his cock stretched her.

  Oh gods.

  She swallowed hard and eased back, stared at the bars of the headboard and Cobalt’s tight fists as she pushed him deeper. It was a tighter fit than she had expected.

  Ember flicked a glance at Cobalt’s face, suddenly wanting that instruction after all.

  “Touch,” he gritted out, his jaw tensing as she nudged him a little deeper. “Fuck.”

  She figured she was meant to touch herself, so she lowered her hand again and did that, fondling her bundle of nerves until pleasure consumed her again and the pain was forgotten.

  “Stroke,” Cobalt growled and grunted.

  Stroke what?


  She only had one hand available, was using the other to prop herself up.

  Her eyes widened as what he wanted dawned on her, and she did her best not to blush as she touched herself until she grew slick again and then stroked her damp hand down his shaft, lubricating it. She eased back a little more, moaned as it felt good this time, his cock sliding deeper.

  Need built again, birthed frustration that this was taking too long and left her feeling as if she might die if he didn’t fill her soon. She pressed deeper, impatiently sinking two more inches of his rigid length into her, and nearly bit her damned lip off.

  “Slower,” Cobalt muttered, sounding as pained as she felt.



  This was a band-aid situation.


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